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Oriens Academy [Phoenix Game]


Upon entering the thunder area, the first thing Mel noticed was the strangely large number of people in this place. From what she's heard from the other knights, everyone seemed to want to avoid this area. It was hard to imagine so many people being here. Even stranger was that they were only women, even a rather powerful being in the tower to the north. Hm. Mel was sure that this person was an aura knight like Morgana and Saber, and they were in Havoc's realm, right? She had thought he was a man, but maybe not. Or maybe this was someone else.

Whatever this person was didn't matter. If this energy was any indication, the tower was where they were going to meet this Havoc whatever. Then after meeting her, they could go focus their energies toward the Aberrant. Mel was about to agree with Morgana about hurrying when she caught a glimpse of Vash, face beginning to turn red and trembling, his eyes were darting around confusingly.

"Vash, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know. I feel kinds weird. I don't like it."

Obviously unhappy with that answer, Mel went to the interface and upon seeing the cause of Vash's ailment, her eyes widened slightly. Some pieces started connecting in her head and she grabbed Vash by his collar and dragged him over toward a large pile of rubble. A few minutes later, she emerged from behind the ile in her normal clothes and proceeded to ush Vash behind there with the Tetra Guard. Vash soon came out and Mel grabbed him again, now practically dragging him as she ran toward the tower. "We've got to hurry now! We're going to finish this place quickly. Waste even one second and I will leave you behind. I don't know what's going on and I don't want to find out, so move it now"
Mel is in her standard equipment once more

Lust: (Mel 1% -> 2%), (Rose, Vize, -> 4% -> 7%) (Saber, Morgana 8% -> 14%) (Vash 20% -> 40%)

Vash is now equipped with the Tetra Guard

Saber and Morgana's previous exposure to the land and Havoc is slowly granting them increasing resistance to lust...

Lust: (Mel 2% -> 5%), (Rose, Vize, -> 7% -> 11%) (Saber, Morgana 14% -> 17%) (Vash 40% -> 55%)

The Aberrant appears to be slowly approaching... as slow as someone's walking pace when they are leisurely wandering about, while they were changing their equipment.

"It's the Aberrant that is... causing this... it draws in other's... by the desires of the flesh... it is a terrible place... and only Havoc is immune to the effect of this land... even the monsters of this place have fallen... and are all corrupted and fragmented by it, and are in direct control by the Aberrant. It has sensed Vash's weakness as a male... and is making it's move for Vash..."

"His trained warriors... especially his greatest twin disciples, have incredible resistance to this place... but even they can not last forever, unlike Havoc..."

The group is making its way toward the tower... but is far away... and as normal in the other area's have been caught up in fighting monsters... The group is surrounded by what can be simply put as over-sized land shrimp, bigger than a person sticking out of the ground like a land shark... that appear to be fragmented or corrupted

Target: Fragmented Cragcrawler x 2

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: 3500/3500

Remaining/Max: 3500/3500

Strength: 800

Spirit: 280

Vitality: 700

Will: 400

Speed: 500

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize) 25+ (Rose, Milia, Saber, Morgana) 30+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+ (Vize) 20+ (Rose, Milia) 10+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 30+

Skill: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Lightning]

Resist: [Earth]

Weak: [Water, Ice]

Status: [Fragmented]


Rose: (4200/4200)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Mel: (3350/3350)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Vash: (6250/6250)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Lusting

Vize: (3800/3800)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Saber: (6500/6500)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: Lusting

Morgana: (5400/5400)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: Lusting

Land Power = Thunder

Weather = None

Field Effect = Nympomania

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"Oh, you've got to be ******* kidding me!" Mel shouted as a couple cragcrawlers appeared, forcing them into battle. "**** this shit! PhyAni Zot!" She attacked the thing, hand still gripped around Vash's arm tight, more than read to run once these shitheads died. "Magic attacks. Rose, use water. No lightning."

Rose seemed to hesitate a bit, maybe unsure of the rapid hurry Mel seemed to be in. Well, that was until she saw Vash's condition. The boy's face was red and had an extremely confused and strained look on his face. He didn't look so good. "Aqua Laser!" Vash himself struggled to say, "Gan Bolg."

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Target: Fragmented Cragcrawler x 2

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: Dead

Remaining/Max: 3500/3500

Strength: 800

Spirit: 280

Vitality: 700

Will: 400

Speed: 500

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize) 25+ (Rose, Milia, Saber, Morgana) 30+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+ (Vize) 20+ (Rose, Milia) 10+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 30+

Skill: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Lightning]

Resist: [Earth]

Weak: [Water, Ice]

Status: [Fragmented]


Rose: (4200/4200)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Mel: (3350/3350)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Vash: (6250/6250)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Lusting

Vize: (3800/3800)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Saber: (6500/6500)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: Lusting

Morgana: (5400/5400)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: Lusting

Land Power = Thunder

Weather = None

Field Effect = Nympomania

Lust: (Mel 5% -> 7%), (Rose, Vize, -> 11% -> 13%) (Saber, Morgana 17% -> 18%) (Vash 55% -> 62%)

Mel created an orb of darkness that launched a barrage of dark blasts at it, dealing 2100 damage to it.

Rose fired a massive jet of piercing water at the enemy, slicing it up for a weakness, dealing 2600 damage, and killing the first.

Vash crushed the enemy that was half burrowed with the surrounding ground, raising it up, trapped inside, and shot it down into the ground, bursting it for a resistance, but also critical hit, dealing 1000 damage.

'Sexy Dance'

The monster reared its tentacle like tail and began squirming around sensually, trying to be erotic, while releasing something into the air by it's tail's tip. It was likely pheromones...

The entire group was charmed, and lost all hostility to the enemy, or rather, to them no, there was no longer an 'enemy' they could perceive as dangerous they had to fight. Their lust levels were also increased

Lust: (Mel 7% -> 17%), (Rose, Vize, -> 13% -> 23%) (Saber, Morgana 18% -> 26%) (Vash 62% -> 82%)

The party lost the battle...

The party willingly stayed in the area, with their new purpose to simply enjoy being out here, exposed to the land's effects it has on people... it should be pleasant after all, and it wouldn't be so bad... when in fact it isn't, why not stay out here forever. They had no other reason to be in this game right? It was like a vacation, no, a staycation that they were experiencing here. Who would want to leave such an place once you get used to it...? Time continued to pass as if it were nothing... until...

Lust: (Mel 17% -> 26%), (Rose, Vize, -> 23% -> 32%) (Saber, Morgana 26% -> 32%) (Vash 82% -> 100%)

Vash was cured of his Charmed condition, making him aware of his current situation, as well as how he is for now. Some time passed as he was with the others until he could sense the Aberrant casting a spell on him, despite it being so far away...

'Strange Seduction'

Vash lost all sense of himself... as if he was hypnotized, and began approaching the Aberrant... of his own will though? That is uncertain, regardless that is his current action... as he is guided to it by the monster...

Vash left the party...

Time continued to pass for the group, as they stayed there... untouched... left to continue to heat up... until...

Lust: (Mel 26% -> 74%), (Rose, Vize, -> 32% -> 76%) (Morgana 32% -> 64%) (Saber 32% -> 94%)

Mel had the sense beat back into her somehow... something... someone was smacking her several times, each time giving more clarity to her about what is going on, until she could see that a party of warrior women came to the group, and was ontop of them, or holding them off the ground while they 'lightly' beat the lights on in their heads

"... You're awake then?"

The woman large bodied woman straddling down on Mel got up and pulled her upright.

"You all got done in here by the monsters it looks like. You were all standing here, in your own heat with embarrassed looks on you're faces, all red like"

The rest of what remained of the group came to their senses as well by the others, and managed to regroup. Saber's lust appears to be growing at a faster rate for some reason, as she let out stifled grunts and winces...

"This isn't good Saber's about to reach her limit... she won't make it back to the tower at this rate... guess there's no choice"

One of the amazons went over to Saber, as she backed away before being brought toward her

"S... Stay back..."

"Extract Lust"

The warrior began doing what seemed like forcibly deeply kissing and making out with Saber, judging from her audible protests. Her resistance to it seemed to fade to something more accepted of her actions as her Lust levels began decreasing, being transferred to the warrior, but seemed to gain less lust than Saber had to offer...

Lust: (Saber 94% -> 49%)

"We're taking you back to the tower, if you try to go after you're friend, you'll all end up dead, or worse. Let us know if you need us to relieve you of some stress as well"

Regardless of what they would decide, the group was forced to trek safely all the way to the tower...

"I'm sorry Mel... I wasn't strong enough to overcome this terrible area... hopefully it is not to late for Vash..."

Mel could still sense Vash's presence in the area, although he was certainly all alone, and right beside the Aberrant, certainly no more than 10 feet from it... however, it appeared that he was untouched at the very least... it also seemed that their lust stopped increasing as well...

The very large doors opened up, welcoming the group to inside of it


Some rather smooth area music was playing as the door opened up to what sort of appeared to be all sorts of people walking around inside, all of them women, but for the most part were fully clothed, well fed, and appeared to have lust..... 'sorta' under control here. It looked rather modern actually, if it wasn't for the fact that the group knew that they where they were exactly... a place like this could probably be mistaken for a real life city. There appears to be even more people than Mel may have sensed here from earlier, to many to get an accurate number on how many.

Right in the front of where the doors opened appeared to be a silver haired, almost loli-ish girl there to welcome them

"Hello everyone, I'm relieved to see that you made it here, to Bastion"

She gave the group a radiant, heart-warming smile

"Thank you very much for bringing them all here, it would of been a tragedy if more people got 'lost' here..."

Mel could sense that despite her soft sweet appearence, that she was actually very powerful, on par with their strength as well... she also seemed to feel out that Morgana and Saber had a restrained hostility with her as well, but put up with her it seems...

"Well, come on in then, I'll show you around."

The warriors that escorted the group left their side, as if they were off a shift of work as they seemed relaxed, joking around as they went off...

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Even when the women woke Mel out of her . . . whatever that was, she didn't react immediately. For a while she remained quiet and still. She saw it. All of it. She watched Vash walk away, toward the Aberrant. And she did nothing. She wanted to. She wanted to call out to him, grab him, smack him, anything. But she didn't. At the same time, she didn't want to and Mel had no idea why. But this was not the time to dwell on the past.

Suddenly, she smacked herself as hard as she could before taking a more definite stance. As the others were being taken care of, Mel put her attention toward the direction of Vash's energy. She could feel him. He was safe. For now at least. But who knows what the Aberrant would do to him if they were to dillydally. Morgana came by to offer her condolences, but Mel was still staring off in his direction. "Let's hope so. Vash gets scared when he's alone."

. . .

Mel remained quiet the entire way to the tower, though she was a bit weirded out by the music that seemed to play throughout the tower. Like she had felt before when they first entered this area, it was filled with women.

She scowled when what looked like a little girl greeted them. Due to past events, she wasn't very fond of lolis. But judging by her energy reading, this must've been the person they wee looking for. Well, that and the looks she was getting from Saber and Morgana. "So, you're Havoc? Weird. I pictured you as taller . . . And with a ****." She glanced around the place. "But judging by your energy reading and this entire place, you're definitely the person we're looking for, right?"
"??? I've been found out so easily... you're sharper than I thought Mel.

The loli-girl that was identified as Havoc reeled back at Mel's comment on her.

"Hmm... I guess 'I'm' not the one you're looking for really. I'll give you a proper introduction right now."

"Form-Shift: Genderbend"

Light glowed around Havoc as he began changing form into what would be, the legendary charismatic pervert. The next thing Mel would know, is that he she held by him in some sort of loose embrace that has her leaned backwards just above the ground, taking up most of her vision as he leaned over her as he held her.

"How's this then Mel? I should of known that you would be expecting to find a man here, not a little girl. This should meet your expectations far better now, so how can I help you..."

He's shifted in appearance dramatically, being far better defined as handsome than loli-like, smirking down at her with a confident grin

"Uh..... what...?? I don't really get what's going on..."

Morgana and Saber don't seem entirely thrilled about the situation here...
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One second, Mel heard the loli say a skill name. The next, she was leaning back, held by a blond man, Havoc apparently. Her face flushed a bit, though that was more out of surprise at the sudden closeness of him. As uncomfortable as she was, she willed herself to not simply push him away, trying her best to put on a still face.

"I take it from its current weakness and the state of some of your citizens that you know of the Aberrant? Well, we're here to get rid of it. Can you help us with that? Or at least tell us where we can find some things that can?"
Havoc was pleased to see that he got some sort of reaction out of her. Seeing how she was focusing on business rather than pleasure, he put her back upright onto her feet, and gave her some personal space.

"Know of it?"

He shook his head he his arms folded

"That thing's been plaguing this place for over a year now, its because of it that just to make sure everyone here stayed safe, that I had to convert this area's shrine into what you see now. It may feel weak, but that's because it entered the body of one of the women it must have recently obtained. It sounds like we can both sense it no problem, but the people I trained here can't tell it's energy from anyone else. It's using that as a tactic to lure people in thinking that it's just another ally."

He looked back at Mel normally again.

"It's only been about five, maybe six hours from now that it actually has been getting far stronger than normal. We've been able to handle it no problem, and reduce it's area of influence, but something's changed, and if I'm right, all of the Aberrants anywhere are slowly getting stronger, and even I can't find out why. My guess is Zahan added something to it, but there's no real way to know for sure now."

He turned away considering the rest of what Mel had to say...

"Well, that would make things convenient, and it'd let everyone here live as normal of a life as it gets for here, with me around at least. If you're looking for weapons though, I'm afraid I've already given the last two special ones I had. They were designed to be Anti-Aberrant Weapons, and they went out to go test it in the Ice Area, the Aberrant there is less dangerous there than here, and those two are far stronger than even me as of now. It seems like I'm relying on women to do everything for me recently, even if they need me to cure them of all the feelings they get here."

He turned back to Mel with a smirk.

"But I'm afraid I can't go with you. I'm busy maintaining this place, helping the women relieve their sexual stress. I am the only guy here now who can stand to do that. I'd love to come with you lovely ladies though, I'm sure I'd be useful... maybe I'd consider if you were willing to do a thing or two for me though."

Somehow, his words didn't seem entirely sincere...

"This isn't the time for games Havoc..."

Havoc backed up defensively...

"Well, if it isn't a game you want to play, we could just ****. All these new fantastic girls coming into my life for the first time after all, even you all affect me you know. If you really won't though, I suppose the least I could do it strip you all down........ of your lust, heh"

Morgana began talking softly to Mel so that havoc couldn't hear...

"If you want him to join that much, we could fight him... although he's dangerous, not so much in the sense that he'd beat us to submission, but that he'd likely not hold anything back at all when he's fighting... If he hasn't changed much the past 9 months anyone's last seen him..."
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Mel felt a bit relieved when Havoc stood her up again, but her heart quickly fell when he refused to help them. Her eyes fell to the floor as she clenched her teeth. He had valid reasons, but still . . . Vash was out there.

Havoc seemed to be provoking them now, driving them away but Mel was paying no attention to that. Even as Morgana mentioned the option of a fight, she wasn't really paying attention. Instead, she did something most probably wouldn't have expected of her.

She got down onto the floor, kneeling with her nose just an inch or two away from touching the floor. "Please," she said. "Please help us. The only friend I have left is out there with that thing and I don't think I have the power to save him." Her hands were clenched tightly into fists and her shoulders began to shake slightly. "He's all I have. So if you can help him. If I can get him back safe and sound, I'll do it."

She raised her head to look at Havoc with determined eyes. "I swear. I will do anything you want. Truth be told, anything you ask . . . probably won't be anything new."

"Besides, we're not asking you on a fruitless mission. We have the ability needed to kill the Aberrant. You will be rid of the thing from your realm permanently. We've already killed 5 of them so far. They may be getting stronger, but as long as you have us, they shouldn't be invincible."

Havoc watched Mel get down to beg to him, shocking him a little out of surprise. He didn't expect all of this coming from her at all. And in the end, the seriousness reached him, and knelt down in front of her with a serious look on his face.

"Alright, I just can't refuse a girl in need like this. There's more important things than having sex with you, so don't worry."

His serious look changed to that of a smug one

"I won't ask for that anymore, I'll get something else in mind for ya."

He took her clenched hand and pulled her up, and swung her around beside him, holding her against the side of his body, so that they are touching by the side of their hips with his right arm wrapped around her belly, and extended his left arm outward and up, looking at it.

"We'll go get your friend! We'll go get the Aberrant! We'll beat the corruption out of that thing, then we'll beat the purity back in Vash! I'll refuse this life we've been given, and make it right again!"

He looked at Mel, still held at his side.

"So I ask you, I'll put my faith, powers, and sex drive into this operation of yours! Can you do the same!"

Morgana and Saber seem to be in a good mood given how cooperative.

Mel was genuinely shocked at how easily Havoc changed his mind. But it was a pleasant surprise. Enough so that when he knelt down and agreed to help, she did something she hadn't in what seemed like an eternity. She smiled, an action that seemed to make Rose twitch. "Thank you."

That smile was short lived though as soon Havoc pulled her up and swung her around, spewing off some strange words. The sincere smile on her face quickly faded into something close to a scowl. Great. This guy was an idiot, wasn't he? She probably judged him too quickly. He better be more help than an annoyance.

"Sex drive? What? Why do we nee- Y-yeah, sure. Whatever."

Mel removed his hand from her waist and slowly stepped away. "Okay then. Is there anything we need to do to prepare? Ah! Right. That." Mel grabbed the nearest of Havoc's citizens and pulled her face up to her own. "I'm going to need your help with a bit of something. Okay?" She then forced a kiss onto the woman, doing her best to mimic what she had seen happen to Saber back outside in hopes that the woman had already activated the skill either right before she started or mid-kiss. She didn't want to do this again. This wasn't exactly fun for Mel, who prefered men.

Once she thought she had done enough, she lightly pushed the woman away, now free to go do whatever she was going to do initially. "It's probably best if we get our lust levels to 0, right? Or did I just do that for nothing?"
The random woman Mel took to kiss was surprised, but quickly got into her kiss with Mel, and came to kiss her back, slowly increasing in passion as she tried to use her tongue a bit... It didn't feel like their lust was going down however...

"... uh... Mel...?"

Lust: (Mel 74% -> 92%) (Woman 45% -> 100%)

It felt as though Mel's lust was getting greater, along with the woman she was making outwith as the woman lightly held Mel, far to into the act to even try anything else on Mel, getting redder and redder faced. Havoc watched with vigor as a greedy and dangerous smirk grew on his face. Mel's actions appeared to affect the others as well...

Lust: (Rose, Vize, -> 76% -> 82%) (Morgana 64% -> 67%) (Saber 49% -> 73%)

"Not everyone here is trained to deal with this sort of thing you know, I didn't know that you were actually a pervert... heh heh heh... I know exactly what I'm going to do with you after this is over, and I intend to make sure you keep your promise Mel... I can see now how you've be able to learn one of my hand-me-down artes..."

The woman resisted Mel's pushing away, but was weak from the lust that she couldn't stay on Mel, and feel backwards onto the ground, defeated by Mel. She seems to be laying there in her own heat and lust with a greedy red face, trying to resist doing anything public.

"You should be more careful you know Mel, even though I'm protecting these people, a lot of them are fairly vulnerable to Lust you know, the only reason I'm able to protect them, is by creating a field of Lust around me so powerful, that it overshadow's the Aberrant's field of Lust. That and that this area can resist it's corrupted lustings, and now you made that woman on the ground really *****."

He went over to the woman Mel made out with and crouched down beside her, doing something to make a stifled moan come from her before turning back to them

"Now I or someone else is gonna have to deal with this so she isn't making a lusty mess all over the ground right here right now you know... everyone here is far more comfortable, and openly sexual to just about anyone you know. If you do such a things here, you'll find yourself giving yourself to each other, and end up going all the way! I'm gonna have to punish you now Mel."

"Consume Lust"

The Lusty energy that resided in everyone, except Mel burst out of them, in a pleasurable way that Havoc absorbed into him. The feeling felt good, both as a stress relief for Rose and the others somehow... Havoc was healed for 2900, but was already full HP.

Lust: (Rose, Vize, -> 82% -> 0%) (Morgana 67% -> 0%) (Saber 73% -> 0%)

"I'm gonna have to make you endure the lust as punishment now. Will you take responcibility for your actions Mel, and go at it with this woman to cure both you and her, or should we carry on?"

Morgana is looking at Mel disappointedly... Saber is simply turned away... Vize tugged on Rose's shirt by the armhole to get her attention.

"Rose... What's going on? Is Mel gonna be ok?"
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"******* damn it!" Mel spat out, staggering a bit. The ****. She thought they all had that skill. And not only that, but Havoc could've helped them without the stupid kissing?! ****! ****! ****! ****!

Though her head was swimming, her eyes widened a bit when the man helped everyone but her, her body freezing when he made his ultimatum. She let her head drop, hair covering her face. So her only two options were to **** this woman or to risk falling under the Aberrant's power and simply get in the way when they tried to help Vash.

She was quiet, for quite a while, thinking about her options. True, it was her fault and now this woman was in a poor condition because of her, but she just couldn't. Remembering Havoc's exact wording, her body started trembling again, but it seemed differently when she was shaking out of anger just a while ago. Her hand looking like it was trying to rip her other arm off.

"F-fine! I guess I'll do it then!" she shouted. Her body seemingly stopped shaking but she refused to look up from the floor. "So should we take this into another room? Or do you want a ******* show?!"
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Havoc seemed to be enjoying Mel's reactions a lot, he wasn't sure how it ended up this... but this was going great... He's learning a lot of stuff here!

"A show?? Were you considering doing that? Everyone here might be comfortable here to be openly sexual, and some areas of here let you do what you like naked with everyone else, but man. We generally don't let a show happen down here, otherwise everyone else watching will get so turned on, that others will join in and end up making a great big ****, isn't that right Saber?"


Saber appears to be having a lot of trouble containing her anger, and looks rather angry...

"You can have a room of your own, don't worry, unless you really insist otherwise."

He began speaking at her with a soft voice

"This one here used to be a guy, before I had to turn her into a girl for her own good, so that way she wouldn't lose his mind to lust and run away to the Aberrant. She's rather shy and didn't want sex or anything of the sort, which I respected, and continue to respect for everyone else here... but it looks like your act changed her mind... she's not experienced as a girl though, so you'll have to show her the ropes of what it means to be a woman, if you're still alright with that..."

Havoc went over to Mel, but stopped when noticed some sort of change in Mel, how differently she was acting, and how much his words were hurting her... and dropped his face to something more apologetic...

"... Mel... I'm s-"

His words were cut short when Saber came on over, seemingly losing her cool and dragged Havoc away, and hit him onto the ground, and stamped on her powerfully with a foot stuck on him, toppling him and dealing damage

"SHUT UP! I won't let you do this to the person who helped save me..."

She began repetitively stomping on him, and continued to prevent to let him up, dealing more and more damage.

"She just lost someone close to her that we might not be able to get back, and you're putting her in a bind like this just because she was trying to help herself get ready to fight?!"

Morgana went over to Mel to comfort her...

"Even if you and others here call you the hero of all women, at the same time many of them call you the enemy of all women."

Saber dropped down onto him, and held his head in a choking vice with her arms as he tilted his head upward painfully to look at her.

"I'll always be grateful for all you've done for us, but THIS I will not allow if you won't let one of your warriors do it, I'll take her place instead you damn pervert... You're always having fun in this terrible way even though Zorne disappeared from everyone in the same way Vash did!"

Saber did a total amount of 4200 damage to him, weaponless, and was defeated...


Havoc looks wasted... and doesn't look or feel like he's gonna get up any time soon...

Saber got off of him and took Mel by a hand to start taking her out of this place.

"Wait... please..."

The group was stopped from some rather stern looking warrior women, before their expressions turned to something worn and sorry...

"Please forgive Havoc, he didn't used to be like this... the truth is... even though he says he's immune, everyone here is very hard and stressful on him. We force all of our lust and problems on him every day by the hundreds, spending hours with us, sometimes entire days non-stop keeping us all from letting the Aberrant killing us. In the end, he's still a guy who we pour all lust into... if you are feeling... 'bothered' from the Aberrant... he's been dealing with the entire population's lust being forcefully shot into his body for over a year, at a endless rate. Between the Aberrant constantly trying to corrupt him, him absorbing the corrupt lust off of the, 'lucky one's' we manage to save and bring back, and the hundreds here... I think we may have changed the perverted side of him, and made it broken, with no bounds."

Another began speaking as well...

"You saw that he was a girl when you first came here... to be honest... sometimes, he loses control, and against his will turns into that. He tries to hide it with a skill he learned, using that as an excuse as to why, but lately, he's staying as a girl longer and longer, and lost the ability to change back into a man for quite sometime. We nearly all left him to go die because of that last week... please... forgive him... I think he's suffering in silence..."

A third person came up to Mel to help her with her lust, and kissed her.

"Extract Lust"

Lust: Mel (92% -> 0%)

In the end, the woman collapsed from the sudden gain in lust... and was carried away

Now that Mel's head is clear from the lust, she could clearly sense Havoc's twisted energy. Compared to the other Aura Knights, his is completely chaotic, maybe more so than even the Aberrant, and feels as though he is at war with himself, and feels completely unstable...

"Please... if Havoc loses control again and does something you don't like, forgive him and punish us in his stead, its our fault he's like this!"

"... I see..."

Vize is holding onto Rose from behind, kinda scared...

"Rose, I don't like this area... I wanna leave..."

The woman handed something to Mel.

"Take this, its the leftovers of our standard issue emergency gear. It's a smoke bomb of anti-stimulants. If you're getting to lusty, or are charmed, but not enthralled by the Aberrant here, this help you right up. Havoc made these to help us out on the field keep the perverted monsters away from this place..."

Mel received two anti-stim bombs.
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To be honest, Mel wasn't paying too much attention to what was being said. Her mind was more preoccupied with . . . something else. Not Havoc's reaction to her decision nor Saber beating on him. She was able to break out of her daze though when Saber grabbed her hand. Immediately, she smacked the woman's hand away, near screaming, "Don't touch me!" He head shot up and for a brief moment, there was an expression of pure terror on her face.

There was a brief second of realization as Mel seemed to shrink into herself. "S-sorry," she said, trying desperately to gain her composure. "I . . . was thinking of something else." She continued to hug herself a bit too tightly, trying to stop herself from shaking. "I-I'm fine, Saber. Really? It was my fault. I need to take responsibility, right?" As she said the last part, Mel seemed rather bitter, though it didnt seem aimed toward anyone there.

As a woman came to try to extract Mel's lust, she flinched but ultimately allowed her to do so, though with less . . . "enthusiasm" than the previous woman. Afterwards, she took the smoke bomb.

"Okay then," she said, seemingly back to her former self, though there was still something rather wrong about the way she still seemed to be keeping her distance and still seemed a bit jumpy should anyone get too close. "Let's go. We have someone to save, right?" She walked over to Havoc, crouching by his body. "You okay there? Or do you need time to heal?"



Rose had no idea what was going on. Why did Mel kiss a girl? Why was Havoc not helping her? Saber nearly killing Havoc. The women popping up to defend him. All this was happening so fast she was partially sure that she was watching a reality show or something. She stood there stunned until Vize grabbed her from behind. "Uh . . . Don't worry, Vize. I'm sure we'll be out of here soon. TO be honest, Id rather be dealing with the Aberrant as well."
Saber was surprised when Mel forced her away, and felt at fault for something, and backed away, keeping her distance


Havoc seemed to regain a bit of his strength as he peeked an eye open at her with a pained smirk...

"I'm ok... I got what I deserved... Don't wait for me... I can catch up... But listen Mel... When I was in the observatory, where I saw you guys, I saw Vash with...... The Aberrant, doing nothing there..... Which it's never just done before. I think... Zahan is having it wait for him so he can see what it does to him personally... You should get going before he shows up, it's getting stronger over time you know."

Havoc coughed up a bit blood but still tried to look cool all battered on the ground.
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Mel started to panic silently as Havoc told her of Vash's status. Her lips pulled back into a tight, thin line. "You . . . Are you sure you can catch up quickly? We can't really afford to go without a member for long. Especially if these things are getting stronger like you say." After thinking for a bit, she rose, shouting to the others. "Okay, we need to go now. If what Havoc says is right, we only have a little bit of time to save Vash. Havoc will join us later."

She turned toward the door to begin leaving, pausing for a bit to glance back at Havoc. "Get well soon. And if it hurts, then say so. Don't try to be cool when you're obviously not okay." She then left for the others, muttering, "I prefer selfish guys anyway."

Mel made her ways to the other, making sure she kept the smoke bomb from earlier. As she passed by Saber, she made sure to whisper a small "Thank you" before addressing everyone by the doors. "Okay, is everyone ready to leave now?"
"Course I can, I might not look it, but no one's faster than me... even Milia can't keep up with me... although I guess there's no way I can go to where she is now..."

He began laughing before stopping short out of pain most likely...

"Sorry Mel, but when you're leading an army and civilization of women who depend on ya, the only thing left for someone like me is to inspire them all with body, no matter way"

Havoc directly healed off of Mel's concern, recovering 250 HP. And tried to get up, before falling over again...

"Ahg... See ya soon guys!"


As Mel thanked Saber, she cheered up a little and went back to normal, as she looked at Mel smiling a bit.


"I am as well..."

"If it means getting out of here..."

The group left to go to the Aberrant, the path to it being seemingly empty for some reason, and devoid of enemies... it mostly seemed as those the warriors out on the field were retreating back to the tower with high lust levels. The Aberrant began feeling unusual as well, it felt as though it's power was spiking, and was preparing for a major power up. Vash's energy feels very different as well, but the overwhelming essence from the Aberrant is making it hard to tell what is wrong with him... strangely enough, the field of lust seemed to have stopped for now... the Aberrant appears to be completely distracted for some reason...

"... I can feel it... it's close..."

As the group came closer, around the corner came out a heavily corrupted looking woman. Splotches of darkness and static appeared to cover various parts of her body, covering all of her erogenous zones, and appears to be complete naked otherwise. The only thing keeping her modesty appears to be her heavy corruption at the moment, acting as clothing to prevent her bare parts from being shown... Vash appears to be wrapped around the woman's midrift, with both arms and legs, securing her on her. The woman feels so weak, and Mel can tell that the Aberrant is actually residing inside of her, and judging from her onyx eyes with golden iris's, she appears to be suffering a lot, and feels unwillingly hostile to the group. Vash somehow feels asleep... or dormant around the woman.

No Music:

Target: Fragmented Woman

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: 300/1400

Strength: 250

Spirit: 50

Vitality: 0

Will: 0

Speed: 240

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (All)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 0+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 90+ (Vize) 70+ (Rose, Milia, Mel, Morgana) 60+ (Saber)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 70+

Skill: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [None]

Resist: [None]

Weak: [None]

Status: [Fragmented]


Rose: (4200/4200)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Mel: (3350/3350)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3800/3800)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Saber: (6500/6500)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: None

Morgana: (5400/5400)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: None

Land Power = Thunder

Weather = None

Field Effect = None

"Wah... why's Vash... and what's with that woman!?"

Rose's presence is heavily affecting the woman... (Protect Break 0% -> 60%)

The woman is letting out harrowing painful moans at the group... The fragmented woman took 50 damage. (Protect Break 60% -> 95%) (Infection 70% -> 71%)

What the ****? Mel was torn between being worried about Vash's state and confusion as to trying to figure out what that state was. He had somehow became a living corset of sorts. Still, she didn't like seeing him that way.

However, she was a bit hesitant to just attack the woman. Mel could sense the Aberrant within her but why was she so weak? And better yet, why could they see her stats? In all the fights before, the Aberrant's stats were hidden until they used Enhanced Scan. She realized this girl wasn't the Aberrant but more of a hiding place but still, this seemed very suspicious to her.

Still, she didn't see many options. They couldn't just take the woman back to the tower in case the Aberrant planned to use her like a Trojan Horse. And leaving her alone while Vash and the Aberrant were with her wasn't a plan either.

"Princess, I'm going to attack her. I need you to use Data Drain right after I do. I'm not sure if she's going to survive if we do this but I don't know what else to do, okay?"

Rose seemed to think a bit for a bit, or maybe she was distracted by Vash, but eventually, she got the drift of the plan, nodding in reply.

Mel cast "PhyAni Zot" on the woman, with Rose following after with a "Data Drain". She was a bit frustrated that she didn't have many other attacks, but she felt she could do much with a standard attack with her spell card.
  • Target: Aberrant

    Stats: Raw

    Remaining/Max: 20,000/20,000

    Lust: 930%

    Strength: 1600

    Spirit: 1600

    Vitality: 550

    Will: 550

    Speed: 340

    Stats: Calculated

    Standard Attacks: Works

    Outgoing Damage: Normal

    Incoming Damage Reduction: None

    Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (All)

    Status Recieve Hit Chance: 60+

    Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+ (Vize) 20+ (Rose, Milia, Mel, Morgana) 10+ (Saber)

    Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

    Skill: [???]

    Abilities: [???]

    Absorb: [None]

    Immune: [Death, Expel, Instan Death]

    Resist: [None]

    Weak: [None]

    Status: [None]


Rose: (4200/4200)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Mel: (3350/3350)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Vize: (3800/3800)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Saber: (6500/6500)

Buffs: Acclimation, Charging (1/5), Black Shield (2000/2000)

Debuffs: Lusting

Morgana: (5400/5400)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: Lusting

Land Power = Thunder

Weather = None

Field Effect = Nymphomania

Mel could sense the woman's stats further decreasing, feeling the Aberrant inside siphoning them, growing stronger

Mel's multiple concussive dark blasts render the woman, dealing 6500 damage to her, knocking Vash off of her. The attack put the Protect Break status on her, it somehow felt tied to

The Aberrant as well...

Something looked very odd about Vash, he looked more feminine than before, somehow and somehow, looked more frail.

When Rose's skill hit the woman, there was a huger power flux as it felt as though she was successfully data draining the Aberrant within her. The attack forced the Aberrant out of the woman, and was seemingly cured of her infection! Woman (72% -> 0%) she also obtained 2 virus cores, a small one from the woman, and another from the Aberrant, now out in its shadowy form, writhing on the ground in pain, as it seemed to split apart again as usual, and began fleeing.

'Love Tap'

The first Abberant shot out a needle like tendril from its mouth at the fleeing Aberrant, striking it into the ground as it began absorbing its energy, it's own form already growing unstable from being data drained. Soon the fleeing Aberrant lost all strength and collapsed. The woman they saved got up as well and began to run...

'Love Tap'

The Aberrant caught her with another tendril, and began sucking the very life right out of her... Until she slowly disintegrated into nothingness, killing her...

It began growing far too unstable to maintain its usual form, and began bursting, rapidly growing in size. It took on the form of what looked like a giant woman rooted halfway into the ground, looking like an uncanny shade of pink, and somehow ghastly in appearance. It had to be no less than 25 feet tall from where it was sticking out of the ground, looking proportionately wide to go with its height as well.

'Law of the Flesh'

The Aberrant's energy flared, making its presence filling all of the land, making those within it to start lusting for others...

As Vash got up, she could clearly feel that Vash is now a girl... The game doesn't even recognize her as Vash anymore, but rather, Vashley. The Aberrant's energy is flowing through Vashley, strengthening her, and intends to use her to fight.

Music: Aberrant (6th)

"Vash! Over here! Get away from that thing!"

"Mel... When we beat it, Vash should return to normal. We can have Havoc change... 'Vash' male again"

"Steel Wings"

Vize buffed herself

"Morgana, the... Aberrant is affecting me through Vash..."

"Black Shield"

Morgan's placed a polygonal magic barrier of darkness around Saber

"Endure it for now as best you can..."


Saber went in front of Mel, ready to protect her with her massive greats word by using it as a shield.

Lust: Group (0% -> 6%)
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Rose had to turn away as the Aberrant killed the fleeing woman, her face paling and looking like she was about to throw up. Mel herself was a bit shaken at how sudden it was, but she had seen scenes like this before. She had seen worse as well.

Now having fed, the Aberrant grew larger. Vash had somehow become a girl. Even his stats seemed to recognize him as such, now displaying the name . . .

Really? How dare these insolent ********* do this?! "Vashley" was her nickname for Vash! No one else can ******* use it! Mel glared at the Aberrant, trying to look at it in the eye, but the sheer size of the thing made it quite a challenge on her neck.

"For now, try attacking the Aberrant directly. Even if Vash is under her control, I'd rather not hurt him if we can avoid it. Use your strongest attacks now. Rose, be on the ready to heal anyone who gets hurt badly."

Rose used "Holy Lance". Mel cast "Ap Vorv" on Saber who seemed to be protecting her for some reason.
  • Target: Aberrant

    Stats: Raw

    Remaining/Max: 13,000/20,000

    Lust: 930%

    Strength: 1400

    Spirit: 1400

    Vitality: 550

    Will: 550

    Speed: 340

    Stats: Calculated

    Standard Attacks: Works

    Outgoing Damage: Normal

    Incoming Damage Reduction: None

    Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (All)

    Status Recieve Hit Chance: 60+

    Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+ (Vize) 20+ (Rose, Milia, Mel, Morgana) 10+ (Saber)

    Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

    Skill: [???]

    Abilities: [???]

    Absorb: [None]

    Immune: [Death, Expel, Instan Death]

    Resist: [None]

    Weak: [None]

    Status: [None]


Rose: (3000/4200)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Mel: (3350/3350)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Vize: (2500/3800)

Buffs: Steel Wings

Debuffs: Lusting

Saber: (6500/6500)

Buffs: Acclimation, Magi-Charge (1/5), Black Shield (2000/2000), Ap Vorv, Cursed

Debuffs: Lusting

Morgana: (5400/5400)

Buffs: Acclimation

Debuffs: Lusting

Land Power = Thunder

Weather = None

Field Effect = Nymphomania

Rose's lances skewered on through the enemy, dealing 1300 damage to it.

Mel's skill buffed Saber's Defense. Saber's weapon charged slightly from the magic.

'Loving Chains'

The Aberrant shot out 3 chains out quickly at the group, trying to strike them to move the group closer to it and bind targets. Saber blocked the two attacks that were aimed at Mel, and took no damage. Rose was struck by a chain, taking 1200 damage, but was not grabbed and bound by the attack.


The Aberrant gathered concussive fire energy around Vize, blasting her with fire energy, taking 1300 damage. Vize was not burned.

"Iron Maiden"

Vashley increased his defense, and somehow looked prickly, and is preparing to defend the Aberrant.

"Feather Vulcan"

Vize shot a barrage of feathers at the Aberrant, striking it several times, and dealt 2200 damage.


Saber shot out a pircing ray of energy from her sword, penetrating the Aberrant, and dealt 1800 damage.

"Dark Pulse"

Morgana unleashed a wave of darkness from her being, gathering it all up, and blasting the Aberrant, dealing 1700 damage.

Lust: Group (6% -> 12%)

The Aberrant is siphoning the group's lust...

Lust: Aberrant (930% -> 945%)






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Mel kept an eye on their lust levels, more than ready to use the bomb as soon as it got too high. Rose and Vize suffered rather heavy damage but for now everyone seemed safe. Still, there was this uneasiness in her head. Maybe because not having Vash on her side was unnerving. Or maybe because this was simply too easy of a fight.

But there was no use trying to overthink this thing's motives now. "Princess. Heal Vize." Rose complied, casting "Diarama" on the harpy girl. "Everyone else. You can choose to either attack or set up some defenses. I feel like this thing still has something up its sleeve. I don't need anyone dying so soon in the fight." Mel followed this up by casting "Ap Corva" on Morgana.
  • Target: Aberrant

    Stats: Raw

    Remaining/Max: 11,300/20,000

    Lust: 960%

    Strength: 1400

    Spirit: 1400

    Vitality: 550

    Will: 550

    Speed: 340

    Stats: Calculated

    Standard Attacks: Works

    Outgoing Damage: Normal

    Incoming Damage Reduction: None

    Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (All)

    Status Recieve Hit Chance: 60+

    Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+ (Vize) 20+ (Rose, Milia, Mel, Morgana) 10+ (Saber)

    Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

    Skill: [???]

    Abilities: [???]

    Absorb: [None]

    Immune: [Death, Expel, Instan Death]

    Resist: [None]

    Weak: [None]

    Status: [None]


Rose: (3000/4200)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Mel: (3350/3350)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Lusting

Vize: (3800/3800)

Buffs: Steel Wings

Debuffs: Lusting

Saber: (6500/6500)

Buffs: Acclimation, Magi-Charge (1/5), Black Shield (2000/2000), Ap Vorv, Cursed

Debuffs: Lusting

Morgana: (5400/5400)

Buffs: Acclimation, Ap Corva

Debuffs: Lusting

Land Power = Thunder

Weather = None

Field Effect = Nymphomania

Rose healed Vize to full HP

Mel Buffed Morgana's Magic


The Aberrant exuded a gaseous wave into the air, filling it with stimulants that made the party feel more... randy. It bypassed Saber's 'Black Shield' buff.

Lust: Group (12% -> 42%)

'Siphon Lust'

The Aberrant absorbed some of the group's Lust, giving a pleasant, yet vulnerable feel to them, and used it to heal itself, The Aberrant healed for total 4200 from everyone

Lust: Group (42% -> 36%)


Vashley finished learning a Tag skill between her and Vize.

"Precision Acupuncture"

"...??? Wah?!"

Vashley took off several of Vize's feathers, and began orbiting them around Rose in a ring around her, before having them all collide upon her at once. Rose managed to evade the attack

"Feather Vulcan..... ow..."

Vize shot at the Aberrant more dealing 2100 damage


Saber went a glow with faint energy as she jumped at the enemy, seemingly dissappearing as she dashed at the enemy at a high speed to slash at the Aberrant, dealing 1600 damage.

"MeAni Zot"

Morgana corrupted the ground around the Aberrant with a acidic field of darkness that is continually rending the Aberrant, dealing 2200 damage.

Lust: Group (42% -> 47%)

Mel can sense that Havoc as recovered


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For now, things seemed to be going straightforward. The group had gotten lucky, so far not suffering too much damage. She took into account the Aberrant's ability to heal by siphoning off their lust, though so far it was fortunate that it wasn't healing more hp than damge they were dealing. Still, their lust levels were getting a bit high. Not anything worrying quite yet but she kept a hand on the smoke bomb just in case. Havoc was heading their way as well, so that was a bit reassuring.

"Okay, for now, try attacking but be careful. This is really too easy right now."
Mel followed this up by casting "Ap Corva" on Rose, who used "Holy Lance".

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