Out-of-Character Chat

PicaPirate said:
My life is punctuated by 80's songs as I wait, in this case on CS approval

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I told you to go to bed... what else do you want from

This bed shall not be slept on today!

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Im actually not that tired. I didn't get out of bed till 9am

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Haha it's a normal time for me to get up unless I got work in the morning.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
(Got to use spoiler taggs or @Infinities Lover will yell at me)

*edit by request of Blur*

This contain fairy tail chapter spoiler alert about Ezra badassness


I want rei's bad ass moment to be like this
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You should probably state what it's going to spoil so people don't just click on it not knowing what to expect. Also, I hated that chapter. As one reddit user brilliantly stated, it's Deus ex Mashima all over again 
It made me so angry
BLUR said:
You should probably state what it's going to spoil so people don't just click on it not knowing what to expect. Also, I hated that chapter. As one reddit user brilliantly stated, it's Deus ex Mashima all over again 
It made me so angry
As far as Deus Ex Machina goes, I think the previous few chapters break the scales on a comparative level.

Also we all know most shounen manga draw inspiration from Fist of the North Star and DBZ, where this kind of thing happens all the bleeding time.

The only few I know of that don't do it are ones like Kingdom, and that's I think classed as seinen.

I also have a new theory from the recent chapters

Igneel is the worlds first flying tapeworm. How else do you think he survived inside Natsu? Which I still think was a near literal 'pulling something out of your ass' move.
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No anime has taken it as far as Fairy Tail, it's completely illogical. At least in DBZ it leads to extreme power ups. In FT, characters get their ass beat the whole fight, can barely stand, but suddenly realize "OH THIS IS FOR MY FRIENDS?" and beat the shit out of the person they couldn't touch at their full strength injured 
At this point I'm kinda used to it, but still, it was such a good arc before that moment. 
It's still the best arc by far though 

Unyielding said:
I edited @BLUR
are you still Rei and my friend >.>
Always will be!
All i have to say about that is that... The bad guys did it first... They know they lost the next second they went god mode...

"YAY Ryos Play jump rope with me"
"I AM THE HYPE!!" Best DBZ abridged moment.

I think the most illogical manga I ever read was one of those really weird gory ones you accidentally sometimes stumble across. Try to avoid them.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Question, can a mission I put forward have my character as the antagonist, which in this case would be a either A or S rank mission to investigate disturbance in an area?

I'll probably have him murdering demons regardless of their standing to humans, then see what happens when a guild meets him.

It'd be a key moment to determine whether he becomes part of a guild or remains guildless.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Yield ....


PicaPirate said:
Question, can a mission I put forward have my character as the antagonist, which in this case would be a either A or S rank mission to investigate disturbance in an area?
I'll probably have him murdering demons regardless of their standing to humans, then see what happens when a guild meets him.

It'd be a key moment to determine whether he becomes part of a guild or remains guildless.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I don't see why not. Seems interesting
you forget one thing about fairy tail.

Not all magic is undersood in fairy tale so far. We know for one that when its friends, there is some sort of bond that powers up allies. Other guilds dont have this. We also know that there is a dark secret, yet to be unveiled in the darkness of fairy tale and from what they have said so far, seems to be linked to Zeref, and specifically Natsu.

Also if you think it terms on naruto, chakra can be implanted into others and time released, they already proved with Gellal that zeref's dark energy can take over individuals so why is it not plausible that a create as powerful as a dragon could hide themselves in someone they trust. The dragons knew their time on earth was over, not only did it offer a powerup for the user, it offered a safe hiding spot for them.

You guys take plot for face value. Still a lot of unknown factors and i think Fairy tale has a darker origins than anyone realizes.

Just saying. This weeks chapter was way more WTF than igneel showing up, sorry.

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