Out-of-Character Chat

Skittle buddy is online! Woot! *Smiles brightly.*

But its not the right skittle buddy to finish my post. *Smile briefly turns to frown.*
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]Skittle buddy is online! Woot! *Smiles brightly.*
But its not the right skittle buddy to finish my post. *Smile briefly turns to frown.*

wow i see how I rank here -_-
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]Skittle buddy is online! Woot! *Smiles brightly.*
But its not the right skittle buddy to finish my post. *Smile briefly turns to frown.*

*casually sneaking in the background*
Sergeant Sass]Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! THE RIGHT SKITTLE BUDDY IS HERE! I still love you [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10576-deadgurlxd/ said:
@DeadgurlXD[/URL] ; I just don't need Stapes or Valeska for my post unless you want to throw them in, but I don't know what they would do.
I feel so special xD
I was gonna try and post but some stuff just happened and I'm not feeling up to it. I'll try tomorrow but I'll be in and out tonight
I'll still probably end up writing but I'll probably post no matter what tomorrow.
Not at all, but I want to warn you that we're tougher than 90% of the roleplays out there. You picked one of the ones with the highest standards >.>
Feartheghost said:
Well, I'm used to roleplaying, but I haven't done much text based before. Hopefully it won't be to big a jump.
I recently got into text-based RPs, too, coming from table tops. It's not a hard transition at all. You'll be fine! :D
Depends a bit. Tabletop roleplaying is more equitable to chat-based roleplaying with one-liners and all, since it's more back and forth talking and chatting between players. This is more like novel writing, where you have to be creative enough to write significant amounts of text on your own.
I have been revived from the depths of hell known as school!!!!! I wish to interact with the living souls of RPnation once again!!!
LifeNovel said:
I have been revived from the depths of hell known as school!!!!! I wish to interact with the living souls of RPnation once again!!!
Hi! There always seem to be people I don't know coming back. It only goes to show how awesome this rp is.
Hales said:
Hi! There always seem to be people I don't know coming back. It only goes to show how awesome this rp is.
Oh I already like you!!!

You're a Skittles Dragon Queen, eh?

That must be fun!

DeadgurlXD said:
I know the feels O.o
Oh don't worry this is just the beginning :D

You shall feel many things you have never felt before

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