Out of View(Highschool RP)


Magic Eight Ball
In a highschool out of the public eye, concealed by a thick forest, students all have something...different...about them. Each student has a special ability, specific to them. They all must stay together to keep away from the Laboratory, a society of scientists who know of these special teenagers; their ultimate goal being to hunt down and experiment on them.

(Students and a couple Scientists needed)

This is my first thread, cut me some slack..! >_<

Character Skeleton:

Name(First and last):


Age(teenager, or who appears to be one):


Appearance(Picture or description, but if you describe, be as vivid as possible):



Name(First and last): Estelle Cloves

Gender: Female

Age(teenager, or who appears to be one): 16

Ability: Can manipulate electricity and electric currents

Appearance(Picture or description, but if you describe, be as vivid as possible): View attachment 5137

Backround: Estelle was raised by her single mother, having to fend for herself most of the time. She made many friends on the street, and relyed on them more than her parent. She left her home at age fourteen, now living at the highschool in the forest as well as studying there.

Other: Estelle almost always has her Ipod in her back pocket and headphones in, but she can read lips fairly well, making this no problem.

Estelle also, due to her body's electric charge, shocks people when she touches them(mostly by accident).
Name(First and last): Leo Grave

Gender: Male

Age(teenager, or who appears to be one): 16

Ability: Blood control. (mainly my own). can move and change blood into what ever seems fit.

Appearance(Picture or description, but if you describe, be as vivid as possible): http://i10.glitter-graphics.org/pub/587/587510u1a0sp8x16.jpg

Background: Lived with his mother for most of his life. She died do to an earthquake that destroyed his home. So he left to go live with his father in japan. it was there he learned he had the power to manipulate blood. He was taken by the Laboratory. But he escaped. now Leo is living out in the school to hide from the horror that is the Laboratory.

Other: like in the pic Leo has a dragon tattoo on his neck.
Name(First and last): Jason Thorn


Age(teenager, or who appears to be one): 18

Ability: Fire Bend

Appearance(Picture or description, but if you describe, be as vivid as possible):


Background: Jason Thorn found out about his abilities when he was real young.. Both his parents died in a car accident when he was real young and he was put up for Adoption. but no one would adopt him since they had a bad feeling about him. He left when he turned 14 and wondered about his special abilities that he had. So he went on to learn to control his powers to control fire and make it form around him he started to notice these group of scientist wanting him to experiment on him and he denied and Ran away from them.. he now turned 18 years old and still running away from them.. meeting a group of teenagers with his different abilities

Other: The white trench coat he wears in the pic is wrong he wears a black trench coat..
Name: Heather Basal

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Ability: Extremely Flexible

Appearance: View attachment 5260

Backround: Heather had a very basic life. That is until her family found out she was probably the most flexible person in the world. She was a medical mystery. Her parents sent her away to the school, not wanting anything to do with her

Other: N/A
Ok, I think I'm gonna get this started up now~!

The school bell rang, and the crowd of students all rushed to their classes. Estelle, among the group, ran to class, carrying her books.
(still letting people in?)

Name:Aria Cyri

Gender: female

age: 17

looks: redish brown hair, unusual amythest eyes, meduim height. (my profile pic, but the hair color is a little off.)

Personality: kind, fun, practical

Ability:Brings art to life from any painting sketchbook etc.

backround:her parents were part of the laboratory that was expeirementing on the gifted kids. they never told anyone about her abilities and when it was found out that she was special her parents tried their best to protect her.in the struggle between her parents and a few other scientists, there was an explosion that caused the death of both of her parents. she wandered as she looked for a place to stay but no one would accept her. she was ready to give up when she heard of a school that may be her last chance to be happy again.
Aria walked up to the gate of the school she had heard about. looked down at the crystal necklace in her hand. i wonder if they will let me in since i never called in or registered.
Leo ran through the halls of the school. He had been here only a few weeks and he had already gotten use to school life. He ran passed the front door and saw a new girl. 'who's she?' he thought. but then he realized that he was late. 'damn!' he thought and he ran into class. Leo saw Estelle. "Hey Estelle." he called.
Aria walked into the school and started searching for the main office..her sense of direction was terrible and soon she found herself lost. this school isnt even complicated, but, where am i?
Leo stepped out of class. He walked down the hall. He saw the girl from before. She looked lost. "Excuse me. are you lost?" he asked in a nice voice.
Aria looked over at the boy. "yes" she felt embarrassed. "could you direct me to the main office? i still have to register."
Leo smiled. "sure." he said. He walked to the office. He pointed. "here you go." he said smiling. "my name is Leo. If you need anything else just call my name and I'll be there." he said smiling.
"thank you so much" she replied shyly. "im Aria, and, could you wait actually? i may need a tour guide."
Leo smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure." he said. He waited for Aria to come out of the office. 'wow what a beautiful girl.' he thought. 'I'm so glad i skipped class for this.'
Aria was glad to meet such a nice guy, not to mention cute. she quickly registered, she was lucky to get a single room. she walked out of the office. "first order of business, my dorm room." she picked up the bags shed left outside the office. "would the gentleman kindly escort me so i may deposit my things?" she joked.
Leo smiled and laughed a bit. "of course miss." he said. He began walking to the dorms. "So what can you do?" he asked. "I mean if you want to tell me." he said smiling. He continued. "oh what room are you in?" he asked. "just so i know where I'm going."
she handed him the paper with her room number on it. "i can bring any artwork to life. ive come to love art so much that i am always creating my own works so that i can practice with my abilities." she answered. "what about you?"
Leo smiled. "That's a cool power." he said. He continued walking. "I can control blood." he said reluctantly. "I know its a weird power but I like it." he said walking up to her room. "Well here we are." he said pointing at the door. "Do you need any thing else?" he asked
"interesting power." Aria put her things in her room and came right back out. "could you show me this class room?" she pointed to her schedule.
Name(First and last):Brady Harris

Gender: Male

Age(teenager, or who appears to be one):17

Ability:Plant Manipulation and made out of plant

Appearance(Picture or description, but if you describe, be as vivid as possible):


Backround: Was a child produced from rape and was sold to some scientist and they raised him as their own. They did do one experiment on him to change his body makeup to that of a plant and manipulate plants.

Other: Enjoys sugar and is usually thirsty
Leo looked at the paper. "oh that's funny. i'm in that class next." he said smiling. "Yeah sure once the bell rings ill show you there." he said.

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