Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!


New Member
IC can be found HERE! This was an rp that I'd attempted to get up and running on another site, but I failed as its GM due to writer's block and a number of other problems. Completely original idea. Sat on my brain for a good six months or so before I put it to font. All info is below! Sign-ups has officially begun!


New York, New York; What was once a proud and bustling city, teeming with life, is now a wasteland left to the atrocities and monstrosities of the world. The average street criminal has become something more menacing. Super-powered criminals roam the littered streets. Doomed to roam with them, are the would-be heroes of today’s society, shunned by NYC’s big wig mayor, Henry Isley.

When meta-humans first surfaced a little over a year ago, the masses became frightened at the possibility of a downfall in society, the enslavement of humankind. At first, the idea of meta-human genocide became a great possibility, but the citizens of NY spoke out against murdering their own relatives and friends. With the uprising, another solution to protect humanity came into play…segregation. And so, a barrier fashioned from diamond was constructed and made to protect the more attractive parts of New York City, its radius covering areas from Times Square all the way to Wall Street. Days before reaching the age of seventeen, carriers of the meta-human gene are ushered out of their peaceful utopia and thrown to the wolves. These people, both good and evil, have become known simply as "the outsiders".

  • The year is 2014 – Present Day
  • Though New York City was the first meta-human outbreak zone, super-powered youth are becoming a common occurrence in other places around the globe, and other cities have taken up utopian barriers as well.
  • Utopias, and surrounding areas within a mile radius, are heavily monitored via satellite. They are also heavily protected by well-trained security, government officials and drones armed to shoot and kill anyone who comes within one hundred feet of the barrier.
  • The areas outside of the utopia, the areas in which your characters live in, are not without proper living conditions. Outcasts still have plenty of water, food (as provided from the utopia by the truckload), and places to go. The only real difference between the meta-human wasteland and the utopia, is that the utopia is void of meta-humans and, therefore, meta-human related violence.
  • Meta-humans aren’t the only ones that have been shunned from utopia. Those who spoke out against the segregation (anywhere from your average Joe and Jane to entire businesses) were also cast out.

  • All meta-humans have developed peak human attributes (strength, speed, and agility)
  • Not one meta-human is considered a god among the bunch. There will be no Superman’s or Jeans Grey’s.
  • Superhuman physicality aside, all meta-humans have one power and one power only.
  • All meta-humans suffer from physical overexertion should they use their powers excessively.
  • Meta-humans are not born from toxic waste or spider bites. They are simply born. Something within their genetic code allows them to possess superpowers.
  • It is known that most meta-humans manifest at the age of seventeen. Sometimes, this is not the case, and powers do not manifest up until a year later, or, in an even rarer case, a year earlier. There have been cases where late bloomers were thrown out of the utopia and, not having a means to defend their selves, were killed.
  • Most, if not all teens, had no idea they even possessed superpowers shortly before or after the events of June 1, 2012. There are no meta-human adults present within NYC, the first outbreak zone known to man, or any other major city.

  • New Year's Eve - December 31, 2011 - An explosion rocks New York City, killing hundreds of citizens.
  • January 1, 2012 - The media becomes involved with the New Year's Eve catastrophe. Help is sent to Times Square. A sixteen year old boy, alive, is found among a number of corpses debris, hugging the body of his dead mother. He introduces himself as simply Donnie...the one who caused the explosion
  • February 12, 2012 - After heavy interrogation from the U.S. Government, the idea of Donnie being a betrayer to his own country, a terrorist, is pushed off to the side. The media become more heavily involved with the case of Donnie and the New Year's Eve explosion, wishing to know more.
  • February 14, 2012 - Donnie comes forth and explains exactly what had happened to the media. "One moment...I was celebrating with my mother. The next...I had this burning feeling. I was on fire. I went to scream, and, when I did, I just...exploded." The public figures Donnie for someone mentally insane. The idea that he planted a bomb somewhere within the city comes back into play. Donnie moves to enlist the help of medical professionals to conduct experiments on him, hoping to provide proof to the world that what he speaks is the truth.
  • March 17, 2012 - Reconstruction begins. A memorial is made for those who lost their lives in the tragedy and is built in the middle of Times Square. On this day, Mayor Henry Isley is to give a speech in remembrance. As he is about to begin, government officials, dispatched by the President of the United States, interrupt and confirm to all those present that Donnie, a supposed loon, was actually telling the truth, that his DNA is unlike any other human being's. The idea that others like Donnie exist becomes widespread.
  • May 31, 2012 - Without warning, a barrier constructed of diamond is placed over New York City. Mayor Henry Isley renames the area within the barrier "Utopia", with surrounding areas being known as the "wasteland".
  • June 1, 2012 - Every citizen between the ages of sixteen and up is made to go through a medical analysis. The "meta-gene", as it is now called, has been identified and found within a few dozen teenagers. Adults do not suffer from the ailment. Families and friendships are torn apart as the first few groups of shunned citizens, labeled "outcasts", are ushered out of Utopia. Those who try to resist are exterminated without mercy.
  • Present Day - 2013 - It's been months, nearly a year since the first group of outcasts were exiled. Every other day since then, an ex member of the utopian youth is made to join the wasteland...and those who inhabit it.

  1. I am GM! Konnichiwa! ^_^ Don't let the smiley face fool you, because I mean business. Make no mistake. My word is law! I'm not some intolerable ass, so don't feel like you can't come to me with questions, comments, and concerns. I'm always ready to listen.
  2. Beta is CO-GM. The co-gm’s only given power, will be the right to ban those that endanger the rp’s success, meaning trouble makers and rule breakers. He may occasionally help me look over submitted character sheets.
  3. There is to be no IC in the OOC sign-up thread. I will be creating a separate thread for us to rp in!
  4. This rp will be dark in nature. Star spangled spandex? Nah!
  5. Submitted characters shall not be ninja! You WILL take some damage and, yes, potentially die. Don't let this discourage you from creating a character sheet. I only have the intent of killing off characters of users who do not follow said rules.
  6. You have the option of playing a hero, villain, or a civilian. Two characters per player.
  7. No auto-hits or auto-kills on another player's character, PERIOD!
  8. I ask for NO LESS than three paragraphs per post, with NO LESS than 3-5 sentences in each. Those who prefer to "write books" as they say, you're encouraged to join and do so. Still, don't come in acting all high and mighty as if you're better than someone who doesn't write 10-50 paragraphs per post. As an addition to the rule, I ask for good grammar. I expect posts to read smoothly, so do proofread before submitting posts.
  9. It is very important for me to know that you have read and understood these rules. That is why I ask you include the word’META at the very end of your character sheets when you submit them.

Name: (self-explanatory)

Alias: (if any, self-explanatory)

Gender: (self-explanatory)

Age: (self-explanatory)

Status: (Hero, Villain, Average Joe or Jane?)

Personality: (Details, details, details)

Superpower: (If any)

Personality: (Details, details, details)

Bio: (Needs to be lengthy. You don’t need to write an essay by any means, but at least put some effort into it. You will be competing with other players for a spot, after all.)

Appearance: (A very detailed description or picture. NO Anime pics! For the love of Beelzebub, NO Anime pics!)


NOTE: For those who go unaccepted the first time around, do some tweaking to your character sheet and you will more than likely be accepted in the event that someone drops out/is killed off.


Georgette Hughes (SongBird / GM)

Marcus Kristoff (Beta / CO-GM)

Edison Luxin (Riddle78)

Rayes Finas (Dino)

Raymond Upton (Heartsteal22)

Scarlette Crimson (TheFallOfitAll)

James Cauthon (Ninbinz)

Evangeline Tean (Kinadra)

Jana Arber (Mediocritys Muse)

Citrix Log (Carl)


Name: Edison Luxin

Alias: None

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Status: Ruthless Hero

Personality: Edison is snarky and blunt. He doesn't care about your feelings,all he cares about is the fact of the matter,and he isn't afraid to adopt an acidic tone to say it like it is. Furthermore,he's pragmatic,always trying to play the long game,which is personal survival. Expect him to kill his enemies and opponents without question,hesitation,or remorse. Hell,he'll probably crack a joke about it.

Superpower: Lumaturgy. This is the manipulation and creation of light. Expect flash bombs,mirages,and lasers. The origin of any individual application of his power must be within two feet of his person,although he can use his power to move the light after manifesting it. This power is often more exhausting than others. His only combat option,lasers,are rendered completely ineffective against reflective surfaces,as they're reflected away.

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The best pic I could find. Stands five foot ten,weighs two hundred pounds. Wears denim jeans and steel capped work boots.

Background: Edison Luxin was born and raised in New York City. His mother and father were both soldiers,one a Chief Warrant Officer,the other a Sargent. As such,he lived a decent,if overly structured life. He went to school and recieved a good enough education,and kept away from gangs. He had a computer,which he gamed on quite a bit,as there were few people his age in the neighborhood. He didn't mind,however,as he felt that humans as a whole often tended to be assholes,a statement not far from the truth. Edison watched the media blitz surrounding the New Years Eve calamity with disinterest,seeing it as an exploitative industry doing everything they can to turn a buck. However,Edison began to think differently when the announcement came that Donnie was transhuman. That meant that others would be,too. It's impossible for Donnie to be the only one,after all. Edison began to worry when he saw the nearly frenzied construction of the diamond dome around the heart of the city,and wondered if the city administration was taking these steps because they feared the metahumans. His ponderings were confirmed when his own parents,armed and armoured,ushered him onto a convoy,bound for the region outside the dome. Edison was left bitter,and adopted a venomous and snide personality in an attempt to protect himself from the hostile world outside the dome,with little law to protect people. During the months outside the dome,he learned of his light bending abilities,and honed them. These days,he "escorts" the supply convoys from the dome,knowing that they would be prime raiding targets for the more violent elements of those banished from the heart of New York. To this day,he's killed over a dozen people who tried to attack the convoys.

How meta​.

Georgette Hughes


  • Georgia (often called this by her Mother and Grandmother)
  • Blue (due to her heterochromatic eyes, one of which is an astonishing icy blue in color). This nickname is only used by those that manage to get on Georgette's good side.





Personality: Straightforward; When voicing her opinion, she is quite honest, blunt even. Georgette sees very little to no point in beating around the bush. While being somewhat of an introvert and often times loner, she isn't shy to lend a helping hand to those in danger. However, being a person of caution, a helping hand only comes after Georgette calculates the risks and chances of her own survival. She believes that being too selfless could very well get her killed, therefore she is constant and careful in her efforts to not become too attached to other people.

Power: Shape Shifting - Georgette has the ability to transform into any animal that she comes into contact with. Transforming more than twice a day is exhausting to the point where she will need rest before being able to shift again. No matter what form Georgette takes on, her heterochromatic eyes remain, acting as some sort of a peculiar signature.


A young girl stood silent in the corner of her parents' bedroom, beautiful beady eyes moving from left to right as she watched her mother pace back and forth across the hardwood floor, swift hands pulling clothes from the closet and dresser drawers and then stuffing them into one suitcase after another. The little girl took one step forward, trembling lips parting to speak.

"Mommy? Why are we leaving?"

No response. Not a word.

"Is Daddy coming with us?"

Still nothing. Much too busy sobbing through gritted teeth to be bothered with explaining. That drunk, no-good, sorry excuse of a man, father, and husband wouldn't be seeing either of them again. Shoving the last few pieces of clothing away, Jeanine fixed her makeup in the vanity mirror, wiping away the dried blood on her face before taking her favorite pair of sunglasses and using them to cover her swollen left eye. Jeanine looked to her daughter, Georgette, took her tiny hand in her own, and then the two hurried on their way, leaving only dust in their tracks.

The drive from Atlanta to New York was no easy one, but they made it within two days. Jeanine and Georgette would stay with Jeanine's mother, a woman the nine-year old had never even known existed until then. Within weeks, though, the two became extremely close. In six months' time, Jeanine was back on her feet and ready to start a new chapter in her life elsewhere, but Georgette disagreed on moving. It was then agreed upon that Georgette's grandmother would take care of her while Jeanine took a job in another city. As the years flew by, Georgette excelled in school. She'd take up martial arts in order to learn how to defend herself, determination fueled by the thoughts of her mother's grief caused by her father.

On the night of Georgia's seventeenth birthday, her grandma surprised her with two tickets to a New Year's Eve party. They'd go together. The party was as advertised, incredibly fun and incredibly loud. During the countdown to the New Year, the crowd joined hands as their voices shook the sky, something else shaking the ground beneath their feet. When the explosion happened, Georgette blacked out. She'd reopen her eyes the next morning, her body aching and a nurse sitting at her bedside. She was in a hospital. Upon asking where her grandmother was, the nurse fell silent for a few moments before giving the young girl the worst news she'd ever hear. In that moment, her life came crashing down all over again.

Months later, Georgette, now living in a homeless shelter, was sought out by military officials, retrieved, and made to join a group of other teenagers awaiting medical screening. At the time, she had no idea what was going on. She hadn't turned on the television since the explosion, nor read a paper, nor really did anything other than sleep and occasionally eat whatever she could stomach, grief-stricken. Upon testing positive for the meta-gene, Georgette was given very little time to grab whatever belongings she could muster before being tossed out on her ass. The way it all happened, it was frightening, like some sort of nightmare, but all very real.

For months, afterward, Georgette survived on pure wits alone. She kept to the shadows, stole what she could in order to survive, and slept wherever she felt safest resting her eyes. Powerless, still unsure as to what she could do, wondering if she was kicked out by mistake, and on the brink of being driven insane, Georgette looked to stray animals for comfort and company. She adopted a stray cat, whom she named Destiny, a name that couldn't have been more fitting. Georgette's power manifested on the night of meeting the stray, the young woman shape-shifting into a feline of Destiny's likeness. Since her powers have manifested, the wasteland has become Georgette's playground, a place that she's willing to share with everyone except those who wish to destroy it.

Name: Rayes Finas

Alias: None

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Status: Villain

Personality: Hates most people with a few exceptions, Will steal from everyone and anyone he isn't working with or "friends" with, although he doesn't have any friends, if he comes across someone he can trust and wont stop him from his "evil" acts he will proceed to class them as a friend. Won't really care for anyone else's survival in most situations although there have been a few rare cases in which he has helped someone. Doesn't care who he steals from and wont care what happens to them, in some cases he would possibly kill them or leave him to die from someone elses hand.

Superpower: Cryogenics. The ability to control the cold and manipulate it, in some cases he has been able to fire ice spikes towards his enemies to wound and sometimes even kill them, but he mainly uses it to paralyze/ freeze his enemy and steal anything that they had if they had camped out.

Bio: Born and raised in New York city Rayes had a rough life, his family was rather poor and he was an only child, he'd still had an education but he put it to no use, He'd been rebellious from the start, from putting pins on the teachers chair to stealing other students money. He started learning how to make a quick dime by pick pocketing, he taught him self a variety of ways to get peoples money unnoticed from bumping into them, from dropping something and waiting for someone to pass by before standing up and quickly stealing something from their pockets. When he was around 19, he'd watched the news about the new years eve incident, what a load of crap. How could one kid cause an explosion like that. He'd switched him mind off from the whole subject for a while going back to his usual stealing and general law breaking, whether it be spraying on graffiti walls or beating a kid up because they stepped on his "turf". But one day he'd got back home and switched on the TV, that same news story was on again. But this time they said something about the boy...Donnie. Being a trans-human and that he special powers or something stupid like that. Then they'd even had his therapist telling them that what was just said is 100% true. It was an interesting thought but Rayes highly doubted he was one of them. He got more interested when they started to build a dome to protect them from Trans-humans. It wasn't long before he himself was deported out side of the dome away from his family. Here was were he learned he was one of the trans-humans. He found he was able to control the cold and Ice. He used this to his advantage in stealing, he would paralyze his victim by freezing their feet to the ground and their hands so they could not use weaponry and would steal everything in their pockets and if they had a camp everything from there to. In some cases he was able to fire ice from his finger tips, able to wound sometimes kill his enemy. This is where he started to get really cold (No pun intended) and actually kill people for what they had instead of just paralyzing them, it was a rare case that he would let anyone he stole from live. If he didn't steal from you he either found you useful or was feeling real generous.


Isn't this META Just Delicious, Man I could eat this all day everyday
Name: Marcus Kristoff

Alias: Культурист ( Kul'Turist ) [ Bodybuilder ] or Сильный ( Sil'nyì ) [ Strong Man ]

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Status: Hero, but tries his best to help without using his gifts.

Superpower: Muscle Augmentation, can increase the size, density, and solidity of his muscle tissue.

Personality: Marcus is a kind soul who only wants to help those in need. The kind of guy who would give someone the shirt off his back even if they were wearing one already. Though recent developments have made life hard, he still does what he can to ease the burdens of others.

Theme Song:
Bio: Marcus was born and raised primarily in a moderately sized city in the motherland of Russia. The city of Vyska. His father ran a small car dealership and his mother stayed at home to raise Marcus and his older brother Misha. They lived fairly comfortably and never really wanted for things they didn't need. It was a good life, with good people, and they were happy. When Marcus was twelve, his friend Oleg climbed into his room. This wasn't rare as the family lived in a one-story home. But his friend was covered in dirt and soot. He was tearing up and terribly shaken. As it were... his house had just burned down. Feeling his friend's pain, Marcus told Oleg he would help. Marcus made a bed on his bedroom floor and gave his friend use of the comfortable bed.

The two were able to keep up the charade for a few days. When it was time to wake and eat, Marcus would sneak a snack into the room for his friend. When it was time to shower or bathe, he would let Oleg in through the bathroom window and the two would shower while wearing their shorts. But one day, Oleg was caught climbing in a window by Marcus' father. ... the gig was up. Oleg was chastised and lectured about how he should have done things differently. The boy was on the brink of tears the whole time. But Mr. Kristoff was not a mean man... and after the lecture, welcomed the boy into his family. Now they were a family of five in a house built for four. Mr. Kristoff thought for a moment on what to do... and finally decided. They would sell the dealership and move to the United States. The land of opportunity.

"Here we are, my family." Said Mr. Kristoff in heavily accented english. "Here is where we will live." The smile on his face showed how proud and happy he was. It was a nice three-bedroom home with a small attic, basement, and yard. The boys would live well here. All in all, Brooklyn was fairly kind to the Kristoff family. Marcus and Oleg took naturally to learning english, albiet both with strong accents... and Misha began working at his father's new Chevy Dealership. Same as back in Russia, the family was doing well.


Five years later...

The Kristoff family had begun selling cars as a family. The Kristoff Dealerships were now at four different locations around the city. Marcus worked at the same one his father started when they moved to the states. ... all that changed in March of 2012...

Marcus was showing a used truck to a customer, who was looking for something practical but efficient. The little S10 was the perfect fit. Marcus went to open the door to it, and it stuck fast. He jerked harder... still failing to budge it. He took a deep breath, focused a bit... and ripped the door right off the hinge with one hand. Disregarding the stunned customer, Marcus saw that the fabric of his suit was straining against a massive increase in the muscles of his right arm. The customer had bolted while Marcus stood in awe.

His family had been following the metahuman "crisis" for a few weeks by that point... and Marcus was a bit frightened. He called his father immediately and told him what happened. ... he would regret that choice. On the drive home, Marcus was pulled over... and summarily beaten by police. They left him battered on the side of the road... no arrest... no ticket... just bruises and wounded pride. Mr. Kristoff shook his head when his son came home. "You must leave. Take this, pick used car from business, and leave." He handed his son an envelope and shut the door in his face. Marcus walked back to the dealership, since his sedan was impounded as "evidence". The whole time... he had no clue that his father was one of the strongest supporters for metahuman segregation.

Two hours later, Marcus got back to the dealer. He walked onto the back lot and found a nice 2001 Chevy Tahoe that would suit his needs. He walked into the showroom, took the keys off the wall, and called the title bureau from the dealership. Mere moments later, the truck was his. He then opened the envelope he had all but forgotten. There was an apology letter and $2500 in cash. He would have a new life thanks to the kindness of his father.

About two months later... the barrier was put in place. Marcus now had no hope of rejoining his family. Even still, he was not too sad. He had found new purpose. That was helping those cast out by the city. Every week, new teens were tossed out. Every week, Marcus was at the gate to greet them. He would take each of them to various locations he knew were more friendly to newbies than other areas, and set them up with temporary housing. Thank God for his reputation in the car sales trade... he had found work with a pair of fellow Russian mechanics, Vladimir and Yuri Sokolov, immediately after being segregated. These kids likely weren't so lucky.

And so... life goes on for Marcus Kristoff. ... but life isn't always so kind. And not everyone likes when you help other people.


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Do I have any Meta on my face?
Name: Raymund Upton

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Status: Not yet decided

Personality: Still recently evicted, Raymund is a little bit naive, and hesitant to make difficult decisions. Mostly resigned, he attempts to avoid interaction with others when possible.

Superpower: Animation

The ability to give the inanimate "mock" life. By touching an object, Raymund can give it a simulation of life until it travels outside thirty meters of him. This only applies to the inanimate, not the living or the dead. These animations share an empathy with Raymund, and will attempt to protect him at the cost of their own "life". Of course this is limited, and Raymund can animate no more than three objects at a time, at great strain upon himself; the larger the object, the more difficult to animate.

Bio: Woodstock born and raised, Raymund was a rather antisocial child by nature, preferring the fantasy of a novel over the company of other people. Enjoying these stories so much, Raymund decided to begin creating his own, fabricating fantastical lands far away to fill with life and adventure. Often bullied in the years since starting at highschool, Raymund's stories began to take a darker turn, becoming horrors, and otherwise grim fiction. It was only recently that his powers manifested, and it was rather difficult to explain a walking sofa away. It was actually a wonderful thought to Raymund at first, never having left Woodstock before, the opportunity to go to New York City, away from his bullies seemed a blessing, though the happiness was fleeting as the youth realized that he would also be losing the things that he enjoyed as well, his sizable collection of books, both self-written and store purchased, the room that had been his sanctuary from the outside world, and even his parents, which he had never truly appreciated before the day he realized that he would be forced to leave his home. Being bused to the wasteland outside the New York Utopia, Ray was tempted to try using his powers, though his hands had been covered, not entirely sure himself if that could stop his powers though, he decided not to test it, just in case.

Appearance: Not exactly a large-framed individual, Raymund stands at 5'6" and 112 pounds, and is in fact, quite skinny. Relatively long, unkempt brown hair covers a set of brilliantly green eyes, and the pale skin of someone that spends nine of ten days indoors either reading or writing. Normally wearing a hooded sweater and denim jeans, Raymund appears absolutely average at a casual glance, not as someone with powers in the slightest.

Oh the meta, I totally forgot to get it while I was at the market!
Name: James Cauthon

Alias: Ward

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Status: Hero

Personality: James is confident....... that he is not a leader, he can be courageous and honourable but will err on the side most advantageous to his goals. He has a sore spot for those who are worse off than himself and will often watch out for new "outsiders" and help them out. James is opportunistic and will go out of his way for a good deal, this tendency has lead others to question his moral compunctions. Despite his failings he is a very self sufficient person with a quick mind and a love for the dramatic.


Substance Mimicry

James can cause his body to duplicate the properties of any inorganic material he touches from stone to glass with the exception of wood and bark. If he touches the pavement, for example, he becomes a sentient being made of living stone, with all its commensurate strengths and weaknesses and can return to his human at will. Every time he tries to mimic a new material he is wracked with extreme pain, the density of a material dictates the length of time it takes to mimic that material.


James is the product of a pair of globe hopping parents who had a need to see the sights of the world, their decision to settle in the illustrious city of New York was a welcome one for James who had become disillusioned with the life of a perpetual traveler. He was enrolled in a school for arts and received a drama scholarship to that school. James was happy with his new life in New York but his parents grew more and more restless as time passed, at first they were simply more distant than usual since they often took weekend long treks in the wilderness locations outside of the city. Later on though his parents had become fed up with being stuck in a single city, they began their traveling life anew, they left James behind in their loft with the occasional supervision of the building's door attendant and several close friends who lived in the area. Not months after their last visit did the incident occur and James' powers became more and more evident as they developed, he was thrown to the wolves like so many others but his life apart from his parents had prepared him for the independence that would eventually come.

Appearance: Made lean by his years spent putting his body on the line in theatrical performances and subsequently acrobatics, his dark brown hair tinged with a natural dark red colour often intensifies his piercing brown eyes nestled beneath a pair of like coloured eyebrows. Armed with a 1 million dollar smile and a pair of wide set shoulders he would look like your typical QB if he weren't 5'2" sported a rough stubble that covered his chin and surrounded his mouth. In short he looks like a hipster with a strange attachment to his 'ninja hoodie'.

Notes the Meta looking all conspicuous
Name: Scarlette Crimson

Alias: Red Lightning

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Status: Neutral(As in, you attack her, she's against you. You help her, she'll help you.)

Personality: She's the kind of girl who'll yell back when yelled at, fight when attacked, and help when given help. She's brave, and will face all odds to extract revenge against people. If you're her friend, she'll take on the damn world to save you. If you are her foe, she'll do the same to kill you. Also she freaking loves the hell out of Slim Jims.

Superpower: Control of electricity, but it is red. She can keep a current going for about 1 minute at a time. Her most powerful/draining is sending out a wave of electricity that shocks and stuns opponents. It drains her down, not only with her powers, but psychically as well. She can harm someone with their own electricity in their body, but not kill instantly. She can kill, but she only will if the person has either done major wrong, or is going to do major wrong in too soon to prevent it any other way.

Bio: Scarlette was born into a family that had what they needed, not really what they wanted. She had two elder brothers, Harry and Mark. Harry being two years her elder, and Mark one year. Their mother died giving birth to Scarlette. They, from then on, where raised by their father. Nothing much happened until she was three, and she got her first pet. It was a tabbie cat. The cat was supposed to be for her brother, but the cat and her became fast friends. Sadly, her cat ran into the road when she was four, and she had to bury the kitty with the help of her father and two elder brothers. At the age of five, she joined softball, becoming a great pitcher and batter. Her team won the tournament that year. She went into kindergarten that year, and having two older brothers, she naturally got helped out a lot, as they'd recently went through the classes. Nothing much more interesting happened until fifth grade, when she got her first boyfriend. A cute boy, to her anyways, who treated her very well. He's the reason why she likes Slim Jims, though. On their second date, they had gone to a movie, and he "forced" her to eat a Slim Jim. There was also a local football team for the youth at the time, flag football. She joined up, she'd been in Softball for a while, and thought football'd be fun. Besides, her boyfriend, and brother had joined it. When she went to sixth grade, nothing much happened. In seventh grade, her and her brothers got hit by one of the worst things to have happened. Their father was killed in a car crash. She joined the football team for fall sports, her coach not supporting her until she proved she was a good asset, intercepting a throw from the other team, and scoring a touchdown from the fifty yard line. Sadly, her team didn't win the tournament that year. She joined the basketball team, doing good there. Then came spring, and she was expected to join softball, so she joined track. She became a good runner quickly, having been running in football and basketball a lot. Not only was she a sprinter, but a distance runner.

Eight grade was about the same, aside from needing to prove herself. Freshmen year, and the age of fifteen came around. This time,s he joined her high school choir, and also got soprano in the "show choir" with two other girls as soprano. She also went for all three sports, again. Homecoming game, she cheered from the crowd with her boyfriend. Homecoming dance, she got to dance with him for the real first time. A little later that year, one of her friends, who was a bit more a trouble maker, a party person, and a smoker, ended up convincing her to try a cigarette. She didn't exactly become a true smoker, as she only smokes on the very RARE occasion, but she still got her. Sophomore year came around, she went for Football, again, choir, again, making the show choir. She sang with he rest of the upperclassman's choirs for the Star Spangled Banner, and the School's Alma Matter, then went on to get the game winning touchdown in the game itself. The night of the dance, however, tragedy struck. Her boyfriend had been shot and killed by a mugger. Scarlette dropped football out of sadness, and then in a fit of rage, with her brothers who'd became very good friends with her boyfriend, found the mugger. She ended up knocking him into an electric fence that killed him. She didn't join basketball that year, and never got the chance to join track as the explosion happened.

Her brothers got powers, Harry, controlling of shadows, and Mark, controlling of smoke. The trio didn't protest as they got sent to this sector. They ended up helping people who seemingly needed it, and fighting those that did bad. Unfortunately, Harry ended up seeing a man in an alley who seemingly needed help. The man attacked at him, and Harry took his knife out, only to be disarmed, and stabbed. He was then burnt in black flames. Scarlette and Mark ran like heck, but Mark tripped, and Scarlette was a better runner.

Now Scarlette is on her own, and her main priority is either to kill the man who killed her brothers, get somebody crazy enough to do it, or find a cigarette because her life just got damn stressful.

Appearance: Scarlette's hair is a beautiful shade of red, almost crimson. She's a very beautiful woman, striking, even. She's pale, but its a pretty pale. Her eyes are wide, her lips full, and nose small. Some would say she's even cute. She dresses in a black hoodie, and khaki pants. Her shoes are white tennis shoes. On the occasion, almost all the time, there'll be a Slim Jim in her mouth.

Theme Song: Bullet With Butterfly Wings-The Smashing Pumpkins: <b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;"><b style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;">[video=youtube;8-r-V0uK4u0]

Scarlette: "Man, if only your powers were as Meta as mine."
Name: Evangeline Tean

Alias: none yet

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Status: Unaligned

Personality: Fiery... I couldn't help myself, but in all honesty she is easily excitable and snaps easily. She is someone who is not very easily controlled, and if someone tries to control her, she will retaliate. She is, however, a nice person. Sweet and playful with the people she deems as friends, the likes of which she tends to easily make. Evangeline always welcomes new friendships, and once she is your friend, she will defend you until the very end. Some people find her overbearing and way too talkative, but she doesn't mind, she won't change herself for other's pleasure.

Superpower: Creation and manipulation of fire. She has little control over it thus far, as she has just gotten the ability. No known limit on it yet, and so far use is sporadic at best. Once she learns to control it better, it will tire her if she uses it too much, or does a lot at once.

Bio: Before her sixteenth birthday, which was a few days ago, her life was normal. She was always a bit of a pyro, but her parents were kind. They taught her how to be respectful of fire's power, and its potential to do harm. Besides an infatuation with fire, her parents were normal. Her life was picturesque. Raised from a young age to always understand and respect people's view, she had no issue with Polyamory, and was pansexual herself. Right on her sixteenth birthday though, things took a turn for the worse. Evangeline hadn't even gotten tested for the gene yet, but after this, officials had no doubt in their mind. She and her friends were having a sleep-over, nothing out of the ordinary, but she had gotten excited, worked up from the classic pillow-fight and video games. All of a sudden, poof, up in flames went the house. Upstairs her parents were caught, trapped with the smoke, a painful death. Downstairs the screams of children could be heard, then suddenly cut off, all except Evangeline. She continued screaming, her entire body ablaze, though no pain came to her, no burns, even her clothes were left untouched. Eventually her screams turned into sobbing, the building mostly ashes and burnt rubble around her. Soon the firemen came, too late to save any of the house, and far too late to save the other, normal people who died inside.

After that fiasco, they took her in roughly, testing her quickly, fully knowing that they would find the gene. How else could they explain the fact she was uninjured? Not even soot on her. The test was positive, and after being held for a few days for questioning and testing, she was booted out of the city and into the wasteland soon after. That is where she is at now, it happened so recently, she is unsure what to do, or even how to sustain herself, and is still grieving.


Meta...by the way.
Name: Jana Arber

Alias: Ghost

Gender: Female

Age: Nineteen (In 2014)

Status: Opportunistic (Meaning she is just as likely to chose villain as hero, situations pending)

Personality: Due to her power she has became rather stoic and calm in the most hairy of situations, preferring the neutral path in almost every situation…merely being one flowing with the stream. Her Philosophy being, “If one pushes back against the currents, they will be rushed away in an endless stream of bull,” to put it bluntly. That isn’t by no means saying that she will not take an opportunity if it were to present itself, to not do so would be rather moronic. Usually understanding and open to suggestions she will listen to varying ideals and pick the ones she seems to identify with the most, although when violence is needed she will participate rarely when needed.

Superpower: Astral Projection

*While the physical presence (body) assumes a deep trance, users assume an Astral/Spirit Form, separating from the physical body and gaining access of travel on an astral plane. Experienced individuals may control both presences, the Astral and Corporeal and may even be able to levitate in Astral Form. If the user is a master they may be allowed to easily posses others, but may battle over conscious.

Applications that may be Applicable:

  • The form can be misconstrued as a ghost, it being invisible to those that do not posses the awareness to sense or perceive through to another plane. (Has such capabilities)
  • The power to posses a persons physical form is possible but highly unlikely unless well mastered. (( Does not have yet))
  • Flight is possible in the astral form. (Has limited use to this one)
  • Able to phase through physical objects. ((Does))
  • High level individuals can interact with the physical environment through their astral form. It possibly becoming corporal as well. ((Does not have this one yet))
  • Able to whisper in the ears of a target and make them think what they hear are their own thoughts, leading the sub power to be some form of psychic persuasion. ((Does not have this one yet))

  • Maybe be unable to fully control ones astral form if untrained or new to the power.
  • May require the user to be asleep or in a meditative state while in the astral plane.
  • Utterly defenseless when in astral plane, their body is subject to attack.

Bio: Early on in Jana’s life she had been one to ignore the norm that had been acceptable in her home town, opting to live a more tranquil life rather than deal with what was ‘in’ and ‘out’ by youth’s standards. That of course had her ostracized by the majority of her peers at an early age, this being in around ten years of age. Where kids were playing video games and dressing ridiculous clothing, she was getting a leg up on class and sports that most could consider ‘fake’ in America. Nevertheless she did not stray form her odd path, her becoming one of the more intellectual types in her junior high school.

The bad thing about it all was that her New Your school stint didn’t last as long as it should have, the explosion happening on New Years Eve rocked more than the families that it affected. She saw the resulting sequences of events as heated and for all intensive purposes unlawful, her speaking out against the possible eradication of meta individuals when the idea floated around. When she was scanned at the age of 17 she was noted to have the gene, which caused her to be marked for the wastes. She didn’t know it at the time but she had the ability to astral project and she had actually bee doing it for months before hand as she slept, her merely thinking it was a dream. She was among the first group sent out of Utopia, simply blending in and wondering what she was capable of.

Time has passed since then…here learning what she has been doing and stoically uses meditation to hone her talents to gain more stout aptitude within her astral projected form. Her old name being something that she does not go by now, merely seeing it as an old shell that held her back in this new environment. She now is known as Ghost, her astral form being rather unseen by anyone that may cross it’s path…the presence of a ghost being most people’s hypothesis, hence her taking the alias. She tends to stick to herself when moving about but has sometimes joined with metas and the odd normals, equal opportunity being a chief factor in her decision making.

View attachment 12834

  • Name:

    Citrix Log








    Opportunist; Will side with whichever side is most beneficial to him at the time and/or in the long run.




    With this power he's able to instantly copy any metahuman's power upon touch, but the duration of said copy is limited. Ranging from only a few minutes at his most inexperienced state, to lasting 24h when he's fully in control of his state of mind and powers. He is literally able to absorb any ability of any given metahuman, but only one at a time. He will never be able to "copy" two or more powers at one time. Also important to note is that when he copies someone's power, he does not absorb it in the sense of removing it from the original owner and storing it into his own body. He merely duplicates it for a period of time.


    He's a day by day survivor, able to cope with most things that life brings his way. Due to having been separated from everything and everyone he holds dear at a young age. Yet instead of viewing his abilities as a curse, he sees it as something that he needs to learn to live with in order to advance, it's not something that can be undone by wishing it or by resenting it, in addition to that realization he's not easily stunned or caught off guard by events and encounters. Some might call him stoic, but that's a much too fancy word for someone as down to earth as him. He's just a man that wants to live life, one way or the other.

    Whether or not that objective gets in the way of others and their own way of life, then so be it. He doesn't shy away from using others, even killing them if necessary. But he holds no pleasure in it whatsoever, he just sees it as a means to get to the next sunrise. While he might come off as manipulative and cruel, it's just how the world and society made him to be. In order to survive in this cruel world one must be willing to go all the way after all. Regardless of that depressing fact, he is not a heartless bastard, if he's able to help someone in need and he can afford to do so, he will. Citrix will also befriend others and trust them if they are indeed worthy of said trust. Granted he's not fast in giving out said trust, but once he decides to do so he's able to trust without holding back...Until they try to stab'm in the back anyway. Once that happens, and he survives, it's recommended to stay far away from him for he's not one to easily let go of grudges.

    A few of the small things in life that can make him crack a smile and feel at ease are, amongst few others: Music, smoking, good company and non-urban jungle/nature.


    He had lived a rather happy life, not exactly ordinary or mainstream, but happy nonetheless. He grew up on the countryside, as a son of a heavily versatile martial artist whose passion was still aflame even when his life's candle was burning out. Due to that, Citrix was raised very properly in a physical way, learning many martial arts and conditioning his body in the process. He learned things as Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and Muay Thai. In addition to those martial arts, he grew up in a disciplined manner as to not let him misuse his strength and expertise in petty fights and disputes. As a result of such a manner of being raised, he grew up to be quite sincere and a down to earth person. Generally considered to be a good and kindhearted man.

    All that changed the moment he moved out of his father's house to create and follow his own path, he went and moved into the urban jungle known as a city...With disastrous results, his powers manifested themselves latently, he had no idea that he even had powers, right up 'till the moment he was out strolling throughout the city and meeting a seemingly nervous and anxious girl seated on a bench at the park. He found her cute in appearance and decided to try his luck in getting to know this girl. After introducing himself, seating down and chit-chatting with the girl, he found out she was a nervous timebomb, literally; Apparently she was one of those metahumans and saw a timer ticking down before her eyes wherever she went, it was reaching 00.00 at a fast pace as they talked.

    Taken slightly abashed but reluctant to leave this girl on her own on this dramatic moments, he moved his hand and took hold of hers reassuringly...Which was a catastrophic mistake. Before he knew it, he saw the timer moving before his own eyes.

    10 ... 9 .... 8 .... 7 .... 6....5....4....3....2....1.....

    Next thing he knew, he woke up in the middle of an immense crater, with the girl missing; Dead people and destruction everywhere around him for as far as his eyes could see. Unfortunately for him, he remembered everything too well, the way he saw the timer, the way he felt himself burn up until he (literally) exploded...And he realized, he was one of those dreaded metahumans as well. Instantly flashes before him, flashes that became reality all too soon, appeared before his eyes much like the timer. He was torn away from his family, friends, life and everything he knew.

    Only to be dumped in the wasteland...




Name: Jo Anna Tannings

Alias: Jo or Anna. She answers to either.

Gender: Female

Age: 14, almost 15

Status: Average so far. Has shown no sign of Meta-Gene, but hasn't been tested.

Personality: Hyper as all hell, she is a ball of energy and will talk your ear off if you give her the chance. Do not disrespect her though, especially not in her house. She hates that.

Superpower: None that she knows of yet.

Bio: Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tannings were supporters from the very beginning of this whole Meta thing, and they got tossed out fairly willingly, meaning to help support those in the Wastelands with their riches. Also her servant played a part in them getting thrown out of sorts, he was always extremely faithful, and happened to be a latent carrier of the gene. Her family was of a very high standing in the city, very well off, and had a lot money to throw at the problem once in the Wastelands. They have left their fortune and the house to Jo Anna in the will, after they died recently from an accident. She may only be fourteen right now, but she knows her way around the Wastelands, and has no problem using her house as a safe haven for the Exiles.

Her servant, Hale, keeps her safe and unharmed as the people stay at her house. Through many attempts on her life, or kidnapping attempts, he has stopped them and kept her safe. She knows that without Hale, she wouldn't be here. She gets the exiles often, and they usually leave fairly quickly, feeling like they can support themselves well enough by then, and then new ones come. Thusly she, and her family, have become fairly well known throughout the Wasteland, and she always welcomes people to stay at her house. Jo Anna doesn't care if they are Hero or an average Joe/Jane, as long as they behave in her house, she is ok with it.
Beyond that there is not much to talk about, her past before the Metas appeared was normal, but privileged. She was never taught that things just come to you though. Her parents made sure of that. They taught her how to earn things like toys, or an allowance.

Hale is a Meta-gene carrier, though most people don't know what he actually does, and instead just know that they fear him. He is, in fact, a very strong empath, able to create emotions or feelings in the target. He can make them calm, excite, fear, and in some cases feel pain. Though he excels at his gift, he does not use it for ill will unless Jo Anna is endangered. From a very young age, Hale was assigned to the family, as was per tradition for his own family. Eighteen now, almost nineteen, he was in the family's life before Jo Anna was born. He would not think twice before giving his own life to save her's.


Her house, except darker colors than this:

Final review of characters goes to SongBird.

Also, I made a small edit to my recent Marcus post, so as to further interaction from Heartsteal. Future edit requests MUST be made by the party in need of the edit.
Saying as my character Alex has been removed from the RP, I have a new character, with a twist.

Name: Richtofen Hildegard

Alias: Der Whaise Hai

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Status: Hero

Personality: Richotfen is an overall nice guy. If you are his friend, he’ll be on your side. He rarely gets mad. He’s smart. He’s the kind of guy who’ll stand up for himself.

Superpower: His mutation is more of morphology. On the occasion, he can shift his entire body into that of a man shark, still able to breathe on land, but needing water almost instantly. His teeth’ll turn into that of the great white shark. His whole body gets the skin of a shark, and his head morphs, into that of a shark head. His hands turn into claws, and he gets the ability to swim fast.

This makes him only a real threat if you are swimming, or walking to slow, as his walking speed is majorly decreased. This ability is literally useless if he is in a desert, or there is no water around. Therefore, the sewers would be a likely place for him to hide.

Bio: Richtofen had always been fascinated with sharks since a young age, being born in Berlin, Germany, he didn’t get to see them that much. His family, being scientists, had encouraged his study of the carcharadons. Eventually moving to America, this young German had a thick German accent, and spoke broken English. He’d finally got what he’d wanted, being able to dive and study sharks. This was when he was about fifteen. He became very knowledgeable about them. He’d done a lot of research on how the creatures couldn’t get cancer, due to how their bones aren’t bone, but cartilage. He was doing a very delicate experiment with a bull shark when the accident happened. It was a few days later, when he’d first morphed, falling into the water with the shark. His parents had to report him, and he got sent away.

His tests were rough, he was electrocuted if he didn’t answer. He answered the questions, and was sometimes smacked for simply having an accent. The testers then placed a thing with water in it around his neck, and for a special delivery, the put him in a cage, and are now taking him there.


View attachment 12956 when he is human. He also has a dorsal fin on his back, gills, and a thing about his neck as if to support him with water putting oxygen into his system. Man Shark form: View attachment 12942
Suddenly everyone is using that bus rather than simply being tossed out of the city. tefu?

Also. German guy looks distinctly Asian. :3

One issue I see is the "Not caring if they are hero or villain" thing. Wouldn't most Villains just come in, break stuff, steal, maim, and possibly kidnap or kill her? I can understand if they're a lesser-known villain that she may not recognize. But I am assuming most of the character villains will be some of the well-known ones.

Second. The "Has not been tested" part about the Meta Gene. Personally, I am fine with gaining a power later if that's what you want. But it will be discussed with Songbird and I before you just *poof* and have a power.

Third. Age 14 and no parents, PLUS a house like that, PLUS any unknown number of semi-superpowered ne'er-do-wells about? Pardon me for assuming she'd be killed by now. Do elaborate a bit on how she's stayed alive and safe, of get her some sort of living guardian or something.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION], Agreed and fixed. I would most definitely talk to you before choosing to have her be a carrier of the gene, if it seemed good for the plot line of the story. As for your third request, Hale is placed into her story.
Note: As for the whole being dumped into the wasteland via bus, it's no longer allowed for anyone besides Heartsteal's character. If anyone decides to make a character that's not a New York native, then please specify in your character bio why they were present in NYC during the exile, e.g. Beta's character sheet for Marcus.
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION]: Go into the advanced editor and use the "manage attachments" thingy. Should let you delete it there. If not, let a mod or admin know and they can delete the attachment.
Another thing: As your GM, I'd like to hear from you all. Please, voice your questions, comments, concerns, opinions, or suggestions for this rp. ^__^
Or just tell me and I'll do all the work while SongBird takes all the glory. :3

Oh the thankless job of being a Co-GM.

​Kidding, SB. <3

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