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Oriens Academy [Phoenix Game]

"Heh, guess you didn't understand me, but it looks like you made up your mind. I was talking about princess style, or piggy back, but this works if you're ok with it. Don't worry about a thing, I won't let ya go"

With her armor already set up in flight mode, she quickly took off into the sky, rapidly gaining altitude rather fast until they were higher than the mountains that Wayne was skating around on top of, keeping pace with the Aberrant as he pushes it back with a battery of attacks and skills.

"Wah! They're beating us!! Ok Vash lets go!!!"

Vize quickly jumped onto Vash's shoulders with a flighty jump, and locked her talons in on him, forcing him off of the ground and giving him a rear view of everywhere Vize is moving away from.

"You ain't beating us!! We'll get there first!!!"


Morgana saw them off for a while, before turning to Mel to address what she had said.

"You may, I see no reason why you should not."


Music: None

"Hey... Rose... how ya holding up back there?? I don't know if you're enjoying yourself, but... the others don't really enjoy flying all the much... besides Wayne, but I don't really think he cares all that much that he can fly anyway..."

Milia looked back at Rose, sure that she was still there in her back, since she was holding on, or at least trying, in case she began flailing.

"Do you mind, if I ask you some questions before we go fight?"

Regardless of Rose's answer, she kept talking anyway

"You have a sister right? An older sister named Blaire right?"

From Milia's slowing down, Vize managed to overtake the two.

"Smell ya later ladies!!! Heheheh"

Vize began laughing at the two as they went on closer to the fight.


After a while of travel through the actually monster-less prairie, Morgana and Mel arrived at the site of the Monolith, appearing triangular as usual and Azure colored as well...

Upon the first side appeared to be a set of 5 Chakrams with peculiar designs.... Somehow, the sight of the image itself feels very unusual, yet attractive, and Mel could feel a some sort of negative effect affecting her, before Morgana put out an arm in front of her, blocking Mel from it, and making Mel feel better as usual.

"... that weapon set seems to have regained its strength... and may have been trying to reach out to curse this spot... despite this being a protected zone... her seal must be weakening... or was it Zahan..."

Morgana looked back at Mel, taking her arm back down after doing some sort of dispel on it...

"It may have been for the best that you did not bring Tarve to this area... he might have been drawn to this monolith in particular... and may have been forcefully welled up with emotions, and go berserk..."

She looked back toward the monolith.

"This accursed weapon... is despicable... by chance while I was away dealing with the monolith, did you happen to catch a glimpse of a large scar upon Tarve's back, if his clothing became torn open or such?"

Morgana stepped forth, and a glow around her formed as a series of glyphs appeared around her and flew into the monolith, flowing into it, repeating several times over and over.

The other two sides appeared to have a dark elemental symbol on one, with a light elemental symbol on the other.
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Rose clung tightly to Milia as they ascended, arms wrapped around the girl's neck and eyes closed. Clearly panicked, she didn't register much. Milia has asked something but the combination of the wind rushing past her ears and her extreme willingness to shut everything out had made it hard for her to hear.

"What?" she shouted as Vize and Vash zoomed past them.

"Suck it blondies!"

The next thing Milia said, Rose couldn't ignore. Her eyes widened at the girl, almost forgetting just how high they were. "Y-You . . . How do you know about Blaire?"



As Mel followed Morgana toward the monolith, she could feel herself starting to feel odd. Not quite sick but it definitely felt like something bad. She found herself staring at a picture of what seemed like chakram. Odd.

It wasn't until Morgana held her hand out that Mel began feeling like herself again. She grabbed her head. It didn't exactly hurt or anything but she was unsure of what to really do at that point.

She took a step back, not willing to get near it again after that. "Whoop de ******* do," she muttered as Morgana mentioned a blessing in how Tarve was not here.

Morgana then asked if Mel had seen a dcar on Tarve. She couldnt recall ever seeing one but then again, she wasnt exactly actively looking. "I tend not to watch men undress, so no."
Milia smirked back at Rose's, seemingly happy at her reaction.

"Looks like I was right. Sorry though, can't tell ya princess."

Milia twirled around in air while moving forward, shifting Rose around in the air, and bringing her in front of her, carrying her princess style, arms hooked under and around her legs and back.

"This is the only real way to carry one, ya know?"

She looked at Rose, waiting for a bit to let her settle in her new carrying position, smirking at her in a friendly way

"Sorry though, if you can't figure that part out, then its a secret... hehe. After all, even if it is just you and me up here alone... we aren't... 'really' alone..."

Milia's expression melted from cheerful, to alert, or somewhat serious... looking back forward

"I at least hope... that you know what I mean... by that....."

Milia then grinned, concerned and began picking up speed again...

"Damn, I'm an idiot... I forgot about how Wayne is with Harpies..."


Music: Isolation's Edge


"Can you see em Vash, that's the one, look at him!"

As they approached Wayne, and the Aberrant, they closed in enough to see an what was really unfolding. There was a guy, likely Wayne, who looked like a punkish guy in casual clothing. He appeared to be equipped with gauntlets at the moment, and had a green visible aura around him, and was freely flying through the air like it was nothing, tracing the Aberrant's movements as it tried jumping up over the mountains, only for Wayne to punch and blast it back down with wind magic.

"Get outta here!! ******* "

"I think that's the guy we're supposed to help, so lets get going, and get ready for a landing!"

Vize dived down, quickly gaining a rapid amount of speed, to the point that they over took where he was, landing where he was gonna head in just a short few moments. She put Vash down.

" **** another cultist!?! "

Wayne appeared to change weapons to a gun, and standard attacked Vize, shooting a bullet, hitting her in the arm, punching through her and causing her to bleed and dealt 1150 damage to her.

"AHH!??! My arm?!?"

"I don't have time to deal with you ******* harpy cultists, you should of learned your damn lessons last time we dealt with you."

Milia and Rose arrived on scene rather quickly since he had stopped moving. Milia dropping down in front of Vize protectively with Rose still in her clutches.

"Wayne, STOP!!! This one isn't a cultist, those days are through!"

"Milia?? No, you're wrong, you saw them yourself, they are the one's who initiated Tartarus into this damn place again, or did you forget!?"

Milia reluctantly put Rose down, unable to keep her in her grasp due to where this was headed.

"These people aren't them, and she's not one of those either! Did you forget that we got rid of them! ALL of them... they're here to help us, you're already getting tired from defending this place, let us help, with my friend here, we actually can kill them!"

Wayne didn't look to trusting at all, staring vehemently at Vize before returning to Milia's gaze.

"...... I don't trust this whole deal at all... but, after what we've been through..."

Wayne seemed to calm down a bit, but still looked angry

"I don't trust harpies, but I trust you... and I trust, that you have 'her'... no... 'it' under control. you have a lot of damn explaining to do after this Milia"

Wayne joined the party

After a bit, the Aberrant began rapidly climbing the surface of the mountain toward them all

"We'll make our stand here, don't let it in, its not after us, and whatever that is, it ain't getting **** "

"There it is, lets get this one Rose!"

The Aberrant jumped up onto the area the group was stationed at

Music: 'Aberrant: (5th)'



Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw (Requires Scanning)


Rose: (4050/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vash: (6100/6100)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vize: (2450/3600)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Bleed

Milia: (4400/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (3200/4600)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Tired

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = None


"... Hopefully... you'll keep to those words when we're dealing with Havoc..."

Morgana seemed to be joking, or at least trying to joke, but without knowing who Havoc is, if that's a person's name, its more of an inside joke.

"It may be for the best though that you did not see it... he is... sensitive about his scar... he chose to not let Havoc heal the scar away, despite having the technology available to do so... he kept it upon himself as a reminder, but still hides it away... of what that weapon and its previous owner did to us all... to be the bigger man the others can look up to and rely on... even though deep down..."

Morgana looked back at Mel for a moment, before continuing her focus on the monolith...

"I can tell that you deeply care for Vash... the both of you... and because of that..... this weapon puts you at a severe disadvantage... for your sake... and Vash's... I hope that you never meet it in battle... unprepared..."

She looked over her shoulder, at the mountains far away from them, where the battle is taking place...

"It appears they are fighting... amongst themselves... but they have regrouped... and banded together... it must be because of Vize... he isn't the easiest person to get along with in her case... but certainly easier than Reeza... I have faith that they can handle themselves. If there is anything you would like to know, you can ask me what you may want to know, or what I could potentially teach you..."
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"W-what?" Rose was beginning to get scared now. How in the world did Milia know Blaire? Maybe it was because they were in Azure's head and she knew from that? Whatever reason she had, the woman's smirk only unnerved her more. Rose wanted to press for more but Milia suddenly gained speed and all the half-elf could do was scream, world going black as she shut her eyes.

When she felt herself and Milia stop, she could hear a male voice, a rather angry one, yelling at . . . Vize? Rose opened her eyes to see someone, who she could only assume to be "Wayne", staring down Vize angrily. Apparently, he wasn't so fond of harpies. Something that made her even more curious by the conversation between him and Milia. A cult? A mass harpy genocide?

Fortunately though this altercation didn't last too long and Wayne was now on their team. But they now had to face the Aberrant which was already within attacking range. Uh . . . What were they supposed to do now? She didn't know. No one seemed to be giving them orders, so should she? But what? What did Mel do those last times? As much as Rose would hate to admit it, the girl had at least some idea of what to do. Right. First, scan the thing and put up buffs?

"U-um . . . Everyone, if there are any buffs you would like to use, I'd suggest applying them now. Enhanced Scan."

Vash seemed to stare at Rose with what seemed like a blank expression laced with . . . pity? But in the end, he shrugged his shoulders and cast "Iron Defense".



Mel raised her eyebrow at Morgana's comment about Havoc, not knowing what the hell the woman was even talking about. " . . . Okay then?" Why would she suddenly become some peeping tom after meeting some game npc? She'd never needed to stoop to such behavior before and she didn't plan to ever.

As Morgana brought up Tarve's scar and his sensitivity toward it, Mel unconsciously tugged at the sleeve of her jacket, making sure it was where it needed to be. Aren't we all, she thought, now looking at the rocks at her feet. It wasn't like she had much else to do besides moving pebbles with the toe of her shoes. "You know, if he's as sensitive as you say, maybe you should reconsider mentioning it at all."

Morgana continued working on the monolith while Mel continued to make little rock fortresses. Something the woman had said gained her attention though. "What do you mean? How is my relationship with Vash going to endanger us?"
Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: !@#*!#(

Strength: 1450

Spirit: 1600

Vitality: 800

Will: 800

Speed: 340

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [???]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Dark, Light, Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [Wind]

Weak: [ice]

Status: [None]


Rose: (40500/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vash: (6100/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense

Debuffs: None

Vize: (2450/3600)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Bleed

Milia: (3650/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (2400/4600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = Hidden Drafts (Ally Dodge +15)

Rose successfully scanned the Aberrant

"Just buffs? Doesnt sound like you got a plan... This thing isn't gonna sit here you know!"

"Hidden Drafts"

Black winds began churning around the area, obscuring the area somewhat, making them harder to see.

"Huh... Looks like you actually were able to scan it somehow..."

"I don't see how my buffs would help here Princess"

Milia is ignoring Rose's commands and is acting on her own

"Pierce Shot"

Milia shot out an energy bolt, and attacked the Aberrant dealing !$*$! damage (0% - 10%)

"Well... Like what? Eh... Whatever"

Vize is confused on what she should do...

"Steel Wings"

The Aberrent is holding its head screeching a bit, and somehow feels unstable before stopping... And is now attacking

'Full Scan'

The Aberrant scanned the party, learning their stats, and combat capabilities


Fire energy converged on everyone individually, trying to burst on them.

Rose evaded the attack, Vash evaded the attack, Vize evaded the attack, Milia took 750 damage, Wayne took 800 damage.


"This set of weapons are called the 'Dominion Disks'... These accursed weapons, will forcefully equip itself to those who met its edges. They will force themselves upon one's neck, wrists, and ankles, cursing themselves and becoming unremoveable except for those who can counter this or their current owner. Once on... they will exploit past trauma's, emotions, and ideals, corrupting them. The stronger they are, the more vulnerable you are... and once you are corrupted by them, you'll be in its grasp, being mind controlled... or worse, willingly submitting to its master's command."

Morgana looked back at Mel

"What I mean to say, is you fall to this... you will with all your heart, mindlessly seek to kill Vash as your first target, and take great pleasure in doing so..."

Morgana stopped translating to go ahead and face her

"However, you possess the potential to become immune to this mind controlling effect... as can Rose... but you must understand... that there is nothing we can do to save Vash from this... even the pure of heart are not immune to this... and no one can truly shield one from this effect, even if you were to become immune, and take its leeching blows for yourself, it can still cripple your actions... and leave you helpless against what could be a fatal blow to you from Vash."

Morgana stared at Mel for a few more moments, examining her, before returning to translate the monolith...

"Although... I suppose that is not entirely true... in Azure's case... due to the nature of his being... however... and in Tarve's case, while he possessed the Gungnir... and saved us all from these disks, or rather, saved us from ourselves..."


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"Well, this is my first time doing this so cut me some slack!" Rose nearly shouted at Wayne, making sure to keep her voice down in case she alert the Aberrant of their location. "If you're so smart, why don't you lead then!"

Things weren't exactly looking good. We didn't have any ice users. Not to mention it was immune to light and resisent to wind, so nearly their entire team wouldn't be able to do much damage. Rose began racking her brain over what to do when she heard Vash yell, "Magno-Barrage".

"What are you doing?!"

Vash looked at her confused. "Huh? I'm fighting. We're fighting, right?" He glanced back toward the others. "Shouldn't you heal them or something?"

What the - Was this guy an idiot? "Aren't you supposed to wait until we have a plan or something?! We can't blindly charge in like that."

"But if we wait, then it'll kill us, right?"

Rose couldn't say anything. He was actually right, a bit. She didn't want to admit it but he was. Still grumbling, she cast "Media". "Just, try not to use any light or wind magic on it for now, I guess. Okay everyone?"



Mel listened calmly as Morgana began telling her about these "Dominion Disks". They sounded quite troublesome. Though she could hardly see why Morgana would think Mel would care if she had gotten possessed. So what if she would go after Vash. It's not that big of a deal. "Is that all? That's barely an issue at all. After all, if that happens, you just have to kill me, right?" She emphasized her point by using her hand as a mock gun and "shooting" herself in the head.

As Morgana continued talking, Mel made sure to keep in mind what she had said. That she could become immune to the weapon's effects. It'd be best to remember that later, but for now, that's notwhat she wanted to know about. "Morgana, does your offer still stand? Can you tell me what's happened in this world? From what I can tell, everyone we meet seems rather fixated on some sort of tragedy that occurred here. And honestly, I'm sick and tired of getting attacked or having them go full emo whenever we try to get them to join us. I can only imagine it'll be easier if we know what we're working with. I'm not asking for any secrets or personal details but tell me what happened."

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Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: !@#*!#(

Strength: 1450

Spirit: 1600

Vitality: 800

Will: 800

Speed: 340

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [???]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Dark, Light, Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [Wind]

Weak: [ice]

Status: [None]


Rose: (4050/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vash: (6100/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense

Debuffs: Poisoned

Vize: (2050/3600)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Bleed

Milia: (2850/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (2450/4600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = Hidden Drafts (Ally Dodge +15)

"I just might ya know... Hey Milia, you still have Ice Skills right??"

"Huh... ya?"

"Well start using it. It's weak to Ice."

Vize began freaking out and flapping about again in response to Vash's attack

"AHAH?? Wait Vash!??"

Vash's attack caused various metals to collide violently against the enemy, shocking it from various discharges, dealing a !#@*!*! (10% -> 18%)

Vize grasped the ground with her talon's, keeping herself planted by one foot as she starts getting forcefully tugged against the air

"YAH??? VASH?!?"

Several of Vize's steel buffed feather's were ripped off of her, and began moving around the enemy in a shaky orbit as well, before all colliding upon the enemy once more, dealing !*!@#* damage (18% -> 26%)

"Hey Vash... just tell me if you are gonna do that alright??"

Vash felt closer to learning a new skill instinctively

Milia's light healed the party. Rose is at Max HP, Vash is at Max HP, Vize's healing was reduced to 500 from status problems, Milia is at Max HP, Wayne was healed for 900 HP

"Aurora Beam"

Milia shot out a narrow harsh rainbowing beam of light at the enemy, frosting with its laser, dealing a weakness of !@#(!@# damage (26% -> 44%)

"Feather Vulcan"

Vize shot out a Myriad of feathers at the enemy skillfully, dealing !@#*!# damage (44% -> 56%)

"Wind Break"

A dusky energy appeared around the Aberrant, defiling it... but it resisted the effect


A gasous cloud of toxins gathered around Vash, defiling him... Vash is now poisoned


An icy cascade of energy gathered around everyone, bursting upon them... Milia evaded the attack, Vash evaded the attack, Vize took 900 damage, Milia took 800 damage, Wayne took 950 damage.


"I'm afraid there is more to it than that. Death is not the answer that we have come to find out the hard way... It can simply control the body like a puppet, in life or death. It is less effective on the dead, but that will not stop them from simply attempting to possess another. There is also the matter that there is five discs. That means it can possess up to five people... Quite a nuisance of a weapon... If you can fight still knowing that, then I will have no worries if that time would come..."

Morgan's looked back for a moment to nod her head at her.

"Yes... Although... There may be far to much to reasonably tell... To the point that the others would like have returned from their fight before I was anyway close to finishing... I will try to condense what I may tell you..."

"It was a little over a year and a half from now, that we, that is to say, Milia, Tarve, all the others have found ourselves in this hazardous world, ruled by chaos. Law and Order had no place here, and as such, this place became a playground of viscous creatures and beings that threatened the lives of us and hundreds more. We were aware that we required a sanctuary from this, and the means we could utilize to achieve this. We were opposed by some other races we came across, such as Reeza, and Zorne, before we managed to work a truce between us all... We were on the road to a stable lifestyle here, I suppose you could say, when the tower descended upon us a little over a year ago. No one remembers this far back for reasons I may not explain, but the harpy race was chose as disciples to bring upon here, a supposed 'Dark Goddess'. To do this, they were to slay and ravage all, resulting in the race being considered a cult as a whole. We then sought to stop this, however, in the end, the dark goddess 'M' came upon here. I, nor anyone else can recall her full name... I do not myself know why either... As the 8 strongest we fought against her and Zahan. Zahan himself was not as much of a problem as she was, as no attack we performed had any effect on her, until I developed one that threatened our lives simply by using it... if you recall the volcano from where we fought Reeza, it was cleaved in two by her by her stength and the weapon Gungnir, needless to say, we pale in comparison to our former strength as we are now... After a long draw out fight, over coming the 6 cursed gear she bore against us... She utilized one final defense which we could not pierce. In the end, I used the properties of Tartarus once we had to amount a final stand there to create an ace, that Ace being
Azure... Azure is a creation from the 8 of our energies, plus one other, fused into one. Even he was unable to defeat her utterly, but was not made with that in mind. We planned to seal her away instead, and somehow managed and then destroyed Tartarus sealing her away for good..."

"The end result however, was that we hoped to use
Azure for only that purpose, but it had somehow gained a will and consciousness separate from us. In a sense we are slaves to each other, as he is sustained by him. The last of the cult of harpies gathered and using the dark blessings they were given, used tactics that enabled them to revive the endless tower, by the cost, was that Azure, and by extension, we, slain the last of them making the race extinct, until Vize had shown up here as with you. The only one left who caused problems was Zahan, the corruptive individual who kept appearing regardless to how many injuries we inflicted upon him. As a way to seal him away, I was replaced as an Aura Knight, and his position was used as a prison to ensnare him forever... Or so we thought."

Morgan's seemed to end there...

"I understand many portions may not make sense, as to how many pieces fit in, but it is beyond my control to answer some of the questions you may have. Hopefully... What I told you will clarify the situation..."





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"That's revenge for last time, Birdy-girl,"
Vash shouted, shaking his fist at Vize.

"Is this really the time for that!" Rose looked disapprovingly at the demon boy. But he didn't seem to register this as he merely through his arms in the air and proclaimed, "Vengeance!"

She didn't appreciate Wayne's tone with her. She was trying her best. She just needed a bit of practice at all. She was a good leader. It's just that this was a difficult situation. She . . . she could've totallyhandled the other fights they've been in so far. Maybe if the Aberrant wasn't immune to her light magic. And maybe if . . . And Vash was just poisoned. Great.

Well, she supposed she should heal him up first then and cast "Rip Duk" on Vash while the boy used "Lightning Blade".



Mel stayed quiet through Morgana's story. That was certainly a lot to take in. Quite a bit of history for such a short period of time as well. It wasn't much insight to the aura knights but it gave her at least a bit of tactical advantage. If what they went through was indeed as bad as Morgana claims, they'd need to tread carefully when talking to the other aura knights. Wouldn't want another incident like with Reeza. Still, the idea of watching what she said didn't bode well with Mel. She wasn't exactly used to censoring herself. Nor did she like to. She grumbled a bit before turning her attentions back to Morgana.

"Okay. Bad stuff happened. Be careful. Yada yada."
There was a bit of a pause with Mel trying to piece a few things together before she recalled some other things she had wanted to ask. "Morgana, these cursed gear are the weapons mentioned in the monoliths, right? You said that Tarve once had the Gungir so that means we can use these things for our own gain, right?"
Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: !@#*!#(

Strength: 1450

Spirit: 1600

Vitality: 800

Will: 800

Speed: 340

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [???]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Dark, Light, Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [Wind]

Weak: [ice]

Status: [None]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vash: (1900/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Frost Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (2050/3600)

Buffs: Affinity Match

Debuffs: Bleed, Tension Down

Milia: (1350/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (550/4600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired, Tension Down

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Oscillation (Inverted Elements)

"Revenge for what?! If I had proper fists, I'd shake them at you!"

Vize is considering on targeting Vash instead of the Aberrant

"Stop being mean to me!!"

Vize's tension fell

"... you guys are a wreck..."

Wayne's tension fell

Vash formed his hand into a blade of solid lightning

"Hey Milia, do something, do that one thing that'll let us... use Ice too..."

"Sure then..."

"Spectrum Oscillation"

A rainbow sphere of shifting energy appeared around Milia, surrounding her completely, and began expanding outward rapidly, covering the field the group is fighting in.

Havoc's Field Skill was dispelled

Vash's Lightning Blade began acting strangely and began freezing over, into a giant shard of Ice. Vash's Lightning Blade buff was turned into a Frost Blade buff


A tornado of energy formed around the Aberrant, sucking it in and lifting it up, before storm sparks formed within the vortex, shocking it many times for Ice and Earth Damage, dealing a weakness of !#@*!# damage (56% -> 72%)

"Aerial Ace"

Vash took off into the air, and began flying around at incredible speeds, clipping the enemy several times as she dashed on by, dealing !@#*# damage (72% -> 84%)

'Mind Charge'

The Aberrant focused, greatly increasing its next magic based attack


The Aberrant pointed a finger skyward, letting loose a lightning bolt that travled upward into the sky, causing a great flash of light, in which the lightning came back down upon the group again dealing, Ice damage. Rose took 1100 damage. Vash took a weakness of 4200 damage, Vize evaded, Milia took 1550 damage, Wayne took 1900 damage

"ugh..... I'm to tired... for this **** "


"They are indeed..."

Morgana looked back at Mel surprised when she made her bold exclamation...

"You intend to wrest such equipment from a being we are incapable of killing? As it currently stands, if she were to be let loose once more, Azure would not have the strength to reseal her at present, not with all of our focus split appart, and Zahan opposing Azure. That said, your plan is not a bad one, but it is far safer to outright destroy the equipment, even if we were to utilize them, Tarve, Reeza, and Milia were the only one's who were able to successfully use 3 of the 6... the one Reeza used however, I believe is still affecting her even though she no longer has it. She did not used to be such a angry and violent individual, I understand if you can doubt such a fact after what you've seen of her"

A section of the monolith was translated, that being the dark element side... It reads...

'EAT ****



UP ****'

Zahan's text appears to be completely written over the side with giant letters on a slant, covering Morgana's text.


She then began erasing it, while continuing on the other sections



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"H-how dare you?" Rose shouted, though she knew without a doubt that Wayne was right. She had no idea what to do and Vash seemed to be fighting with Vize for some reason. Things just . . . they weren't going well. And with seemingly no one on her side, she felt a bit attacked by Wayne's words. She wanted to leave Wayne to deal with his wounds. But for now, she had a job to do she thought. Grumbling to herself, she cast "Diarama" on Wayne. "Since you know what to do, why don't you tell all of us your plan instead of just berating us?"

Vash himself seemed engulfed in his new hand, staring at it with such interest, Rose was sure he had forgotten about the battle. This proved wrong however when he excitedly pointed his hand at the Aberrant, shouting "SHRAPNEL! YOU BIG MEANIE!"




Mel crossed her arms, obviously disappointed by what Morgana had said. "Trust me. I can understand. Shit happens. People change. Too bad though. The way the monoliths make these weapons sound, they'd certainly be useful."

A bit bored of pushing rocks, she walked toward Morgana and peeked over her shoulder, reading briefly the little message that Zahan had left for the woman. "So, I take it you're not exactly popular around here are you. Or at least with Reeza and whoever this guy is."
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Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: !@#*!#(

Strength: 1450

Spirit: 1600

Vitality: 800

Will: 800

Speed: 340

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [???]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Dark, Light, Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [Wind]

Weak: [ice]

Status: [Protect Break]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Vash: (1900/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Frost Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3600/3600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Bleed, Tension Down

Milia: (1350/4400)

Buffs: Command: Defense

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (4600/4600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired, Tension Down

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Oscillation (Inverted Elements)


Milia sensed Roses uneasiness and went over to her, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Rose, I'll still have your back even if worse comes to worse..."

Milia smiled at Rose, trying to reassure her, but she seemed a little shakey... Judging from her hand on Rose, and her smile looked both sincere, yet fake...

Milia resisted her tension being lowered...

"Come on now... We have a fight to do... To win..."

Milia turned back to the enemy

Rose healed Wayne for 2200.

Wayne cringed at Roses words, turning back to her with anger in his eyes, not saying anything for a bit, before he began shouting at her.

"I DON'T KNOW. No one KNOWS what to do against these things, and you show up out of the blue like some hero who can actually kill these... These things?!? I'm trusting my life with you since apparently only you can beat them, and you, your buddies and plans, if any, are ****."

Wayne is red faced and clearly very frustrated with Rose

"... Why, don't you know what we should do here... If you've fought these before..."

Wayne grew very quiet... before seemingly getting agitated again and focusing back at the Aberrant

Wayne resisted his tension from further decreasing...

"It's focusing on using mantra magic area affect skills, it used 3 of the 4 damaging one's, it used Fire, Ice, Thunder... which means... wind is next, and its gonna do earth damage..."

Wayne is using an Arcane Arte

"Gale Aura"

Vize was buffed with an green visible aura of wind surrounding her entire being

"Whoa... I feel... really light..."

"Don't bother dodging the its next attack Vize."

"...??? Ok???"

Vash launched several jagged shards of ice, spearing and clipping away at it as chunks of darkness rub off of it. The Aberrant was damaged for a weakness of 1*!@#!* damage (84% -> 100%). A protective field appeared around the enemy, as if it were always there, and violently shattered, rendering the enemy vulnerable... the Aberrant now has the status PROTECT BREAK

"Command: Defense"

Milia formed up her drones around her, creating a omni-directional barrier around her, protecting her.

"Air Blade"

Vize began using magic, creating a sphere of slicing wind magic, sending it out as a big blast of energy that tore on through the Aberrant, and kept on going. The Aberrant took 1*#!@ damage... The Aberrant stood its ground and was not toppled.

'Mind Charge'

The Aberrant's next magical attack power has been increased greatly


A strong shifting wind gathered around the Aberrant, blowing outwards onto the group, before encircling them and blasting them as it converged on each person individually. Rose evaded the attack, Vash evaded the attack, Vize chose to not evade, Gale Aura, absorbed the attack, and healed Vize for 1900, Milia was protected from the attack, Wayne chose not to evade, Gale Aura, absorbed the attack, and healed Wayne for 1900


"It is... these weapons have a great potential to fight back what we would define as evil, or rather, what Azure defines as that I suppose... they all enhance the user in unique, yet powerful ways... If it were not for their corruptible tendencies... there would be little reason else to not use them. We've come to realize that these weapons, are far to hazardous to be used within a team. As great as they are, they are hard to control... Tarve's Gungnir would inadvertently strike us as well on occasion as he continues to use it... while Reeza was using her's... it ended up making her go completely berserk, and nearly killed us all, and it was because of that incident, that we had lost all of what we had collected..."

Morgana sighed

"It is regrettable that I did not foresee such a thing happening... if we had been more cautious... we may not be in this situation now. It's pointless to dwell on what was for now. After the incident, the equipment altered Reeza's personality, making her far more aggressive, but still makes her far more powerful, despite no longer owning it."

She looked over at Mel as she popped her head over

"You could say that I was the elected leader of the whole group... back then anyway... but now that role was taken from me when we tried to imprison Zahan. The others understand why I did what I had done when we made Azure... and for the most part, accept that despite the unseen consequences that are now apparent, but not Reeza... not in her current state... she used to be a sort of mix between maternal, and fierce, but is now reduced to her current state as what is basically an intelligent feral... I don't know of a way to reverse what was done to her... at least for now, but there are far more pressing matters that I am sure you are aware of... if anyone would know though, it would be Havoc, but it would be next to impossible to drag her to just the area he is stationed at... and some of the others as well, for good reason I suppose..."

Morgana looked on back toward where the group was fighting... sensing how it is going with her abilities...



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Even with Milia's attempts to cheer her up, Rose didn't exactly feel any better. Her mood actually worsened with Milia's seemingly uneasy smile. Still, she tried her best to smile for the woman. "Th . . . Thank you, Milia." At least she managed to calm down.

That is, until Wayne began yelling at her. Face turning red with anger, she could feel her eyes well up. She knew he was right. She messed up. This was all going horribly. And why? Well, there was only one thing that was different from the other times they had fought the Aberrants. "I-I don't know what to do, okay?! Mel was always the one barking the orders. I . . . I thought it'd be easy but I guess not. And now everything is going wrong and I don't know what to do, okay?!" Rose wiped tears away with her arm, her mind now a swirling torrent of self doubt and confusion. SHe couldn't bring herself to think straight.



"So she's seriously pmsing then," Mel muttered, now turning her head in the direction of the Aberrant and others. Her frown deepened into a scowl, sensing how they were doing. "Seriously? How did they manage to **** up so badly, so quickly?!" Her head jerked back toward Morgana. "Hey, is there any way to get there or at least talk to them? If we let this go on, they're just going to get themselves killed."
Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: !@#*!#(

Strength: 1450

Spirit: 1600

Vitality: 800

Will: 800

Speed: 340

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [???]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [???]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Dark, Light, Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [Wind]

Weak: [ice]

Status: [Protect Break]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Low tension

Vash: (1900/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Frost Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3600/3600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Bleed, Tension Down

Milia: (1350/4400)

Buffs: Command: Defense

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (4600/4600)

Buffs: Affinity Match, Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired, Tension Very Low, Morale Break

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Oscillation (Inverted Elements)

Rose's tension lowered


Milia looked at the Wayne and Rose, mad at Wayne for shouting off... but didn't know what to say... Wayne looked at Rose dishearteningly... looking a bit red faced, and turned away... forcing back some welling emotions... and seemingly bothered that he made Rose cry...

"... I don't... wanna die here....... not like this..... this is the worst way to go... what the hell am I even doing anymore... or fighting for..."

Wayne's tension lowered further, Wayne lost the will to fight

"Whats... going on... we can still do this... right...?"

Vize is looking at the others... frightened and unsure as to what is going on...


"... they are losing the will to fight... there must be qualities you possess that they need to keep on fighting... but lack without you... They are to far away to get to there in time. Mel this may sound strange, but I possess some telepathic capabilities, you need to talk to them. So that they will keep on going"

Mel could sense some sort of energy shift within Morgana as she then sensed Milia's and Wayne's energy off of her a bit...

"If you want to talk to them, and be heard clearly... try focusing on their energy through mine, and try to speak to them directly... if you cannot, you could try placing a hand upon my back, and try again... it may be easier if you can not do the former..."

Mel scoffed at what Morgana said about her. "It's nothing special. I just have more . . . experience than these guys. Not like that's a good thing either."

Doing as Morgana said, Mel placed her hand on the woman's back. Better to just use the easier method then try the other way and fail. They didn't have time for trial and error. She felt out everyone's energies through Morgana's, smirking once she did. Time to fix this little *** up.



Rose was starting to panic. Oh God! They were going to die, weren't they? Her willingness to fight was rapidly dropping, with her about to lose it entirely when . . .

"Hey, *******. You miss me?"

What? That sounded like . . .

"Mel?!" Vash shouted, hands covering his ears. "Oh my god! Am I hearing things?! Am I crazy now? I don't wanna go to the cookoo house! They don't have chocolate!"

"For ****'s sake, Vash, shut the **** up! We don't have time for your brand of stupid. I'm just talking to you guys telepathically."

"You're using a telephone? But I don't have one."

Mel seemed to ignore Vash's question as she went on to address the group as a whole. "I'm going to get straight to the point here. You guys ****** up. Big time. So much thatMorgana and I could see it from where we are. Now, if you don't want to ******* die, then you're all going to have to do as I say. Got it? Well, you don't have a choice."

"Princess. Pull yourself the **** together and use Data Drain on that thing now. Milia, heal Vash the best you can this round. Vash, I'm going to need you to do another Shrapnel or any normally thunder attack. Vize. Doesn't really matter what you decide to do now so just do whatever. And you, the guy with the piss-poor attitude, if you have any thunder skills, try them now. Otherwise just do whatever. I have no idea what you can do. Do I make myself clear?"

Rose, though still unhappy with being ordered around again, felt a bit calmer than she did before. She wiped the remaining tears from her face before casting "Data Drain" on the Aberrant. Vash threw his hands in the air, shouting, "REEEAAAHHHHH!!! Shrapnel!"

Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: 9350/12500

Strength: 800

Spirit: 2000

Vitality: 300

Will: 1000

Speed: 350

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [8 Form Shift Skills]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [Ensnaring Punches]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [None]

Weak: [None]

Status: [FormShift: Titan]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Low tension

Vash: (2450/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Frost Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3600/3600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Bleed, Tension Down

Milia: (1350/4400)

Buffs: Command: Defense

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (4600/4600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired, Tension low

Land Power = Wind

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Oscillation (Inverted Elements), Xith's Dimension

"Piss Poor?! I actually know what the hell I'm doing. If you know so much about all these tactics, why the hell aren't you here?! Agg... Forget it, if she actually listens to you and does what she needs to, then just whatever, I don't know what the hell you guys need to do anyway"

Wayne's tension recovered

As Rose began using data drain, the weapon materialized all over her arm, looking heavily corrupted from repeated use. As she shot the weapon at it, it felt as though it destabilized, and Rose took in something more than the usual...

Rose learned the ability: Prophetess

Rose's infection rate increased... (28% -> 30%)

"So that's how it is..... if you just needed to use that skill, why didn't you do so in the first place?? Still..."

Wayne looked away annoyed...

"Good job... Rose..."

Vash launched more ice crystals at the Aberrant, making it take damage proper, but seemingly no longer for a weakness. Vash dealt 1350 damage to it.


Vash was healed for 1350

".... its stats are hidden again... what a pain..."

"Enhanced Scan"

Wayne re-scanned the enemy as it began shifting into a new form, unstable by how it is... before the familiar fragmented being was shot out of it...

'Xith's dimension'

It immediately countered with the skill and the ground began dissipating slowly around the edges slowly, but surely...

The Aberrant's shadowy humanoid form faded as it began growing into an amorphous being, massive and spherical...


"... Agh... This is..."

Mel could feel Morgana experiencing pain brought on by Xith's dimension, as the zone tries to disrupt her telepathic connection with the group

"... I'll try my best to keep a connection going....."

Morgana appears to be taking damage, trying to keep a connection...

Mel is still able to 'view' the battle


The being that came out of the Aberrant turned to fight the Aberrant, but the ground under it faded away, and fell endlessly below...

"Feather Vulcan!"

Vize began shooting volleys of metal feathers at the enemy, dealing 1800 damage.

'Form Shift: Titan'

It's form began changing again as well, growing into a what appeared to be a hunched over, lanky armed giant golem... Massively towering over the group likely around 20 feet high.

The Aberrant is preparing to use an Arcane Arte... creating a spell circle below it, and is charging up

Rose's ability Prophet, activated in response to the enemy

Suddenly... Rose's vision went black... and with a flash of light... it looked as though she was looking at the battle as a 3rd party, and saw herself among the others... floating in the air behind them as she looked

A window popped up 'Arcane Arte: Terror Quake: (Earth Mixed Damage)' Turn till use... 1

The land below everyone violently shot outward, destroying the floor that they were on utterly. Rose will take 1800 damage, Vash will take 800 damage, Vize will heal, Milia will shield the damage but will weaken, Wayne will heal.

The party... without a platform to stand on, falls into the infinite nothingness below, and are all instantly killed... unless...

And just like that, the weird sights she was experiencing ceased, and felt like she was in the battle again...

"...?? Hey Rose, you okay? You looked like you were out of it for a brief moment?"

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Rose started to panic as her vision whent dark. What? What was going on?! As a white light flashed before her sight was restored, Rose needed to blink a few times before she was able to focus. What she saw made her go pale.

It was her. Everyone actually. Fighting the Aberrant. But why was she up here and not with her body own with the others? What was happening? They were losing? They died? WHat?

By the time she came back, Rose was in a cold sweat, looing at Milia with an extremely confused look. "W-what . . . What happened? I saw . . . We were . . . How are we okay? I saw it. The Aberrant used some Arcane Arte. We . . . we fell into this giant hole and . . . died. I . . . I guess I was just seeing things?" She looked down, nervously fiddling with a strand of her hair. Was that some weird hallucination or something? She really needed some sleep.



Mel took notice of Morgana's pain but said nothing for now. There was something more pressing on her mind. Rose's ramblings. They couldn't just be some nonsense. Nothing like this happened back in their world. Though Mel barely saw the spoiled brat at all, much less enough to get a good grip on her psychological status. But they were in a game now and if this was something new, brought on by the game, then they couldn't ignore it.

"Hey Princess. Tell me the name of the Arcane Arte you saw. Word for word. And then tell me what happened."

"Uh . . . I think it was Arcane Arte: Terror Quake: (Earth Mixed Damage)? When it used it, the ground sort of exploded and we all fell into a giant hole."

****. That didn't sound good. Mel opened up the interface and began scrolling through everyone's skills and abilities for something to do. Milia, Vize and Wayne could all fly, so maybe two of them could carry Vash and Rose? But that would make fighting a problem. She did not want to turn this into an aerial battle. They could try toppling or dazing it, but it felt like the chances of that happening with this Aberrant were low. ****. ****. ****. What were they going to do?

Mel was scrolling furiously down the lists until she just stopped, smirking as if she had found something very interesting.



"Okay, guys. Here's the plan. Milia, I need you to disable any and all earth skills, immediately. Princess, heal her up. Everyone else, once Milia casts Disruption, you've got to hit that ****** with your strongest physical attacks. This guy's vitality is absolute shit compared to his will, so you'll have an easier time doing damage that way."

Rose responded with a "Diarama" aimed at Milia. Vash waited for Milia to do her thing first before using "Shrapnel".

Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: 5450/12500

Strength: 800

Spirit: 2000

Vitality: 0

Will: 1000

Speed: 350

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [8 Form Shift Skills]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [Ensnaring Punches, Reformation]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [Physical, magic]

Weak: [Pirecing physical, Pirecing magical]

Status: [FormShift: Titan]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Low tension

Vash: (2450/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Lightning Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3600/3600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tension Down

Milia: (2750/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Suppressed

Wayne: (4600/4600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired

Land Power = None

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Distortion (Null Earth), Xith's Dimension

Rose healed Milia for 2100 HP

Vash fired off more ice blasts at the enemy... but ended up shooting around it instead...

"Earth huh? Well, if it'll help"

"Spectrum Disruption!"

Milia's 6 drones flew above her in halo shape, and turned brown in color as she began using magic, causing a violent energy to surge around everywhere, and everything appeared to fizzle in the area. Her drones then returned to her.

Spectrum Oscillation's field effect was overridden

Vash's hand turned back into a lightning blade

"Now that sounds like a real plan."

Wayne's Tension recovered

"Explosive Bullet"

Wayne fired off a few times into its body, and after a short delay, exploded, causing chunks of the figure to fly off its body... as if it were like clay??? Wayne did 1800 to the enemy

"What the hell is this thing made out of?!? It looks really soft???"

"Feather Vulcan!"

Vize shot out a barrage of feathers, slicing through its material, leaving several holes in it, and did 2000 damage

An ability of the enemy activated... and tried to reabsorb its blown off chunks... however, Spectrum Disruption prevented the earth ability from working...

The enemy Arcane Spell finished... and pounded onto the floor, and appeared to be working... for a mere moment... before fizzling to nothing... and appeared to make it become enraged.

It standard attacked Milia, launching its arm at her, extending beyond how long its arm normally should be, and slammed its palm down on Milia. Milia's barrier shattered, but absorbed the damage.

The Aberrant's ability activated, and grasped Milia in its hand, and pulled her back to the enemy.

"Agh!? Get it off me! It's crushing me?!?"

Milia took 700 damage from its powerful grip. Milia is now suppressed.

It slammed Milia into its chest as it began to shrink down into how it looked earlier, and is taking on the appearance of a floating amorphous, spherical pool of water, that appears to have Milia trapped inside. It doesn't look like it exactly has a form to hit, other than what appears to be a core inside it... And Milia

'Mind Charge'

The Aberrant charged itself up to prepare for its next magical attack

Rose's Prophetess Ability activated.

Rose's vision went dark again, sensing another highly dangerous incoming attack. The Aberrant appeared to take on a new form in the shape of a massive, beastly, scorpion with Milia trapped inside its see through tail. She saw herself with the others as well...

A window popped up 'Arcane Arte: Maragidyne' (Heavy Fire Damage, All) Turn till use... 2

Rose will take 2400 damage, Vash will take 5350 damage, Vize will take 4800 damage, Wayne will take 5100 damage..... unless dodged... or prevented...

Rose's vision ended...


Morgana stopped translating to focus on maintaining a connection...


Morgana coughed up blood, and knelt down, feeling weak, and easily being detectable as such


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Rose clutched her head as another vision came and went. This was not good. In two turns, they could die again and the one person that could prevent it was stuck inside the Aberrant. Looking up at nowhere in particular, Rose tried talking to Mel. "Mel, what do we do? I had another vision. We're going to die unless we get Milia out of there. This time by fire." There was a rather long pause on Mel's end. Whether she was simply thinking or just not talking to them, Rose wasn't sure. A little while went by before she could hear Mel's voice.

"Guys, this is going to be my last transmission to you guys, so listen carefully, okay? Because I'm not going to repeat myself. Rose, the first thing you need to do is cast Aqua Laser. Aim for the core. I'm not too sure but that may be enough for Milia to get free. Afterwards, if she can't hear me now, tell her to cast Spectrum Disruption but for fire this time around. Vash, I know it's not going to be fun but when Milia comes out, you're going to have to take the hit for her if that thing tries to drag her in again, okay? Don't worry. I know you can handle it. The other two should focus on piercing attacks this time."

"After this turn, if the thing isn't dead, you're going to have to do exactly as I say. First of all, protect Rose and Milia as best you can. Do not let them die or become unable to attack. If Rose has another vision, listen to her. Find out the type of attack the Aberrant is going to use and then have Milia cast Disruption for that element. The rest of you need to focus on dealing as much damage as you can. If you can't go for the weakness, stick to physical skills. Am I making myself clear?"

After that, Mel went quiet. Rose wasn't sure if she was waiting for an answer or if the connection was disrupted. But she supposed for now, that wasn't important. They needed to kill this thing quickly. "Aqua Laser," she shouted, aiming her attack at the core of the Aberrant. Vash seemed to be doing nothing for now but was more than ready to use "Artful Sacrifice" once Milia made it out of the Aberrant.



After saying what she had to, Mel cut off the transmission, taking her hand off of Morgana's back. Hopefully, the others could survive on what she had told them, but right now, she was more worried about Morgana's condition. The entire ordeal was taking quite a bit out of her. But Mel din't have any healing abilities here so she couldn't exactly help, could she? Unless maybe there were some healing items in this game?

"Are there any potions or elixirs in that village back there? Any sort of healing item, I guess. You look like you've seen better days."

Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: 4300/12500

Strength: 800

Spirit: 2000

Vitality: 500

Will: 1000

Speed: 350

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [8 Form Shift Skills]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [Ensnaring Punches, Reformation]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [None]

Weak: [None]

Status: [FormShift: Landragora]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Low tension

Vash: (2450/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Lightning Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3600/3600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tension Down

Milia: (2050/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (4600/4600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired, High Tension

Land Power = None

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Distortion (Null Fire), Xith's Dimension

The connection snapped to a halt all of a sudden as Morgana grew too weak to continue further...


A blue spell gate formed in front of Rose, being roughly as tall as her, and fired off a thick jet of water that speared through the enemy, attacking its core, and a weakness of 900 damage.

Milia was caught in the attack and took 700 damage.

Milia was swept up in the attack, which carried her out of the Aberrant... And almost immediately began coughing out water and gasping in breaths

"Uaghgg... Air?!"

"heh... Why is it that monsters and whatever keep eating you Milia?"

"..... I hate it... It's always me..."

Milia slowly got herself up on her own...

Vash went up to the enemy to slash at it... but got caught in its base, and seemed to absorb the blow. Vash's attack failed to do any damage. Vash then began defending Milia

"Spectrum Disruption..."

Milia's 6 drones flew above her in halo shape, and turned red in color as she began using magic, causing a violent energy to surge around everywhere, and everything appeared to fizzle in the area. Her drones then returned to her.

"Wind Blade"

Vize performed a similar attack that Rose had done, but was green and wind based. The enemy took a weakness of 450 damage.

"Well if its just gonna sit back and do what ya say then Rose, I know just what I'm gonna do!"

Wayne's tension increased due to the situation

Wayne is charging up for an Arcane Arte...

Energy is building up around Wayne, and began to shimmer with blue energy.

'Form Shift: Landragora'

It's form began rapidly changing as it grew in size. A simple way to put it, would be to say that is became a monstrous sort of 4 legged spider that lacked a head proper, and was rather low to the ground, despite its very wide size. Out of the center of its base rose out what looked like some sort of jagged tentacle scorpion tail.

The enemy is charging up for an Arcane Arte...


"What little we once had as far as physical healing items and potions go.... have been exhausted... Havoc may have made more somehow...but I would rather bare this pain... as foolhardy as that is... if it means delaying going to him... You will understand why everyone avoids him once we have no choice but to enter his area to seek him out. It is not entirely his fault... but the current state of the land is... rather corruptive as far as mentality goes... due to an ongoing war there... I'm surprised we have not come across his two strongest 'disciples' to substitute a far more appropriate word... yet..."

The Azure laden ground began healing Morgana at a slow, but continual pace now that Morgana is no longer being damaged...

"One of the reasons these zones exist... is for recuperation, other than being a landmark that makes the skill, Traport, far easier to use."

Morgana is continuing with her translations

Mel can sense Zahan having wandered into this area now. You can tell he sensed Morgana's current state, and that the two are alone


Rose cast "Diarama" on Milia. There wasn't much to think about doing. The team had their orders and without another vision to say otherwise, for now they were somewhat safe. For now, the Aberrant shouldn't be able to use that fire move next turn so they should focus on healing up and dealing damage now, right? Vash, at least, didn't seem to have any intentions of doing anything different, once again using "Artful Sacrifice" to attack and come back to guard Milia.

She looked back toward the Aberrant, trying her best to choke back the lum in her throat. It was okay. It was going to be okay. They already knew what to do if they couldn' t kill the thing soon enough. And as long as they had Milia there, they shouldn't have any trouble with sontaneous death. Still, she felt a tiny bit unnerved. She just wanted everything to end already.

Target: Aberrant

Stats: Raw

Remaining/Max: Dead

Strength: 800

Spirit: 2000

Vitality: 500

Will: 1000

Speed: 350

Stats: Calculated

Standard Attacks: Works

Outgoing Damage: Normal

Incoming Damage Reduction: None

Skill Recieve Hit Chance: 0+ (Vize, Wayne) 15+ (Rose, Milia) 25+ (Vash)

Status Recieve Hit Chance: 50+

Skill Outgoing Hit Chance: 50+ (Vize, Wayne) 25+ (Rose, Milia) 15+ (Vash)

Status Outgoing Hit Chance: 40+

Skill: [8 Form Shift Skills]

Arcane Artes: [???]

Abilities: [Ensnaring Punches, Reformation]

Absorb: [None]

Immune: [Expel, Death, Instant Death]

Resist: [None]

Weak: [None]

Status: [FormShift: Landragora]


Rose: (2950/4050)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: Low tension

Vash: (2450/6100)

Buffs: Iron Defense, Lightning Blade

Debuffs: None

Vize: (3600/3600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tension Down

Milia: (4050/4400)

Buffs: None

Debuffs: None

Wayne: (4600/4600)

Buffs: Gale Aura

Debuffs: Tired, High Tension

Land Power = None

Weather = None

Field Effect = Spectrum Distortion (Null Fire), Xith's Dimension

Milia was healed for 2000 HP

Vash struck the Aberrant for 950 damage

"Aerial Ace"

Vize flew around slashing at it repetitively, trying to exploit weak points, dealing 1150 damage.

"Silver Barrage"

Milia fired off several waves of small light arrows at the enemy, striking it several times. Dealing 900 damage.


Wayne finished charging his Arcane Arte without being interrupted...

"Eat this you *******"

"Aura Blast"

Wayne fired off a rather big blue blast of Aura energy from his hand, crashing into the enemy and ignoring all of its defenses. Wayne did 2600 damage to the enemy.

The enemies began fizzing away like mad, switching violently to many incomplete creature after creature, before falling over as a massive pile of mottled flesh, reverting back to its gooish-core form, the liquid disintegrating away leaving nothing but a core roughly the size of one's head, bursting into dark pieces, before coming back together as the familiar portal.

Xith's Dimension field effect faded away to nothing... allowing Mel to easily sense the others, and more importantly, the lack of the Aberrant, easily being able to tell that they had won.


"Looks like they had won..."

Zahan appears to have left the area, judging from the lack of being able to sense him all of a sudden, and the use of the skill 'Traport' likely... With all the foes gone, Mel and Vash could feel something powerful emanating strongly above them. The power seemed wind based, and felt... more like a location... than an actual person... Looking above would show what would appear to show a place high up in the sky, that being a set of floating islands above the clouds...

"This place's purity appears to have been protected then..."

Morgana got up, and finished translating the monolith...

"... It is done, it its entirety..."

The side with the 5 discs reads...

"To those who read this, those that remain and continue to persist, know that the seal of ruin upon Tartarus weakens. Should the seal fade upon it entirely, and would I fall to that I continue to suppress, it falls to you to bare my task. Failure to do so, will result in the end of all.

"One of six tools 'M' wields are known as Dominion Discs, a set of chakrams that control those who are exposed to their touch. It is a cursed weapon that will forcefully equip itself as a cursed item onto its target, and be used to control the wearer as a puppeteer moves a marionette. All it takes is one to strike you before you lose authority of your body, and potentially your mind. Even the most resistant, can do only as much as prevent their body from moving beyond their control. With five discs, it can easily cause chaos within a team of any moderate sizes, as the goddess powers up the controlled into a force of six powerful beings."

"Only those who can manage both Light and Darkness, in unison, have as little as a chance of survival."

The side with the thunder symbol appears to have been written by Milia... judging from its text...

"Hey, something you should know about this weapon is that it works a lot on a mental scale, or something like that. It turns your mind and heart against itself to make yourself willingly give up to it, and that's kinda a lame way to go. I might not be the best person to talk to about this, but morality is a pretty good weapon against this so to speak. It's kinda hard to put into words as to what you're supposed to do, as far as using that as a weapon, but... you just gotta feel it, and destroy these stupid discs!"

"Maybe its about fighting for your friends or something is what you're supposed to do, but... I'm a greedy person who's kinda selfish, so maybe it's not so much about that at all really. Just use light magic or whatever, or keep calm and it'll probably be over soon enough."

The Dark glyph's side seems to have a different style of text as well... Morgana's perhaps...

"Self-Restraint and Discipline are effective in neutralizing this weapon. Those traits alone in a person however can only take the weak so far. As you are fighting a being who naturally dwarfs the strength of most everything, synergy in a team will be necessary to make the battle easier to overcome. It is important to work together with the bearer of light to protect the others from the weapon's grasp, and eventually destroy it. Although all of weapons are dangerous, it should be noted that this may be the most important one in dealing with. This will ruin the plans of a team, and being taken prisoner by it will not serve you, no matter how complex of a plan you may have... unless you plan to risk losing the battle if you intend to steal one of her weapons... Know however, that even if you do manage to steal her godly gear, that using them may prove more of a hassle than it may be worth. Regardless, stealing them so that they may not be used is not a bad tactic to employ in the slightest..."

Morgana seemed to heal enough to be stable for the time being, even if she's far from being fully recovered...

"That finishes all that we would have to worry about here..... hmm... It seems Tarve is trying to contact me..."

Morgana closed her eyes as she seemed to communicate with him...

"It appears that Tarve has located a monolith... and forced Zahan out of the area he was in, and said that he likely will be unable to impede us for a while. It seems the two have fought while we were here, and he came out the victor... not too surprising considering Tarve's home-field advantage. Zahan must of lost the powers he gathered together when you took out the Aberrant he was using to store them back in the previous area we were within, if Tarve managed to win. He also says that he will attempt to locate the monolith in the 'Fire Area' if you do not call on him."

Morgana closed her eyes again for a while...

"It seems Saber is currently trying to track down Reeza... but is having little luck... she appeared to have lost her when Reeza she entered the 'Dark Area' and was unable to continue her chase due to the area's highly caustic effects... Just as we can not enter there safely, neither can she, until Milia finishes regaining her Aura from when the Aberrant data drained her. Her coming here may have impeded that progress, but it may have been for the best she came regardless..."

Morgana looked around for a bit...

"It seems that is all we have to do here... if Rose is going to go into the portal again... we could use that time to regroup together again, unless there is something else you would rather do..."


"Agg... that was a pain in the *** but its finally dead..."

Wayne's condition worsened, from tired to exhausted...

"I've been fending that **** thing for about a couple hours now, but some breaks here and there when it gets tired too... but ya... ya have my thanks for that. It probably should go to that brat who was complaining about my attitude though, but at least you showed up to actually fight."

"Does that mean I get thanks too?"

"Shut up, I just did what I had to to live."

He turned away from Vize

"Come on now Wayne, she did her part too just like the rest of us. You don't have to put on the act..."

"Who's acting here? I'd say its you since you and the harpy are both buddy buddy like nothing ever happened."

"Ya know..."

Milia put a hand to her mouth coyly.

"If you don't trust her that much that you're actually afraid of her... you could always 'bond' with her... so that you can get a feel for her intentions and where she is at all times."

"... hmmm... AGGH... Hell no, you're just trying to trick me aren't you."

"Maybe you're the one tricking yourself now, you know what doing 'that' does..."


Wayne's condition is starting to improve now that he is resting...




Mel turned the monolith over in her hand, trying to understand what it was saying. Discs are bad. Mental strength. Light and dark. Teamwork. Etc etc. She quickly put the stone away.

"Ask if Tarve can keep that monolith for you. There's probably one in the next area anyway so you'll need to come with us. That plus, you're one of the more stable ones. Tell Saber to come as well. I'd like someone else to purposely take the hits this time around. I can't ask Vash to do it every time. Though the idiot would probably do it without a second thought."

There was a long pause as Mel seemed to be thinking. A few seconds of pacing later and she seemed to have come with an answer. "Morgana, can you tell the others to finish up what they're doing soon? We're heading toward this Havoc guy's area next."



As the Aberrant vanished, Rose could feel her knees start to buckle. She was sincerely relieved that all that was over. That . . . That was not fun. That was not fun at all. She just wanted to get back to Tarturus and move on as quick as she could. But first, there was a portal to explore. Ignoring everything else going on, she made a beeline for the static and rushed right on in, wanting to just get it over with.
Rose went into the portal, experiencing what it does as normal... Blacking out all the same...

When Rose woke up, she appeared to be in some sort of operating room, the sort you'd expect to find in a hospital's ER, or something like that. It appeared that Azure would be dressed in his normal attire, and is asleep, strapped down, but not by his hands, before seemingly waking up, with Kylier not far away, sitting down on a chair brought in the room, nodding off in it. They look a little young for how Rose knows them currently. Azure seemed to be waking, and trying to move...

"Agh... My body... Is this the anesthetics, or... That paralysis powder..."

With a great struggle, Azure removed the straps holding him in place... Before acting strangely, holding his hands onto his chest......

"...?? My b-boobs... They're gone?!"

Rose could hear a slight chuckle coming from Kylier, with a crack of her eye open it looks like, as if she was faking her sleep there...

"Does this mean... 'that's' back too...?"

Azure reached down and patted himself in the crotch area, and sighed in relief...

"It's back... I'm a guy again... ugh..."

Azure rolled off the table he was on, trying to force his paralyzed body out of the room...

"I don't care... if its punishment or not..... how can learning how life is...... erg... as a girl, and living as one for so long..... useful in the slightest?!?"

He forced himself out of the room...

"Double D's... making crawling around annoying..... they're too sensitive... and get in the way... and weight to much... if I wanted to know 'a woman's pleasure and pain' ... I would of been born a girl in the first place..."

After a while of crawling around... Azure turned into a slightly open room and laid there to rest a bit... the room seemed to have a bunch of storage stuff scattered about...

"Where is it... ugh..."

He forced himself into one of the corners of the room...

"Ah... er...?"

There was a photograph there next to a jar of balm it seemed... the picture looked to be of an embarrassed cute green haired woman in a girly dress grinning in either frustration... or shame... Next to it was a note...

"... 'Here's to earning your man points again... let's hope you pump that estrogen out of your system, and don't crave it. Love, Kylier...'..."

He did his best to crumple the paper and tossed it aside, along with the photo to the side, as he put himself upright against the wall... and began rubbing in the balm from the jar into his skin... to restore his freedom of motion... it looked like the kind Azure used when the group had first met Vize, and her 'misunderstanding' situation transpired between all of them

There a static shimmering, shaded armor, as far as the game would identify that it appeared Rose could simply take laying down on one of the crates. It's hard to determine its shape, as of now, or any further details without actually exiting the area with it... Soon enough the world began to start to fade away, rather than simply disappear all at once, but soon enough found herself blacking out... back into 'reality'


"I see... I'll have Saber wait for us back at Tartarus then, and I'll see if Tarve can work on the monolith in my stead..."

Morgana seemed rather hesitant when she mentioned going to Havoc's area... but quickly returned to normal...

"I see... I'll grin and bare the area to the most of my ability... hopefully it won't overwelm you or the others... or Vash in particular either..."


When Rose would wake up, she'd see most of them looking over her...

"Hey uh... Rose... Did you always have purple hair?"

"Kinda looks like Morgana's... but her's is definitely a far brighter shade of purple, Morgana's is more of an ebony violet."

"Well... physical changing usually happens from bonding or being fragmented... I don't know what's up with her"

Vize's appearence seems to have dramatically changed as well. She appears to be in her half-shifted form.

"I used some 'diplomacy' to convince Wayne to bond with Vize. Even if its done out of mistrust and concern, its all the same!"

Milia helped Rose up off the ground.

"Morgana and Mel gave us the memo. You and Vash are off to the Thunder Plains, or otherwise the 'Lightning Area'. You'll meet up with Saber there before you head off there. I'm gonna keep getting stronger and get back my Aura in the meantime. As much as I'd love to come with... you couldn't find me dead in a place like THAT... heh..."

"Well... at least you got guts to go there... either that or you're all just ignorant... I think I'll just stay the way I am now, and scout for Reeza or something."


Wayne teleported out of the area

"See ya then till next time Rose."

Milia winked at Rose before she backed away from her

"Command: Flight"

Milia, once her drones became functional enough again, began flying higher and higher into the sky, until she seemingly became no more visible than as a twinkle and a spec in the sky, flying in a set direction.

"Hey... Rose... is that Azure's clothing you got there...???"

From where Rose was lifted off the ground... an entire set of what Azure... literally always wears when not in his school uniform, is on the ground. The boots, gauntlets, cloak cape, all of it was there.

'Tetra Guard' Was obtained

"Hmm... I've always wondered how it felt to wear that. Since he wears it so much, it must be comfy. It doesn't smell like him though... its like a brand new set of clothes you'd get at a store or something, new"

Nothing else comes to mind objective wise, other than to meet up at Tartarus for both groups...
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" . . . What . . . ? "

Rose . . . Rose wasn't sure how she should've felt after witnessing what she just did . . . How she felt about Azure either . . . Before, he had her pity but after seeing this . . . this . . . whatever it was, Rose only felt heavily disturbed. Seriously, what the hell did she just witness? Honestly, she just wanted to forget it.

Still a bit unnerved by what she just witnessed, she was still in a bit of a daze when she blacked out and woke up outside of the portal. She didn't snap out of it until Vize had ointed out something in Rose's hand. And to her disgust, she lifted her arm u to see a ainfully drab . . . . whatever that was in her hand. She immediately dropped it. "My God! W-what is that?!" However, upon closer inspection, she recognized it as the same sort of stuff Azure wore at school. Side note: Take him shopping for something presentable. And apparently, it was some armor . . . Really? There was no way she was going to wear that. Like, ever.

"Uh . . . Let's . . . Let's go meet the others," she said, picking the Tetra Guard with the tips of her fingers, trying to hold it as far away from her body as possible before using Traport.

. . .

When they got back to the tower, Rose noticed Mel and Morgana already there with Mel eyeing the fashion atrocity in her hand.

"What's that?"

"Oh, just . . . some armor I guess that we picked up."

"Give me that," Mel said, taking the robe from Rose who was more than happy to let it go. She took a look at the armor with visible distaste, looking at its properties afterwards. "Hm . . . This is pretty good armor, not sure what the modesty thing is all about but are you sure you don't want to equip it yourself?"

Rose crossed her arms, turning her head away from the garment. "I wouldn't be caught dead in that."

Mel rolled her eyes but when looking at the armor, she seemed conflicted about it, spending quite a bit of time looking at the pant legs of the robe. In the end though, she decided it'd be too much of a waste not to use and then took it off to the side to equip. When she came back, Rose was a bit confused. The seemingly unflattering robe fitted pretty well, disturbingly well. Even around certain . . . attributes . . . Rose crossed her arms almost angrily, looking off to the side. But she couldn't stop herself from noticing something odd.

"Where the hell did the legs go?" Rose said, pointing to the bottoms of the outfit. The long legs of the pants had, for some reason, been replaced by shorts.

Mel shrugged. "I don't know. It just happened. Well, that's enough of that. Onto the Thunder Plain. If this Havoc guy has some stuff that can help heal, we'll need some of that, won't we?" She then opened the door with the thunder symbol and walked right on in.
Saber hesitantly followed the group... joining the party once they got back to Tartarus

Morgana stopped short of following the group to look back... after the group had gone in

"... someone tried to force their way into Tartarus... but..."

Morgana followed the group with a sigh... not looking forward to what the area will enforce on them...

Thunder Plains


The first thing the group would notice... is... the staggering amount of people that Mel and Vash could sense in this craggy badlands of an area... there must be hundreds of people even... and they certainly don't feel weak like the villagers in the wind area. They don't feel as powerful as the group... but if they were hostile... their sheer numbers could easily overwhelm the group probably... Strangely enough... everyone Mel and Vash could detect is female... and not a single male... To the north, appeared to be a massive tower, not anywhere close to the size of Tartarus, but it looks to extend at least a mile high maybe, looks very wide, and seems very advanced. From what it felt like, most of the people were in that area, with an exceptionally powerful person there as well. The group could sense the Aberrant as well, however... for some reason it feels exceptionally weak... The area seems to be rather corrupted as well, with ruins littered about...



Morgana and Saber appear to be being negatively affected by the area in same way, and feel unfocused from what Mel and Vash could tell... the rest of the group began feeling strange in an uncomfortable, yet natural way... This feeling seems to be emanating from the Aberrant, throughout the entire area, and from the tower as well... in a similar way, trying to counter the Aberrant's influence perhaps... The sensation seems as though it is exceptionally affecting Vash more however for some reason... Mel appears to be resisting the area's influence due to her equipment.

Lust: (Mel 0% -> 1%), (Rose, Vize, -> 0% -> 4%) (Saber, Morgana 0% -> 8%) (Vash 0% -> 20%)

From what Mel and Vash could tell... even the women that appear to be in this area fighting off monsters, and fragmented people appear to be affected as well...

"We should not waste time here... or the Aberrant will draw us to it uncontrollably... especially men such as Vash..."

"... what's going on... I feel weird?"


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