Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

Indeed. I made an edit to allow bus arrivals to post to both Marcus and Georgette. ... so unless people want to be ignored/passed over... posting would be encouraged.
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION]: We're not at Marcus' car lot, just so you know. We're at the gate to Utopia, at a weekly exile. Not sure where you got the impression there were several nice cars around, unless everyone who comes to meet the new freaks drives something nice.
Crap well i was gonna do the empath but person's servant has it >_<, Beta can text me so i have his new number and ill go over my other options and post a CS later today.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION], ill be awake later today at one-ish, so if you text me by then ill reply.

[MENTION=4549]SongBird[/MENTION], Glad you re-opened this not sure if im gonna bring back Judas or make a whole new character now.
[MENTION=4688]Squirrel[/MENTION] - OMG, you're back! What a pleasant surprise!!! I am looking forward to you joining! ;D
Name: Judas Colson

Alias: Levistus

Age: 17 D.O.B.: April 10, 1997

Gender: Male

Status: Villian

Appearance: eight feet tall, weighing roughly 500 pounds, Judas has thick red skin, long arms ending in four-fingered clawed hands, a long lizard-like tail, massive horns, and a plethora of spikes and spines protruding from his head, neck, arms, shoulders and spine. He has a deep rumbling voice and the capability to walk upright or on all fours with equal ease.

Personality: Before he manifested, Judas was a bully. Raised in the Bronx he learned to be tough and unyielding. He didn't shirk school, however. He loved learning and took every chance he could to learn new things, regardless of how useful it might be. When his family was cast out during the Utopian Purge, Judas became resentful of the 'Pure' and focused most of his illegal activities on them wherever he could. After he Manifested a year ago, his perceptions changed. He was no longer the top dog though he kept much of the same bully attitude. He prefers to stick to small crimes, but with the proper planning and crew he is willing to make larger hits and move up in the world.

Powers/Mutations: his size/appearance is his primary mutation with the following being side effects: thick skin (capable of deflecting small arms fire [5.56 or smaller]), spikes/spines, increased muscle density (four ton lifting capacity), heat immunity, and night vision.

Skills: brawling, swimming, moving quietly, urban navigation, free climbing


As a child and young teen Judas was always larger than the others in his age group and used it to his advantage. In school and later on the streets of the bronx, Judas became a bully, collecting payments from other students and neighbors for his 'protection'.

When Metas became known, Judas could care less, their existence had no effect on his way of living. Or so he thought. Shortly after the Meta Holocaust began, and the subsequent DNA testing, his whole world turned upside down in an instant when the latent genes were discovered within his genome. Though the bronx was already outside the Utopian Barrier, life for him still became more difficult due to his absent mutation. In the uproar, food became scarce and work was even more rare along with vandals trying to loot everything that wasn't bolted to the ground. Several of the surrounding neighbors fled their homes and moved to Utopia, afraid of the supposed threat he and the others represented.

About three months later, Judas himself began to manifest abilities. At first his skin pigmentation began to change, followed by the nubs of his spikes growing under his skin. After a month and a half of minor changes his transformation hit him like a brick wall. Judas' bones grew and changed at an exponential rate, his muscles tore and reformed themselves around his new skeleton, and for a week during this time he was completely blind. Finally, two months of being confined to a now demolished bed and excruciating pain, Judas emerged from his home as a new Meta and began right where he left off.

Since then Judas has set himself up in an empty storefront closer to the Wall to make it easier to prey upon those who thought to cast he and his family out, pillaging the trucks that import resources in to the 'Utopian Society' and harassing those that support them. Eventually Judas plans to enter the boundaries of the wall and give the normals a piece of his mind and a taste of what it is like to to be powerless as you are forced from what you know and love by others.

WHOOPS! Sorry about my being AWOL in the RP. I was distracted by my fury at EA Origin misbehaving. I'll post by Sunday.
Me and Squirrel, and Heartsteal just posted a bit ago. Rids is still in, I'm sure. As for the others, no clue.
Marcus is not amused. But yeah, he's just gonna be scuffed up. Squirrel and I talked and determined that Judas and Marcus would do more damage to each other than either of them is comfortable with, and have ( outside the RP, obviously ) had spits like this in the past. Sometimes Marcus wins, sometimes Judas wins. This time, Judas won. LOL
[MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] Judas never got in the truck, he 'leisurely' walked down the street as his truck and cronies drive back.
Name: Lightning Flicker

Alias: Light or Flick

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Status: None... Yet.

Personality: He can be a bit mischievous at times, doing what he can to survive, but for the most part is a loner. He speaks when spoken to unless he feels it necessary to say. He can be blunt & speaks his mind at times, not afraid to say exactly what he thinks. That sometimes leads people to think he comes off as a bit of a jerk. His situation left him slightly bitter & untrusting, but he has no quims with anybody usually & judges both heroes & villains as individuals rather than the side they're affiliated with.

Superpower: He has the ability to control lightening be it forming a bolt in his hand to throw like Zeus (which is done very rare & in extreme situations as he can only throw a few before he needs to recharge), shooting them from his fingertips (basic attack), &/or creating a 'force field' around him & anyone in close range of him (basic defense). After he powers down from a battle he is left physically & mentally drained for the next two hours or more until he can charge again depending on how he exerts himself.

Bio: Born on the Allegany Indian Reservation in Salamanca, NY, Lightning Flicker led a simple life. He was born a triplet with two other brothers. Their father was of Cayuga descent while their mother of African American descent. The boys grew up learning things like hunting, fishing, sewing, bead making, cooking, & anything else their parents thought he would need in life. At the age of eleven, a sister was born into the family. They protected her & she became very attached to her older brothers, Light especially.

The boys went to school & obeyed the law... Mostly. Light's first run in with the law was at the age of twelve for a juvenile prank of firecrackers in a neighbor's mailbox. The prank however took a turn for the worse, severely injuring the woman's arm to the point of needing amputation & killing the small dog she was holding. He took full blame for it even though it had been a joint effort with his brothers. He did a two year stint in Juvie for the prank & has been in & out of trouble since.

At the age of fifteen he fell for a girl three years his junior that he met on a school field trip to outside the Reservation. She became not only his girlfriend, but his best friend along with his brothers & now four year old sister. The two of them shared everything they possibly could together, but having to sneak to do it, which wasn't easy being the only way they could get around was by bicycle. His parents weren't fond of her being an outsider of the Reservation nor were her parents fond of him for being the troublemaker he was. As they became older, it got easier for them to see each other, though not with the approval of either family. At the age of seventeen, his brothers got him addicted to chewing tobacco.

When the situation hit on New Year's Eve, it hand's affected him much since it was outside the sanctity of the Reservation. But he listened attentively to his girlfriend discuss it. Her interest in it soon diminished as she realized she was pregnant with his child. They had agreed to run off & elope, but before they could do so the meta-human debate broke out. It was the one thing that brought their families together as both sides were for the separation of such freaks. They rallied together, supporting banishing the meta-humans to the wastelands. They even showed up to aid & show support for the workers building the wall. As proof of their support he & his brothers even volunteered to get tested for the meta-gene.

The thought was they was to go in, be tested negative, & then come out to live a happy life now that they were one whole family & with a baby on the way to glue them. That dream was crushed when he tested positive, the only one out of the three to do so. As soon as the truth came out he was banished from the Reservation, shunned by his parents & hers, hated by his brothers who now believed themselves to be twins rather than triplets, even his little sister who was but seven now looked at him as if she was frightened. & what hurt the most was his girlfriend ending their entire relationship on the spot & then insisting on going for an immediate abortion, not wanting to take the chance of bringing another freak into the world. He became enraged.

Sparks started to fly as the lightning flashed in his eyes, his powers emerging for the first time. Bystanders, his sister, his girlfriend & her family, some people he knew, & a friend of his, were all horrified as he went out of control. He ended up accidently killing his father, one of his brothers, & a friend of his as well as injuring both his girlfriend's mother & his own, his girlfriend's father, his other brother, & another three friends. Luckily that was the only human damage done which wasn't good, but could have been a lot worse. After his rampage he was practically thrown over the wall into the wastelands, landing straight into a dumpster on the other side like garbage. Now he wonders alone, ripped from the world he once knew & the life he once loved.

Appearance: He stands at 6'6" with a lean muscular build his skin is a light brown, slightly darker than that of his full blooded Native American ancestors having inherited a bit of both parents. His eyes are dark & cold, almost black. His hair is long & straight, hanging halfway down his back. It's black with a white lightning bolt shaped streak going down the middle of it. There's also a tribal tattoo that covers his right shoulder & upper part of his arm & extends around to his upper back & chest. He's usually wearing animal skin pants & moccasins that he made himself along with a turquoise & animal claw necklace that he also made. There's a hunting knife strapped to his thigh.

I stay META to myself and my style, and I am always pushing META to be aware of that and be original.

(Sorry, completely forgot the META rule until Jeopardy reminded me.)

Allow me to say a few things.

Please separate your History/Backstory into two or three paragraphs. A giant wall of text makes many people not want to read it, myself included.

Your Metahuman Power is somewhat improbable given that most Metas can only manipulate things that originate from themselves. Even Riddle and Ninbinz can't simply control whatever they like. The energy to control those things comes from within them. Controlling a natural lightning bolt is not something I personally would allow. Songbird may over-rule me of course this is their RP. But the fact is that a lightning bolt is a tremendous amount of energy that is released in well under a second. The amount of precision and control needed to manipulate it with a supernatural power is just something I don't see a teen having. Perhaps if the RP has some larger timeskips and our characters mature into their mid 20's they can fine-tune their powers to a higher degree. But currently I suggest you remove that portion of the Superpower.

Reviewing your story. It is solid and has decent depth, but has nothing about Lightning being in the Meta-zone outside of the NYC Utopia Dome. Unless you plan on making a long exodus from one location to another, it may be wise to include something in there that gets him to where all the other characters are.

Thus ends my brief review in SongBird's absence.

Addendum: You character remaining 'charged' for an hour AFTER unleashing an attack? Not going to fly. All use of powers is based on the users own stamina, not some supernatural force. The flashier a display or more damaging the power... the more stamina is drained.

And note, you can still launch bolts of electricity from your hands/fingers/etc... but just can't control natural lightning bolts.

[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION]: Do remember the one rule about post length. A warning has been issued. Please try to keep the posts at least 2 paras.
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION]: It's not a major deal. I'm just being Songbird's Nazi Dog Enforcer. LOL
@Beta: Maybe I should clarify some things. He doesn't control the natural lighting, he creates it, like he can actually shoot a bolt from the sky like a conjuror. & he doesn't stay charged for an hour after an attack. He can attack for up to an hour. But once he's drained or quits he has to recharge. & I will fix the paragraph thing. Sorry.

Ok, I fixed the paragraph thing. =^.^=

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