Original Fantasy World - Interest Thread

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate
>> Lore and info thread <<

Original fantasy world made mostly by myself but with much help from friends.

One paragraph minimum posts.

Easy and simple number crunching for boss battles and PVP

Character creation will open once enough are interested and hopefully once the dice roll function gets added to the forums
[QUOTE="Zack DeAngelis]heh depending on what you mean by Fantasy Ill be quite interested

Click on the link, it's a lore and info. It will explain exactly what kind of fantasy
wow...that is amazing....but actually right now i think im biting off a bit more than i can chew. im already in 4 other RPs. Sorry and good luck to you.
Looks awesome. I'm interested in how you'll incorporate PvP, which would be really cool. Anyway, I'd be interested in joining the RP when it starts.
I always have interest in the Supernatural. Despite you being a stickler for rules, you have my interest.
Yes! Thank you all for the interest!

Athral It'll be a very simple number crunching system that includes a d10 d8 and a d6. So hopefully the dice systems comes around the same time i open up the recruitment thread ^.^
Looking forward to it, though I am still wondering you're still jelly. I am planning on my own Fantasy World myself. Hopefully there is no similarity, so we have no copyright problems. Lol
First my compliments, as it is rare to find a work of Rp that has this amount of time and history placed in it without the contamination of Fan-fic.

My advice- A majority of roleplayers here will say that they want to join but, not push your story because of staying in the confines of cannon characters. Next time start the kindling before starting a fire; In other words start with small rps set in the world and then gradually reveal components of that world, not the other way around.
Drifter said:
First my compliments, as it is rare to find a work of Rp that has this amount of time and history placed in it without the contamination of Fan-fic.
My advice- A majority of roleplayers here will say that they want to join but, not push your story because of staying in the confines of cannon characters. Next time start the kindling before starting a fire; In other words start with small rps set in the world and then gradually reveal components of that world, not the other way around.
Sir or madam, I have been on this site much longer than you have. I had once ran RPs with even larger back stories, lore, and timelines. I've been running RPs for a long time now, and I can assure you that I know what I am doing when it comes to making a world which all can RP in.

My back advice towards you- Simply putting up a story without a proper world is just another boring RP that will inevitably fall into a collection of miserable and pointless characters running around doing whatever they please, at least until they get bored and simply stop posting. I have found - from RPing her and many other sites - that making a world around that which is going on makes a more stable environment for fair and fun Role play.

One more thing, I've yet to actually mention a story. Everything I said in the OP is just what is going on in the world, what's happening, and not the story arc which will be the main premise of the RP. In fact, I worked hard as not to reveal much of anything that would spoil the story. Worry not, this will not even be a very linear RP, I want a large amount of people to join before I even open the sign up thread(amongst other things I am waiting for *cough* dice rolling *cough*).

Sir/ma'am, I strive for making a world that will one day become what people use in their fandom RPs. I want to make a fully fleshed out world that will memorize people and get them to continuously want to learn more about its vastness. While not there yet, I assure that I'll make it ;)

Thanks for your advice, I will take it into consideration.
Simply putting up a story without a proper world

^ Funny as I had never gave the above as advice, as you and I both believe in creating campaigns before storys. Ps I am a veteran to multiple sites with multiple storylines also under my belt, my advice was geared towards what I have seen in the nature of the rpers of this site, not towards the campaign world.
Drifter said:
you and I both believe in creating campaigns before storys.
Actually I believe that matter of importance goes more of

World > Story > Campaign

I believe the world must be the most planned process, even if it is the players that will shape the world.

Story should span many Campaigns, and should not be locked to the story of one goal but rather many separate and different goals.

And the campaign should simply be the drives for each story.
Agrees with I have just used the term 'campaign' as synonmous with components of the history, lore and mythos of the world itself. Such as the Similarion being the backbone of Middle Earth. I apologize for misuse of the terminology. Either way I was not criticisizing the History of your world. Just that with the varied age gap & attention span of the rpers on this site it is sometimes better to hide the rest of the iceberg (beneath) <anology while giving little by little of the world.

I wasn't looking for a full on war on semantics.
No, I enjoy these conversations.

Though the use of "campaign" had indeed confused me.

There are some really good RPers here, some I would admit better than myself. Though, few have shown interest in my RP yet.
From what I've read, I'm highly interested in the idea ^.^ I haven't been able to finish reading everything, but I will when I get the chance!
Thanks for all the interest everyone! I'd probably open up the recruitmen thread now, but I'll wait a little while longer, as to see if the dice rolling function gets added.

I'll give it a few days :3

If you know anyone who'd be interested, feel free to invite them to check it out!
I would definitely be interested in this, so if I could get a spot reserved that would be fantastic
Hey hey hey hey hey! Thanks for all the interest people! I know the wai for the dice rolling system is taking somewhat long, so I've decided to make a temporary waiting RP, simply to keep everyone's attention as we waited for the main RP to come under way.

As a temporary RP, there won't be much major combat or story, simply an RP locked down into a certain area for some casual Role play. It won't be mandatory and will most likely not affect the main RP. I'd just like to make sure my RP is not forgotten by those who found interest in it, and to do that I'd like to open a RP to help ease the wait.

First, I'd like to know if anyone is somewhat interested in this. I'll go a head and start working on it now, it shouldn't take long.
DTM20 said:
I'd be interested in joining this if there would be some way to conceivably work in this character: www.rpnation.com/index.php?showcase/audrey-saddler.409/
I can tweak the exact workings of how her magic works to the setting, of course.
I skimmed over it, looks perfectly fine. Of course like you said, simple tweaks to meet magic and lore requirements would help ^.^ But all is fine. Thanks for the interest! 
Here is the temporary RP! if any are interested in joining it as we wait for the dice rolling system.

I'm a link, click me 
Hi, was wondering how often would u require a post? thrice a week too little? or that okay? I will of course keep up with the other posts in the meantime.
Lekiel said:
Hi, was wondering how often would u require a post? thrice a week too little? or that okay? I will of course keep up with the other posts in the meantime.
That'd be fine ^.^

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