Out of Character Chat

[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Ginette is trying her best not to say anything in this scene, lol. I can already feel all this awkward. It's so fantastic.

*Clears throat*

[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]*le gasp* That is lewd and Ginette has no such thoughts, how dare you make such accusations, there are children about.

I'm a guy. Whaddya expect?
Quillicious said:
I'm a guy. Whaddya expect?
I'm a male and I approve this message from the North American and Trans Pacific Male Association, partnered with the Antarctica's Council of Males, and Outer Sphere Males of EU.
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It would be interesting if there was a "Machine Arc" Some Nomemon gets the idea that it's better if Nomemon were far from the evil of the gods, so he kidnaps Nomemon one by one, breaks there bodies into those "man-made" pokemon. Using there bodies for Grimer, KlingKlang, Voltorb, and using there brains to turn them into Porygon. Some Legendary can be caught and can be turned into some kind of "Mech" or Shadow form of there body and brain turned into a Porygon-Z.

It would be fun to see Kurama or our Shedninja watch Xerneas mutilated and zombiefied.
EchoNightwish said:
What would be some distinguishing features about the legendaries at dinner.
Jirachi's fairly on the small side, has a rather bright and cheery appearance about her. Not counting her antlers, Xerneas stands at a little over six feet tall. She's incredibly thin and frail looking, practically nothing more than skin and bone anymore. Dark circles lay beneath her dulled eyes as thinned, white hair hangs limply around her face.
Senpai is sick, needs to take her medicine.

And she will, Dappi and Kurama will make certain of it.
The character sign up is such a mess now that bbcode is gone I'm so sad


my post macros

I worked so hard on those *sob*

Oh well- start from scratch. I can do new cool things, right?
Yeah . . . I'm currently scratching my head on how to handle the character sheets.

But you think these are bad, you should see the disaster that are the sheets in another thread of mine. It's not pretty xD
due to the fact everything is gone to wack-town, I'll be a tad late to replying, might come sunday since my time is currently beign eatten up by the giant time eatting monster called family.
Okay, finally home. Now back to fixing these threads X_X

In the meanwhile . . . (And I'll post this in the PM thread too because tags aren't working right now . . . ) Could everyone move their characters to their own threads under the Character page? It would help me tons. 
I'll try to do that, and post tomorrow...

new set up, gotta learn everything top to bottom.
uhh.... where are the charactert sheets?

I know where to put em up but...

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