Out of Soul Chat

DaughterofAthena said:
The only thing you had to get out of the poem was that opening the box unleashed a bunch of ghosts.
it was written nicely if that makes you feel better. I just dont get poems. Or prose, or any of the other ones. My mind doesnt think like that i guess. <3
Kaine said:
it was written nicely if that makes you feel better.
Sergeant wrote it... not me. She wanted it to sound pretty and I think she did a really good job of it. I just told her some of the small little pieces that needed to be include. The ghosts were one of them. She got stuck so she wrote a poem.
DaughterofAthena said:
Sergeant wrote it... not me. She wanted it to sound pretty and I think she did a really good job of it. I just told her some of the small little pieces that needed to be include. The ghosts were one of them. She got stuck so she wrote a poem.
Best part about expressing yourself in written form, it comes in any shape and form. @Sergeant Sass
Arkytior said:
THANK YOU! Some of my friends know who David Tennant is, but they haven't seen Jessica Jones yet cause some stupid reason. It's somewhat sad to say that I'm a sucker for the type of character Kilgrave is, and I do agree, he's totally realistic, and his background that made him who he is works well. I think they did a great job and I cried when I found a video that said the head person didn't think Kilgrave would make an appearance in season 2.
Like it's ridiculous? A lot of my friends love David Tennant but they're not that into Marvel or they don't have the time or they only watch Marvel Cinematic OR ONE FRIEND WHO STARTS THINGS BUT NEVER FINISHES ANYTHING GFDI oh god his origin story was just so aaghh like on one hand that's a really shitty life you got there boy like wowee i do not want to be you and it's like "ok i see why you're a little fucked in the head" and he's so clearly not over it but like just because you've got a shit life doesn't mean you get a free pass to do a shit on so many other people. like you understand where things went wrong (and also that power in general is basically perfect for a really good horrible villain like killgrave or a way too hellla angsty anti hero type of person) and there are points where you just feel so bad for him and it's like aahhhh you writers did so well in making killgrave lifelike and realistic because human sentiment changes so easily with the intake of new information but then everything reveals all along that he's just a grand old asshole
DaughterofAthena said:
Some of the people here probably will join as soon as it opens back up again. At least... I hope some would consider.
I considered joining a while back...but I didn't want to join a fandom without first reading/watching the manga/anime. And FT is suuuper long...
Cephalo said:
Like it's ridiculous? A lot of my friends love David Tennant but they're not that into Marvel or they don't have the time or they only watch Marvel Cinematic OR ONE FRIEND WHO STARTS THINGS BUT NEVER FINISHES ANYTHING GFDI oh god his origin story was just so aaghh like on one hand that's a really shitty life you got there boy like wowee i do not want to be you and it's like "ok i see why you're a little fucked in the head" and he's so clearly not over it but like just because you've got a shit life doesn't mean you get a free pass to do a shit on so many other people. like you understand where things went wrong (and also that power in general is basically perfect for a really good horrible villain like killgrave or a way too hellla angsty anti hero type of person) and there are points where you just feel so bad for him and it's like aahhhh you writers did so well in making killgrave lifelike and realistic because human sentiment changes so easily with the intake of new information but then everything reveals all along that he's just a grand old asshole
My friend was just weird, she hasn't watched it yet. But for a reason I was copying down some of the script from episode 8 and the beginning of 9 and I showed it to her and she was like WTF haven't I watched this yet? I nearly screamed in delight~

My thoughts on why he did what he did was because of how he grew up he literally had no one to tell him no. I don't really think he understood that what he was doing was wrong because having grown up getting/doing whatever he wanted, he thought that in the real world, everything he wanted was okay. But yeah, he doesn't get a free pass, but that's my thoughts on why and everything lol

I'm not entirely sure yet if in episode 8 when he and Jessica saved that family, when he was talking about how he could change, that he meant what he told her about them working together and stuff. I wonder if he just said that stuff before she took that really long walk because he thought it would make her stay.

And YES he is a great villain. Everyone did a great job and I can't wait to see what happens next season, even if Kilgrave doesn't come back, despite how I feel lol

ALSO! I remembered what I wanted to say earlier lol

The only thing I didn't like about the show was the sex scenes. Like...it's rated MA sure, but are they really necessary?
Arkytior said:
The only thing I didn't like about the show was the sex scenes. Like...it's rated MA sure, but are they really necessary?

i think they are one hundred percent necessary and not just for the sexy happy fun times but because in all those situations where jessica is having sex, she is doing it of her own volition. this is her taking her life back from killgrave even after so long and it's taking her ages to do and it's her mastering her sexuality, something that was ripped to shreds away from her early on and to see her, a rape victim, take back her sexuality is so enjoyable. like she's the one that initiates it and dictates it and is in the position of power which is so good for her personal growth and i just feel like she should be able to enjoy sex because that probably requires so much out of her and it's just such good character growth
Cephalo said:
i think they are one hundred percent necessary and not just for the sexy happy fun times but because in all those situations where jessica is having sex, she is doing it of her own volition. this is her taking her life back from killgrave even after so long and it's taking her ages to do and it's her mastering her sexuality, something that was ripped to shreds away from her early on and to see her, a rape victim, take back her sexuality is so enjoyable. like she's the one that initiates it and dictates it and is in the position of power which is so good for her personal growth and i just feel like she should be able to enjoy sex because that probably requires so much out of her and it's just such good character growth
Oh, no I just mean showing so much of it on screen. It just wasn't something I wanted to watch. And Jessica wasn't the only one, Trish was with Simpson and I really didn't see the point of their scene. I dunno. I just didn't care to watch it.
Cephalo said:
i think they are one hundred percent necessary and not just for the sexy happy fun times but because in all those situations where jessica is having sex, she is doing it of her own volition. this is her taking her life back from killgrave even after so long and it's taking her ages to do and it's her mastering her sexuality, something that was ripped to shreds away from her early on and to see her, a rape victim, take back her sexuality is so enjoyable. like she's the one that initiates it and dictates it and is in the position of power which is so good for her personal growth and i just feel like she should be able to enjoy sex because that probably requires so much out of her and it's just such good character growth
I heard sex, what show is this?
Arkytior said:
Oh, no I just mean showing so much of it on screen. It just wasn't something I wanted to watch. And Jessica wasn't the only one, Trish was with Simpson and I really didn't see the point of their scene. I dunno. I just didn't care to watch it.
i think it's the fact that the director so put them having sex is just their way of saying this show is about women enjoying themselves and it's an activity both of them take pleasure in (*wink wink*) so it's like yeah they're all about pro-sexuality here in Hell's Kitchen.

the trish and simpson scene was something i was a bit iffy about at first but then i thought about how it colored their interactions later on and it really worked. like this isn't a monogamous thing and no one's being slut shamed, it was a casual sexual relationship between two consenting adults and when simpson goes all alpha male with jess and trish and trish basically tells him to back the fuck down just because they had sex doesn't mean he has a say in her life is like hah that's something a lot of those male types have to figure out. having sex with a girl doesn't mean they have a say in her life and seeing it portrayed so starkly was really well done.

i kinda saw the sex scenes as really good way to show character for both of them and, yeah, they could be shorter, but i think the point of it was to be in your face, these women are owning their sexuality sort of idea. but it's understandable if you didn't like it, i've always been mostly indifferent to sex scenes so it was whatever for me.

Cephalo said:
i think it's the fact that the director so put them having sex is just their way of saying this show is about women enjoying themselves and it's an activity both of them take pleasure in (*wink wink*) so it's like yeah they're all about pro-sexuality here in Hell's Kitchen.
the trish and simpson scene was something i was a bit iffy about at first but then i thought about how it colored their interactions later on and it really worked. like this isn't a monogamous thing and no one's being slut shamed, it was a casual sexual relationship between two consenting adults and when simpson goes all alpha male with jess and trish and trish basically tells him to back the fuck down just because they had sex doesn't mean he has a say in her life is like hah that's something a lot of those male types have to figure out. having sex with a girl doesn't mean they have a say in her life and seeing it portrayed so starkly was really well done.

i kinda saw the sex scenes as really good way to show character for both of them and, yeah, they could be shorter, but i think the point of it was to be in your face, these women are owning their sexuality sort of idea. but it's understandable if you didn't like it, i've always been mostly indifferent to sex scenes so it was whatever for me.

lol Sorry not sorry =P

I can get and understand that, but yeah. It didn't need to be so long imo. I also think they might have been contrasting the whole rape idea and consensual, in Jessica's case at least. Character development wise it worked, but preference wise (if that makes sense lol) I just think it might've been a bit much. Luckily it's easy to fast forward on Netflix lol

For a split second I thought Simpson was okay but then I was just like no. I mean, he's a cop right? You would think he would be for arresting Kilgrave and getting Hope free, but I guess the whole pill thing towards the end kinda explained that. Also, is he dead? It seemed like he was, but who knows in Marvel

I look forward to seeing the who IGH thing explained in season 2 as well.
I think he's stupid as shit and the only thing he was there for was to be used by Kilgrave and give Trish a boost in her confidence or something. Prove she's better than she thought or whatever. I just did not like him.
Well. I just crammed 6 weeks of college Buisness math homework into a single hour.

Time bows to my will.

I can smell the colors.


they mean you should probably continue for five more months to cover your fixed costs unless your unit expenses rise by 10%, then you should close the doors, and go home. And never come back.
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* pokes in head, and then turns into a witch * " Hiya my fellow lovelies~ i was wondering if I could join he party <3 " ( party = rp )
lostsoul said:
* pokes in head, and then turns into a witch * " Hiya my fellow lovelies~ i was wondering if I could join he party <3 " ( party = rp )
You are always more than welcome to join. We are a random bunch of peeps. (not the marshmellow kind) I personally hope you join, i love seeing the ideas people come up with. So uhm, welcome.

lostsoul said:
so umm... where are all the roleplayers? in OOC?
Yes some days are very quiet. Today for me was a busy day between therapist and work and im finally home and ready to work on. :D You can also discuss ideas here if you want more ideas/opinions.
I pretty much on 24/7 when not asleep, which is why I wonder what is happening in rp's a lot, when no one is posting. and I told a joke.. because look at the replies count on all the threads xD
Really sick right now so might be slow throwing up any responses. Sorry if I hold anyone up, hopefully I feel better soon at least to the extent my brain isn't so mushy.

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