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Fantasy Otherworld Academy

Haruhi Suzumiya

An Adorable Entity

A school, known as Otherworld Academy, exists in London, England on the grounds of a burned church. That very church, which was turned to ash about a century ago, was replaced by an embassy of sorts masquerading as a private school - The only people that were invited to it were those of angelic or demonic origin. While it mattered not whether one was old or young, it did matter whether one was still capable of letting their abilities show - And since most older people were unable to see the truth, that they were not merely human, the majority of the Academy’s inhabitants are between fourteen and twenty-four.

The species are as follows:


Very few angelic races exist - This is because angel blood is very hard to come by, and as such races with angel blood in their veins are rare as well.

Nephilim - They possess unusual strength, speed and stamina (Two to four times that of a normal man, regardless of gender) and their blood runs gold like angels, but they live for only about fifty years at best. Nephilim cannot use magic and instead use a different type of magic - Traditionally called Bevoletium, more commonly referred to as Runes.

Faeries - They can create charms (Simple magic that can captivate its victim in various ways) that cause various things, such as loyalty to the charm creator to running until the victim collapses from exhaustion to other things. Faeries live for about five hundred years and experience time differently from person to person. Faeries have wings and can fly with them.

Humans are a neutral race, one that thrives upon having half angel blood and half demon blood. As such they can choose to be either good or evil much more easily - However, as one becomes more good or more evil, the respective blood type begins to become dominant. Truly evil people or truly good people will not even have full angel or demon blood, however, as humans are completely incapable of being entirely good or evil.


Demon blood is much more commonly spread than angel blood. Demon blood does not, unlike angel blood, necessarily create evil as angel blood creates goodness, unless it is dominant.

Magi - Magi are the only species that can use magic to its fullest capability. They can cast magic of various elements, but since most are untrained they can only use the basic four elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Wind) but trained Magi can do much more, like make Portals to places they’ve been before, cast magic of other elements (Like electricity) and create certain things with a snap of their fingers (It isn’t exactly creating - It’s taking something from one place and bringing it to another). Magi are naturally immortal and are unaffected by disease and death via natural causes.

Vampires - Vampires are very unlike their typical interpretation. While they do need to drink blood to survive and sunlight is something a vampire should avoid, it’s far from instant doom and can even have absolutely no effect on a vampire in rare cases. Most vampires have about six times the strength and speed of a normal human, do not need to breathe and can walk in sunlight - However, walking in sunlight will irritate the vampire to varying degrees (From sweating a lot to going into an uncontrollable rage) and makes the vampire’s need for blood about five times greater while they remain in direct sunlight. Vampires are naturally immortal as well.

Werewolves - Werewolves, additionally, are very different from their typical interpretation. They are slightly stronger and faster than vampires but are not naturally immortal. Depending on their hair and skin colours they can change into different types of wolves as their species implies. Silver, particularly in blade or bullet form, will cause serious wounds to werewolves.

Eidolons - Eidolons are creatures that can morph into whatever they desire, be it human or inhuman. They are about twice as strong, fast and durable as humans, but focus primarily on the changing of their form as an advantage in battle. Eidolons cannot change form into werewolves, vampires, magi or those with angelic blood, but they can change into any animal or insect they've seen or researched.

Most creatures of demonic origin contain about half demon blood unless their blood was altered before birth, so they have the capacity to be either good or evil. The same goes for those of angelic origin, which means almost anyone can be good, evil or even neutral morally.

The classes are as follows:

Combat 101, Period A - This class teaches its students the basics of combat, either with melee or ranged weapons. It typically consists simply of sparring and basic combat techniques.

Healing 101, Period A - This class teaches its student the basics of healing - In the case of demons, magically, and in the case of angels, runes. It’s a simple class, so after about two weeks of the class the period it used to take up becomes free time.

Magic Basics, Period B - This class teaches its students the basics of magic. It’s open to everyone, so almost no actual magic is taught - Only what magic is, how it is cast and how to react to it.

Magic Advanced, Period B - This class teaches the use of magic. Open to Magi and Humans.

Angelic & Demonic History, Period C - This class is, essentially, to teach the history of Angels and Demons and near the end of the course how the Academy came to exist.

Alchemical Essentials, Period C - This class teaches the history and practice of alchemy as well as the theories one must know to practice alchemy. Open only to those with demon blood.

One can take one spare period (Which is essentially free time), which is recommended at the beginning or end of the day (At period A or C). It is not required, however, but those that take a spare period usually do better in their classes due to more focus on fewer classes! Clubs are also available, as displayed below.

Student Government - Student Government is, oddly enough, higher in authority than teachers - But lower than the Headmaster or Headmistress. It meets every day after Period C, and contains the following members:

Consul : Misha Sterling

(The Consul can be any species and is essentially the Student Body President.)

Angel Rep(s) : Maurelle & Kal Summers

(Angel Reps can be Nephilim or Faeries and are meant to represent the Angelic Student Body.)

Demon Reps(s) : Julius Alam

(Demon Reps can be Magi, Werewolves, Vampires or Eidolons and are meant to represent the Demonic Student Body.)

Three other clubs can be created, as well, by students. Only one club can be joined by each person.

Before we get started...

I expect you, the players - Since I'm following the standard as well - For you all to write about two paragraphs per post. One-liners are not allowed, unless I directly say otherwise, and if they persist against my order you will be punished in-character at first, then you'll be asked to leave if the one-liners persist further. Additionally, I expect decent Spelling & Grammar from each and every one of you - You don't have to be perfect, but spellcheck it if you're not confident in your spelling or grammar.

Additionally, check OOC if you're unsure as to what classes you're in, what dorm you'll be staying in, who you'll be staying with, what teachers you'll have and who might be in your classes, when to get food, that sort of thing.

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Emma Croshaw

Emma gazed out the window of her office - It was at the very top of the Academy, in a place where she could see almost everything that was happening, but everyone could see her, as well - A shadow of her, not her complete self. Numerous students were trickling through the freshly opened gate, with only the returning Consul to escort the hundreds upon hundreds of students to where they needed to go. "She'll be fine, won't she?" Emma thought aloud. "Yes... She will. If she can handle being Consul, she can handle the school at its most chaotic. And if she can't..." Emma looked over at her quarterstaff, which was resting against her desk, "She'll be removed from power. Forcefully."

It wasn't like Emma didn't have faith in this Sterling girl, but she doubted her a little bit for some reason. It wasn't major doubt or even anything serious, but she couldn't help but worry... Which was peculiar. This girl wasn't even related to her... But then again, she did vote this girl into the position of Consul.

"Don't worry yourself," she thought. "You have enough to worry about as it is."

Maria Scarlette

Maria sighed and hopped up to the windowsill of her classroom. It overlooked the main courtyard from the second floor, which gave her a decent view over the students she would soon need to teach. They looked like coloured dots from where she was, that was all - She could only see numerous heads of hair. Short hair, long hair, black hair, blond hair, neon dyed hair, and even some silver hair like her own. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered her first day, being shown around by her Consul - Consul Connerson, if memory served - Becoming best friends with a vampire... She was teased a lot for being small, she recalled, and so she looked over at the mirror across the room from her. It took up the entire wall opposite her desk, so she could see herself - And the backs of the heads of her class - By looking back. She walked over to the mirror and at herself, at her tiny frame, her lack of stature...

And wondered whether her class would be surprised by her or not. "Probably," she answered herself. "They usually are."

Will Reynolds

Will watched the crowd from against a wall - He wondered what everyone must have been thinking, having just walked into a school that claimed they were some sort of peculiar creature. They all seem calm, Will observed, Despite being told that they're half angel. Or demon. Or perhaps even both for some.

He wondered if anyone would realize he was a teacher, and that he knew his way around, and that he could help any of them if he felt like it. Of course, if he was asked, he would - But he didn't want to have people clinging to him all day. He liked people, yes, but somewhere the line had to be drawn, right? Instead he started to walk away from the crowd. He started through the halls, peeking his head into classrooms on occasion. He saw teachers, ones with mostly empty classrooms, and wondered when everyone would figure out what to do, where everything was, and whether he should wait in his class for his first group of students. Then again, he had time, so he could wait.

Maybe I could go to the library, get a book or something, and start reading. Will rethought that quickly and laughed to himself a bit. As if I have the time.

Misha Sterling

"Welcome to Otherworld," Misha chimed. "Dorms are that way, the Cafeteria is that way! Come back here in half an hour and the Headmistress will address everyone!" She had been repeating the sentence again and again once every few minutes, watching as her peers walked off to their dorms. She had her suitcase with her, which she had forgotten to put away - Typical - And wondered whether or not a sign would do a better job than her. Then she got a brilliant idea - Why not use a sign? In a blur of motions, she put together a makeshift sign using a meter stick, a piece of journal paper and an old pen. WELCOME TO THE ACADEMY, the sign read. CAFETERIA WEST DORMS EAST.

Following her direction, she headed toward the dorms - After a quick sprint with her suitcase clicking and clacking behind her, she got to her room and opened the door with the key she had gotten, after a quick search on her keyring. She looked around at the room - It looked nice enough, with a TV and a couch straight ahead of her, a door to what she assumed was a bathroom to her left and near the far corner of the room was two double beds, one bright red and one navy blue. Instinctively she ran to the navy blue bed, slid her suitcase beneath it and laid down on the bed. She almost instantly felt like falling asleep, but she also wanted to go out again... Decisions, decisions, she thought. "I wonder who my roommate is," Misha muttered to herself and pulled out her scrunched-up piece of paper that contained her schedule - Combat 101, Magic Basics and Angelic and Demonic History - As well as her dorm, the piece of tape that her key had been attached to and her roommate's name. Kal Summers, she thought. I guess Kal is short for Kallie or something? She let her schedule go and curled up on the bed with her arms wrapped around her pillow. "I'll wake up in fifteen minutes," she told herself, even though she knew she wouldn't fall asleep.

(The roleplay has started! Woo! @Amityvillager @Archdemon @AshenLily @Ben Douglas @Eve Voltaire @GaspAmy @Kiclack @Kyu @The One Eyed Bandit )​
(I couldn't find all that stuff; Food, dorms, etc. Can you direct me to that stuff?)

A black fox slunk through the crowd, spitting sparks at people and causing trouble. "Hey! Watch it!" a girl yelled at the boy behind her. The fox snickered; people were
so easy. The beast spotted a makeshift sign and sat on its haunches in front of it while people walked around it to stare at the scribbles. They couldn't see it, of course, considering it was very proficient at using glamour. The glamour faded as the fox changed into a young woman--who was actually pretty old compared to a simple human. She tapped a forefinger on her chin and chuckled. She pointed the same finger at the sign and twirled it a bit. The sign rearranged itself:



She crossed her arms and leaned back a bit, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. She was definitely pleased with herself. She headed towards the dorms--in the correct direction. It took her hardly any time to find her dorm room, although at first she was confused about her roommate. The one in question happened to be a male. She tilted her head slightly to the left. "Gin," she said to herself, wondering about the face that went with the name. She hoped he was attractive. The young woman assumed he was probably just a sissy considering her luck. She walked over to the bed with bright red covers. A slip of paper showed that was her bed. "I much prefer blue," she sighed. She switched the signs, the one saying "Maurelle" in heavily Sharpied letters on the bed of her choice. She plopped her small bag on her bed and began pulling her things out. Most of it happened to be trinkets she arranged around the room. Gin wouldn't mind a few necklaces with teeth hanging on his side of the room. She took a step back, admiring her handiwork. Then she decided to lay back on her bed and await the arrival of her roommate, planning the chaos she'd cause.
DORM EAST: *I walk to my dorm and set my stuff down* "New year, new room," I say. *I pull out my sword and look at it**I see that there are some marks on it**I decide to clean it* "This might take a while," I say. *I take out the cleaning supplies, and clean the 1'6" by 8' blade*
Aryaxxa walked through the gates of Otherworld Academy, and slipped a small, neatly-folded piece of paper out of her jacket's pocket. She quickly skimmed the contents of the note she'd written herself, until she came to her dorm information.

East Dorm, Room F

Looking up and glancing around, the whole situation was a bit overwhelming. Aryaxxa didn't typically do the whole "social setting" thing very well, and often shied away from any situations that may fall under that category, when possible. Steeling her nerves, she proceeded forward, noting a young woman shouting to the masses. "Welcome to Otherworld. Dorms are that way, the Cafeteria is that way! Come back here in half an hour and the Headmistress will address everyone!"

Following the girl's direction, she was able to make her way to her dorm room, though it took her a bit longer than she would have imagined. She made her way to the bed on the far side of the room, and quickly deposited her bags on the bed, taking a few minutes to carefully remove her clothes from their bag, and hang them up in what she decided would be her closet. If she had a roommate, she didn't appear to be here yet. Aryaxxa couldn't help but hope she had somehow been assigned a room to herself. She didn't typically play well with others, and dreaded the idea of being trapped in a room every night, with some stuck-up ditz. Sighing to herself, she laid down on the bed, trying to decide if she was hungry enough to make it to the cafeteria and then eat, and be back to where she was apparently supposed to meet, in only half an hour, for the Headmistress to address the students. She eventually decided she wasn't, but figured that she may be able to catch a quick nap. Sinking into the soft bed, she quickly began to doze off.
The twins walked through the gates of there new home. ----- -_- ---Trick

Were in the east dorms Room D. They bunked us together. A small smile trimmed across his face.

------- -_- ---Tamsin

Telopathicly- Trick there's to Kenny people here why did you choose this place.

------ -_- ----Trick

They are like us
*I continue to clean the blade, waiting to meet my new roommate* "*I hum American Pie*" *I finish one side and flip the blade**I cut my leg when flipping the blade* "Gah," I say in slight pain. *I take some bandage out of my bag and wrap it around the wound**I keep cleaning my blade, Zeora*
Aiden had some suntan lotion on to help with the sun, he already felt the many eyes on him as he walked to the dorms by the direction of the sign. He began thinking to himself as he was walking 'It's been awhile since I left London with those colonists........' He began thinking some more and painful memories entered his mind, he can still remember the first winter, how many friends did he lose? Far to many..... He finally arrived at his dorm room which he used he key to open. Once inside he saw a girl laying on one of the beds, this was his roommate Aryaxxa he presumed. He took the bed on the other side of the room and began unpacking without greeting the girl, he hanged his clothes in the closet closest to him which was empty. Aiden sat on his bed which was gray and scanned the room with his one eye. @AshenLily
*I finish cleaning the blade completely**I stand up and wince a little**I put less pressure on the leg and sheath the blade in the sheath around my waist* "It will be a hard first couple of days," I say, looking at my leg. *I limp out of the door and out into the hall**I walk to the Courtyard, going to wait for the speech that I knew was coming from the Head Mistress**I start limping through the halls*
Amy arrived at the school. She peered out the window of the taxi she was in. "I wonder what this school is like." She whispers more asking herself. The taxi come to a stop out the front of the school and she stepped out paying the cab driver and then collecting her bags. She stood there for a moment taking in her first look at the school, before walking into it. She easily found her way to her dorm and soon found her room. She let herself in and smiled as she was the first to arrive. She chose the bed near the window and sat herself down on it and her bags as well, deciding to unpack after her first day.
Alex: *I reach the beautiful sunshine out in the courtyard**I sit down in one of the unoccupied areas and rest my cut leg**I begin to read*

Misha Sterling

Misha tossed and turned awkwardly on her bed - The blankets clung to her as she did so, tearing them from their once-neat positions to being wrinkled and almost tightly wrapped around her. She broke free of the blankets and stood up, then kicked off her shoes, leaving them lopsided against the wall. She walked out of the room and down the hall, then looked at the doors down the hall from her - She wondered who was in the rooms and whether or not she wanted to meet them or not...

Of course I want to meet them, Misha thought. And even if I don't, I should, right? I'm the Consul. It's my job to know the people! Misha thought jokingly, then knocked on the door directly beside her room. Room B, she thought. This had... Who was it again, Justin and Amelia? Yeah, that sounds right, Misha thought. "Hello? Is anyone in here?" She asked the door with a nervous smile on her face. The nervousness quickly faded as she heard what she assumed were footsteps near the door, but may have been unpacking of some sorts, which seemed the most reasonable explanation - It was the first day, after all.

(@GaspAmy )​
(This is my last comment of the night) Alex: *I flip the page of the book**I wince, feeling some pain in my leg**I don't bother going to the nurse, knowing that it would heal in a couple of days* "It doesn't hurt that much either," I say to myself. *I smile, and turn the page again**Again, I wince from the throbbing pain in my leg*
Aryaxxa was nearly asleep, when she heard the door open. She made a point of not looking, as she heard her would-be roommate getting situated. Sighing softly in disappointment, at realizing she wouldn't be the only one in the room, she opened an eye, to evaluate her roommate.

Somewhat surprised at seeing a boy, she slowly sat up. Aryaxxa hadn't heard that there would be the possibility of co-ed roommates. That made things... interesting, to say the least. Quickly glancing around the room, her eyes finally settled back on him. For whatever reason, he appeared to only have one eye. How odd. From what she was able to discern, he appeared to be a demon. Likely a vampire, but it was hard to be sure. In any case, it wasn't terribly important, as long as he wasn't irritating. After taking a few minutes to evaluate him, she worked up the courage to speak. "U-uhm. S-so, I guess you're my roommate?" Though she tried to avoid staring at the boy's eye, which appeared to be covered by an eyepatch of sorts, she didn't do a very good job, and quickly looked away altogether, out of embarrassment. She'd barely been at the school for 15 minutes, and was already making poor first impressions.

Amy heard the voice come from the other side she got excited that it might be her room mate. She gets up and walks over to the door slowly. She takes a moment since she did not want to make her room mate hate her. She pulls the door open slightly and peeks around the door. "H-Hi there." She says looking at the girl in the door way. She opens the door a wider for the girl a small smile creeping onto her face. "I'm Amy." She says speaking softly.
Julius stepped off of the bus, which had arrived a little later than he would of liked. Not that it mattered though, the first day in this place was always one big cluster of confusion, with all the new students swarming around trying to find the dorms and get first dibs on their side of the room. Though, as the Demon Rep for the student government he should have probably put a bit more effort into showing up on time, but the great thing about buses was that you could just blame their crappy timing for any lateness.

After taking a few moments to re-orientate himself with the school's layout Julius headed to his Room B, the dorm he'd been assigned this year. Upon arriving he found Misha Sterling, last year's Consul, at the door talking to another girl, who he assumed was his roommate. Approaching the pair he announced his presence "Hey there!" he said, giving the girls a small wave with his free hand, coming to a stop around a half a meter from the door "How are you ladies doing?"
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Amy stands there talking with the girl, jumping a little in fright at the new voice. She looked over at the boy, she smiles and waves politely "Hi." She said in her usual soft voice. "I'm good just really excited and nervous at the same time." She says smiling. "Are you in room B?" she asks him stepping back from the door so the two of them could go in if they want.

Misha Sterling

"H-Hi there."
Misha blinked awkwardly, as if the girl had been speaking in a different language. "I'm Amy." The corners of Misha's mouth perked up again at that. "Hey, I'm Misha - Misha Sterling, or as you'll probably know me this year, Consul Sterling. It's great to meet you!" She wondered what she should do at this point - She considered offering her hand, but a handshake would seem awkward, wouldn't it? Instead, she simply smiled. It seemed the best thing to do, and what would do better than being nice with someone she didn't know very well?

"Hey there!"
Misha spun on her heel to see Julius, an admittedly somewhat unexpected face. She wasn't very much familiar with him, but she did know he was nice, so that was a plus, at least. "How are you ladies doing?"

"Perfect!" Misha replied - She felt oddly happy, which admittedly wasn't unusual, but more so than usual. Maybe she was happy to see a familiar-ish face after so long? "I think," Misha started, "That you were given a position in the Student Government, right? And since you're-" She stopped dead in her tracks. She actually had no idea what Julius was. She was Nephilim, but didn't want to assume the same of him. He likely had demon blood in him of some sort, but she didn't want to assume anything...

"I'm good just really excited and nervous at the same time." Something set off in Misha's mind there - Some sort of alarm. "Oh, there's no need to be worried," she explained. "Otherworld's actually really nice. It just might take a little while to get used to," she added. "And if you need anything, have any questions - Anything, really, ask me! I'm just next door," Misha pointed over at the door to Room A. Then she noticed that Amy was standing aside, which to her screamed Come in. She wasn't exactly sure what to do... And decided to wait for Julius to make the next move. He's probably the better judge here, I think.

(@GaspAmy @The One Eyed Bandit )

(I'll reply tomorrow morning... I have to sleep for the time being, so if ignoring Misha is a must to keep things going, feel free to do so.)​
"Indeed I am, and yeah, I'm part of the Government this year" He said, replying to the two girls questions. Seeing Misha hesitating to head inside he brushed past her, throwing his bag at the base of the tidier looking bed, assuming that the girl had claimed the other one based of the disheveled state of the blankets. "So roomie, best to get introductions out of the way early don't you think?" He says, speaking in a fairly carefree manner "I'm Julius Alam, Fourth Year Student, Magi and Demon Government Rep. Pleasure to meet you" He added with a jokingly dramatic bow.
Amy smiles as she watched him walk in. "Nice to meet you Julius. I'm Amy Oakheart, First year, Nephilem." She said laughing quietly at the bow. "I hope you don't mind that I already claimed a bed." She says speaking softly as her shyness begins to kick in a little. "Since you're fourth year you know your way around right?" She asks walking over to her bed and sitting back down, looking across the room at him.
"Not at all" It was nice to see she had a sense of humor, the guy he'd been paired up with last year had been one of those stiff, never smiling types. Terribly boring to be around, the only way he was able to have his fun with him was by pissing him off, and he'd taken more than one fists to the gut because of it. "I know this place like the back of my hand, and I would be willing to play tour guide, if that's what your asking" He offered, uncharacteristically, to show her around no strings attached. Normally he'd charge, even for a service so basic as showing someone around, but he figured that wouldn't be the best way to get on his new roommate's good side, especially on the first day.
"Oh there is no need for that. I spent a lot of time memorizing the map so I wouldn't get lost."She says swinging her legs a little as she sits there on her bed. "She got up off the bed to begin unpacking using some of the time before the headmistress gave her speech. She unpacked rather quickly, taking up minimal space, not sure whether her room mate was messy or not, leaving more space for him. She looks over her shoulder at him "Is the school hard to get used to?"
(Anybody care to update me? xD ) 
Kal flung his bag straight crashing to his bed. He stretched his arms, arcing behind his back and exhaled heavily. "I wonder what fun stuff I'll get into this year..." he whispered to himself. He popped his head outside the door and was quite glad to see a lot of people interacting with one another. He smiled and then headed outside, closing the door behind him.

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