Out-of-Character Chat

*Blinks* So let me get this straight...Infy is a cat, Black is an angel, BLUR is Catman and Uny is a robot\android\GLaDOS\Not GLaDOS...Anybody else has a secret identity we don't know about!?
[QUOTE="The Servant]*Blinks* So let me get this straight...Infy is a cat, Black is an angel, BLUR is Catman and Uny is a robot\android\GLaDOS\Not GLaDOS...Anybody else has a secret identity we don't know about!?

Is your mental capacity lower then that of a potato... Or is your section of your brain where you take in words broken. Perhaps you are just an idiot.

Do you know what the best cure for idiocy is... Deadly Neurotoxin
Unyielding said:
Is your mental capacity lower then that of a potato... Or is your section of your brain where you take in words broken. Perhaps you are just an idiot.
Do you know what the best cure for idiocy is... Deadly Neurotoxin
Are...Are you calling me a potato?...
[QUOTE="The Servant]Are...Are you calling me a potato?...

No for that would be an insult to all potatoes everywhere. At least they have uses. A working battery, nourishment, projectiles, ect. while you are useless. However science has proven that you are indeed more dumber then an potato. In fact I would rather how This potato in my hand run my experiments without in formal training then your waste of space self.
Unyielding said:
No for that would be an insult to all potatoes everywhere. At least they have uses. A working battery, nourishment, projectiles, ect. while you are useless. However science has proven that you are indeed more dumber then an potato. In fact I would rather how This potato in my hand run my experiments without in formal training then your waste of space self.
But you are wrong my dear Uny...I really am a potato.


A kawaii potato...
Oh good, I was getting famish. *picks up "Kawaii potato and sticks in microwave*

Now you are a kawaii Baked potato *evils laugh*

But...that potato could have ran away and escape..peeling himself and jumping into the boiling pot doesn't seem very smart to me!

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