Out of Soul Chat

DaughterofAthena said:
From what I've seen, some people don't have the patience for writing their own thing. I honestly am not a big fan of doing it myself either because then it becomes very anticlimactic. If you're doing your own thing, you know everything that's gonna happen and thus have no reason/motivation to write it. That's just my thoughts on it, though.
Yeah at first i was just posting to post, but Lynn, Rose Tori and Bunny are going to find some person Rose remembers. Its off on a tangent from main plot, but still in crocus and the sort. So far its kind of fun but we took to long the other night so hopefully Dago, Shadow and I get to finish tonight.

@Deadeyelee Dont worry you arent missing much. Once applications open back up im sure youll fit in. Athena never fails to please over their either /overachiever
Kaine said:
Its off on a tangent from main plot, but still in crocus and the sort.
It's really not a side plot at all... you just don' t know how some things are connected.

Kaine said:
Athena never fails to please over their either /overachiever
...I suppose I am a bit of an overachiever aren't I... and I'm working on starting up another rp... I may have a minor problem.
DaughterofAthena said:
It's really not a side plot at all... you just don' t know how some things are connected.
...I suppose I am a bit of an overachiever aren't I... and I'm working on starting up another rp... I may have a minor problem.
The only time its a problem is when you cant handle it all. And yeah as far as plot, i know its connected somehow, because Dago is now a mod, and him and blur were supposedly talking about stuffs. Stuffs. lol So we will see. But overall i just like the interaction between those 4 girls. It feels good and different compared to even characters i have here. I look forward to future mermaid heel adventures.
*Random Dancing Ensues*

Kaine said:
Nope too late. *commits seppuku* *and one more time to ensure death*
Poor little thing. *poke poke* You okay?
Kaine said:
Nope too late. *commits seppuku* *and one more time to ensure death*
Not a fan of the random dancing then...

Keanehandiam said:
Poor little thing. *poke poke* You okay?
-joins in the poking- You alive in there?
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Keanehandiam said:
Poor little thing. *poke poke* You okay?
its too late. That video reminds me of caramelldansen and as soon as i thought of it, bam stuck in head. So @Hanarei Wins. T.T I'm go sit in the shame pit and die now. Actually i wish i had a computer, we need to post agains.
Youtube "Smoooooch" with 5 o's. Should be the first result. thats my cuteness overload for random dancing.
Hi guys,

If you don’t already know by now (and I know a few of you do), I have made the grievous mistake of lying to all of you with knowledge of what I was doing and in doing so, I’ve put myself into a hole I don’t think I can dig myself out of. Despite likely being unable to dig myself out, I am writing to you now to formally apologize for my actions and to explain myself. If at any point in this letter, it seems I become defensive, I apologize for that as well as it is completely unintentional.

I have gotten myself into a situation where I have multiple identities within this site. Though these identities were originally created with the intent of having more characters than I was allowed in another roleplay, I transferred some of these identities into my own roleplay as well and in doing so, I find myself in the situation of having lied to a few people within my own roleplay about who I really am. Here’s the truth of it:

I am DaughterofAthena.

I am Hales.

I am Sergeant Sass.

I am Violet Obsidian.

I am Ivory Witch.

I know not all of these identities mean anything here, but they are all me regardless. In the creation of all of these identities, I realize that I effectively lied to all of you and I admit that I knew what I was doing was wrong. It was at such a degree where I was enjoying writing so much that my knowledge that what I was doing was wrong escaped me for a while. Not only was it wrong because it was lying, but it was actually kind of silly given this is my own roleplay in the first place.

@AnnoDomini You’ve been the one solid partner I’ve had on any of my accounts that were lies and so I truly do feel you’re one of the ones I lied to the most in this. I created Jessyka for you because I felt terrible about telling you Keziah was free and she was not in all reality. I hope we can continue to be partners; I love where their journey was leading them as a duo and I am sorry for lying in the act of writing with you under a different name.

@QuirkyAngel @Cephalo @Arkytior @Hanarei I’m sorry a million times over for lying, especially when I probably could’ve just made the characters and been fine. If you would like to leave or anything of that sort, I do understand it. I know there are more than a fair few people who are going to struggle to trust me for a while again.

@Refaulted @Arkytior @Kaine I know you three have already had the opportunity to read one apology and I hope you’ll consider this me saying sorry again. I’ve lied too much to not say it again.

If I haven’t already said it enough, I’m sorry again. I’d say it a million times if I could but this really is getting long.

I do still intend to continue running this roleplay and my accounts will be merged so it will just be me and that I swear to uphold that single promise. If you would still stay and write a story with me, I promise also that it will continue to be as awesome as it has been so far. I really do have a passion for roleplaying, I have a passion for Soul Eater and I have every intention of remaining an active and productive member of the site in whatever way I can.

If you would forgive me, I would be most grateful. If you would like to leave, I will not hold you here. In fact, I won’t even PM you when you haven’t posted in two weeks. All inactivity notices will be on hold and for those who are still here in a month, if anyone, I’ll pick them back up and we can continue our story. I’ll still be roleplaying here the whole while with anyone who sticks around. If you would like to PM me and rant and/or scold me uncontrollably, go for it. I’ll read anything you send me and I won’t argue.

I do however have every intention of keeping this OOC peaceful so if you would have something to say, please kindly PM me and I am more than willing to listen. I would rather not discuss this here in the OOC and flood the thread.

Again, I'm entirely sorry for getting anyone tangled in the web of lies I wove and I will slowly be working to regain the trust of anyone who will offer me the chance.

I sign in a name, not that I took, but that was given to me by someone who was surprised I took it to heart. And from now on, it will be honestly me.

DaughterofAthena said:
Hi guys,

If you don’t already know by now (and I know a few of you do), I have made the grievous mistake of lying to all of you with knowledge of what I was doing and in doing so, I’ve put myself into a hole I don’t think I can dig myself out of. Despite likely being unable to dig myself out, I am writing to you now to formally apologize for my actions and to explain myself. If at any point in this letter, it seems I become defensive, I apologize for that as well as it is completely unintentional.

I have gotten myself into a situation where I have multiple identities within this site. Though these identities were originally created with the intent of having more characters than I was allowed in another roleplay, I transferred some of these identities into my own roleplay as well and in doing so, I find myself in the situation of having lied to a few people within my own roleplay about who I really am. Here’s the truth of it:

I am DaughterofAthena.

I am Hales.

I am Sergeant Sass.

I am Violet Obsidian.

I am Ivory Witch.

I know not all of these identities mean anything here, but they are all me regardless. In the creation of all of these identities, I realize that I effectively lied to all of you and I admit that I knew what I was doing was wrong. It was at such a degree where I was enjoying writing so much that my knowledge that what I was doing was wrong escaped me for a while. Not only was it wrong because it was lying, but it was actually kind of silly given this is my own roleplay in the first place.

@AnnoDomini You’ve been the one solid partner I’ve had on any of my accounts that were lies and so I truly do feel you’re one of the ones I lied to the most in this. I created Jessyka for you because I felt terrible about telling you Keziah was free and she was not in all reality. I hope we can continue to be partners; I love where their journey was leading them as a duo and I am sorry for lying in the act of writing with you under a different name.

@QuirkyAngel @Cephalo @Arkytior @Hanarei I’m sorry a million times over for lying, especially when I probably could’ve just made the characters and been fine. If you would like to leave or anything of that sort, I do understand it. I know there are more than a fair few people who are going to struggle to trust me for a while again.

@Refaulted @Arkytior @Kaine I know you three have already had the opportunity to read one apology and I hope you’ll consider this me saying sorry again. I’ve lied too much to not say it again.

If I haven’t already said it enough, I’m sorry again. I’d say it a million times if I could but this really is getting long.

I do still intend to continue running this roleplay and my accounts will be merged so it will just be me and that I swear to uphold that single promise. If you would still stay and write a story with me, I promise also that it will continue to be as awesome as it has been so far. I really do have a passion for roleplaying, I have a passion for Soul Eater and I have every intention of remaining an active and productive member of the site in whatever way I can.

If you would forgive me, I would be most grateful. If you would like to leave, I will not hold you here. In fact, I won’t even PM you when you haven’t posted in two weeks. All inactivity notices will be on hold and for those who are still here in a month, if anyone, I’ll pick them back up and we can continue our story. I’ll still be roleplaying here the whole while with anyone who sticks around. If you would like to PM me and rant and/or scold me uncontrollably, go for it. I’ll read anything you send me and I won’t argue.

I do however have every intention of keeping this OOC peaceful so if you would have something to say, please kindly PM me and I am more than willing to listen. I would rather not discuss this here in the OOC and flood the thread.

Again, I'm entirely sorry for getting anyone tangled in the web of lies I wove and I will slowly be working to regain the trust of anyone who will offer me the chance.

I sign in a name, not that I took, but that was given to me by someone who was surprised I took it to heart. And from now on, it will be honestly me.


I waited for you to post this here before i said anything as i cant say much for the other RP. But now i can express how i feel.

When it comes down to the basic of basic, in all honesty i don't feel decieved, betrayed or hurt, while at the same time, its not a laughing matter, or funny, or joking. I feel like this is a serious issue, because i get that for you its a serious issue. I think you obviously know that you have hurt some, and you want to correct that, otherwise this would have continued, instead of you trying to fix it.

To the point, I understand why you did it. I have found myself, many times, where i wanted to do more than make one character, or try new ideas. I've done this exactl thing on other games ive played that had similar rules, "one character/one account". Its one of the reasons i had the unfortunate problem of making 5 characters for the damn FT rp. But i also feel like unlike most, you may feel the same about RPing as i do.

It hasnt really been until recently that i realized RPing is a passion that i absolutely love. It is not a hobby, it is not a pasttime. It is something i put my life into and i dont just find free time, i make time. Its why im on here so often, its why ive been a member of this website for over 6 years. I'm not trying to degrade anyone else here, but i dont feel that many reach that level of intensity for roleplaying. Your own dedication exceeds even mine and honestly i find myself jealous more than anything.

But more than any of that, I consider you my Friend. I dont say that for many. I realize we may not talk on a personal level, but i have always felt like you treated me fairly, even in the face of some of the most obscene and outragious ideas i get. I see how you treat everyone else, and even when some who you trusted turned their back, you remained professional and mature. Not many here on RpN can or have done that, including myself. It would be stupid to hold something some minial against you, and thats my opinion.

What i would like to see if all your characters and such consolidated under which ever account you choose. I think you should be proud of the work youve done, and show it under the username that you consider is you. I don't know how you feel and i cant begin to imagine but i hope this helps you yourself overcome it, and feel better about yourself.

I cant speak for everyone, but as it stands, i still have your back. <3

PS: i know you said no flooding OOC sorry, but i want everyone to know my stance. You can delete it, there will be no hard feelings and you need not reply either.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Hi guys,

If you don’t already know by now (and I know a few of you do), I have made the grievous mistake of lying to all of you with knowledge of what I was doing and in doing so, I’ve put myself into a hole I don’t think I can dig myself out of. Despite likely being unable to dig myself out, I am writing to you now to formally apologize for my actions and to explain myself. If at any point in this letter, it seems I become defensive, I apologize for that as well as it is completely unintentional.

I have gotten myself into a situation where I have multiple identities within this site. Though these identities were originally created with the intent of having more characters than I was allowed in another roleplay, I transferred some of these identities into my own roleplay as well and in doing so, I find myself in the situation of having lied to a few people within my own roleplay about who I really am. Here’s the truth of it:

I am DaughterofAthena.

I am Hales.

I am Sergeant Sass.

I am Violet Obsidian.

I am Ivory Witch.

I know not all of these identities mean anything here, but they are all me regardless. In the creation of all of these identities, I realize that I effectively lied to all of you and I admit that I knew what I was doing was wrong. It was at such a degree where I was enjoying writing so much that my knowledge that what I was doing was wrong escaped me for a while. Not only was it wrong because it was lying, but it was actually kind of silly given this is my own roleplay in the first place.

@AnnoDomini You’ve been the one solid partner I’ve had on any of my accounts that were lies and so I truly do feel you’re one of the ones I lied to the most in this. I created Jessyka for you because I felt terrible about telling you Keziah was free and she was not in all reality. I hope we can continue to be partners; I love where their journey was leading them as a duo and I am sorry for lying in the act of writing with you under a different name.

@QuirkyAngel @Cephalo @Arkytior @Hanarei I’m sorry a million times over for lying, especially when I probably could’ve just made the characters and been fine. If you would like to leave or anything of that sort, I do understand it. I know there are more than a fair few people who are going to struggle to trust me for a while again.

@Refaulted @Arkytior @Kaine I know you three have already had the opportunity to read one apology and I hope you’ll consider this me saying sorry again. I’ve lied too much to not say it again.

If I haven’t already said it enough, I’m sorry again. I’d say it a million times if I could but this really is getting long.

I do still intend to continue running this roleplay and my accounts will be merged so it will just be me and that I swear to uphold that single promise. If you would still stay and write a story with me, I promise also that it will continue to be as awesome as it has been so far. I really do have a passion for roleplaying, I have a passion for Soul Eater and I have every intention of remaining an active and productive member of the site in whatever way I can.

If you would forgive me, I would be most grateful. If you would like to leave, I will not hold you here. In fact, I won’t even PM you when you haven’t posted in two weeks. All inactivity notices will be on hold and for those who are still here in a month, if anyone, I’ll pick them back up and we can continue our story. I’ll still be roleplaying here the whole while with anyone who sticks around. If you would like to PM me and rant and/or scold me uncontrollably, go for it. I’ll read anything you send me and I won’t argue.

I do however have every intention of keeping this OOC peaceful so if you would have something to say, please kindly PM me and I am more than willing to listen. I would rather not discuss this here in the OOC and flood the thread.

Again, I'm entirely sorry for getting anyone tangled in the web of lies I wove and I will slowly be working to regain the trust of anyone who will offer me the chance.

I sign in a name, not that I took, but that was given to me by someone who was surprised I took it to heart. And from now on, it will be honestly me.


While I am surprised, I'm not mad and I don't plan to leave...though I've been really busy with work recently. I'm glad you took the initiative to be honest with us.
Kaine said:
its too late. That video reminds me of caramelldansen and as soon as i thought of it, bam stuck in head. So @Hanarei Wins. T.T I'm go sit in the shame pit and die now. Actually i wish i had a computer, we need to post agains.
You just HAD to mention it by name didn't you?

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