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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

Lily finally gets to the front of the immense line, she grabs two donuts, a packet of sugar, and a glass of milk. She smiles broadly looking around for somewhere to sit. "Mai? Damon? Shade?"
Lily joyously skips over to Shade, "Hello again, I thought you were going outside? Did the promise of sugar bring you back or the fact that it's storming?" She jokes happy to see a friendly face and then begins voraciously consuming her meal.

((( Okay I have an idea about how to successfully run my class. It'll be like a night class so that my character can fully use his powers as well as reply consistently. )))
((( Well I can't speak for everyone, but in my time zone its night. And also since the class is at night I think detention would take place during the day... )))

Tsuki waited impatiently out front of the school, tapping his foot in a sporadic fashion. "They're going to get it if they're even a minute later than they are now." He mumbled angrily, the stars shooting viciously in his wake. "I know," he began with a devilish grin. "I'll take away their ability to be late!" He said whilst making birdman hands. "Yes yes... that would make them be on time for everything." His glasses reflected the stars that were shooting all around him.
Gets up from the table and starts walking tword class notecing random stars around the teacher
The whistling of stars ensnared Tora's attention rather quickly, her expression remaining emotionless for a good long while before she tenses up, kicking off her back foot she blades down the pathway at a high speed, the rubber of her wheels leaving careless black marks along the smooth ground. Opening her mouth she pops into it yet another lollipop, which would be at least her third this past hour, though the flavor had changed to cola- not her favorite but she wasn't all too picky; Candy was candy.
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((( I'm going to say yes. )))

Tsuki watched his two students and smirked. "Come with me you two." He looked from Rollerblades to his newest student and opened the doors to the school. The once shooting stars stopped and the sky became peaceful once again. He led them to his class and switched on the lights, it looked brilliant at night with his stars and planet shaped lights illuminating. "Now tell me your names, where your from and your powers." He said, his eyes filled with wonder.
(Of course it is -w-" Damn it Tora.)

Screeching to a halt in front of her teacher, Tora sharply chomped down on the plastic stick, powerful jaws easily snapping it, coughing as the as the small, thin tube, or rather more half of it tumbled to the ground. Scraping the candy itself off of the stick with sharp teeth she returns both inedible parts to her pocket until she comes across a trash can. She obediently follows without a word of refusal, but as soon as he demands information about the two, she stubbornly acts as though she hadn't heard him, spinning on her wheels she sits back down atop one of the desks. She kept silent, allowing her eyes to dance around the room and capture every little detail.
I'm shade I say quietly as I see the girl I saw in the hallway earlier today I star at her for a moment then look at back at the ground and takes a seat in the very back
Tsuki removes his glasses and cleans them before placing them back on his face. "Well I'll start then." his voice boomed throughout the classroom. "My name is Tsuki Reiko, I am from 9th heaven originally and was raised in 3rd Earth. I was the first major general in the war of humans vs Vampires. My war name was Star God, however I no longer go by that." He said with a sigh. "My power's include Sense/Ability snatching, Star control, and my personal favorite, the unnerving gaze." Tsuki listed his abilities monotonously, he was so used to telling others his capabilities so as to lower casualties on the battle field. "Now Rollerblades, you're up next." He said while pointing a finger at Tora.
Tora was indeed listening carefully, however, she made no effort to maintain any sort of eye contact, she was completely silent apart from a gentle knocking sound as she carelessly tosses the candy around in her mouth with her tongue. When she's pointed at she lifts her thin hands out of her hoodie pocket and simply curls her fingers into the material of the hood, stubbornly dragging it further over her features with a slight frown, conveying the fact she didn't wish to speak about herself, or at least didn't want to go before other students, after all, she didn't think of herself as a very interesting person. "I thought it was rude to point at people, and you tell me to learn some manners, Mr. Reiko...." She quips smartly, changing the subject without consent and seemingly suggesting he was being hypocritical, keeping her voice quiet as she turned her gaze towards him. A thin, hairy leg brushed against one of her soft cheeks which currently withheld the bulb of cola-flavored candy, before slowly crawling out of the concealment of the hood and onto her shoulder, revealing itself to be a large, black Tarantula who had immediately earned a subtle greeting nod from it's master.
Tsuki steeled his face but couldn't help but let a small smirk play on his lips. "Well how about this then?' he said with a smug look. "I take away your ability to resist following directions, until you tell the class your name, your location of birth, and your powers." His voice was deepend, his eyes completely blackened. "Come to me disobedience." he beckoned a grayish colored blob as it came out of the pores of the girl's skin. "Here we are." He held out his hand and the blob settled in it. "I'll just hold this for now." He said while looking at Rollerblades. "I might just keep it."
Tora's eyebrows immediately quirked before the strange sensation washed over her. "H-Hey! Must you keep making decisions for me!?" She whines out in a childish manner as her eyes followed the floating blob, frowning, she hangs her head in defeat, pressing her lips closed before opening them once more. "Fine. The name's Tora Cheshire," She begins, voice remaining low in volume as she blatantly lies about her first name, after all, he didn't specify what name she had to announce and therefore it wasn't counted as disobedience, correct? She then continues on with limited detail, wanting to get it over and done with and again not finding her information important or intriguing, besides, when she had to show her abilities that should be enough of a detailed explanation. "Born in an Underworld and kept isolated as I was raised. I'm merely a demon who wields an element known as corruption, that and I'm quite familiar with the art of Witchcraft- Mostly Charms and Curses. Nothing special. Happy now?" Her voice had trailed off into a mumble by the end, turning her head away, she puffs out a cheek, rather unamused with his cruel trick, it simply wasn't fair in her mind, forcing her into obedience. One of her tails hits against the back of her hoodie, as though it wanted to be talked about, as though it wanted attention, after all it was one of her most defining features. The Tarantula reared in return, baring its venom-soaked fangs in warning. "Quit it, Hocus." She mutters, glancing over her shoulder at the writhing tail.
((( I just got in an early morning post just for my students cx But I won't be on past this post so see ya later. )))

Tsuki smiled at Serenity and nodded. "Of course, of course." he said while examining the girl, searching for notable qualities. "I'll give your hundred as soon as class is over." He said and turned his attention back to Rollerblades. "Your real name perhaps?" the grey blob of her disobedience still safe in his hand. "And while your at it, show us what's under the jacket." He said with an eyebrow raised. "Also," he said to Serenity, "You may sit anywhere you'd like. As he was pointing he got a glimpse of his watch and his eyes widened. "Class is over already?" he whined "Oh, okay well class is dismissed." He said in defeat.
Serenity blinked what strange day and teacher at that. Maybe he needed a assistant. She got up and walked over to the teacher. "Um sir do need a assistant by chance?" She wouldn't mind helping. Plus he seemed like he could use it.
John had skipped the class that time by mistake, and was relaxing in the courtyard, toying with several different pieces of scrap. He had realized that he missed class, and sped toward the classroom, realizing the class was over.
Tora shifts her gaze to Serenity, grumbling momentarily about the hundred as she swung a leg back and forth, the other neatly crossed in front of her upon the desk she was sitting on. "But you know it." She whispers, voice seemingly strained as she leans over and locks eyes with the teacher from the shadows of her hood, however, she catches sight of the manifested disobedience ball and sighs, a glint of annoyance returns in her eye as she strains her voice further. "Blythe. It's Blythe." She mutters bluntly, she would angrily roll her wheels on the ground to convey frustration but her legs were much too short to reach the ground from how she was sitting- plus, she had to be a good little girl whilst he had a grip on her disobedience. With strong hesitation, she narrowed her hazel orbs ever so slightly and curled her fingers into the bottom of her hoodie, about to lift it up and off until he announces that class is over, then she jumps up victoriously, a goofy grin making its way on her face, pale lips parted to reveal straight, white teeth, however her canines were overly sharp, as were the teeth next to them- doubled fangs-. Shooting her other hand out in front of her expectantly as if waiting for him to return something, she begins to curl and uncurl her fingers impatiently.

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