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OVERCAST: Bradbury's Brigade

"We're not sure who resides in that district. If they're rebels, they aren't from the Front," Heckby informs you. "I've told my men to stay away from that area in case they're looters or anything along those lines. We haven't had any hostile run-ins, though. Still, it might be best to get a sitrep on your envoys," he suggests.

"If you join the Allied Reform Front, you'd have access to our shared intelligence network, and receive the ability to request support from other ARF cells. You would, however, have to follow orders from a higher-ranking commander," Heckby says. "Although I do suggest signing up with us, you should probably discuss it with your officers and men before coming to any decisions," he advises.
"My intelligence suggested that they were rebels," Dylan states, but shrugs. "Perhaps Kauzlak was mistaken, though," he admits, and an expression of worry comes across his face. What if he had just sent Totter and her men into a suicide mission to negotiate with someone who doesn't negotiate and was just gonna shoot them on sight? Surely they would have radioed back to the settlement, be reassured himself.

After his brief panic attack about what might have happened to Totter, Dylan takes a deep breath and then moves onto the topic of joining the ARF. "Well, Lieutenant, I'm already requesting support from an ARF cell, and I'm getting quite a lot of it without being told what to do," Bradbury reasoned, not liking the idea of having to do the bidding of some guy he would probably never meet, and have his men die for them.

"I trust that there will never be a situation where my troops are conscripted into the military of the Allied Reform Front, and we will be guaranteed our ability to act independently if we so choose?"
"You're receiving support due to the fact that we are in a mutually beneficial arrangement at the moment," Heckby tells you. "Just don't expect much in the way of gifts, or guaranteed support if you remain unaffiliated. Though, we'll still be happy to fight alongside you if it means working together gives us a better chance to push out the fascists," he says. "And no, you won't be forced to do anything as an independent. We're a free movement."
Dylan nods, reassured by Heckby's answers. "Understood, Lieutenant. If any of your men are KIA during this operation, I will do my best to recover their remains, including their weapons, armor, everything on them, and have them sent back to here. But if everything goes well, there will be no need," Bradbury says, wanting to get out of the way the topic of the possibility of Heckby's men dying on this mission.

"If that's all, me and my men will return to our home and plan the assault, and hail you on the radio when we are ready to receive your expedition. And in it, with your help, I am sure that we will bask in the glories of victory over our would-be oppressors. Thank you for the ammunition trade; this will help my people immensely" Bradbury states boldly and with gratitude , before shaking his hand once more before being escorted out of Heckby's meeting room and back to where his men are.

"Well, boys, me and my men are off. It was a pleasure meeting all of you, and I hope to see you on the battlefield with NPA assholes turning tail at the sight of us," Dylan addresses the residents of the depot, chuckling at the end of his second sentence before leaving the way they came the rebel outpost.

Once on the road, Dylan will attempt to make contact with Totter on the radio. "Amy, this is Bradbury, come in. Can you confirm that those I sent you to meet with are friendlies? Over," Bradbury said slowly and clearly.
Heckby seems willing to accept that accept that casualties will inevitably be a possibility, and he reciprocates the promise to return the bodies and gear of any fallen rebels from the other group. "Hopefully all goes well, I'll be waiting for your call. Be safe." Heckby bids you farewell, and the meeting is concluded. You head outside and collect your men with Lucio, while the ARF outpost guards say goodbye to you and your men. It looks like a few friends and acquaintances were made between the common members of the two groups while you were inside. Maybe some of them would be fighting together later.

You hit the road with your squad. There is a crackle of static as Amy Totter responds.


"They're not hostile, Dylan. Uh, it's just regular survivors. Looks like they have some kinda bar set up, some shelters, and a little market. They've got armed guards, but they're more like neighborhood watch types, not members of a rebel faction. Though, I can see why they might have been mistaken for rebels, especially since some ARF guys are hanging around at this ratty tavern."
(Can you update the city map to just "bar" or whatever or is it gunna stay as Bravo Reb?)

Dylan raises his eyebrow at the mention of a bar. Maybe that would be a good place to get some booze, he said to himself. He shook the thought away as he remembered he had much more important matters to attend to, looking around himself as he and Squad 1 walked through what was quite literally the valley of death.

"Understood. Try talking to some of the ARF members in the tavern, explain your allegiances and see if they'll let you speak with their commander, wherever they're from. If you get no luck with that, just head over to Charlie Reb and see what's going on there."

After relaying his orders to Totter's team, Dylan and Lucio's men continue to walk down the side of the street. The center was often cluttered with debris, and also made them very stand-outish. However, the assault rifles probably did a good job of that as well.

"Lucio, I hope you're ready for some combat soon. Me and the boss over there discussed plans to assault NPA Charlie soon, and you'll be by my side when we do. I need soldiers like you on the battlefield, especially against a target so crucial," Bradbury stated as the two of them walked next to one another down the road. "Same goes for everyone in this squad. Make sure everybody is properly disciplined, both themselves and their firearms. There is no margin for error."

With contacts with other rebels made and plans for future military movements made, Bradbury will find it satisfactory to return home with his comrades, and await reports from Sergio, Truman, Totter, the scavengers from Squads 2 and 3, the NPA Charlie scouts or anyone else who has something to bring to his attention. The progression of Bradbury's plans against the government in this sector depended upon what his scouts had to say. Until then, he will keep watch with his brothers over the factory, occasionally going up to the roof to socialize with Roderick and Jay.
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[no they're bravo reb forever, u don't have the technology to update maps]

[jk it's done]


"We tried to talk to them. Most of them want to be left alone. Though, one of them told us that their leader was located at Charlie Reb, so we'll go there."

"I'll gladly fight by your side, chief," Lucio tells you. "Me and the boys are ready when you are." A few nods are seen among the men as well. However, some gunshots are heard in the distance, which makes the squad pick up the pace.


You return to base to find that your scavengers and scouts have returned. However, you are also informed that Hilda Peachtrees' squad got into a shootout with an army patrol while returning to base from the Mixed District. Apparently the two groups just bumped into each other at the same time, causing a gunfight. Lia Trujillo was killed, while Steve Carter suffered minor wounds from a gunshot to the leg. The good news is that Hilda and her team managed to destroy the enemy squad, despite the fact that all the soldiers were more heavily armed than they were. Four soldiers were killed, with at least one having fled. Three auto-carbines and a Tac-SMG have been looted from the bodies, along with a flak jacket and ballistic vest. The armor needs to be repaired using around 5 units of components in order to be functional, since the vests were damaged in the fight.


Hilda's squad is shaken from the encounter, as well as saddened by Lia's death. However, they are also surprised that they managed to fight off what appeared to be a superior foe. Most of the rebels from Squad 3 attribute their survival to the leadership of Hilda, who quickly got them into cover. Being the only member of the squad with an automatic, she made good use of it, and put up a valiant fight. However, she says that they likely just got lucky.

Henry Cooley tells you that he has updated the supply list to include the scavenged goods, as well as the items looted from the dead NPA bucketheads.


Your scouts have returned from checking the area around NPA Charlie. They do not, however, have any useful information beyond what you learned from Heckby. Your discussion with him made your own scouts redundant, almost.
Bradbury is despaired by the death of Trujilo, however inspired by the destruction of the army patrol. As a reward for the killing of the army patrol, Dylan assigns the one sporter compact, three auto-carbines and tac-smg to Hilda's team, giving her freedom to hand out the weapons to her squad members at liberty, replacing her own assault rifle if she so wished. He requested that she put any extra firepower unused by her squad, including replaced weapons, be put into the armory for further usage by other fighters within the factory premises.

Furthermore, Dylan gives his permission for the captured armor to be repaired, and also given to Hilda Peachtrees, for her to hand out to her squad members. If any of it isn't wanted by any of Squad 3, she will simply put it back into the armory.

Alarmed by the skirmish with the NPA and knowing that Truman had said he would be back soon, Dylan decides to hail him on the radio. "Burt, come in. How's those looters lookin'?"

Bradbury commands that the sentries on the roof and anyone else on guard duty to be on high alert, prepared for retaliation by the soldiers in the vicinity.

Dylan has a meeting with the scouts that looked at Charlie. He asks several questions...
- If the APC was spotted during your scouting, where was it seen? If moving, moving where?
- Were there any soldiers leaving the outpost (other than Squad 3's victims) that you saw? Where did they go, what did they do?
- If they have any machine guns, where are they? What type are they?
- How many soldiers did you count within the outpost?
- Were there any major civilian populations in the area?
- In what state of structural integrity were the buildings surrounding NPA Charlie?
- Were the soldiers wearing body armor?

Conclusively, Dylan tells Sergio to take a look at that Improved Explosives Handbook after he finishes stringing up those alarms, and see if he can make something useful from what he learns within the pages.
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Hilda decides to give auto-carbines to Clover Moore and Jack Fowler, keeping Steve Carter and Jon Moore as long and close range specialists, respectively. She herself opts to keep her current model of Zasher assault rifle, claiming that she favors its stopping power. Hilda says that the decreased range doesn't matter much in an urban environment, where combat tends to be more claustrophobic anyway. Squad 3 decides to switch out Hilda's flak jacket for a ballistic vest after it is repaired, while giving her old flak jacket to Steve Carter as a consolation prize for getting shot.

Burt responds on his radio.


"They're set up around a grocer with a crappy little wall around the parking lot. There's guys with rifles, and a bunch of civs standing around, bartering and stuff. Looks like there's pimps, prostitutes, that kinda stuff. I'm seeing a few people tied up for some reason- might be zombies."


The scouts are sat down to answer your questions.

-The APC was not spotted.
-No soldiers were seen leaving the outpost.
-Several of the soldiers appeared to be armed with Squad Automatic Weapons, but not in any particular locations since they moved around a lot, A few sandbags with a GPMG were seen between Willy's Wheels and the Mechanic shack.
-Civilians do not seem to be allowed anywhere near the outpost perimeter, but some of them are likely around the outskirts.
-The buildings would need repeated attacks with explosives to actually collapse. Only the westernmost buildings on the tac-map have already fallen mostly apart.
-A decent amount of them seem to be wearing body armor, but NPA soldiers also have the habit of wearing pouch vests and empty plate carriers that may not actually offer any protection, but still look like armor.

Sergio looks through the handbook and discovers some recipes.


Firebomb [1 fuel, 1 alcohol, 1 scrap]
-Explosive which can set things ablaze!

Nail Bomb [1 fuel, 20 scrap]
-Explosive, weak against fortifications but strong against personnel

Pipe Bomb [1 fuel, 10 scrap, 1 component]
-Explosive, similar to a regular general-purpose frag grenade, but weaker


Darren Fitz rushes in, informing you that a helicopter was seen flying overhead. It's out of the range of your small arms, but appears to be observing the area around your base.

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Dylan Bradbury orders everyone to immediately get inside as a reaction to the helicopter. He asks if anyone has binoculars or a scope with enough magnification to observe the helo, to look for an insignia of the Army Air Force.

He then decides to give the remaining auto-carbine and tac-SMG to Lina Kauzlak and Clover Moore respectively. Kauzlak is allowed to keep her silenced pistol, while Moore is asked to give her Service Pistol to Lev Benson as a sidearm, Bradbury wanting to make sure the Assault Squad is as well equipped as possible.

Furthermore, Dylan asks Clover Moore to give her revolver to any one of the members of the Assault Squad, for the same reason that he asked Cecilia Batrey to give her Service Pistol to Lev Benson.

Grant Batts is given Trujilo's Sporter Compact. Dylan asks him to carry it with care, as it is all that the men and women of the factory have to remember the fallen militiawoman by.

Finally, Bradbury contacts Heckby's rebels. "Lieutenant Heckby, come in. This is Dylan Bradbury; we've got a helicopter circling our airspace. Would you kindly take care of that for us with that RPG you've got? We can hash out some payment for it, if it isn't enough payment itself to ice an army aircraft. My men will move in and secure the crash site it you can take it down."

"Truman, we've got a helicopter above the base, I'm sure you see it from where you're at. Get indoors somewhere, and get Caden ready with that Anti-Materiel rifle. If I say so, open up on the thing."
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You can positively ID the chopper as belonging to the government, as it has the green color scheme and appears to be one of the models that the army uses. The rebels don't really possess much aircraft, nor do any non-NPA factions, so it doesn't seem likely that they would be flying around.

Caden did not accompany the scouts, because carrying around his AntiMat would have been impractical. Caden is positioned on the upper level of the factory, near the roof. He awaits orders.

"We can probably open fire with some of our snipers, try to hit it," John Wood says. "We can't just let that thing scout us out. We should try shooting it."

Heckby replies on the radio.


"We can see it, but our RPG isn't particularly accurate, and we are not really in range. If it comes near our base, we'll try to hit it."


Sirens begin to blare around the block, confusing your men. The city had sirens before the outbreak, in case there was ever an air raid or ballistic missile attack by a foreign country. When the NPA took over, they kept them for 'outbreak drills' and things like general emergencies and fire alerts. It's unknown why they're blaring right now, but somebody most be in the hidden alarm station.
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Dylan calls for a factory-wide lights out and for everyone to be silent in response to the sirens, before radioing to both Truman's squad and Caden. "Get all your rifles aiming at the tail rotor. Wait one-hundred and twenty seconds; if the helicopter hasn't fucked off by then, we can no longer risk allowing it to stay in the air, so keep shooting until that thing drops," Bradbury commands, looking out the window of the factory. He prays that the bird decides to head back to whatever shithole it came from.

Afterward, Dylan radioes back to Heckby. "Gonna hit it with volley fire from my sniper rifles. Hopefully that takes it down. Listen, after this, the execution of the assault on the NPA outpost happening tonight is absolutely paramount, as a government strike against my people is almost certain to now be on the horizon, and NPA Charlie seems like it would be the stick they would hit with. Get your men combat-ready, and as soon as you can, send them over."

In addition, Dylan orders the Assault Squad, Squad 3, and Squad 6 to be prepared to investigate the sirens, to kill, capture, or rout the perpetrators, and put a stop to the noise as soon as the helicopter is out of their airspace.
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Lights are shut off throughout the compound as your survivors are hushed.

The helicopter continues to linger in the air. You hear a few distant gunshots as the men from Truman's sharpshooter squad open fire, which ends up causing the chopper to back off and fly northwest. It's unknown if the damage done to the helicopter was considerable or not, or if it just ended up spooking the crew.

The investigation squads start getting ready. Lev Benson approaches you as his men lock and load. "Kauzlak thinks there might be an old civil defense station inside the commercial district; the controls to the sirens might be there. We're ready to head out."


HECKBY: "Those sirens are drawing infected contacts towards our location. We are unable to spare any men at the moment."


AMY TOTTER: "Sir, Ron, Grant and I are still at the civilian/bar area. One of the local scavengers radioed in to someone here and said they saw government troops mobilizing at Bravo. Be prepared for an attack, they might already be on their way."
Dylan grunts, immediately speaking to all of his men on the radio. "Everybody outside of the base get inside, including Truman and Totter, excluding Investigation Squads! Everyone doing something inside the base, put it on hold unless you'll be done within the next few minutes. We need everyone here right now, there is an NPA attack possibly on it's way."

"Assault Squad, Squad 6, get your asses moving! You need to neutralize that siren. If you need reinforcements, ask and they'll be spent to you immediately. Squad 3, you have been elected to remain in defense of the factory, due to recent news."

"As for everyone else, make a perimeter around the base and watch every angle. Have people with the bigger guns, meaning the MG, at vantage points with a lot of clear points of view. We cannot let us be taken by surprise."
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Assault Squad and Squad 6 get their rears in gear and rush outside of the base. They manage to get clear of the general area relatively quickly, and some time later, you are radioed back to confirm they've entered the Commercial District.

The heavy MG is moved into a cover position. Your rebels also adopt defensive stances throughout the base as they keep a lookout for hostile activity. In the distance, you can hear gunfire coming from Echo Reb as Heckby's men presumably engage the encroaching zombies.

Amy Totter tells you that she'll try to RTB as quickly as possible, as per your orders.


AMY TOTTER: "Shit, contact!"

Some gunshots are heard directly north. You don't have time to respond to them before the fight resolves itself, however. Thankfully, Amy comes into view after a couple minutes pass. She's down one man, however. She quickly rushes across the parking lot and is pulled into the base, alongside Grant Batts.

Amy is breathing heavily. "W-we ran into a patrol on the way back. I think they were scouting ahead from the main force. We managed to take two of them out before they retreated, but they got Ronnie. Grant and I are okay, though." She reloads her PDW shakily as more shouting is heard.

Only a couple minutes later, your sentries radio you to inform you that multiple NPA contacts have been spotted. There is a gun-mounted humvee to the east, and a small jeep with a GPMG to the northwest. The soldiers are mostly taking cover at the moment. Not all of them have been spotted yet, but there might be a couple dozen of them.


BURT TRUMAN: "We were unable to RTB in time, they're already surrounding the base by the looks of it. We haven't been spotted yet, though. We can engage their eastern flank and do considerable damage, but we might not be able to survive. Fall back?"

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Dylan watches out the windows as figures sleuth their way around the base, slowly encircling them before they would choke them like anacondas. Trying to count them was useless; there was a lot of them.

Assault Squad, Squad 6: "Complete your mission as soon as possible, report any NPA you see in the area. When you complete your mission, prepare to head back here double-time harass whatever target besieging the factory that you find most vulnerable. If you have any explosives you've taken with you from the armory, use them. And be advised, all of our men are tied up in defense of the base, so you no longer have reinforcements. You are now our reinforcements, over."

Truman: "Hit anyone that you can on the Eastern flank, but make sure that you can get away. Don't stay in one place for long; shoot a fucker or two, and move like your life depends on it, because it does. Even if all you can manage to do is distract them, it's better than nothing. If too many come for you at once, retreat until you lose their pursuit. Stay at long-range, that's what your squad is specialized in after all."

Heckby: "Soldiers are beginning to surround my base, two armed vehicles spotted. Some of my men have went out to take care of the sirens, once they're taken care of hopefully you can send some support, because fuck me, Heckby, we might need it."

Dylan, determined to fire first, turns the attention of all of his men toward the gun-mounted humvee. Squad 1 will take explosives from the armory including two nailbombs, four firebombs, and a pipe bomb and go through the stacked junk area north of the factory and head toward the guntruck, using the stacked junk as concealment as well as cover. They will be accompanied and covered by Squads 2 and 7. They will launch a quick attack on the squad of NPA soldiers involving the gun-mounted Humvee with the explosives, aiming to either render inoperable or damage the machine gun or even the vehicle itself. After their attack, they will immediately retreat, one squad covering the other as they move back in intervals. Supportedly, the machine gun is to provide suppressive fire on that squad from the roof to enable the bombing to take place, changing their targets to the NPA contacts down the road to the northeast ofthe base if they begin to interfere. Caleb will also open fire on the humvee with the gun on it from his elevated position with his anti-materiel rifle.

After all his commands are out, Dylan summons his council of war. "We have NPA and infected close by. They don't like one another, last I heard. Here's my question; how do we sic the fecks on the soldiers, instead of the soldiers doing it to us by just shooting at us a few times and then running off? Maybe they might even be the ones who tripped the sirens. So how do we make the infected OUR weapon of war, and not their's?"
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"There aren't any infected nearby, they're mainly over by that other rebel outpost, sir," Tyler Wilmarth, your comm officer, points out. "The provos are using the dead to keep Heckby occupied, and they sent their actual human soldiers to kill us."

In only a few minutes, you get multiple radio notifications.

LEV BENSON: "Copy that, we'll shut 'em down."

BURT TRUMAN: "We engaged and fell back."

CALEB HALL: "They've got a fifty caliber mounted on their humvee. A round punched through the factory wall and took out Jenner."

LUCIO WHITE: "Fuck! I'm hit. John, Reg, Darren and Adam are dead. We managed to take out most of the squad, and that fifty cal managed to shred their jeep. We wasted a few bombs, since we couldn't throw them far enough, but the jeep is disabled and they've fallen back."
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Dylan speaks into his radio with urgency. "Roderick, Folder, keep up suppressive fire on that Humvee! Do NOT let that gun be uninterrupted! Caleb, shoot it's gun and try to knock it out of operation," Bradbury orders, before making an executive decision.

"Assault Squad, Squad 6, cancel your mission and fall back. The factory is under heavy fire; flank around to the eastern side of the base and look for a .50 cal Humvee; your mission is to destroy that shit."

After issuing his commands over radio, he replies to Truman. "Great work, keep hitting them and falling back. Keep the squad to the northeast of us occupied while we deal with the Humvee."

"Squad 1, Squad 2, Squad 7, retrieve and equip NPA firearms from the jeep and it's infantry support, then fall back into the factory and engage infantry targets to the east, on either flank of the Humvee. Harry Travers, you've got a special task; head up to where Caden is and overwatch the west of the base, make sure we know about it if those soldiers you just routed come back for more."

Finally, Bradbury turns to Hilda Peachtress. "Take the bombs that Lucio and who's left of our jeep attack team bring back and have your men prepare with them. When that Humvee advances, your job is to countercharge and bomb the shit out of it. Keep an eye out for friendlies; reinforcements will be coming to engage that jeep soon."

And so the initiative went to the NPA. With their jeep now defunct and soldiers to the west of the base slaughtered, the men and women in the factory were able to turn their attention to foes in the east. Bradbury made sure everyone kept their head down, not wanting another stray bullet to come and kill someone. The NPA could try and attack if they wished; but they would get cut the fuck down.

"Hold out until Benson can take out that Humvee, and we win this battle! Make it happen!" Bradbury yelled over the incessant sounds of gunfire, needing to convince his men to hold fast, and to give them hope that relief would come soon.

Around you, rebels continue to fire out of the windows. Glass shatters every once in awhile, and dust flies everywhere.


LEV BENSON: "We're coming!"


JAY FOLDER: "Shifting positions, sir."


BURT TRUMAN: "Sir, the NPA units to the east are taking shelter in that middle building. We no longer have a clear shot."


GREG WOLFE: "Apparently Harry didn't see shit. Some fucker with a SAW opened up on us while we were moving to retrieve the equipment. Batts, Hughes, and Leary are dead. The enemy squad near the parking lot also opened fire and hit Harris, I don't think he'll make it. It's not safe, we're falling back to the base."

Loud automatic fire emits from the roof.


JAY FOLDER: "We opened fire on the humvee, and might have damaged it. It's backed off for now. Wait-"

An explosion is heard, and a hole is blown through the roof. Bits of rubble fall down to the factory floor. It doesn't land on anyone, though.



JAY FOLDER: "F-fuck, they shot a grenade at us. I'm hurt."
Dylan has the spare flak vest given to Kauzlak (I don't remember having one but I saw it in supplies might be an error,) the spare sporter compact passed to Nico Torrez, the spare pump shotgun passed to Bri Belfort and the spare hunting rifle passed to Cole Basbez, telling them to trade the three weapons around if they want to change those assignments.

MG Team - "How hurt? If you can move, you and Roderick need to relocate and get into better cover. Keep moving after every volley of shots; if we lose that MG, we are in a world of hurt. See if you can locate the grenadier and take him down. If another grenade comes at you, get yourselves and that gun down here, it would no longer be safe for you on the roof." Dylan replied back to Jay; he hopes he doesn't reply and tell him that Jones was killed in the explosion, or that the gun was destroyed. They needed that fifty-cal.

All in Factory - "Target that building to the east with a pipebomb, nailbomb, and three firebombs! I want that building to be a fucking oven - shoot 'em as they run out!" Dylan shouts, before leaning out of cover and firing out of one of the windows of the factory with his .22 handgun - unfortunately it wasn't good range for his shotgun - at least not yet.

Squad 3 - "Hilda, you and your men move to cover Agnes, Squad 1 and Squad 7 as they retreat, keep your guns firing and that gunner's head down or else that SAW will cut the rest of our boys down as they run!"

Sniper Squad - "Truman, relocate and retarget - there's a squad to the northeast of the base, sneak up behind them and don't engage until you're sure you can hit them accurately. You need to wipe these guys the fuck out, Truman."

"Caden, keep hitting that Humvee! Pelt that fucker with as many AntiMat rounds as you need to before that shit stops shooting us!"

Assault Squad, Squad 6 - "Update on your ETA?"
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The aforementioned equipment is distributed.

The building to the east is out of range of any thrown weapons, somebody would have to go outside the safety of your base.

The cover provided by Hilda's team allows your men to return back to the base. The SAW gunner is not confirmed to be killed, however.


JAY FOLDER: "It was shrapnel. I think I should be okay, Jones put on a tourniquet. And uh, sir... there's barely any cover on this roof, they can just target us as soon as we start setting up the gun, sir. Now that they know we're here, we're probably going to get shot."


BURT TRUMAN: "Copy that, we're on our way!"


LEV BENSON: "We'll be there soon, maybe a few minutes."
Dylan tasks Doctor Bert Gores with treating the wounded that had just returned to the base.

With Lucio being treated and currently out of combat by Dr. Gores, Bradbury tells him to trade his assault rifle for Cecilia Batrey's tac-SMG temporarily, for him to use if the infirmary is somehow compromised and he is forced to defend himself. Otherwise, he shouldn't be fighting.

With their squad leader being infirmed, Dylan puts Dale Gomez, Reina Hemlock and Cecilia Batrey temporarily under Hilda's command, along with Agnes Workman, the sole survivor of Squad 2.

Dylan orders Hilda to distribute one soldier under her command to the engagement of the troops they had just fought with along with the remainder of Squad 7, with the mission of keeping them at a distance, using Hilda's trooper to pick off NPA who got too close and try their best to spot and eliminate the SAW gunner or confirm their kill. They are to conserve their ammunition as best they can.

Dylan then tells Hilda to distribute four soldiers that will focus fire on the squad of soldiers to the northwest that Truman will be targeting, with the intention of keeping them busy and distracted so that Burt and his men can successfully sneak up on them, rather than to actually get any kills; but of course getting some wouldn't be frowned upon.

Finally, Dylan tells Peachtress to distribute the remaining four of her men to engaging the soldiers in the building to the east, along with the rest of the rebels in the factory discluding Squad 7 and the riflemen Hilda would decide to give the two other tasks assigned to her force of nine, with the mission being to cover the MG team as they move down from the rooftop, to keep the attention of the soldiers so that the reinforcing Assault Squad and Squad 6 could assassinate the Humvee crew, and to simply shoot and kill as many soldiers as possible.

Dylan instructs the MG team to immediately retreat from the rooftop and instead take up a position within the factory, possibly in the upper levels near Caden, in which they could fire upon the opfor in the building to the east as well as try their best to target the Humvee.

On the radio, Bradbury stresses to Burt Truman that the quickness of his assault on the northwestern squad is paramount. If he is forced into a protracted firefight with the northwestern squad, he should retreat and ambush them from a different angle.

Back at base, Dylan tells Sergio to make sure that the armored van is prepared and that all unnecessary equipment, including car seats, is taken out of the back so that as many people could fit into it as possible; Dylan's plan is to sortie out of the factory and attack the building to the east if the Assault Squad and Squad 6 are capable of taking out the Humvee, hopefully sandwiching the soldiers in the building between those who would go out in the armored van and the reinforcing men tasked with destroying said Humvee, and just bombing the shit out of it until everyone in there is dead or the building collapses, leaving them exposed in a pile of rubble.

Dylan radioes Lev and asks him to confirm his force's capabilities to destroy the jeep with explosives, wanting to make sure he had gotten some before he left. He then tells him and Squad 6 to be careful and flank wide around the base to get to the eastern side where the Humvee is, as there are soldiers to the northeast of the compound which are not currently a priority target which Bradbury would rather have them avoid. They are to flank around the southern side of the factory rather than the northern, since they would then be obstructed by the soldiers to the northwest as well on their way to the Humvee, which is also not their target. Dylan informs them that the building that the Humvee is nearby is occupied by soldiers, however this is their second target; ideally, Benson and Squad 6 would be undetected until they engaged the Humvee and hopefully destroyed it in their ambush, before then fighting with the soldiers in the building and waiting for the sortie from the factory that was being planned to press forward and provide a distraction for the armored van to pull up and be dismounted before throwing bombs into the building. Once the two objectives of destroying the Humvee and the soldiers in the eastern building is complete, the sortie, Assault Squad, and Squad 6 would flank around behind the northeastern squad provided it wasn't yet destroyed by Truman's men, and eliminate them as well, before falling back to base and preparing a similar assault on the soldiers to the northwest. However, all of this was just in the planning; as of now, first things first, that Humvee had to go.
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Batrey and White switch out weapons.

Gores begins to stabilize the wounded rebels.

One of the sedans you have parked outside is destroyed by a grenade launcher.


Luckily, however, the armored van is parked inside the factory itself, and is not in any danger. Sergio quickly throws out a few articles of junk so that more people can fit inside.

Lev Benson and Harrison Savoy's squads finally arrive and begin to attack from the humvee from the rear. The .50 gunner manages to spin around, turning Elliot Pound into pink mist and literally dismembering him. However, the gunner is killed once the two rebel teams begin to put down a high volume of gunfire towards him. The humvee driver guns it and pulls behind the cover of the central-east building, where the easternmost soldiers are currently holed up.

Benson and Savoy radio you back, and tell you that they can close in and try to engage the enemies in the building, as well as the humvee if it's still in the area. They could either try to shoot at the windows, or try to charge and breach the building.

Your snipers reach their new positions, and begin to open fire on the enemy squad by the paved road. They manage to blow the brains out of two soldiers, sending the rest of the squad scrambling. The enemy squad begins to shift positions to get away from your sharpshooters, taking cover behind a different set of old cars in the factory parking lot. The SAW gunner (the only confirmed survivor of northwest squad) provides them with covering fire, though Hilda's men manage to suppress him slightly.

Dylan tells Truman to pull back and ambush the northwestern squad this time, press on the road from a wide flank around the north side of the base to remain undetected until engagement, and recon whether or not the SAW gunner still has any allies around. After locating all targets, press the SAW gunner and any of his buddies and surround him, using their numbers. Kill him from a distance. Fall back if there is a larger force than expected. Fall back if a loss is taken. Once the Northwestern Squad is destroyed, deliver the SAW to the factory and head back out and into the city through the western side of the factory, looking for vantage points anywhere in the area around the factory that could give them good shots on the Eastern building. If none can be found, simply fall back to the factory and be ready.

Dylan's head ducks along with everyone else in the factory when the car explosion shook the floor of the battlefield. This grenade launcher couldn't be left alone; it needed to be destroyed. "Who saw where that grenade launcher came from? Whoever you are, shoot it and don't stop shooting it! Guy next to him, do it too!" Dylan demands, turning and firing off another round with his .22 pistol toward the Northeastern NPA who had been flushed out by Truman.

Dylan tells Benson to entrench his men into cover behind the building and provide a large volume of fire toward the Eastern building to get the attention of the soldiers in there, so that the rebels in the factory can provide proper support.

Dylan tells Savoy to follow the Humvee, don't give it time to get another gunner into it, kill that goddamn driver and if there is no one else around, steal the armored vehicle. But only go for that if you are truly sure that you're clear of soldiers and booby traps.

Following Truman's engagement of the SAW gunner, Dylan orders Squad 7 (Discluding Harry Travers) to move into the far right side of the stacked junk yard in the north of the factory, with a trio of firebombs, intent on destroying the survivors of the Northeast squad. Squad leader will decide on bomb carriers and throwers, and the rest of the men in the squad will provide covering fire toward the Eastern building soldiers and pick off any survivors that aren't killed by the bombs. Immediately when the survivors are found, they should be burned alive.

The following is after the last action. After the bombing, Dylan calls for Squad 5, Squad 4 and MG Team to move up to the edge of the factory parking lot, under the covering fire of the rebels in the factory aiming toward the enemy in the east building, and get into cover that is closer to the building. Then, use that firing position to lay down precise suppressive fire on the figures in the windows, and keep anyone from peeking their heads out in this direction. The MG team is instructed to, like earlier, move around after every salvo of automatic fire, so you are not pinned down by fire that could cause losses.

The following is after the last action. Before this, Dylan goes to Dr. Gores and asks Lucio White to give him his flack jacket, since he was going to attack the building to the east. Bradbury will temporarily give his ballistic vest to Fowler. Dylan orders Squad 3 and Squad 1 underneath Hilda, along with Phillip Colbourne [DRIVER] and Agnes Workman [SHOTGUN], Harry Travers and Dylan Bradbury (nine people total) get into the armored van and collect three nailbombs, a pipebomb, and a pair of firebombs. They will speed out of the factory and down the road to the south, going north, before stopping the van at the trees. There they will dismount and throw their bombs into the building, taking cover by the trees and being covered with fire by those in the factory, elements of the bombing crew, and the soldiers including the MG team that had moved up. After throwing the bombs into the building, the sortie will open fire on the soldiers within, and any fleeing out of the building, using the armored van as cover.

At this point, all of the rebels, those in the factory, the parking lot squad, the sortie, the Assault Squad and Squad 6 of they've finished off the Humvee, only discluding Truman's force who are after the SAW gunner in the northwest, will open fire and hit the hopefully exposed infantry in the eastern building, following the bombing of the building.
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Lucio White gives his vest to Dr. Gores. You give your vest to Fowler.

The grenade launcher likely came from the eastern building. Your men start firing at where they thought it came from, but the results are inconclusive.

Savoy's men attempt to pursue the humvee with Benson's men providing covering fire. However, part of Savoy's squad comes under fire from the humvee, this time with a different gunner, possibly the driver after having switched positions. Tim Mahon is ripped completely in half by the fifty, though the other rebels in Squad 6 manage to fall back. One of Benson's men, Felix, is also shot by a trooper from the upper floor of the building, but only receives minor wounds. It confirms that at least some of the force in the building has been diverted to the right side.

Truman's squad re-positions itself and manages to open fire on the SAW gunner, pinning him down and allowing Squad 7 to rush outside. A brief exchange of gunfire with the NPA squad's remnants causes Wade Goodman to suffer minor wounds, but once the petrol bombs are thrown, the soldiers are set ablaze as the bottles soar over the fence and into the parking lot. Three of the soldiers burn to a crisp. The sole survivor, obviously quite demoralized and slightly burned, decides to ditch their weapon and run away. They get shot in the back and reduced to a crawl, but still manage drag themselves behind cover. Your men decide to just ignore the last soldier for now.

Your machine gun crew, along with Squads 4 and 5, bust out of the factory's side doors and run for cover in the parking lot. Most of the rebels manage to safely duck down behind some cars, but Creedy, Jenkins and Swanson are shot, with the latter dying instantly and the other two becoming downed. The MG team starts setting up while the other rebel infantry start opening fire.

The van team gets ready, grabbing the necessary explosives and loading their weapons.

[list van team members? copy and paste from member list]

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