Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

Panther_Queen[/URL]: I will allow your character being able to generate bolts of electricity from his body. Having lightning rain down from the sky, though? Yeah, that's a no-go. Also, as for your character being able to unleash large amounts of electricity for an hour tops, there has to be some point where enough is enough, otherwise I just get the image of this guy just unleashing current after current of electricity non-stop for an hour. If he were a villain, he could make more than half of the wasteland his b**ch, and that just doesn't sit well with me. If you can make the proper edits to your character sheet, then I'm more than happy to welcome you.

SongBird said:



@Panther_Queen: I will allow your character being able to generate bolts of electricity from his body. Having lightning rain down from the sky, though? Yeah, that's a no-go. Also, as for your character being able to unleash large amounts of electricity for an hour tops, there has to be some point where enough is enough, otherwise I just get the image of this guy just unleashing current after current of electricity non-stop for an hour. If he were a villain, he could make more than half of the wasteland his b**ch, and that just doesn't sit well with me. If you can make the proper edits to your character sheet, then I'm more than happy to welcome you.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Also, Squirrel has an idea for a character that he wants to discuss with you.
Beta said:
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Also, Squirrel has an idea for a character that he wants to discuss with you.
I will be awaiting Squirrel's private message. Also, I do apologize for my absence. I'm going through a bit of a crisis right now, and it's consuming the majority of my time. On the upside, not furthering the story just yet gives all of your characters more time to interact with one another. I am liking what I'm reading in the IC, so please do continue. ^_^
i do indeed, i figure ill type up a CS and pm it to you. Beta wasnt too fond of it for plot reasons, but haters gonna hate.
[QUOTE="Panther_Queen]I tweaked him again. Let me know if I need to tweak him some more. I'm going to keep working at it until I get it right. =`.`=

[MENTION=4630]Panther_Queen[/MENTION]: Accepted!!
SongBird said:
Panther_Queen[/url][/u][/b][/i]: Accepted!!
Seriously? Wow! didn't expect it to happen! Thought I'd have to tweak again. *does victory dance* Thank you! Now I just gotta play catch up. =^.^=
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION]: That little bit of dialogue isn't going to fly. Please, do not make a habit of straying away from the posting rules and guidelines.
Name: Helena Troy

Alias: Hel (pre-outbreak), Lilith (post outbreak)

Gender: Female


Status: Villian

Superpower: Helena has the ability to 'awaken' the meta gene within others. She can essentially infect any normal in the 'Meta gene generation' with the meta gene which proceeds to manifest over the next few months in to a mature meta. To do so, she must kiss the recipient on the lips for a minimum of a minute to give the gene a foothold. She can handle three before she gets nauseated, and can still push for a fourth before she collapses. If she attempts a fifth, she succeeds, but blacks out from exhaustion for two to six days. She CANNOT infect those that already have abilities or are too old. She has no control over the ability generated or the new meta themselves.

Personality: Helena was raised to be free, to be herself and think her own thoughts. As a result she carries an air indifference towards others as well as a 'go screw yourself' and 'try anything' mentality. She prefers to keep to her own social niche and prefers both men and women. She has no problem getting payback on those that have wronged her, and sees chaos as a beautiful thing that is meant to be admired.

Bio: Raised in Lynnwood, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, Helena Troy lived her life as your everyday misfit would. The daughter of The daughter of Melinda, a nurse at the VA Medical Center in Seattle, and Anthony Troy, an aircraft engineer for Boeing, Hel was always taught that being different was ok and to think for herself. As a result She ventured in to the cyber goth scene her sophomore year in high school which included the group at lunch as well as going to raves and clubs. She did not however let her social activities affect her grades or home life: she remained a straight A student and always resisted the peer pressure of trying the newest drug of choice. She had the occasional boyfriend, but never got in to anything too serious and never went in to more than long make out sessions. While her preferences were extreme and exotic, she still believed in waiting for marriage before she had sex.

When the explosion happened in New York, Hel was on winter break and going through a spree of new boyfriends and girlfriends, all of them lately wanting more than to just 'make out', and rumors going around her school of being a slut. Shortly after Metas became known, a massive outbreak happened at her school, many of them were in fact recent ex's. She had manifested and had never known, spreading the gene to others who might have led normal lives otherwise. Always having been smarter than most and wanting to try a little experiment, Helena picked six students from her school at random: three boys and three girls. She then, over the span of a few weeks, found different ways to kiss each of them. The guys weren't that hard, they were all slobbering at the chance, but the girls were a little harder and one didn't give in at all. After a month had passed one of the boys manifested, and slowly, one by one so did the others and she was finally convinced that what she had guessed was true: she could make metas.

When testing for the gene became mandatory She tried to avoid it as much as she could, and for a while she succeeded. However if someone gave her a hard time or harassed her, she made sure to kiss them long and good, forgetting that many had already been tested for the gene. She was in science class when they came for her. The principal had come on the loudspeaker that the police were doing a locker search for contraband and that the school was being placed on lock down until they were finished. Thinking nothing of it Hel continued with her lesson. That is, until the door opened and canisters of a powerful soporific were thrown in to the room. Everyone began to panic for all of two seconds before those closest to the cans feinted, and then slowly everyone else followed. Meanwhile Hel was trying to make it to a window to get untainted air. She was working on the latches when her eyes began to get heavy and everything went dark.

The authorities kept her sedated, lest she use her ability to make more metas, and moved her to a secure research facility just outside the New York Dome, where they study the gene close to what most see as the epicenter of the whole 'disease', searching for a cure or a way to stop it from happening naturally to future generations. Hoping to use her DNA to see if there was any connection or means to reverse engineer a cure, all they discovered was that her strand of the meta gene was contagious if transferred with conscious intent. One could not become a meta if they dank from the same cup as her, she must WANT to make them when she kisses them. As a result she was viewed useless as a test subject and ordered transferred under sedation to a new super max meta prison hidden away in the Arizona desert, where only the most dangerous known metas are kept.


awwwww the family bond and brotherly love that marcus has is so disgustingly touching, i think i threw up lol.
Don't lie. Vlad would ruin some shit against Judas with that AK47. 7.62 is a big round, brah.

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