Original Fantasy World - Interest Thread

Thanks! I won't be submitting any applications yet though.. still figuring out what I want to do with the limited weekly time I have for RPing. But I must say, this is a darn good welcome for me into RP nation ^^! I'm sorta the new kid on the block though not new to RP writing. My previous lurk-site got a little too unimaginative and any attempts of mine to add a splash of colour were largely ignored. If I've got to scroll down several times to read the lore, there's a high chance u've caught my attention haha. I don't find all these info restricting, but rather it helps others to come into the mindset, or view point of the author to see his/her world through his/her eyes, and in doing so, live on the same ground, so to speak. Which helps a great deal in getting a feel of the air, as you live and breathe on these fantasy lands!

Anyways, just wanna say I really like what I'm seeing. I'll decide if i wanna join in a couple of hours or so, but don't wait or reserve a spot for me =P Hope the RP takes flight majestically in either case though ^-^!
Lekiel said:
Thanks! I won't be submitting any applications yet though.. still figuring out what I want to do with the limited weekly time I have for RPing. But I must say, this is a darn good welcome for me into RP nation ^^! I'm sorta the new kid on the block though not new to RP writing. My previous lurk-site got a little too unimaginative and any attempts of mine to add a splash of colour were largely ignored. If I've got to scroll down several times to read the lore, there's a high chance u've caught my attention haha. I don't find all these info restricting, but rather it helps others to come into the mindset, or view point of the author to see his/her world through his/her eyes, and in doing so, live on the same ground, so to speak. Which helps a great deal in getting a feel of the air.
Anyways, just wanna say I really like what I'm seeing. I'll decide if i wanna join in a couple of hours or so, but don't wait or reserve a spot for me =P Hope the RP takes flight majestically in either case though ^-^!
Welcome to RPn, if you want to get more help on understanding the place, head over to the front page and speak in the Shoutbox, it's a community chat pretty much. I hope you enjoy us at RPn ^o^

Awesome ^.^ You saw all the links right? There's a a lore thread, a temporary RP signup and a temporary RP IC
Ah great! A help chat! Was browsing around before for some thread or info on editing, wanna see if I can do more other than the boxes I see above this typing area. Like add my own fonts. Or if I need to create a character in that characters tab thing in order to RP.

I think I've seen all the links.. haha.. Have not got to the bottom of the lore, but I do know u have a temporary RP going to keep peeps busy.

Thanks for the welcome =]
Lekiel said:
Ah great! A help chat! Was browsing around before for some thread or info on editing, wanna see if I can do more other than the boxes I see above this typing area. Like add my own fonts. Or if I need to create a character in that characters tab thing in order to RP.
I think I've seen all the links.. haha.. Have not got to the bottom of the lore, but I do know u have a temporary RP going to keep peeps busy.

Thanks for the welcome =]
Yeah, there are some codes that aren't shown. I don't know them all haha, but I believe it's still changing as updates are still on their way.

Have you begun reading the lore?

Yeah finished it =3

Not going to confirm my application as of yet, would like to read the actual storyline the RP will be set in. And have no idea what that dice system is about.. But as before, dont wait for me =D

In the meantime, gonna start on transferring some of my own RPs over, haha.. got lots of editing to do, as the coding is different
Lekiel said:
Yeah finished it =3
Not going to confirm my application as of yet, would like to read the actual storyline the RP will be set in. And have no idea what that dice system is about.. But as before, dont wait for me =D

In the meantime, gonna start on transferring some of my own RPs over, haha.. got lots of editing to do, as the coding is different
Alright awesome ^.^
It said to post here, not sure if its wrong to still since it seems to be old thread so sorry if wrong place. I am interested though, you can count me in and maybe this bump will help too if its allowed.
MegaMightyMay said:
It said to post here, not sure if its wrong to still since it seems to be old thread so sorry if wrong place. I am interested though, you can count me in and maybe this bump will help too if its allowed.
haha you're new aren't you?
MegaMightyMay said:
Ya, I just joined yesterday but I have done e-mail role plays so not completely new to RP itself
Uhm, well I'm not how to explain this.

RPs on forums are somewhat different. You must sign up in this thread using the information on the first post. Then the actual RP is in another thread.

My RP may be a little much if this is your first time in a forum site
Okay, I think by the time the RP is up (it seems like you guys are waiting for the dice) I might become good enough to join. Do you want to do a light 1x1 to see my RP level?

Also, this is how I understand the system now that I look at it a bit more:

Interest Thread -> people say they want to join or have interest

Sign-Up Thread -> people post their character profile

Storylines/Info -> reference thread and maybe questions about rp setup

Actual RP Thread -> boom

Is this right?
MegaMightyMay said:
Okay, I think by the time the RP is up (it seems like you guys are waiting for the dice) I might become good enough to join. Do you want to do a light 1x1 to see my RP level?
Also, this is how I understand the system now that I look at it a bit more:

Interest Thread -> people say they want to join or have interest

Sign-Up Thread -> people post their character profile

Storylines/Info -> reference thread and maybe questions about rp setup

Actual RP Thread -> boom

Is this right?
The RP is currently up at the moment, at least a temporary one until the dice system comes along.

I'll send it to you, look it over and then you can decide if you're adequate enough.

Awesome thank you, I intend to join if its okay, but I will spend time to read it more so I am more knowledgeable about the world

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