Our Destined Fates [Henry and kitsunemage] [Inactive]


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Henry submitted a new role play:

Our Destined Fates [Henry and kitsunemage] - Medieval-era arranged marriage...

Two childhood friends grow up together and discover that their parents have arranged for them to be married...
Ariana Sarrasri and Blake Fletcher have known each other since they were just small children. They have always been the best of friends and nothing more. Now in their early adulthood, it seems that their parents have decided their fates.

Will there be arguments? Or will there actually be romance between the two?
Read more about this role play... 
It was a quiet morning in the village of Ashdale. The sun shone through the window along with the noise of birds cheeping and the noise of wood hammering from outside. Blake Fletcher lived in a relatively small village house with his father and mother. His father was a craftsman who made various wooden furnitures as a living while his mother was the village nurse, having studied the importance of plants and mastered the arts of herbal medicine. Blake was a 20-year-old young man who was aspiring to become a smith, but little did he know that this morning his parents were going to announce something to him which would change his life forever.

Blake woke up in his bedroom and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. He stretched and stood up, making his bed immediately. "Son, are you awake yet?" asked his mother from the dining room. His parents waited for him to wake up? Well, this was certainly different.

"Y-Yes, mother. I am." he replied swiftly while putting on his daily clothes which normally consisted of knitted garbs and leather boots.

"Your father and I would like to speak with you in the dining room immediately." she continued. Her voice was sharp and firm, that of an authoritative figure.

Many thoughts circled Blake's mind but he chose to listen to his mother and made his way to the dining room after getting changed. This was the moment of truth.
"Aria! The sun is up!" Ariana slowly opened her eyes, blearily glancing out the window to see the sun, not even a fingers width above the horizon.

"Ma! It's not even really morning yet!" Despite her protests, Arianna started getting ready for the day ahead. She dragged herself out of bed, trudging down the stairs still in her nightgown, and grabbing a bucket on the way. Using one hand to smother a yawn, She leaned on the pump to get some water to wash up. That done, She walked back up to her room, the bucket sloshing against the side of her legs as she carefully stepped over the chickens roaming about the yard.

"Ariana! How many times have I told you to put on some decent clothes before you go outside!"

Ariana rolled her eyes, her mother said that every morning. And she ignored her every morning. I thought she'd have learned by now. Ariana quickly washed up, pulling on her normal trousers and rough cotton shirt. There was no point wearing a dress when she was only going to be out in the fields helping her father with the harvest. That was an argument it had taken well over a year (and several ripped dresses in the meantime) to win against her mother. Her father had only laughed and ruffled her hair affectionately the first time she had trundled out of the house in pants.

"What are you doing! No no, put on your good dress. We're going into town today!" Her mother swept into the room, all soft skirts and orderly hair. She's like a hurricane really, Ari couldn't help but think as her mother practically dragged her out of her comfortable clothes and into the nice cotton blue dress she normally only saved for special occasions. A hurricane who is almost impossible to deter from her path when she gets started- though Ari had no idea what had gotten her mother so worked up this morning.

"Alright enough! I get it, you want me trussed up like a turkey dinner." Ari pouted, pulling her mother's hands out of her soft sun blonde hair, Using the reflection in the bucket to try and do something about it. She tugged on the strands, kept short in the back with two longer bits in the front so she could almost keep it out of her face.

"Here dove." Her mother turned her around, Using her fingers to comb through the knots and gently clip small metal clasps into her hair.

"But. . These are your marriage bits! I can't wear these! " Arianas mothers only reply was to gently pat her cheeks, light lines forming at the corners of her eyes and mouth as she smiled.

"Come now, grab your basket. We need to go to the Fletchers first. " Ari eagerly grabbed her basket, running out the door in her soft leather slippers without protest. Whatever was going on it must be in town, she thought with a grin.

"Come on mother! "
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Blake entered the dining room to see his father and mother sitting at the dinner table. His father's expression remained serious throughout while his mother's had a gentle smile. Blake had rarely ever been called to a family meeting so this was probably something serious. And so it was, given what was about to be announced.

"Please, take a seat." said Blake's father. Blake obeyed and grabbed a sturdy oak chair, sitting down on it. His eyes were fixed on his father and mother who were sitting next to each other, opposite Blake.

"Is something going on, mother and father?" asked Blake. Blake had a relatively deep voice, though one could tell that he was still a young man. He narrowed his eyes slightly, curious as to what the meeting was going to be about.

"Today, we are expecting a visit from the Sarrasris. We need you to be looking your absolute best." replied Blake's mother. Her smile widened slightly which put Blake at ease. The familiar name also helped. Ah, it was only the Sarrasris. Blake had been best friends with their daughter, Ariana, since they were small children. But why the need to be looking his best? That was never a requirement before.

"Why do I need to be looking my best--" began Blake, but he was interrupted by his father, "All will be made clear to you soon. Get changed, m'boy."

Without saying another word, Blake stood up and gave a small head bow as a sign of respect. He headed back to his bedroom and rummaged through his wardrobe, looking for something a little more decent than knitted garbs. Inside was an outfit that he would only wear on special occasions. It was a specially crafted leather jacket and leather trousers made by Blake's uncle. He quickly changed into the outfit and brushed his hair with a wooden comb, using the window as a mirror. He headed to the small bathroom to wash his face and teeth. Today was going to be a big day.~
By the time Ariana and her mother made it to town, Ari was in a fowl mood. Her feet pinched in these stupid leather slippers, and she swore there was a rock in them- though no matter how many times they stopped so she could look nothing would ever come of it.

Ariana sighed dramatically, her basket swinging loosely by her side.

"Why won't you tell me what's going on? I'm eighteen as of yesterday - I'm an adult! I can handle whatever it is."

Ariana's mother smiled, still walking along as smoothly and gracefully as she was two finger lengths of the sun ago. Ari, as if in contrast, was dragging her feet and scowling at the ground. The excitement of something new happening in town wearing off and leaving nothing but the resentment for being forced to wear a dress. Even if the bits in her hair were beautiful when they caught the light.

"Ariana Sarrasri. Please pay attention to where you're going." Ari looked up, giggling at her mother's exasperation. She had walked past the front door- she had almost went behind the house to the old tree, she usually saw Blake by climbing the tree over by his window. Not that her mother needed to know that. Ariana was nudged into the house ahead of her mother.

"Oh look at my little girl." Ari gave her mother a strange look, trying to ignore her fussing overt her hair once more.

"Oh stop mom. It's only Blake, you can fix up my hair whenever we get where we're going." Ari stepped into the house, laying her basket down in the entry way.

"Blake! Mr. And Mrs. Fletcher! " Ariana stepped into the house with her usual exuberance, hopefully here she'd be able to get some answers!
It wasn't long until Blake heard the arrival of Ariana and her family. An instant smile formed on his lips as the familiar voice of Mrs. Sarrasri rang through his ears. Blake knew that Ariana would be with her mother and so he stepped out of the bathroom with haste, almost excitement, to see his childhood friend. He knew it was Ariana's birthday yesterday but didn't have the chance to say it to her on the actual day.

Blake stepped into the front room where everyone was gathered; his parents, Mrs. Sarrasri and of course, Ariana. He noticed Ariana's dress and blushed faintly at the sight. It was something that he'd never seen before... Why was she dressed in such a way? Was it connected to how he was dressed, too? "A-Ah, Mrs. Sarrasri! Ariana!" said Blake with a small head bow. Mrs. Sarrasri head bowed in returned. He would have hugged Ariana like he usually did but was too embarrassed. Instead, he took a few steps closer to her.

Blake was quite tall compared to the female. He stood at around 5 feet 11 inches and had an athletic build. His eyes examined her outfit closely and he wondered why the two of them were dressed so smartly. "Happy birthday for yesterday, by the way, Ari..." whispered Blake into Ariana's ear as their parents started talking privately. He smiled warmly and offered Ariana a few confectioneries from a glass jar as a small present.

"Is everything going to plan...?"

"...Yes... yes... I think they're ready."

Distracted by the jar momentarily (she had been watching their parents and was beginning to get quite suspicious) Ariana gasped delightedly. She hadn't noticed Blake come in, even though he'd announced himself.

Ariana grinned up at him, nudging him in the side with her elbow lightly even as her other hand was reaching into the jar. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she looked him up and down, seems like he was forced to look his best as well. Not that he didn't clean up well, she just relished the opportunity to get a few more tidbits to tease him about in front of the pretty bakers girl.

"Thanks, ooh! you save all the best ones for me." Ari popped a small sweet into her mouth, closing her eyes and relishing the taste.

"mmm! Hey, do you think a lord is coming to town?" Ari whispered back, resting her head against his shoulder. He had always been really steady, which was a good thing she supposed because she had always been quite... well she was going to say 'unsteady' because that just made her seem crazy. Flighty, would be the better word, she almost always had her heads in the clouds- dragging them on all kinds of interesting adventures. At least they were interesting to her. Sometimes she couldn't help but think Blake came along just to make sure she didn't hurt herself, especially now that he was hoping to apprentice to a blacksmith. Ari still didn't know what to do with her life.

"Ariana, Blake, you two should sit down."Ari happily walked over to one of the rooms comfy couches, it was mainly wood but Blakes father certainly had a magical touch with the stuff. He managed to make everything comfortable. When Ari sat, a pained expression came over her mothers face. She hadn't even bothered to arrange her skirts around her beforehand, and the dress would surely need some careful treatment whenever they got back to the farm. Ari, oblivious to her mothers thoughts, patted the seat next to her excitedly.
Blake couldn't shake off the heat he felt in his cheeks as his blush appeared to deepen as Ariana nudged him. It was definitely the appearance of his friend that triggered this. "You're welcome, Ari! I know how much you like butterscotch." said Blake with a small chuckle. He placed the jar of sweets to one side while taking a cheeky one for himself. Since they were childhood friends, Blake pretty much knew most, if not all, things about Ariana. Things like her favourite sweets, hobbies... He never really did have any romantic feelings for her, though. Not yet, anyway.

Blake stood firmly to let Ariana rest her head against his shoulder, acting as a standing body pillow. "Mmm, I don't know why a lord would come to town..." replied Blake while chewing softly on the sweet. He relished the flavour of the sweet greatly and began to smile at the sugary taste. Blake always enjoyed being in Ariana's company, though. She had always been there for him and they were practically inseparable. One would think they were a couple by the way they acted sometimes.

"Blake, you should take a seat next to Ariana." instructed Mr. Fletcher.

"Certainly, father." said Blake. And with that, he followed Ariana and took a seat next to her. The pair were sitting comfortably next to each other, looking very elegant in their outfits. It was a cute sight. Mrs. Fletcher couldn't help but smile at what she was witnessing.

"I wonder what this is all about, Ari..." whispered Blake as he leaned towards Ariana's ear.

With everyone gathered in the room; Mr and Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Sarrasri and of course, the soon-to-be-couple; it was the moment of the truth. The parents took a seat on the couch facing opposite the children. Blake actually felt a little bit nervous at this point, not really sure what to expect. He had never been gathered to meeting like this before; not dressed in his best clothing, anyway. His heartbeat was raised slightly and his gaze shifted towards Ariana.
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Ariana shifted in her seat, impatient for this meeting, whatever it was to actually begin. She had to smother a giggle, as the breath from Blakes whisper stirred the hair around her ear.

"Hey that tickled!" Ariana lifted one hand to rub her ear, giving him a baleful pout. "Come on, let's let them talk. That's the only way we'll find out anything."

Ariana ignored the small flutter she felt in her chest. It almost felt like she was... nervous. Which was silly, she didn't get nervous. It must be the dress. She thought, picking at the light fabric with her fingertips. Sneaking glances at Blake from the corner of her eye.
Blake chuckled quietly at Ariana's reaction and nodded while poking her cheek playfully, agreeing with what she said. "Yes, I think it's time they told us." He turned his attention to the parents who were all staring at the two of them. Mr. Fletcher remained serious as always while Mrs. Fletcher was smiling warmly. Her smile put Blake at ease, although he was still feeling a little nervous at this point. Mrs. Sarrasri folded her arms and looked over at Blake's parents, expecting them to make the opening statement.

A good few seconds passed before Mrs. Fletcher spoke. "Blake, Ariana... We all have an important announcement to make concerning you two." Blake's eyes widened slightly as he turned his head to face Ariana for a brief moment before turning back to his parents. He remained silent in order to let them speak.

"You see, m'boy, you've reached that age in life where you are ready to settle down." continued Blake's father. Settle down? Many thoughts were circling Blake's mind at this point.

"Before we announce this, please remember that your father and I have your best interests at heart." Mrs. Fletcher's smile seemed to widen and she averted her gaze towards her husband.

"...Son, after careful thinking and decision making, we have all decided - Mrs. Sarrasri included - that you marry Ariana." finished Mr. Fletcher.




That one word hit Blake hard. He felt his heart sink and he became overwhelmed with emotions. Marry his childhood friend?

"B-But, wait! Th-This is all so sudden...!" stuttered Blake. He held a hand out to speak but was interrupted by his mother.

"Please, Blake, the decision has been made. Your future lies with Ariana."

Blake didn't answer back and only slowly turned his head to face Ariana. He was, at this point, blushing heavily. So that's why he was asked to look his best.
Ariana froze, shocked into silence. Marry Blake? The concept was so confusing, so alien to her that it didn't register in her mind for the first few moments after the announcement was made. She looked over at Blake, eyes wide and confused. Seeing his own expression, shocked and embarrassed it almost seemed, snapped her out of her silence.

"I can't marry Blake! He's practically my brother!" Ari blurted out, standing in a flurry of skirts. She had to say at least one thing about dresses, they certainly made everything seem more dramatic. She took in their parents' stoic, patient expressions and turned to pleading.

"What about the Bakers daughter? Or the merchants girl?!" Nothing, no effect. She looked over at Blake with a pained expression. She loved him- but like a brother, and she knew the way he admired those girls in their pretty skirts with their shy smiles.. Being stuck with her felt like some kind of cruel joke. She kept her hair short, wore trousers- She was often mistaken for a young boy! She didn't even really have a chest!
Blake saw Ariana as an extremely close friend and nothing more. He never once thought about getting romantically involved with her as he was never really interested in love. Upon hearing this, he was definitely in shock. Their parents had just announced their fates. Questions and hypothetical situations made Blake's mind go crazy as he looked at Ariana while biting his lip nervously.

"M-Marry... Ariana? She's like a sister to me. My own flesh and blood!" answered Blake. He spoke quickly while looking around, unsure of how to react. The thought of doing stuff like that to Ariana was certainly very strange for Blake. Stuff like that referring to kissing and lovemaking, of course. Although... he couldn't deny that Ariana did look rather attractive today in her outfit. Maybe there was a chance for this to actually work?

With his face bright red, he found it difficult to remain calm. "I-I really don't know what to say. A-Ari and I..."

Blake's parents and Mrs. Sarrasri seemed to be discussing something in private, inaudible to their children.

He hesitantly took Ariana's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Ariana... I..."

Blake was at a complete loss for words at this point.
Normally Ari was fine whenever they touched. She had always been affectionate, often giving her best friend hugs or dragging him around rather physically. But this time, Ari jumped at the contact. Yanking her hand out of his grip as though he had burned her with his touch. Ariana's expression grew pained, and she held her hand tight to her chest. This was wrong, she thought as she sank back down into her seat- as far as she could get from Blake without switching seats entirely. She'd never had to worry about things like this before! Was she sitting too close, did people see their whispered conversations as something lovers would do?

Ariana rested her head in her hands,letting her fingers block out the light of the room. She was feeling rather dizzy.
Blake blinked several times. He found Ariana's reaction quite hostile, which was completely understandable, but reacted calmly and backed off, placing his hands on his lap as he looked over at their parents who had just finished discussing privately.

"M'boy, from this day on, you are going to be a man." said Mr. Fletcher. He finally cracked a smile from his usual serious expression. Blake's mother clasped her hands together and nodded in agreement.

"We believe that you two are perfect for each other. There is no other woman for you, m'dear." added Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. Sarrasri remained fairly quiet, but one could tell that she was in agreement with Blake's parents.

Is this it? Have their fates been decided by their parents? Blake was still in shock. He had no say or choice in the matter as he didn't want to go against what his parents said. Certainly not in front of Ariana or Mrs. Sarrasri, either.

"...This marriage. When do you intend for it to take place?" asked Blake. It took him a lot of courage to speak.

"We are giving you two a month to prepare yourselves. Then, this time next month, you are to be married at the village chapel." answered Mr. Fletcher. A month to prepare? It sounded like a long time yet an extremely short time as well. Blake gulped nervously, knowing that a month would fly by. "What is there to prepare ourselves with?" he thought to himself. Blake already knew Ariana extremely well... but as a friend. He had never done or discussed anything like that with her.

Blake turned to face Ariana and frowned heavily. He could tell that she was very distressed by all of this.
Ariana grimaced into her hands, Using her fingers to hide her expression from Blake and their parents. One month. One month of freedom, of being able to do what she wanted when she wanted to do it. Then she would be a lady. The idea was almost laughable. Wearing dresses, sewing, having children!

Ariana rubbed her cheeks, wincing at the calluses on her hands. Who was she kidding? Ladies were soft, And proper. They didn't have calluses on their hands from climbing trees and harvesting wheat. Ladies didn't wear pants, and sneak out of the house after dark to go crawling in the woods. Ariana was not a lady, Ariana was just...Ari.

She stood slowly, giving their parents a short curtsy and keeping her eyes on the ground to hide the various emotions there.

"By your leave. I need to think." Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence, betraying how strongly she was feeling right now.

"Ari, dear. " Mrs. Sarrasri stood, frowning at her daughter. The only time she ever showed this much respect to anyone was when she was absolutely furious.

"Alone, mother." Ari swept out the door, slowing down only for a moment at the door her eyes flickering from Blake to her hands. Her first two fingers were crossed, Her thumb, pinky, and ring finger meeting in a circle. It was their sign to meet at the secret place by the river. She would be waiting. They had to talk.
Blake's parents remained silent, having said what they needed to say. Blake remained sitting on the couch while in deep thought. There was a lot to take in. In a month's time, his life would be completely different. He would live the life of a man. A married man who would have a wife, his own family to feed.

Blake rubbed his forehead deeply, a sigh escaping his lips as he did. As Ariana stood up to leave, Blake kept his gaze fixed on her from the corner of his eye. He saw the secret sign she made and he nodded subtly in confirmation. After Ariana left the house, Blake finally spoke. "Mother, father, I am going out for some time. I need to get some air." His parents looked at each other for a moment before nodding in approval at Blake.

"Thank you. I shall be back soon." said Blake. He stood up slowly and gave a small head bow before leaving the house to go to the secret place by the river; the spot where Ariana and Blake would always hang out at. It was a quiet spot, right on the outskirts of the village where no one usually travelled through. The tranquillity and beauty of the nature surrounding the area made it a perfect location for private discussion. Eventually, Blake arrived to see Ariana there to have this talk.
Ariana sat on the river bank, there was one rock there she claimed every time. It was flat, and jutted out over the river so she could dip her feet into the water without getting wet. That was where she sat when Blake came through the woods, her dress hiked up to her knees and her slippers sitting on the bank beside her.

"Blake, what are we going to do? " She didn't turn around, She didn't need to. She knew the sound of his footsteps like she knew the back of her hand. Just as he knew hers. They had such a close friendship, And now she didn't even know what to do. How should she act in front of him?

Ariana sniffed, using the heel of her palm to rub her eyes. Her shoulders drooped, and her head hung desolately. She looked so small against the backdrop of the river and the opposite bank, so lonely.
Blake sighed and took a seat on a rock that was close to, but not directly next to, Ariana. He didn't want to sit right up close like he usually did.

"I... really don't know, Ari." began Blake. He picked up a stone and threw it into the river at a special angle, watching it bounce over and over. The sound of the stone bouncing was somewhat calming. He made quick glances over to the female, managing the faintest of smiles. He didn't want to appear weak in front of his soon-to-be-wife, or at least that's what he now viewed Ariana as. "There was no going against it, right? I just have to accept fate." he thought to himself.

"........Maybe this is fate. Maybe we have to prepare ourselves." said Blake. He then kept his gaze fixed on the river, watching the water flow by.
"If this is fate, then fate is being ridiculous." Ari said stubbornly. She leaned forwards, bracing her elbows against her legs and propping her chin up in both hands. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and her eyes half closed with thought. They had to think of something, I mean, there was no way this could be that set in stone. Right?

"I mean, I know you must have had dreams for your future. Could you imagine us together? We'd have to kiss! And not just like, on the cheek but... you know." Ari made a frustrated sound, falling onto her back and sprawling out on the rock. At least the clouds were still the same- because goddess knows nothing else feels right. She didn't want to be a burden on her best friend. She wanted him to have a happy wife, who did nice things and cared for their children. She couldn't even imagine herself with a child! What would she do with one? How do you even hold one, They're so small and fragile.. She'd be afraid she would break it!
"Sometimes fate is ridiculous and there's nothing we can do about it." said Blake with a small chuckle. It wasn't a chuckle of amusement as such, but rather a dismissive chuckle. He picked up a stone and looked at it closely, examining every single crack and line on it. He often played with the stones on the river bank, ever since he was just a small child.

"I have never even thought about anything like that, Ari. I'm just 20 years old! I-I have my whole life ahead of me." replied Blake. He threw another stone into the river, thinking deeply about what she said. Blake had kissed Ariana at least once before, but in a friendly way. On the cheek, of course. Would kissing her on the lips really be the end of the world, though? Blake did not know many females at all. As a child, the only female interaction he got was with Ariana. Did he really have it in him to be... romantic? Did he truly understand what it meant to be a man? Many thoughts circled his mind. He wanted to respect his parent's decision and go ahead with the marriage, despite knowing that it would be very testing for the two best friends.

Blake finally looked at Ariana. He wanted a direct answer from her. ".......Do you think that we could give this a solemn try, Ari?"
Ari covered her eyes with one arm, looking at the clouds was just emphasizing how weird things would be after this. Could they try it? She knew she would have to marry eventually, and it's not like there was anyone she particularly had her eye on. She lifted up her arm a few scant inches and turned her head to look at Blake, taking the serious lines of his shoulders and the determination on his face. Was he actually asking? Or was he trying to protect her again.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship." It wasn't an answer, but it was something she had to get out there. Blake was her only friend. The girls around the village wanted nothing to do with someone so 'improper', and the other boys had tried to take advantage of her. Thinking she was easy because of the way she dressed, and the way she acted. Of course, Blake did not know about that- she couldn't trust him to not go after the boys if she told him.
"Our friendship... means so much to me." said Blake as he turned to face the ground. "I... wouldn't let something like this ruin our friendship." His words were genuine. As much as he disliked the idea of marrying Ariana, he knew that eventually it would happen. He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking, letting the small breeze of the wind fill the silence.

"I may not be the perfect man... But if I was your husband, I would probably do my best. My best to care... to feed... to l-love..." continued Blake. He trailed off slightly at the word "love". What would be it like to truly love someone? If fate meant that the two best friends were to be united as a couple, then he would take the opportunity to make it as perfect as he could. He had absolutely no intention of letting this ruin anything.

Blake was an optimist. He certainly considered the potential positives from the situation. Perhaps spending the rest of his life with the girl... no, lady, who he had known since they were just children wasn't such a bad idea. After all, he knew almost everything about Ariana. The times and laughs they spent together were precious and meant so much to him. Oh, he loved her. Just not like that. Not yet, anyway.
Ariana laughed, which perhaps wasn't appropriate for the situation. If there was one thing that could be considered feminine about Ari, it would have to be her voice. She had inherited her mothers voice, and her mother had been said to be able to sing birds out of trees. Her laugh was similar too, lighthearted and soft even when she was laughing so hard tears came to her eyes.

"That's just it Blake, can you see me letting somebody protect me? Care for me? I would be a horrible wife.." Ari rolled over onto her front, holding herself up with her elbows. She never could sit still.

"You would make a wonderful husband though. You deserve someone who would be just as good to you."
Blake looked over with a small smile at Ariana as she laughed. Her laugh was sweet enough to make him smile every time, even if he was feeling a bit down It was the first time he heard her laugh since the announcement of their marriage was made. He was now lying completely on his back with his hands on his stomach, staring up into the clouds and sunshine.

"Well, those questions can't be answered, Ari. You don't know something until you've tried it." said Blake. His eyes admired the beauty of mother nature as he watched the birds fly across the blue-stricken sky. Blake enjoyed all things peaceful and nature-related.

"Our parents seem to think that we are perfect for each other, though."
Ari sighed and scrambled back to her feet, dusting off her skirt carefully. Well being angry about it wasn't going to help. In fact she'd been doing nothing but complaining and lamenting their fates since Blake had arrived.

"How do you. .. really feel About all this? I know you want us to give this a chance but, How are you feeling? " Ari peered down at Blake with wide eyes, holding out one hand to help him up from his seated position. She sincerely wanted to know what Blake was thinking. Sometimes he was a mystery to her, Like when he gets that misty look he sometimes does - he never told her what he was thinking.
Blake took Ariana's hand gently and helped himself sit up. His gaze flickered towards Ariana as he adjusted his leather jacket and trousers which had been crumpled slightly from lying on the ground.

"How do I feel?" began Blake. "It's just all so sudden, that's what I think... But I'm not going to dwell on it. I'm just trying to look at it all positively. It's what our parents want, right? I am sure they want what's best for us." He sighed with another chuckle. This time it wasn't such a dismissive chuckle, but rather a chuckle of acceptance. That's how Blake was feeling at this point. He had accepted his fate. Arguing with or challenging fate would have been stupid, he thought.

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