Our Destined Fates [Henry and kitsunemage] [Inactive]

Ari rolled her eyes, hopping down off of the rock and into the shallow part of the river. cold. She wiggled her toes as they slowly went numb, easing the pain from her pinching shoes once more. She was determined to never wear those things again. Wading in deeper, she held her skirt up out of the water- the running current distorting her lower legs and making them appear to waver. Or perhaps she was just shaking from the cold.

"Thats just you accepting things. You can accept things and still be angry or sad." She decided she wasn't going to dwell too long on his words. She felt a curious pain whenever she thought too hard about it. He's going to try to look positively. I guess he's a little upset as well. Ari simply pursed her lips and waded further into the water.
"Well, being sad or angry isn't going to help." said Blake. He watched Ariana wade in deeper and deeper into the river, growing slightly concerned when he saw her shaking. It brought out his protective nature. Should she have really gone in while wearing what she was wearing? He asked himself. Blake did notice that it was slightly colder than usual, even if the sun was out.

He stood up slowly and walked towards the water, dipping a bare foot into it. Yeah, it was cold. "Careful you don't go in too deep. You could slip and injure yourself. Or worse." Blake could swim if it ever came to that. That referring to jumping in and rescuing Ariana. After all, he was quite the athletic young man.
"well even if it doesn't help, that doesn't mean you can't still BE sad or angry. You are avoiding the question good sir." Ariana stuck her nose up in the air, as her sentence progressed her voice grew ever more mocking and haughty. When she turned to look at him she winked. She loved to make fun of the people who took themselves so seriously. Sometimes Blake even took things too seriously. She couldn't remember how many times they had both played in this river- Even if she'd never done it in a dress before, she'd never fallen in. Of course she was excluding the times he pushed her in. Just like she would never include the times she had pushed him in.

Ari stared down into the water, scrunching up her nose as fish began nibbling around her feet. Not that she could feel it, but the idea of fish around her feet was just weird.
"I'm actually not even sad or angry. Just surprised." laughed Blake. Perhaps a small laugh would take his mind off of things. He took off his boots and rolled up his leather trousers, allowing him to step into the shallow water without getting his clothes wet. The coldness of the water made him shiver initially, but he got used to it. He splashed the water a few times in Ariana's direction.

"You know, I think we should spend the next few weeks easy. Have some fun before... everything turns serious." Blake meant doing the things that they would usually do as best friends. Long walks, picnics, piggyback rides.
Ariana gasped, stumbling as she tried to back away from the water he splashed in her direction. Her arms pinwheeled, fighting to keep her balance - which was ultimately her undoing. Her skirts fell into the water, the heavy now waterlogged cotton dragging against her legs with the current. She fell backwards with a spectacular splash, popping back up to the surface in mere seconds.

"Holy-! C-cold!" Ari's pale hair was plastered to her face, her dress clung to her and weighed down her limbs. She gave Blake a miserable look, eyes widened - small droplets of water clung to her eyelashes making it look as though she had been crying. Even her lower lip was stuck out in a pout. Of course nothing would do at this point save revenge.

Ariana gathered up her skirts once more, taking advantage of Blake's worry to get close enough to tackle him back into the water himself.
Blake held a hand to his mouth and snickered at the sight of Ariana's arms pin-wheeling. The childish side of him came out and he grinned teasingly at the female's falling into the river. Although, he became slightly concerned upon hearing her complain about the coldness of the water. He took several steps towards Ariana, still grinning. He held out an arm in case she needed to grab onto it.

"Are you alright, Ari? I'm sorry, but that was kind of funny." chuckled Blake. The current of the river wasn't quite strong enough to take down his athletic body, but his legs were wobbling slightly in the cold water. His clothes got increasingly soaked as he stayed in the river.
A quick flash of white against Ari's sun-tanned face, her pout disappearing in a rush of joy. Her skirts fell from her hands, splashing back into the water only seconds before they were dragged out again. Ari threw herself at Blake, arms outstretched to wrap around his chest as she thumped solidly against him- throwing her weight into the pull of the river. If she was wet, he would be too!

It just barely crossed her mind, but she realized she would miss things like this. Once word got around that they were betrothed, people who had turned the other way at their antics would see nothing but impropriety. They would no longer just be friends enjoying their youth, they would be a young couple shaming their families with their actions. Ariana couldn't bring herself to care though, she loved these times with Blake. I refuse to give this up. was the last thought that crossed her mind before she sucked in a deep breath, preparing for submersion in the cold water once more.
Seeing Ariana throw herself at him, Blake couldn't react quickly enough to move out of the way. He took the hit from the female, instantly wrapping his arms around her to cushion the impact of the landing. He used his legs to try to withstand the thump but failed and fell over backwards, toppling into the water. A loud yell escaped his mouth as he fell.

"Wh-Whoa, Ari...!" laughed Blake. The water submerged the two of them and they were definitely soaking wet. But that isn't to say that Blake wasn't enjoying himself. In fact, he was loving every moment of it. Once he was completely in the water, he let go of Ariana and swam up to the surface. He spat and coughed once, brushing his dripping hair to one side.

The moment of childishness reminded him of the good ol' days he spent with Ariana. Blake's heartbeat rocketed as a result of the adrenaline running through his body. He turned to look at Ariana through the water and chuckled softly.
Ariana made a face at Blake, the water distorting her features into hilarious proportions. Blake was right, all she could really do was make the most of the situation. Besides- they weren't conventional friends in any definition of the word, why should they have to be a conventional couple? Ari grabbed Blakes arm to drag herself out of the water, the river clinging to her dress greedily and making it difficult to stand up. She laughed when she finally managed to surface and stand on her own.

"Oh, I don't t-think that was a good idea. It's s-so cold!" Ari's teeth chattered, emphasizing her words beyond her stuttering. Despite that she giggled, fighting her skirts and the rivers current to make it back to the shore. Her toes were numb now, and her feet- her legs were well on their way as well.

"Hey, do you have your flint on you?" Ari stared over her shoulder hopefully, she didn't want to return to their parents in the state they were. Especially not now. Before it wouldn't have been a problem, after all it wouldn't have been the first time they came back soaked from head to toe. This time, Ari was wearing her best. She didn't even want to think about what her mother would do to her if she came home in this state.
Blake shivered, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm himself up. The friction of the leather garments made this somewhat possible, though it was obviously not enough. It was still very cold. The coldness of the breeze was amplified due to their soaking wet clothes and hair.

"I-I do...! We can use it to dry ourselves off." answered Blake with a small stutter. He trudged to the river bank and made it there within a few seconds, the current acting as a resistance against his legs. Once he made it back, his clothes were dripping with river water. As the water evaporated in the sunshine, Blake found himself losing a lot of body heat.

Blake sat down next to a nearby rock and pulled out his flint. His father always told him to keep it in his pocket as it may come in handy. With the flint, Blake struck it against a small piece of steel and created sparks which in turn lit up a few pieces of wood on the river bank. The warmth of the flame was immediately felt and Blake held out his hands in its direction. "Over here, Ari!"
Ari picked up her skirts, twisting the fabric in her hands to wring out the water before she went over to the fire. It would do her no good to sit by the fire and have her skirts put it out after all. Still, Ari shuddered with chill.

"One second-" Was her hurried reply, giving her skirts one last squeeze. She hopped over towards Blake, sitting down next to him on the rock. She huddled close, holding her hands over the fire next to his with a cheeky smile.

"Guess it's later in the season then it feels like."
It was getting later in the afternoon and the sun was starting to set in the horizon. A noticeable drop in temperature was felt, but this was counteracted by the warmth of the fire. Blake took off his still soaked jacket and placed it on the ground, next to the fire. His defined bare chest dried off in front of the flame.

Blake glanced over at Ariana who was huddling close by with a small grin. "Haha, that was a cheeky move! I'm freezing but having fun at the same time." He was indeed having a lot of fun. It had been a while since he got soaked from head to toe. Blake throughly enjoyed Ariana's company. So, this is the friendship that she didn't want to lose. Blake understood it all now. She didn't want any of these special friendship moments to end. Of course, he wasn't going to let this marriage stop the two of them from having fun. They were barely of typical marriage age.
Ariana glanced over at Blake with a chuckle, pausing when she saw him shirtless. It wasn't like she'd never seen him shirtless before, but now it just seemed. .. different. Ari blushed, pulling her legs closer to her chest. She'd never really looked at Blake like a man before-he had always just been her friend. She had started to believe that maybe this wouldn't effect their friendship, but now?

She couldn't even look at him straight. Mentally shaking herself, Ariana started tugging on her dress, struggling to get the damp cotton over her head. She wasn't going to let this change how she acted. Or at least, she was certainly going to try not to let it effect her.

She would leave her shift on- just in case.

"So I didn't get to ask-damned thing. How is your apprenticeship going? " Ari tugged on the arm of her dress with a frown, wet cotton was never pleasant experience, and the fabric was being incredibly stubborn.
As each minute passed, the sky dimmed. The orange, fiery glow of the fire was now the brightest source of light. It gave Blake a warm feeling in his stomach, huddled up next to his best friend and soon-to-be-wife. Well, that's what he was now seeing Ariana as. She was still his best friend, but it was an undeniable fact that she was also going to be his wife.

The fire dried off Blake's hair and clothes relatively quickly. His hair illuminated and had a somewhat shiny appearance due to the flame. He ran a hand through his wet hair and shaped it. The lighting also made Ariana's blush unnoticeable to Blake.

"Oh, the apprenticeship. Heh! It's going extremely well. My senior thinks I will be fully qualified within a month--" said Blake. He paused, though. A month. That was exactly how long until they were married. Was this a coincidence? He'd be able to provide for the two of them when the time finally arrived. Blake took pride in his work and he was very determined to become a good smith.
Finally escaping from the damp cotton, Ariana laid her dress out carefully. She would be lucky if all she had to worry about were wrinkles in the fabric. She leaned back into Blake, resting her head on his shoulder. As he spoke she could feel the rumble of his voice through his skin, making the skin on her cheek tingle. He was warm.

"Just in time, hm...." Ariana pursed her lips thoughtfully. Soon Blake would have a trade skill to practice, they would be married, and what would she do? She had no skill with cloth or lace. She couldn't weave, or embroider, even carding wool was beyond her abilities! She was a lousy cook beyond what she could roast on a fire. In fact, just about the only thing she was really good at was hunting. Hardly something a wife could be proud of. Perhaps she ought to take up a trade of her own.

"Hey, what do you think of glass blowing?" Surely she could do something like that. It didn't require as much tedious patience as sewing, right?
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