Over a Mug of Ale [For A Better Age]

So, unless he was pointed out to him, Asyk would have assumed that Chain was just a member of the general staff. Do the others know you are some sort of an Exalt, or do they believe you are a god-blood of some sort? I don't want to mispost once we meet.

Archivist, looking over the Dragon King artifacts, I'm torn between the Bracer of Crystal Bolts and the Fire Claw. Any suggestions?
Chain would be readily known as a God-Blooded considering that is his cover for his exceptional skills. Anoke definitely saw him fight at least a little bit where he easily defeated a number of the cultists. I think Chain might have told Anoke he was a god-blooded (or at least have done so off screen).

Of the two artifacts I would suggest the Fire Claw considering it uses Melee vs. the Bracers of Crystal Bolts which use Throw which Asyk has nothing in.
Sounds reasonable. I'll pick it up for Asyk after the meeting, unless I happen to see it being used as a planter in the corner or something silly like that.
Yeah, he has spent enough time in Creation to know that if people look a bit askance at him to say that he is a god-blood, so Anoké might have pried, and Chain would have divulged as much. There is also the fact that he is in Gunzosha armor at the moment, helmet off of course for face time.

Character is officially re-jiggered. I couldn't help but fung shui his arrays. Picked up Tunnel-Fighting Tactical Omnibus Implant, so now any Drill 0 or 1 units I am a special character or leader of can fight in closed formation, and if they already have drill 2, they ignore all penalties and drawbacks from being in closed formation, while enjoying the benefits of relaxed formation.

I will post tomorrow, I need to get a little bit of sleep before work.
We may swing you a unit, yeah.

Interesting point: TFTOI says "Unit leader or special character". Does that mean all the alchie mass combat charms that just say "special character" require you to not be leading the unit?

I think that may be the case, it suits the Alchemical thematics, but it's definitely open to interpretation.

(Momo: argue lots if you want to be leading units... :P )
Well, all the mass combat charms but one say special character, while that one (away from my book) says special character but not leading. I think the one that let's you apply you're charms

To the leader's action. The assumption that chapter seems to be written under is that leaders are special characters. Typed all that one handed on my phone while eating a sandwich with my other hand on my lunch break.
At the request of some, I've got a fully updated map for your convinince. Units with named PCs or NPCs have a name as their icon, while those lead by presently lead by unnamed NPCs are circles. Red represents the Varajtul, and Blue for the defenders of Icehold. Though I did the Icehold elites as green to help make them more distinct. Most of the blue circles are Icehold Militia.

Note sure if Asyk wanted to be placed at a specific point considering he is leading most of the archers in general. Though I imagine he is probably in the more central part of the wall to be able to shoot at the largets concentration of Varajtul. The seige equipment lead by Rivers is spread around. Along with the elites, Vanessa and Volund are acting as a reserve, and Duke Walks is guarding the civilians withdrawn to the inner parts of the city with a couple hundred Militia.

Horizon is in charge of the North Gate, Bjarn for the Central Gate, and Maiden with the South Gate. I have not listed any of the Circle who are acting as heroes quite yet.

If you want anyone to change positions please say so, otherwise this is what I am currently planning on going with.

I've been acting today (college play, nothing enormous) and generally lacking in inspiration- I'll post something tomorrow, it's just not flowing today.
We are probably getting to near the end of the war council here. Here are the current ideas of where everyone is.


Asyk: Leading archers.

Bjarn: Leading Militia at Central Gate.

Narrante: Head Hunting outside the walls.

Anoke: Aggressive negotiations with the Wyld Mother.


Keikan: Defending South Gate (tentative)

Chain: Leading a unit somewhere once he speaks up and gets assigned.

Jorik: Assisting siege weapons (has not replied)

Calypso: Unknown.

Just to give you guys an idea what you are using on your side, here at the mass combat stats for the defenders of Icehold. Things like DDV and the like depend on the commander in question. I decided to used Mercury Ants for stats for the elementals given they are low level elementals capable of elemental shaping. But if Asyk was summon a different type of elemental, Sherwood is free to correct me (though the Mercury Ants coincidently might have useful abilities for your cause).

Icehold Militia


Drill: 3

Close Combat Attack: 2 Close Combat Damage: 3 (4

against charge)

Ranged Attack: 1 Ranged Damage: 2

Endurance: 4 Might: 1 Armor: 2 (-1 mobility)

Morale: 2

Icehold Militia Archer


Drill: 3

Close Combat Attack: 1 Close Combat Damage: 2

Ranged Attack: 2 Ranged Damage: 3

Endurance: 4 Might: 1 Armor: 2 (-1 mobility)

Morale: 2

Valhal Warriors


Drill: 3

Close Combat Attack: 3 Close Combat Damage: 3

Ranged Attack: 2 Ranged Damage: 2

Endurance: 5 Might: 1 Armor: 2 (-2 mobility)

Morale: 3

Icehold Elite


Drill: 3

Close Combat Attack: 3 Close Combat Damage: 4

Ranged Attack: — Ranged Damage: —

Endurance: 6 Might: 1 Armor: 2 (-3 mobility)

Morale: 3

Icehold Siege Artillery


Drill: 3

Close Combat Attack: 1 Close Combat Damage: 2

Ranged Attack: 3 Ranged Damage: 7

Endurance: 4 Might: 3 Armor: 2 (-1 mobility)

Morale: 3

Elementals (Mercury Ants)


Drill: 1

Close Combat Attack: 3 Close Combat Damage: 3

Ranged Attack: N/A Ranged Damage: N/A

Endurance: Might: 2 Armor: 2

Morale: 3
I figured this holiday weekend was going to be bad for posts anyways, so I'm not in an overwhelming hurry to keep things moving. I have more stats I can crack away at in more details anyways. So don't worry about it.
I have no clue what Calypso is going to be doing. Given that she can fly and, therefore, can't be engaged by any Varajtul without a bow, she'd be awesome for just cutting the enemy to shreds. I'm just unfamiliar with Mass Combat rules.
Asyk has the same advantage. Between the two of them, we could do some serious damage to their leadership structure before they ever get into bow range for the defenders at Icehold. It would take what little order they have and flush it down the toilet.
Or, since you guys're flying and I haven't seen Wuffy respond, you guys could go kill off those moles?

Keikan is probably good at the south gate, as that's where the ghosts're coming. With any luck, it'll also pull Varatjul from the center force southward and take some pressure off Bjarn and the damaged gate. The fact that Maiden is commanding that garrison too is a nice bonus for dramatic purposes.
magnificentmomo said:
What play? I'm a theatre man myself.
A Flea in Her Ear. French farce, utterly ridiculous, lots of shouting and running about. My character is solely in as an excuse for the revolving bed.

The fact that Maiden is commanding that garrison too is a nice bonus for dramatic purposes.
Worried we may have lost Wuffy for this game… :(

After reviewing how Mass Combat rules work, I’ll say it is best for those who don’t have any War to attached themselves to a unit with a leader who does.

It might not be a bad idea to place Chain’s soon to be unit at the Center where the Moles are, and have a PC or two with him who can help go crazy on the Moles. Alternatively we could get one of the thus far officially unused characters like Snowflake and Irkuk, set them up with a strike team with the Exalted acting as heroes for them (in order to take out the Moles).

Sarodinian said:
Keikan is probably good at the south gate, as that's where the ghosts're coming. With any luck, it'll also pull Varatjul from the center force southward and take some pressure off Bjarn and the damaged gate. The fact that Maiden is commanding that garrison too is a nice bonus for dramatic purposes.
SOrry, just at a complete loss as to what to do with my character and let the backlog get the best of me.

Jorik as a competent archer can support the artillery line thats fine. Having spare XP I'll just buy those long range Archery Charge that could help on such a front, keep the enemy at bay as it were.
Finally got to a Doc, and I have a wicked case of bronchitis. For the first time since Monday I can take two breaths without coughing, and think straight! I should have something up today or tomorrow. Sorry for the delays.
Well the forum's been down for the past two days so I doubt any of us would've noticed if you hadn't said anything.
As said by Tableface, forum has been down for about two days now, so no worries. Really if anyone needs time off at any point just say so. Sometimes life can be hectic, and knowing someone just needs a week or whatever off instead of appearing to disappear from the boards worries me considerably less.

Looks like we are almost done with the war council. I believe we just need to get Chain assigned a unit and get him onto a place on the battlefield. After that we can get into any last minute preparations, speeches, and/or pep talks. After that, it will be time to get into the main battle.
Chain in Bjarn's gang seems like an idea- if I understand correctly, he can lead the unit in attacking if Bjarn's busy using a Simple Charm or whatever, and he can make solo attacks if not; plus the TFTOI will make them even more awesome.

Important question: Momo, is that cool with you?
That's not how it works. The way it goes is that YOU can use HIS Close Combat trait (and presumably relevant excellencies and Charms) in place of your own. This rule makes brilliant strategist concepts possible, where someone with high War but no combat abilities can still lead an army to victory.

This comes with two caveats, though: as far as the game and the tick counter is concerned, YOU are the one making these actions (of course, nothing blocks two players from deciding that the provider of the Hero will be making the calls instead of the player of the Commander). Moreover, the Hero must be "in sync" with the unit, which means not making separate actions of his own.

So no, you can't have Chain step in and use the Unit's bonuses while you're taking an action, not counting stunts. Chain can still make his own attacks, though.

At least, this is the way I've interpreted it, bearing in mind what I know of the system and how it tries to balance itself. Really, most of the stuff regarding Heroes is a bit jumbled and poorly-worded, and needs to be referenced across several pages. If this doesn't look sound, you might want to toss it over to the White Wolf Forums.
Sounds fine to me, I would have posted last night but for some reason the website wouldn't load for me.on my phone currently, hopefully I will be able to post when i'm home tonight.

edit: Posted. Marching order sounds good, although the North looks a little behind if I am reading it right. But Bjarn is right in the middle, and so would be Chain, so they can probably swing up to help Horizon. IC wise, Chain having his own unit would be weird, but being under other commanders and maybe breaking off if need be would probably work.

Good thing about being with a unit with Drill 3+ is that I give them a better bonus being a part of it.

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