There is painfully little food on board. Some chips, some beer, bag of salted almonds, some granola bars... it's all eaten up very quickly, due to the relatively large number of souls on the boat. It didn't look like Sarah and Ben had been preparing to take on this many people. However, land isn't that far off, so tensions don't raise particularly high.
A navy frigate is encountered as the group nears the coast of the mainland.
A patrol craft equipped with loudspeakers speeds out, and orders the motorsailer to be redirected to St. Nora.
"Thank god, we're saved!" Mr. Wigg says. A few of the others cheer. The situation must be under control, there. Cassandra, on the other hand, is aghast that help had been so close... she has another fit of sobbing.
A navy frigate is encountered as the group nears the coast of the mainland.
A patrol craft equipped with loudspeakers speeds out, and orders the motorsailer to be redirected to St. Nora.
"Thank god, we're saved!" Mr. Wigg says. A few of the others cheer. The situation must be under control, there. Cassandra, on the other hand, is aghast that help had been so close... she has another fit of sobbing.