Out-of-Character Chat

Yeaaaaahhhhh no


But seriously this bothers me.

While the four main games I've been playing recently are with me, there are other games I took a break from/haven't started that I enjoy and want to play. So this is really upsetting me. In that small case I think I squeezed up to at least 15 games in there. About half 3DS games and the rest regular ds games from, say, Disc Replay.

And I want that Diancie event for ORAS, and to get it I need my version of X, which is in my case.
The thing just vanished though. I thought I left it in my grandmothers car last week, so I wasn't too concerned but she came and got me Friday and it wasn't there. So I have absolutely no idea where it could've gone. I've searched my grandmothers car, my mothers car, my room and nothing.

When I was at my dads I didn't think it was there so I didn't bother looking for it, and now that's the only place left that it could be. :/
Maybe your grandma put it somewhere safe? Have you asked her yet?

Or maybe Kaine really ate it, he's a growing man y'know?
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]It's got to be somewhere. Did you bring it somewhere outside your house?

I don't believe so cause the last time I remember using it was when I was forced into a skirt for the day and had to carry a small purse. I took out some games and put them in the purse along with my ds and my phone and left for school. I had a debate that I had to dress up for then didn't get home until reallllll late because I had Mathletes as well. I just forgot about it from then I guess. :/

Literally no idea what happened to it.
S̶h̶h̶h̶h̶h̶h̶,̶ ̶K̶a̶i̶n̶e,̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶t̶r̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶i̶p̶ ̶I̶n̶f̶i̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶O̶f̶f̶.̶
Find a used copy at your game store and I'll lower the price by ten dollars. You don't get deals like that at your average adult xxx hardware store!

Kaine... how could you? After all we have been through ;(.

He's on my side Overly! Don't you dare lie to him with your whispers of nothing!
I am just trying to give you a good price ;(. We're both on your side.

/transforms into salesmen Overly like a magical girl would.
/fixes glasses, causing a glint of light to appear in corner

"Success, of course, is always mine."

/hand on hip pose
/holds out hand, showing paper

"I hear food stamps work wonders. Here, I got you some."

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