Out-of-Character Chat

lol yeah

But I've already BEEN taking my time, that's the problem x3

I know most of the time once I start, I'm good to go, but it's just....the getting started part
I'd offer a trip to the buffet I'm going to tonight if you started, but this is the internet, and I can't feed you pixels instead. >.> How about you make a small reward for yourself for doing it? That's what I do for my essays.
Nah x3

Even if I started now I'm not sure if I'd be able to finish before leaving, but I'm about to pull everything up
I didn't say you had to start now (unless I indirectly did). Just when you get home later? But have fun before that. As Overly said, RL before RP.
Hm? Oh I was planning on starting before I left no matter what. ^.^

lol yes I shall have fun. So far we only know of the two of us and another friend and maybe someone else. Not everyone could make it on such short notice
Yeah, my friend does that. He leaves all of us in the unknown about plans, and calls us up about an hour before a meet-up, and we have to find a ride. It sucks.
lol it wasn't even that.

She showed up out of nowhere on Thursday as we got out of school, and we talked about making plans, but we didn't actually do it until yesterday evening.
My friend and I never make plans to go places xD . We only do things over the internet :P .

We're the biggest of introverts ;3.
lol Overly x3

So yeah, I think I'm about half way done to finished with my post and I'm most likely going to be leaving within 15-20 minutes ^.^
lol I took a very very very short 2 minute nap in church when we were praying x3

I felt guilty about it cause I didn't mean for it to happen x3
These name changes too real...

I was wondering why I couldn't tag kin or overly

They changed there name to be twinZy

And and and and and


You know you promised me my theme song

Now make it grrr
still waiting for Lennix to do something. I hope I didn't miss a post or anything...

Anyway, since I've noticed that I don't seem to have too many interests, I've decided get a hobby and start collecting manga.

Also, when I look at the "the story so far" pages, I want to grammar them so badly. Maybe it's just my OCD kicking in like when my teacher wrote this on the board in English class when talking about going too far with your research: TMI (too much data)

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