Out of Soul Chat

Hmm... I wasn't getting notifs for my own OOC. I is sad now... :(

Also, I'm at a convention tomorrow but then I should be able to post for Jayce and Lexie.
;3 Did it work?
I was being a dungeon master in a living dungeon... and supporting my sister as she participated in and proceeded to receive an honorable mention in a costume contest. If that counts as socializing *cringes at the word*, then I guess yes.
:T "Yes"




*Sheds a tear* You monster. ; A ;
I had to support my little sister. I literally just sat in the back and said nothing. As for living dungeon stuff, I basically did the same stuff I do here in rp world, but with verbal speaking instead of writing. Is that so terrible???

*Breathes heavily while pushing up nerd glasses and dusty cheeto hands* Yes, Athena! There's no such thing as heart-warming family responsibility here.

<3 Nah, I'm just kidding. But being a dungeon master...IN AN ACTUAL DUNGEON?! Athena, that's like being a politician in an ACTUALLY stable government!

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