Our Elements (RP)

Ember Bare

The Bear
(~ Sign-up sheet here: Our Elements ~)

In the middle of the western forest just 10 miles away from a village known as Dentli,Allen,Wale,Eran,and Frank walked passed the trees.They had been walking for weeks now just wandering from village to village,staying away from the big towns and kingdoms so they wouldn't get caught. Eran had been having trouble keeping up for the pass couple days but Frank had walked right beside him,making sure Eran wouldn't be left behind.Wale and Allen had been fighting most of the time over everything and anything they could think of,like always.
(If you look,you'll notice each of them have a name that starts with the same letter as there element X3 Allen-Air,Wale-Water,Frank-Fire,Eran-Earth.hehe)
(Well one Emily wouldn't work of a guy xD and it was the only thing I had stuck in my mind.-.- we are OCC way to much right now.)
Molara sat upon her tree branch in the middle of no where. She listened carfully to the wind, her "veiwing" distance was only a couple feet in each direction, and at the moment everything looked rather peacful, just the way she liked it. The woods she lived in were slowly being consumed by neighboring kingdoms, but it was nice to see that the deeper parts have not yet been taken over. A small smile streched across her face and she swung her legs back and forth, being alone she could show her true colors.
Ildri smacked her fist down hard on the bar, her other hand shooting high in the air and waving frantically. "Bartender! I want another beer!" she yelled so that the bartender who was serving a quiet couple at the other end of the bar could hear her.

Gaiana had to bite her own fist in order to keep it from smacking into the back of the older woman's head. Ildri had been making a ruckus at the pub for three hours now, and she was getting fed up with it. "Ildri," she called, her left eye twitching in annoyance. "Would you please SHUT UP?!" she shouted the last two words and Ildri slowly turned towards Gaiana.

"You've gotta problem? Ya wanna fight?" Ildri slurred and Gaiana smiled wickedly. The latter cracked her knuckles and motioned with her head towards the back door.

"Sure, but let's take this outside," she added. She didn't want to cause any more trouble for the bartender than her group already had. Ildri agreed and the two girls left the building to commence their brawl.

Shui simply stared into his mug blankly as this occurred. He had noticed a particularly lovely looking red-head earlier that evening and was currently trying to think of a witty line to start a conversation with, but he was coming up blank. "Hey, Sora. If you were me, what would you say to a girl to catch their attention?" he asked, truly curious as to what the girl would say.

Sora looked up from her book, gave Shui a bored look, and then turned her head upwards towards the ceiling. Looking towards the sky - whether there was a roof blocking her view or not - always let her think more clearly. "Impossible to say. I have yet been in a situation in which I was you, so I wouldn't know how I would talk to a woman in such a scenario," Sora declared in her usual soft monotone. Shui sighed and let out a mumbled, "figures," under his breath. He really should have expected such an answer from her.

The duo remained in a not entirely uncomfortable silence for the next few minutes before Ildri and Gaiana walked back into the pub arm-in-arm, both bloodied and bruised. "What happened to you two?" Shui asked, having already forgotten that the two had left the bar to fight.

"Moron," they chorused and sat down in their previous spots. "Hey, bartender, the next round is on us, 'kay?" Gaiana exclaimed and the bartender nodded dismissively, eying Ildri and her warily.

The four of them spent the rest of the evening hanging around the bar with Gaiana and Ildri buddy-buddy again, Shui still thinking of pick-up lines, and Sora reading a new book on air magic.
Now the four had split up in the village they had arrived in,Eran and Frank stayed together and was in charge of food and water. While of course,Wale and Allen took care of finding a place to stay for a bit.

Eran and Frank went down a market street,it was small but it had food which was what they needed."You think this is good?"Frank turned to Eran,a bag of fresh green apples in his hand and the same normal smile across his face.He loved apples but they rarely got them unless they found an apple tree as they walked,which was even more rare then when they bought them.

Eran looked over to him from the other side of the street,he had been looking at veggies not fruit."I don't think Wale would approve..."He said not sure if it was okay or not,they didn't have much money left so they had to use it wisely.

Wale and Allen had gone to a couple inns and found one that was a well price,and since they were all brothers they were all fine with one room.Which made it a lot cheaper,the only issue was if Allen and Wale started arguing again.Most of the time they tried staying away from each other and Eran and Frank helped with that,keeping them as busy as possible without getting on there nerves.
"Well, time go scavaging" Molara exclaimd to herself, being alone for a while has deprived her the advantage of friends, this is why she talks to herself. Pushing herself off the tree limb, she waved her hands around in a gracful pattern to where the wind would act as a cusion to bring her down saftley. Once on the ground she decided to walk in a random direction, she could go in almost any direction and hit a tree rich with fruit, this forest definatley took care of its inhabitants. Though of course it was tougher for her to tell the more delecate features of a shape without listening with complete silence. The wind couldnt tell her everything after all.

Though after a few minutes of searching, she came upon a giant orange tree, spotted with beautiful dots, that she could barley make out. Swiping her hand across the air sent out a gust of wind, strong enough to send one or two orange fruits to the ground. She felt around the tree with her feet before finding her prize, and peeling it to suck the sour juice and consume the tasty inside.
After spending most of the night and early morning at the pub, the Shadow Slayer Guild returned to their rooms at a nearby inn, sleeping in 'til about three o'clock the next morning. When they finally did wake up, it was from the sound of vomiting coming from Gaiana's room.

A few minutes later, Ildri, Shui, and Sora walked down the stairs leading from the second floor of the inn to the first. Ildri was complaining about Gaiana, and the other two were trying their hardest to tune her out. "I mean, can you believe that lazy ass would skip out on work just 'cause she had a little too much to drink last night? I mean, really, aren't Earth elementalists supposed to hold their liquor well? Wimp," Ildri ranted as she bounded down the stairs, her feet crashing heavily against the wooden boards.

"Totally unbelievable," Shui replied sarcastically in a monotonous drone. "Isn't Gaiana just behaving like the a complete lunatic, Sora?" he asked, but Sora's attention was elsewhere.

"Air bender," she blurted, her eyes locking on a blond teenager who was standing next to another man in the lobby. She darted forward in his direction before Shui had a chance to catch her, but Ildri managed to catch her around the leg with her umbrella and trip the poor air bender, sending her sprawling across the floor.

Or she would have if Sora was anyone else. She let herself fall until she was only a few inches above the ground. At that point, she blew out a great gust of air that propelled her backwards until she had rightened herself. She turned around to face Ildri and stuck out her tongue in a mocking manner before she bolted towards the male air bender for a second time.

"My name is Sora Wingella, and I challenge you to a duel," she declared, to which Shui and Ildri face-palmed.
Wale and Allen had heard the the commotion and turned around to see what was going on.That's when Allen noticed Sora right in front of him.And once she 'declared' her duel both stared at her completely confused.After getting it Wale burst out laughing and all Allen could say back was."What???"A duel?Here?How was that going to work?And why out of all the people did she want to duel him?All good questions but the only thing that was going through Allen's mind was."Crap..."

Wale just couldn't stop laughing,what a show this'll be.He could have never saw this coming,the only thing that disappointed him right now was Eran and Frank weren't here to watch.Of course Wale was going to explain ever detail later since they weren't,and if Allen loses Wale would make sure it'd haunt him the rest of his life and he was sure Allen knew this already.
Ildri's eye twitched as the guy next to Sora's possible duel partner started laughing. She supposed it was a reasonable reaction to Sora's declaration, but it still pissed her off a little. "I'll make sure they take a member of my guild seriously," she muttered darkly with a sadistic grin painted across her face. As Ildri began to stomp towards Sora and the boys, Shui motioned for the water filling a nearby bucket to rise into the air. Swiftly, he used the water as a whip similarly to how Ildri had used her umbrella a few seconds earlier, but this time the maneuver worked as it was intended to and Ildri crashed face-first into the floor.

After the immediate shock of what happened wore off, Ildri flipped over onto her back and cupped her nose which was now bleeding profusely, but not obviously broken. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!!!" she yelled from underneath her hands which were pinching the bridge of her nose. "What the HELL, Shui?!! I am going to KILL you later, you moronic BASTARD!!" she screamed and began chanting a string of profanities.

"Yeah, yeah," Shui retorted dismissively as he walked over to stand beside Sora. Sora had remained stationed where she was, just staring at the male air bender expectantly, patiently awaiting a response to her challenge.
Wale had seen this little act and instead of laugh he simply smiled now very interested in these strangers.He pushed his glasses up a bit with his middle finger since they were sliding down."Maybe you should accept this little duel."He said nudging Allen with his elbow to show that he was talking to him,also to wake him up since Allen looked completely lost.

Allen glared over to him."You just want to see me get my butt kicked..."He knew the way Wale thought and it always had to help him in someway or he'd never get into it.So Allen wondered what Wale was getting out of this,other than him getting beat by a girl.Maybe.

"Come on,are you that weak?"Wale chucked knowing that'd get him to agree,one think Allen hated was a challenge of his strength.But he hated his strength being made fun of even more.

Without a minute to lose,Allen had faced Sora and said."Duel accepted..."not even thinking anymore about what could happen,he hated Wale when he did this crap but he just shrugged it off for now.
Shui quirked an eyebrow as the boy accepted Sora's request/demand. "Oh? This could be interesting," he remarked and looked down at Sora whose eyes were shinning brightly with anticipation. She opened her mouth to say something, but Ildri interrupted with a loud snarl.

"Hold it! Wait!! Stop!!!" she shouted as she clambered to her feet. For a moment, as she stood there with blood running down her face in thing rivulets and tears of pain glinting in her eyes, she looked a bit like a damsel in distress, but the look soon transformed into a crueler image. Ildri, grimacing in pain with bloody teeth showing behind her hands, reminded Shui a lot of a beat up ogre looking thing, but he kept that comment to himself. "Sora, we had a job, remember? We're already down one elementalist, we can't let you go off on a side quest, too!" Ildri exclaimed, her voice coming out nasally and high pitched because her nose was still being pinched close.

"...," Sora looked between Ildri and the male air bender a few times before sighing in defeat. "Fine," she grumbled and turned fully towards the air bender. "I will have to ask that we postpone our duel until a later time. Are you staying here?" she inquired.
Allen nodded."For a couple days..."He glared at Ildri for not more than a second,he did not like this one at all.She seemed to much like Wale for some reason,and it pissed Allen off.Wale was now annoyed,and it was written all over his face.He was really looking forward to this and that girl ruined it.He let out a slight sigh and then noticed,A job?What job was she talking about and was it that important?A smile crept back on his face as a plan hatched in his head,and by the look Allen gave him Wale knew Allen figured it out and was definitely in on it.
Sora nodded. "We will be, too," she informed as Ildri strolled up to the group. Peering back at her guild master, Sora exhaled slowly through her nose to stave off the rising irritation and disappointment she was feeling. "I suppose we should go now," she added and Ildri nodded.

"I think so. The hydras aren't going to slay themselves," Ildri stated as she pulled a handkerchief out of her dress pocket. She released the bridge of her nose, a content 'hum' following the act as no blood leaked out. She wiped the blood away with the hankie before blowing into it to get any remaining blood out of her nose. Shui and Sora watched the act with disgusted expressions, wondering why they had ever signed up for this crazy's guild. "What? Is there still blood on my face?" Ildri asked as she noticed their stares.

"Nope, just stupidity," Shui remarked, and Ildri's eye twitched. She raised her umbrella to swipe at him, but Sora raised a hand before the weapon could be swung down. A gust of wind pulled the umbrella out of Ildri's hand and carefully dropped the item into Sora's outstretched appendage.

"I hate you both," Ildri growled and stomped over to the inn's front door. She spun around as she reached it and glared back at her guild mates. "Well, let's go! We've got things to kill."
Allen waited until the three were far enough not to hear,"So we're going?"A smile made it's way across his face as he watched the three.He was now curious about these people and wondered if they were strong.And he knew if he was this interested,Wale's probably dying to know more.

"Of course."Wale smirked as he started walking slowly."We'll have to meet Frank and Eran later it seems."He figured they'd be fine for now,they had each other so it's not like they were alone.Allen had begun walking behind Wale now very excited.

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