Out-of-Character Chat

I don't even mention you Smash x3

I only tagged Ref and Blur since she was responding to Jacob and then trying to find Ryos x3

But there, it's done x3 lol
Infi, you captured the whole 'feeling' thing of the Orb's perfectly. x3 Though, it would usually be a slight pop of pain that wears off (edited piece) very quickly, sudden pain is harder to control going through the item.
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I thought you would use the song from the second movie where she teaching the childern how to fight

@Infinities Lover

Why the yellow... now my eyes hurt T-T

I know what it says once so I just don't bother. Gold is already used for Celestial Spirits for me, so Yellow was the closest thing x3

Nah, that's too nice for her x3

Ref, yeah, but this way would work better. Bit more dramatic and a way to catch some attention considering what she's going to tell Ryos
If I walked in on nude women (my age of course), I would take as many slaps as I deserved. It would be all worth it <3.
I should just slap you then x3

I actually might be sick. Kinda

My face is still abnormally warm while my body is almost always cold.
Only when I deserve it, Infinity :3.

I probably deserve like twenty slaps for the panty incident...

I don't like missing school to be honest. It always bites me in the ass later on xD .
It DOES bite me in the ass, especially since now I have two AP classes, but honestly, I just don't feel up to shit
I'm in a couple of AP classes, Science and Math. They are super stressful, and yeah, I do want to skip them sometimes. But I find if I skip them the work and stress multiplies.

If you are sick, miss them though.
Yeah I'm in English and History

Great now I think I'm getting a small headache....

Figures -_-

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