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Multiple Settings Original Plot ideas


Ghost Hunter
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Off-site
My Interest Check
Yes, you read that right. Since I'm not in the same fandoms as most of you are, then I decided to do original plots. But let me say a few things before I start, I am over 25 years old, so I'd prefer to roleplay with someone who is at least 18 and over. I don't really have a life outside the internet, so I'll probably almost always be on, except when I am watching something on Amazon of course. I am a female, but I honestly prefer playing the male role, and I am used to playing it. I only do romance with a BxG pairing, sorry if that's not what you're looking for. These plot ideas have come from numerous sources, mainly tv and songs. I only use realistic faceclaims, because I'm not too big on anime, sorry again. I try to write at least one paragraph per response, and I hope the same from you. And this may be a dealbreaker, but I honestly suck at detail, but I am trying to improve on that, I just have trouble describing scenery and people and everything like that, so detail may be limited. Now, let's get on to the plots, shall we?

Title: Truth or Dare
Possible Genre: Horror, Crime, Tragedy
Plot: An innocent game of truth or dare turns into a nightmare.
~Muse A is having a party at their house, maybe a college party or something, and invites their best friends Muse B, Muse C, and Muse D, then after Muse B dares Muse A to play with an ouija board, or a spirit box or something, weird things start happening and one by one the friends turn up dead. (May have more characters than 4)

Title: Message Me
Possible Genre: Romance
Plot: Muse A is reluctant to join a dating sight because she had just got out of a bad relationship with her boyfriend, her friend Muse C had already joined the site and was flirting with Muse D, so when Muse A finally decides to give it a try, she starts talking with Muse B, who was Muse D's cousin and had been staying with him since his wife died. Muse A and Muse B had actually met in person once before when they bumped into each other but didn't know it at the time. (Idea is subject for debate)

Title: Needs a title
Possible Genre: Crime, Drama (can be romance or just friendship)
Plot: Muse A has been locked up for a murder they didn't commit, in which Muse B takes a liking too, so they look further into their case. (Idea is subject for debate.)

Title: The Letter
Possible Genre: Horror, Crime, Drama, Suspense
Plot: 6 friends receive mysterious letters in the mail that doesn't have a return address, but the letter just tells them how they are going to die. (May have additional characters, idea subject for debate.)

Title: This isn't Possible
Possible Genre: Horror
Plot: Muse A has been possessed by an evil spirit, who isn't afraid to hurt Muse A's friends or family both physically and mentally. Muse B is one of Muse A's closest friends and is skeptical about paranormal stuff. Muse C is another friend who is obsessed by paranormal and does whatever they can to help Muse A. Muse D is Muse A's sibling who loves them very much and will do anything for them. (Idea is subject to change; is debatable; can add to it; multiple characters involoved.)

Title: ???
Possible Genre: Crime, drama (subject to change)
Plot: Muse A has always been a disappointment to their family, while Muse B's family has been too clingy to them and not giving them enough space. Muse B wants to do something so drastic that will change the way their family perceives them, so then enlists Muse A's help in stealing something since Muse A had always been good with sneaking into places; but Muse A gets caught by their sibling who is a cop. This can end in one of three ways:
1. Muse B turns on Muse A at the last moment and tells the cops it was their idea (or)
2. Muse A turns on Muse B and tells the cops they were the mastermind (or)
3. Neither, we play it out.
(I would prefer Muse A for this idea, but I will leave the choice to whomever I am roleplaying with. And the idea is subject for debate. Probably multiple background characters as well.)

Title: Starter for 'This Isn't Possible'
Genre: Horror
~He flipped the phone in his hand while he waited outside the room, frantically replaying what had happened over and over in his mind. He tightened his grip on the phone, then went to pacing around. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his racing mind. He kept asking himself one question: What was wrong with her? But that had brought up another question. Why was she acting like this? He walked towards the door that he had come out from, then opened it up and peeked inside.

The girl was writhing around still lying on her back. She was talking in a different language than English, though he wasn't sure what that language was.

The priest was standing over her, speaking words that sounded like some kind of mantra that you would hear on TV or something. He quickly pulled back out of the room, then softly closed the door behind him. He tried not to flinch when he heard glass shattering from inside the room. Maybe she had knocked the picture off her nightstand or something, but it sounded more like a window. He went back to pacing, while he waited for this nightmare to finally be over. But what if it never ended? What if it lasted until eternity? With this evil demon inside of her, she was a very strong woman and could take down a big muscular man twice her size and win. He remembered his fight with her only a few days ago, not a fight like an argument, but a physical fight. He would never touch her though, which gave her the advantage. Well that, and the fact that she had an evil spirit inside of her body. He went back to pacing, still clutching the phone as close to him as he could. His best friend was in the hospital because of this. He ran his fingers nervously through his short hair, pausing only briefly from pacing, then starting back again.

While he waited, he decided to think back to the beginning of the month when this first started

Title: Needs One
Genre: Crime, Drama
~He pulled the hood over his head creeping silently through the shadows. He pulled the bag off his shoulder, pausing at the breaker. He pulled the flashlight out of his bag, then turned it on. There was all kinds of buttons and wires. He pulled out the wire cutters, then dropped the bag on the floor. “Which wire is it?” He asked softly into the radio to his partner.

“The red one,” she radioed back. “Look, are you sure about this? This seems really wrong.”

He put the wire cutter up to the red wire. “I’m sure,” he radioed back just before cutting the wire.

The power turned off which also made the security cameras and sensors go off too. “Okay, now we have exactly 5 minutes before the security guard gets here to find out what happened. So let’s get this done and get it done quick,” he radioed picking his bag up, then crept out of the room; still shining his flashlight.

He glanced around to make sure no one was coming, then hurried into the room. He paused in the doorway, until he spotted the protection glass where they were keeping the artifact. He pulled the bag off again, then dug through it until he found the thing that could quickly and quietly cut threw glass.

After getting the glass open, he took his black gloves off and shoved them back into the bag, then reached into the glass and pulled the Crystal Crown out and put it into the bag.

Ideas from other places on the internet:

After being wrongly imprisoned for 2 years, Muse A gets out on parole. Adjusting to life on the outside is difficult with a conviction on their record, especially since no one knows the truth– which is that Muse A was innocent and had to take the fall for someone who was threatening their family. As a term of their parole, Muse A must live in a halfway house and maintain employment for 6 months without committing any criminal offenses or they risk an immediate return to prison. Muse A just wants life to return to something resembling normal, so they take the first job opportunity that will have them. Muse B is a customer who frequents Muse A’s place of work. Although Muse A tries to keep to themselves in order to avoid any potential trouble, Muse B manages to crack Muse A’s hardened exterior. Over time, Muse B becomes someone whom Muse A looks forward to seeing and spending time with. As a tentative relationship grows, Muse A starts to feel like they can put their unjust past behind them. That is– until Muse B invites Muse A to meet their sibling, Muse C, who Muse A recognizes as the person they went to prison because of. Now Muse A must decide whether their budding relationship with Muse B is more important to them than seeking revenge on Muse C and jeopardizing their freedom.

When Muse A (someone who’s led a comfortable life in a stable home) encounters Muse B (someone who’s struggled since birth and was raised by members of the neighborhood gang) on a hot summer night, an unlikely romance blossoms. As opposite as the pair of them are in circumstances and attitudes, they click somehow; initially, Muse B sees no reason to share that they’re affiliated with a notorious gang. As long as they’re careful it won’t ever be an issue, right? Muse A and Muse B’s relationship progresses in a positive direction until one night when Muse B’s car is tailed by someone from a rival gang while Muse A and Muse Bare on a date. Without warning, the blissfully-ignorant couple are caught up in a drive by. No one is critically harmed, but Muse A is definitely shaken. Though grateful that they both survive with minimal injuries, Muse A’s entire world is turned upside down when Muse B admits that they were the intended target due to their gang ties. Muse A- who couldn’t be further removed from that type of lifestyle- is devastated. Despite Muse B’s attempts at reassurance, Muse A is fearful for Muse B’s life and also for the safety of their own loved ones now that they know the truth of Muse B’s background. Muse A has to wonder if the feelings they have for Muse B are enough to justify putting themselves and their friends/family in danger. Will Muse A end up giving Muse B an ultimatum? Will Muse B choose loyalty to the one they love or to the only family they’ve known?

A group of campers (or counselors) decide to play an initiation prank on a new camper (or counselor) at the start of camp festivities. After lights out, when Muse A is fast asleep, the group grabs Muse A out of bed and makes haste to the lake. When Muse A awakens to the sound of raucous laughter, they’re startled to suddenly be adrift in a canoe in the middle of the dark, deep lake waters without a paddle. Despite Muse A’spleas that they can’t swim, the group leaves Muse A out on the lake for the night, stating they’ll be back by morning. When the group returns at dawn, they’re confused to see that Muse A is gone. They quickly fish the canoe out of the lake and can only assume that Muse A got to shore on their own. The day goes by and no one sees Muse A around camp, nor has anyone in the group gotten into trouble for the prank they all pulled. The group begins to worry that something might’ve gone wrong; maybe the prank went too far. Muse B, the leader of the group insists that Muse A will turn up eventually; everyone agrees to keep the prank a secret.. at first. Several days pass and the group is unable to keep covering for the missing camper ( or counselor) and paranoia starts to spread when it seems like someone is following them around camp; Muse B is worried most of all, since the prank was their idea. Little do they know that Muse A isn’t missing, but hiding, and plotting revenge against them all.

Well, this is all the ideas that I can think of at the moment. Don't hesitate to tell me any ideas you have, or if you liked two of these ideas, we can cross them or something like that. Anyways, I must be going now. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I promise I don't bite.
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Oooh this looks interesting. I like your ideas, and I'm dying for some original plots :')

Let me know if you're still looking for a writer/partner
Oooh this looks interesting. I like your ideas, and I'm dying for some original plots :')

Let me know if you're still looking for a writer/partner

I'm always looking for a writer/partner. I started off looking for fandom roleplays, but nothing really suited me and other people aren't in the same fandoms as me; so I decided to try original plots instead.

Anyways, which idea interested you the most? Or we could cross ideas or something or other.
I might be into the same fandoms as you. For Im rather lost here when it comes to the popular ones posted. :) Ive seen Psyche and got a kick out of it. Could rewatch and get some muse. And who doesn't like friends? ;)

I like your plot ideas. Im certain we can come up with something.
I might be into the same fandoms as you. For Im rather lost here when it comes to the popular ones posted. :) Ive seen Psyche and got a kick out of it. Could rewatch and get some muse. And who doesn't like friends? ;)

I like your plot ideas. Im certain we can come up with something.

I didn't think hardly anyone was in the same fandoms as me since most people tend to only want to roleplay anime shows and stuff. ;)

Awesome! I enjoy plotting! :D
I'm always looking for a writer/partner. I started off looking for fandom roleplays, but nothing really suited me and other people aren't in the same fandoms as me; so I decided to try original plots instead.

Anyways, which idea interested you the most? Or we could cross ideas or something or other.

True, I find fandoms a little to hard to collaborate in. There's either too much going on, or nothing at all.

I'm interested in the one stating Needs a Title, Truth or Dare, and The Letter (in that order).
True, I find fandoms a little to hard to collaborate in. There's either too much going on, or nothing at all.

I'm interested in the one stating Needs a Title, Truth or Dare, and The Letter (in that order).

That first one you mentioned there was actually my favorite one, but I also liked Truth or Dare as well, so which would you like to do? Either is fine with me.
That first one you mentioned there was actually my favorite one, but I also liked Truth or Dare as well, so which would you like to do? Either is fine with me.

The one which Needs a Title then :) The plot gives me a Jeffrey Archer vibe (which I love)

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