Out-of-Character Chat

But Infinity... I love physics.

One of my favourite sciences right behind chemistry. I'm the only grade 10 in my class everyone else is in grade 11 :3.
Stop with the bad attitude man. You need to have confidence in yourself or your complaining will be worthless.

You're probably better at science then me, since you passed grade 12. And science isn't even necessary for your job of interest.

You can't be good at everything. So relish the things you can do, rather that wishing you were better at something. Or try to become better at it. A year ago my writing was poor, I could barely write a proper sentence. But I tried my best to get better, because I had a little bit of confidence.
Hey, I'm not being down on myself. Math makes my head hurt. Not saying that I can't do it, just that it's very uncomfortable for me. If it wasn't so hard for me, I'd really want to be a theoretical physicist. I just don't have the skill set for that.
Theoretical physics is the shit, especially a quantum.

"There is a small chance that thing will teleport through a wall FOR NO REASON. Or ball lightning, which physics can't explain.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
So who here wants to hang out with Drake and Amaterasu? ((Yes I haven't forgotten about her))

Also by the way I'm going to have him be a great dancer and that he loves to dance.
Ugh I'm okay at physics and was pretty good at chemistry. But what we've started recently is just shit -_-

I just don't get it, blegh
CelticHero37 said:
@Infinities Lover Could you at least tell us the concept? Maybe one of us can help you understand easier.
Alright then I shall move Drake and Amaterasu to your position then.

I've been thinking @Kinesthetics I want to create a side story like the ice maiden and wind runner, if that's okay with you? I'll share my idea if you wish to hear me out.
I don't even know what it's called. It's a p-word I know that. What I have trouble with is finding the givens. Once I have those, I can do te algebra and solve the equations no problem. 
Oh and @Lexielai I'm planning on working on Isanna tonight, since I won't be doing anything at all tomorrow. Don't expect to see me on, so hopefully I should have it posted sometime Friday.

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