Out-of-Character Chat

I didn't mean to... 
Meh...A girl I had liked for...I don't know how many years is in a relationship now, and I had just worked up the courage to ask her out.

(Sorry, so when we had the whole relationship conversation a couple days ago, I kinda lied in it...)
Oh god, I know how that feels. I'm sorry about that Ref, but there will always be other opportunities! You are only 18 and you are a very kind man, a lady is bound to fall for you.
Never be scared! Life is meant for living...chances...change...you'll never advance if you fear! Thousands of people do it everyday, there shouldn't be any reason to be scared of a date x3
But I am! I'm always scared of asking someone out on a date. Because I already have pretty low self-esteem when I'm in public, and the chance of being rejected scares the living daylights out of me.
You don't have to ask them out on a date, you can get to know them better in school. Ask a girl you know well out on a date, someone you know who won't reject you.
Maybe lower your standards a bit, be more easy going. You'll enjoy the relationship more then and so will she. (but not too much of course.)
Girls are just as scared as you, some have high standards because they want to know they can love someone for a long time and not worry of a tiny attribute gnawing away at their relationship. I'm too shy for love >n> so I'm not quite sure if I can be any help at all
@Black Masquerade I don't have high standards at all. I don't have standards. As long as the girl isn't a total and complete jerk to me, I'm fine.

@Nekoni I just am scared of them, really. All girls. I have a tough time with it. You have good advice, but my confidence in myself is just really low.

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