Out-of-Character Chat

simj22 said:
Ayyy, @Hales tsundere is a term used to describe girls that play uh...hard to get. Like, super hard to get, even if they dont know it. The whole
"I didn't do this for you" shtick and "its not like I like you or anything, baka."
Ok. Thank you for that explanation although I think Piper's game would be playing impossible to get. She hates men too much and I have never been able to picture her with another woman.
You know what I just remembered? Ref and I used to always post at the same time, I hope that doesn't happen again xD
I don't think she'll be forever alone... Piper just needs to get over her hatred of men and that's going to take meeting/getting to know quite a few men who are actually good before any progress is made.
Someone who doesn't rape women or kill the families of innocent children or kill healers who are only trying to help people... for starters. Most of Piper's experience with men has fallen into one of these three categories so I don't really blame her for hating them.
I don't really know this Piper character since I haven't RPed with her as one of my characters yet, so I can't think of any accurate ship...
It will still take quite a few, though. Her douche bag father is still alive and I intend for her to encounter him at some point which will destroy any progress that might have been made before that point although afterwards there is potential for growth.

Piper is currently in Team All Fiore and she has a 11 year old companion who is a crazy light mage. The pair is a lot of fun to rp. Her companion, Kyla, is rped by @Kyra... my little sister and we have a lot of fun making their posts because Kyla's insanity is kinda awesome.
" Buying a cake for Christmas is a Japanese tradition. But these cakes have a definite expiration date — no one wants to eat Christmas cake after December 25th. And no matter how attractive a woman is, it's said, no Japanese male will want to marry her after she's 25. Thus, "Christmas Cake" is used as a metaphor term for a woman rendered unmarriageable because she is past the freshness of her youth; roughly equivalent to "Old Maid.""

If you miss one alert, you miss one hundred pages of OOC talk...

I probably wouldn't have had much to contribute to the conversation.

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