Out-of-Character Chat


I'm serious though....

Ihonestly do not remember typing that up and posting it... 
Do tell!
I don't think I am, but after being outside so long yesterday night, it's possible. I've been cold everywhere but my face which has been like a furnace.

Rolling down a hill without a jacket and eating ice cream with two friends probably didn't help but meh

I think I can see this as Dusty x3
Arch it's a cookie policy. Seeing as you're on Tappatalk, and I'm assuming your phone, it's very likely that your phone doesn't support cookies.
I'm thinking of now searching for a song for Alyssa and/or Isanna

Isanna would probably be easisat x3

Something calm lol
Yeah the second I started thinking about it, this popped into my mind. What do you think?

I've found a theme for Xeno but for Aiden and Drake I don't have anything.... I'm not great with finding music that suits them so I might need some help.
@Infinities Lover I like it! I assume that's for Isanna, and it's really good. Now I want to watch the anime. x3

@Archdemon You got the whole internet at your disposal, buddy. I'm sure there's something out there. For Drake, maybe something that reflects mysteriousness?

I thought it fit with her past! AND D.GRAY MAN IS ALWAYS BEST!

If you watch it, do English Sub. It goes to episode 103 before you'll have to go to manga

English Dub only goes to like 50 or 53

Another for the D.Gray Man fandom!


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