Out-of-Character Chat

lol I was asking what your dream job was


I just want to be an author
Well my pal is only 15 and so is our artist, like I am. So it's not like we're amazing yet. So we decided to go with something story focused and simple (not like shooting guys) to try to keep us motivated for a long time. Since this will probably go into our college lives.

Plus we're both hopeless romantics :P

Author would be interesting, it fits you well Infinity :) !
I want to create a manga or visual novel one day. I'm trying to get life drawing classes to learn how to draw anatomy. I already have a story in mind.
It's a shame the manga and such industry is hard to spread, though the popularity of things like the LN SAO can attest to the power of the internet and how it helps people make a name for themselves.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Hey, if you try and write a book I am more than certain you can be a great Author.

You just gotta be confident.

My slogan: Confidence is the key to success.

Original, I know.
I know of someone who's a major video game writer at a major company.

Not saying who though, because I agreed to animooosity :P

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Well Unyie, I should also tell you my other slogan


That's a pretty bad slogan though, Unyie, gotta be more constructive.
lol Thanks Overly

I just need to work on focusing more lol

Aaaaaaand /walks away

Also imma go to sleep now.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
/bops Overly on head

Chocolate cake is always good! It's not possible to take offense!

Unless your like Alston and is allergic to chocolate

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