Our man the Emissary

Stillborn said:
Everyone's a freaking Deathlord. :roll:
I was under the impression that only half of the 13 deathlords were even named.  But hey, sorry for mentioning something no one else did.
kazalica said:
I was under the impression that only half of the 13 deathlords were even named.  But hey, sorry for mentioning something no one else did.
Don't take it personally. Your suggestion just happened to co-incide with another thread suggesting that the Empress might become a Deathlord. The idea becomes  little cheezy through overuse.

I wonder if anybody has said about Kejak being a Deathlord. Or Unconquered Son. zomg, Unconquered Sun is actually the fourteenth Deathlord!!
Stillborn said:
I think it's plausible, and even likely, that the Council are (at least in part) a group of Solars who summoned a 3rd Circle demon to be their figurehead/enforcer in Nexus.

If we were to continue on the assumption that some of the council is made up of Solars than isn't it possible that they combined their sorcery to power some spell/ritual that could summon and bind a Yozi Prince, rather than a 3rd Circle Demon. Not saying that the power level of 3rd Circle Demon's doesn't vary. If a Deathlord can be subservient to another Deathlord can't a Yozi be subservient to another Yozi, thus following the idea that Jacint knew his master.

Then again there may be something in the text somewhere saying that a Yozi can not manifest itself creation. Period. I dunno, correct me if I've been led astray.

But then again one of the hardcore Sidereal resplendant destinies allowes him to summon up Adjoran to own his foe.
Stillborn said:
kazalica said:
I was under the impression that only half of the 13 deathlords were even named.  But hey, sorry for mentioning something no one else did.
Don't take it personally. Your suggestion just happened to co-incide with another thread suggesting that the Empress might become a Deathlord. The idea becomes  little cheezy through overuse.

Meh, I was having a bad day, 12 hour shift at work and all that, sorry for the yelling.

That empress thing, thats mega-lame.  Hell in my game, she died.  Killed by a sword forged from the 50 shards the yozis bought, breaking them forever, and unraveling they're oaths just enough that they can send avatars into creation, which was basically a fetish soul wraped in a human form.  Because I hate that anime fighting a demon the size of the moon crap.

"If we were to continue on the assumption that some of the council is made up of Solars than isn't it possible that they combined their sorcery to power some spell/ritual that could summon and bind a Yozi Prince, rather than a 3rd Circle Demon. Not saying that the power level of 3rd Circle Demon's doesn't vary. If a Deathlord can be subservient to another Deathlord can't a Yozi be subservient to another Yozi, thus following the idea that Jacint knew his master. "

Now this is ineteresting, if the emissary is a solar somehow partially beholden to a yozi or malfean (due to his quote) then perhaps the lessening of his power when he banished the demon was because he used Rune of Singular Hate on it?  Otherwise I'm don't see (under canon, of course) how banishing a demon would reduce his power.  As a solar, of course.
But then, when they are a circle of solars capable of letting a high circle demon do the dirty work, why can't they disspell the threefold binding of the heart on hyula?
Safim said:
But then, when they are a circle of solars capable of letting a high circle demon do the dirty work, why can't they disspell the threefold binding of the heart on hyula?
Is this soemthing from the novels? I have no idea who/what "hyula" is.
Aedryan said:
If we were to continue on the assumption that some of the council is made up of Solars than isn't it possible that they combined their sorcery to power some spell/ritual that could summon and bind a Yozi Prince, rather than a 3rd Circle Demon.
Possible? Sure. Do I like that idea? No.

The Unconquered Sun is the only being, canonically, that can summon and bind a Yozi. I'd rather leave that ball in his court.

Besides. summoning a Primordial to keep a slum like Nexus in line is just a tiny bit of over-kill. Even a 3rd Circle demon is probably more firepower than absolutely necessary.

kazalica said:
Now this is ineteresting, if the emissary is a solar somehow partially beholden to a yozi or malfean (due to his quote) then perhaps the lessening of his power when he banished the demon was because he used Rune of Singular Hate on it?  Otherwise I'm don't see (under canon, of course) how banishing a demon would reduce his power.  As a solar, of course.
Rune of Singular Hate is good, but for those who favour the Infernal idea, it should be borne in mind that Infernal Sorcery is supposed to be similar to regular sorcery in effect, so this could be an "Ichor/Miasma Circle" version of the same spell.

And it would explain lots.

Also, Infernals are, I think, treated as second/third circle demons from the time of their corruption onwards, so he could be BOTH an infernal AND a summoned guardian of the council, presuming they are solars. Maybe they missed their corrupt friend?
Samiel said:
Also, Infernals are, I think, treated as second/third circle demons from the time of their corruption onwards, so he could be BOTH an infernal AND a summoned guardian of the council, presuming they are solars. Maybe they missed their corrupt friend?
That's a pretty cool idea.

Stillborn said:
Aedryan said:
If we were to continue on the assumption that some of the council is made up of Solars than isn't it possible that they combined their sorcery to power some spell/ritual that could summon and bind a Yozi Prince, rather than a 3rd Circle Demon.
Possible? Sure. Do I like that idea? No.

The Unconquered Sun is the only being, canonically, that can summon and bind a Yozi. I'd rather leave that ball in his court.

Besides. summoning a Primordial to keep a slum like Nexus in line is just a tiny bit of over-kill. Even a 3rd Circle demon is probably more firepower than absolutely necessary.

She is a typo :P

The name is huyla and she is a night caste signature character currently enslaved with threefold binding of the heart and the flavour text states that the council is looking for a way to change that, which for me means that they are probably not as mighty as second circle demons or solars cause those should face no big problems just removing that spell...
The first idea that popped into my head as I heard about the emissary and his madness was, how powerful are the council members if they're able to order around a man like the emissary?

Maybe the council is actually made up of the celestial incarna and no one in Nexus has actually seen or spoken to the council. The orders mysteriously come down from above.

Now we're getting a bit far-fetched, but I wouldn't put it beyond Luna to want to play with peoples lives like that.
a former demon who somehow became something else.

what with the  "your former master speaks of you often. it would seem you'd want this"

how OFTEN do 3rd demons get to visit creation.
(Flip, Flip. Mutter, mutter. Scratch, scratch.)

Sidereals does say that Minister of Ways on the council is the city god of Nexus. Though he does appear to be playing with less than a full deck because of the bleeding head wound that is the Wyld zone in the Firewander District.

Scavenger Sons hints that one of the council members was recently bumped off and replacedâ€â€leaving behind all his blood in the process. Two of the council members claim to be a brother and a sister as well.

What if the Council of Entities is…a mixed council of entitiesâ€â€Exalts and gods. Though I really like the idea of the Emissary being a third circle demon. It fits with how he has been described. It would be cool if he had somehow avoided being sealed into the hell prison that is Malfieas and has developed a degree of autonomy from the Yozi that he is an aspect of.
I dislike the idea that the Emissary is some demon who's been free since the Primordial War. If so, what the hell has he been doing for the past 5 millenia, and why did he only pop his head up when the Solars returned?

Having him be a demon/infernal of some stripe makes sense. Also, as to the "former master" comment -- the Exalt who he's currently bound to is his new master, obviously.

I'm quite interested in somehow linking the Emissary of Nexus to the Emissary of Righteous Victory, the powerful spirit that recently appeared in the District Where Shadows Walk, a district of Stygia.  I just think it would be a cool and interesting plot if they were connected in some manner.  Hell, I'd make them one and the same being, if I had a good plot going.

I'm quite interested in somehow linking the Emissary of Nexus to the Emissary of Righteous Victory, the powerful spirit that recently appeared in the District Where Shadows Walk, a district of Stygia.  I just think it would be a cool and interesting plot if they were connected in some manner.  Hell, I'd make them one and the same being, if I had a good plot going.
That is indeed an intriguing idea.
Creatures of the Wyld features a couple of entities who have existed from before the war against the Primordials, but were forced to Creation’s fringes and have only recently reentered it. Mokrelus the Many-Handed entombed himself in a pillar of jade on the edge of the Wyld to escape a curse uttered by his dying Primordial maker. As a wild-assed guess, the Emissary could have endured some similar imprisonment.

That being said, the idea of the Emissary being a summoned infernal would rock. I really like Clakes’ idea of Nexus’ Emissary being somehow linked to the Emissary of Righteous Victory in Stygia. That’s got  possibilities as well.
Kajata said:
IS there a council?  Have we ever seen them in print?  I don't know myself?  If we've not got any proof for them, couldn't the council be a scapegoat for him?  Like no-one's going to try and kill HIM because he's very powerful and, he's not giving the orders, after all :P
there IS a council. it's listed in the scavenger sons, under the nexus chapter, in the form of a letter some guy named Diebald to his friend Metrinke. and many of them sound so damn solar. like Ephiselle, the midnight queen. she sounds so appropriately Night-ish. and other members with titles like "councilor of the eclipse", "midday husband", "dawn sergeant", at least derivatives of solar caste names and personalities to go along. but the astrologer, Lady Kratz, has a Sidereal feel. and Gen (i don't know if it's a coincidence or if it's the city's god himself) sounds more like a spirit. forgive me for being such a nerd, i've been rereading that letter a lot lately.
Seeing as how they're called "The Council of Entities", I would expect them to be a collection of just that- entities.

As in, "Let's call ourselves the Council of Solars." "Hey, wait, I'm not a Solar!" "And I'm not even human!" "Crap, then what will we call ourselves?"

I think they're just a bunch of generic wierdos.
Stillborn said:
I dislike the idea that the Emissary is some demon who's been free since the Primordial War. If so, what the hell has he been doing for the past 5 millenia, and why did he only pop his head up when the Solars returned?
This false idea keeps floating aorund. The council of Entities has been around (in one form or another) since Realm Year 52, and the Emissary since RY 75 at least. (Scavanger Sons, p 66) Says so in the River Province History timeline.

Considering that Gen is an old City God, I'd assume at least one of the Council is the Resplendant Destiny of a Gold Faction Sidereal. Also, the Gold's power center is the River Province, Nexus would be a logical base of operations (espically with a portal to Yu-Shan there).

As for the Emissary himself, in my prior Solar game, the one they dealt with was a stand in for the real one (after the Events in DayDarkNight). A lost Alchemetal, the Council ended up having to have the Solars in the game take him out when he got to full of himself from his role...

Too bad half of Firewander had to go with him. Oops.

As for the real Emissary, considering he comes to the fore less than 100 years after the Contagion, my evil guess is he's something from the other side of the Well of Udr, and that place is something even the Yozi's fear...
Hmm, the Well? Nah, I think he's just supposed to be something Else, that we're not really supposed to figure out. It'd be a little too bleh if he were just a fetich soul or lost demon or something.

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