Out-of-Character Chat

@Refaulted That attitude's not gonna get you anywhere, man. Think about it: there's at least 3 billion women in the world, and a good portion of them are at least pretty cute. Another huge portion, at least several hundred million, will think the same for you. You have tons of options, so you don't really need to care about if that one girl wants to go out with you or not; there's 3 more around the corner that will. They're there, you just don't see it ^.^

What I'm saying probably sounds far-fetched, but it's honestly the truth. Girls are more scared of you rejecting them than you are of getting rejected :)
Thanks all for trying to cheer me up...first I'll have to get over the heartbreak before I go and try to find a girlfriend in the future...

Jeez, this is gonna be tough...
Not till now, no xD .

I like it very much, I do enjoy the female reproductive system very much. I remember every part and can draw it (I had to in science, I was the only one who got 100%) :3.

My dream is to be a gynecologist :D
The interior of course, I am not so good at the exterior (drawing I mean, I can say the parts :3).
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I remember having my moment of depression with low self esteem like that.

Then about 2 years ago I had a switch and became rather extroverted, shameless in a sense. I had turned down a number of girls since then until I found my current one :3

I think what did it for me that helped my self esteem was hitting the gym. I could work out my frustrations and feel better about myself. I'm naturally skinny, so I put on lean muscle rather than bulk, similar to my dad.

But anyhow, it helped me get over myself and be more outgoing. Once you can do that, the whole love life thing is much easier.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
If it didn't look like it would kill anything within a five-mile radius, I'd say it could work well ad Qrow's dragon.

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