standard-issue human
Character Information
Nicknames: Danny, Maverick
Nationality and Birthplace: American, born and raised in Mullbrook, Minnesota
Birth date: June 9th, 1997
Danny stands just under 6 feet tall, has very light blue eyes, and a slightly muscular body. He has a scar across his chest, from his right pectoral to just under his belly button. He has a tattoo on his right shoulder: the name "Hazel" with an angel's halo over it.
- Outlook Information
- Behaviour Information
- Background Information
- Personal Information
- Personal Information
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34793b29_DannyTat.jpg.b4763fa5140ffa4364b7a455bc4e5171.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34793b29_DannyTat.jpg.b4763fa5140ffa4364b7a455bc4e5171.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c347acef0_dannytat2.jpeg.f414952d8f2f504b469a3ceedff378b9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c347acef0_dannytat2.jpeg.f414952d8f2f504b469a3ceedff378b9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Clothing choice: Danny prefers to wear mostly plain tee shirts, in a lot of colors, and jeans. He owns a trusty black leather jacket, and a pair of Converse sneakers that are getting a little beat up.
Good Qualities: Danny is an all-around nice guy. He is willing to listen to just about anyone about just about anything, and tries his best to offer advice or comfort when it is asked for. He loves to play games and make people laugh, just being around people makes him happy. His trust is easily won and hard to break, and he's an incurable optimist. Full of energy, he's always up for an adventure. He never limits himself with who he is around; he doesnt care if they're girls, guys, gay, straight, black, white, smart, dumb, good, bad, or anywhere in between. He's generally just a person's person.
Bad Qualities: Danny's good qualities are his downfall. He's too nice, even to those who dont deserve it, and lets people walk all over him occasionally, especially girls, and especially the cute ones. He trusts before he should, and doesnt stop when he needs to. He often ends up being taken advantage of by people; girls cheat on him or use him to get back at ex-boyfriends, party-goers call him late at night for rides (which he never, ever refused), and people are always asking him for mildly sketchy favors. He does, however, have a temper; when he has had enough, he has had enough. His temper, although difficult to incite, is explosive. Although never, ever violent out of anger, he can be very scary when he yells, because when he does, people know its bad.
Since his younger sister died, he has had short periods of bad moods. He doesnt think its bad enough to be called depression, but he occasionally slips into a sullen mood. These "moods" are usually triggered by nightmares, which occur infrequently, but are very vivid.
Peculiarities: He absolutely refuses to be around anyone who is drinking (see history). He is a bit of a nail biter, and doesnt like to sit still. He always has a leg bouncing at least. More commonly, he is shuffling a deck of cards or fidgeting with another small object. He has a talent for slight-of-hand and card tricks.
When "in a mood," he does not fidget at all and actually sits almost perfectly still.
History: Danny was born and raised in a small town called Mullbrook, in Minnesota. He was an All-American, small-town boy: He loved trucks, played little league baseball, basketball, and football, and did just what his parents said. Even as a child, people loved his bright spirit and happy nature. Growing up, he and the neighbor boys rode bikes, drew on the sidewalk with chalk, and played in a treehouse.
Danny's sister was born when he was 6 years old, and he may have been happier than his parents. He adored Hazel, and insisted on making time to specifically play with her everyday. He protected her from everything, even herself, and cried the first time she skinned her knee. She was the light of his world.
For 6 years, the family was picture-perfect. Until one night, when Danny slept over at a friend's, and his parents decided to go to the park with Hazel. They had to leave early because it began to rain. On their way home, a drunk driver ran a red light, skidded on the wet pavement, and hit the right side rear door of their car. Behind that door, sat six-year-old Hazel. She was DOA. His parents were okay, after a week or so in the hospital. The family grieved, and the man was caught, and life moved on. But Danny never really got over it. Had he not spent the night at his friend's, he would have been sitting in between Hazel and the door.
As he grew older, Danny kept his happy self, for the most part, and became the town favorite. In high school, he was the all-star, in football, basketball, and baseball. He got slightly above average grades, and was voted Prom King. Everyone loved him. After graduating, he decided he needed out. He left behind a full-ride athletic scholarship to the tiny community college, and decided to join the trip that his friend Carlie was going on.
Relationships: Only knows Carlie, who moved to his town for a time and went to his school. They were good friends, he enjoyed her because she reminded him of Hazel, and seemed to need someone to be with.
Warm sunshine, like he and Hazel used to play in
Good horror books, they make his heart beat fast
Acoustic music, it relaxes him and feels more soulful than most popular music
New experiences, they keep him from feeling trapped and dissatisfied with life
Sweets and candy, who doesnt?
Swimming on hot days, and lemonade, the combination reminds him of his fun-filled childhood
Making people smile, its just what he does
Rain, its too much of a reminder
Any alcohol, for the same reason
Clowns, he's terrified of them
Seeing anyone (although Carlie especially) sad, because it makes him feel sad as well
Baseball, football, basketball
Long distance running
Card tricks and bad jokes
Theme song:
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