• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Out of Character [Please Read the OP]


The Man Among Gods
Please be Respectful and Use Common Courtesy.

Which means please be respectful to other players, especially in OOC chats, if you have a problem with someone you either let me or a Rp Nation moderator know if things are that serious (which it had better not be), Otherwise please just work with each-other, be respectful of each-other, and just let the bad blood be water under the bridge here in AG. <strong>You don't need any drama, and we sure as hell don't need any Drama anywhere out of character.</strong>

Please refer to both RpN's Guidelines as well as the Golden Rules for AG and guidelines listed for skype here.

We Do have a Skype AND a Discord group run by myself, if you wish to join the skype group please send me a private message here on RpNation and we will discuss it from there.
The same rules here also Apply to our Skype Group, anything illegal or NSFW will have minimal tolerance.

If you cause Drama/Problems externally in Skype or otherwise you Will be kicked from Among Gods immediately and reported to the proper Mods/Administration.

You will be asked to stop immediately the first time around, the second time around you will be kicked and banned. There is minimal tolerance for any kind of awful behavior, as this was why we were forced to leave MSPAF in the first place due to some bad eggs causing a riot there. (There is also Bonzo, who is a Moderator) are able to take action should anything get out of control or extremely serious or troubling if I am not presently around.) But please remember, part of the effort to prevent this sort of behavior/situations from occurring is up to you to personally block anybody who causes issues, avoid them, and help prevent them from affecting or harassing anyone else by alerting the proper authorities.

The Skype group and Discord group is otherwise For chats and hangouts, Collaboration within Among gods or otherwise, and Questions for me. 

For the skype: If there is an extended discussion or a lengthy conversation, please try to stay on topic and keep relevant if possible, and I trust everyone will know WHEN to move a extended discussion somewhere else as well, as some people may be only interested in the Skype group for AG related things or for the occasional short tangent discussion, so please be mindful of lengthy conversations! It is also a way i can let you guys know when i update ahead of time, and just in general get to know eachother/hang out!

Do <strong>NOT</strong> call the skype group chat, it's extremely annoying and it's highly likely most likely that nobody CAN answer or WANT TO answer. Unless on an extremely rare case where everyone's agreed to go for a call or something, under no circumstances should there ever be a call in the chat.

<strong>If</strong> a another group chat is made from the AG skype group for one reason or another, <strong>I am in no way responsible for it</strong>, (unless I am the one who makes it or takes responsibility for it.) and if drama is created in these separate groups, keep that said drama OUT of AG.

Finally, if you are going to send images over skype,Please use a image hosting website to provide a external link Some people are limited to Skype Mobile only, and we should respect their needs to keep their data bills from exploding if possible!
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NOTICE: We're still currently getting things organized, so posting here may be slow!
Neow is a wombat pass it on

All hail our glorious leader Neow46 - what's our schedule for commencement?
First to get a headcount, get all the Exodus people back in and ready, then get shit GOIN again

... Ahem. Present and ready to start when we're all ready.
Reminder Im requiring everyone to resubmit their apps to me in either a PM or int eh Character sign up tab please.
Yo! Present and accounted for.

(Also, dat mellow mood is just reminding me of the 'Best Zelda Rap'. Google it if you wanna know what i'm talking about...)
Alright Im planning to get things all ready again By this weekend! As in we'll start around there!

Those who haven't gotten their stuff in yet, dont worry! just get it all in as soon as you can!
Reminder! Those who haven't posted their apps can still post them even after i start Ag back up tommorrow!

(lol, "ghost of Christmas present" the ghost of the last Christmas present)

post count: 2 (wow, much amaze.)
Kalos and Misfortunes Apps have been added to the player list!

Koya and Danielle will be added soon as Bonzo's done with em'!
I was told to come introduce myself so... Hi, I'm VV, and I'm addicted to introducing myself like I'm at a support group for people addicted to things xD

But on a more serious note, wotcher, I've got the character Kerri the World Walker and I look forward to doing this RP cos it definitely looks interesting and well built.
@ferociousfeind Rule 9 Primarily only applies OUTSIDE of Character. It's waaay more acceptable for your character to be a dick or rude in MOST cases so long as it's clear that's how the character is.
@Veirrianna Valentine 's Characters, Byron and Kerri have Been added!

Update is complete!
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