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Futuristic Out of Character [Please Read the OP]

Hey @Neow46. I'm having a little bit of a herd time puting a post together for this update. I definitly know that Byron would demand to know about the gods that had attacked them, but I don't really think that would make for a decently long post right now.
Dont worry about having it be a VERY long post, just enough for something that i can work with.
Neow46 said:
Dont worry about having it be a VERY long post, just enough for something that i can work with.
Alright. Also, sorry for not posting last time. It was just kinda hard to work with.

I made a new meme for your eyeballs. Or if you don't have eyeballs just rub your hands across the screen, it has pretty much the same effect as looking.
arcaneSentinel said:
I tried that already. I meant the context.
Coatl, Kalos, and I have been around each other in the rp for a while, and we have been showing basically those personalities. It's a caricature.
Oh I see. Do Byron next! Lol.

He's probably still basically Elsa.
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The premise for this looks intriguing. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can follow with all that's gone on in so many pages of play, and would likely be lost in terms of the greater story. Could anyone enlighten me, perhaps a little overview of "last week on Among Gods"?
"last week on Among Gods"
Personae dramatis:


(GM's PC, no touching); Wolf-sort-of-Goddess. Mute, uses holographic projection to talk. Given enormous power in the form of the Gauntlet with world-changing properties. Was supposed to become a puppet of;


(NPC, big bad); Fully fledged, world-eating dragon God. Unusually he can't directly control the game world, and failed to immediately corrupt Eli to his purposes. Can however steal people away to pocket dimensions. Recently got into a huge metadimensional war over the game world which limits his influence further

for now

. Currently is spying through Misfortune's modifier and trying to get everyone to murder each other.


(NPC, Goddess, dead); Xenoth's mentor/God-mother/minder. Felt bad about her student turning out to be lizardhitler, died in a big fight but not before handing over her Magic Stick to Meilikki (longest surviving PC, for good reason).

The Keeper

(NPC); Ancient ghostly type, does his best to be as spooky and cryptic as his role requires. Ostensibly a good guy.

The player characters

; a ragtag bunch of misfits of varying power, personalities and sanity with nothing to lose except their minds, limbs, bodily functions, tempers and sense of proportion. Are doing a


job of being the only hope for this world to not fall into chaos or something. Stretch the definition of good guys.

The nicer NPCs

; a raggier and taggier horde of partially furry soldier-bandits called the Marauders. Supposedly led by Eli, but in reality the shots are called by Delphi (NPC) who's in charge by virtue of being the loudest and angriest.

What's been going down;

From the beginning:

The game world is pretty unusual - it's only part baked and seems to attract wandering souls (PCs, most NPCs, at least two entire spaceships) from other dimensions. It's got a native(?) infestation of blasphemous monsters that scare


Served with a side of mystery, copious conflict and shenanigans.


"Low" gods, with the strength of Merlin and Achilles' lovechild and the sense of a bag of chickens are all after the magic Xenoth put into the world in Eli's Gauntlet and some of the PCs Modifiers. Some actually might be good guys. Or at least not bad enough to be enemies. Yet.

Right now:

Everyone's partying, playing music, falling in love or trying to kill each other in the Marauder Camp, which surrounds the Safehouse, which is shielded by a big glowing dome projected by the Keeper to keep ruffian low gods out.
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Hey everyone, I understand this update may be a little bit lackluster and I do apologize, however:

If you feel you're unable to post or don't have much to respond to, please let me know and don't be afraid to shoot me questions of where to prolly go in terms of characters and so on! Just try not to overload me with questions though please! I am still only one man!

Yo. I hope you don't mind me being out for a bit. I'm not too sure when I'm going to get back, but it shouldn't be too long. I hope.
arcaneSentinel said:
Yo. I hope you don't mind me being out for a bit. I'm not too sure when I'm going to get back, but it shouldn't be too long. I hope.
It's alright! thanks for lettin me know! Take care and hope to see you soon!
@Space Face @Neuton @Razyn @Azure Sky

Apologies once again, but i guess i can't hold promises anymore.

Going to have to delay everything for another week very unfortunately due to finals bringing some insane amount of stress. Just please be patient all! Especially the two who are waiting to get in!

(Note though, you're both definitely accepted!)
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