Out of Character Trash Here

Can we start? I think everyone is done with their cs, and there's definitely ways to incorporate them into the story later on if they want to join or make another character
Sorry it's taking me so long to finish my CS, my creative juices aren't flowing and I am suffering from a massive writers block.
I crying about the state of the United States right now with this election, excuse my sighing as this election goes on.
The voting system is rigged when it comes to the votes on the presidential candidates so don't worry about voting for them. Instead, vote for more important things like the laws or changes to your state. Like the legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana.
It isn't rigged necessarily, it's just the electoral college gets to pick whomever they want while the popular vote gets blind sighted. 

@SolistheSun - I know, but I made some major changes to her CS. I just want to know if she is still acceptable.

Yassssss she issssssss 
I really think I should let everyone know that their wand's wood is based off the user's birthday in the Celtic Wood Calendar.




December 24 - January 20


January 21 - Feb. 17


Feb. 18 - Mar. 17 - Cedric Diggory, Ron Weasley’s first wand


Mar. 18 - Apr. 14


Apr. 15 - May 12 Lily Evans and Ron Weasley’s second wand


May 13 - June 9 Draco Malfoy


June 10 - July 7 Hagrid


July 8 - Aug. 4 Harry Potter


Aug. 5 - Sept. 1


Sept. 2 - Sept. 29 Hermione Granger


Sept. 30 - Oct. 27


Oct. 28 - Nov. 24


Nov. 25 - Dec. 23 Well, we all know who had the Elder wand. 
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Lol, I guess that means my character doesn't have a birthday since she has a redwood wand according to this chart.
That was Rowling's original logic, but the selection has expanded a lot since then. Wand woods are now more tied to a person's personality and way of life. There's a list of all of them and their meanings on Pottermore. Wand cores deal with the soul or spirit of a person, flexibility deals with how much you stand by your opinions and how willing you are to accept new ideas, and length correlates to both height and heart (Hagrid's being the largest and Umbridge's being the shortest, due to her personality). At least, that's what I've come to understand about them.
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That was Rowling's original logic, but the selection has expanded a lot since then. Wand woods are now more tied to a person's personality and way of life. There's a list of all of them and their meanings on Pottermore. Wand cores deal with the soul or spirit of a person, flexibility deals with how much you stand by your opinions and how willing you are to accept new ideas, and length correlates to both height and heart (Hagrid's being the largest and Umbridge's being the shortest, due to her personality). At least, that's what I've come to understand about them.

That pretty much explains it; that and the fact wands are magically sentient and have 'minds' of their own. Not that they make their own magic, but rather react differently to dif. situations/ their welding wizard. 

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