Out-of-Character Chat

This is the conversation i pretend to had with mom

"Mom can I have some advice?"


"Well there is this girl..."

"So you like her?"

"Well... yes"

"What's she like?"

"Well she is smart"

"Uh huh"

"She is clever"


"And she is a psychotic murderous robot who killed every scientist in a facility by flooding the facility with deadly neurotoxin"
So instead of a Working Joe it's a Working Josephine?

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
kirito1337 said:
I LOVE it! It's awesome! Just remember, if you feel bad about a drawing; remember one thing at least.

Infi cannot draw anything. It ends up being weird circles and fucked up triangles.

Thanks kirito! ^.^

/purrs loudly beside Nekoni
kirito1337 said:
Alyssa toke me like 30 minutes to draw and loke took me like.... 2 hours..... his hair is so fucking hard to draw.
I won't ask you to draw Aiden cause it is Kate and you gave better things to do I suppose.
Archdemon said:
I won't ask you to draw Aiden cause it is Kate and you gave better things to do I suppose.
Psst! Psst psst! Whose Kate?
A lot of artists are incapable of seeing their work as good, including myself. Even if it looks amazing, it just looks like a bunch of scribbles...
/lifts head sleepily before yawning and settling down again


/twitches whiskers
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Psst! Psst psst! Whose Kate?

Oh Godamnit autocorrect! It was suppose to say late!
Drake is done


I told you I'd make a reference to this sooner or later
lol, I will draw Aiden during the week but I don't have the time right now, I'll try to do drake as well but he's going to be a bitch to draw but I have a few ideas.
kirito1337 said:
lol, I will draw Aiden during the week but I don't have the time right now, I'll try to do drake as well but he's going to be a bitch to draw but I have a few ideas.
Take your time!
>.> but but... ... i want a Pink pulse... and a orange one... and a uhhh Kirito pulse (a pulse cos playing as Kirito)

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