Orenda Academy [Seconday Schooling]

Eh, why not. Actually, let's go a Dorothy too, mehehe jk. ;x

@Federoff Oh, it's understandable ^^Good luck with that o/

What is your name?

"Do you know the phrase "Between a rock and a hard place"? That was Me!"

"Hi, my name is Zanna"

How old are you?

"Its rude to ask a girl her age" (4,000 ish)

Sexual Orientation? For demographic purposes.

"Hmm? I have no need for love, but I can kiss either a boy or a girl"

Can I have a brief description or picture with your application?


What year are you attending at this school?

"This will be my first year at this "School" *Giggles*

What does your power consist of?

-Aether manipulation

- She has 4 dog tipped tentacles hiding under her dress, able to summon them through Aether transportation.

What weaknesses do you have?

"Believe it or not but even I have limits"

*Using her Aether powers can tire her out quickly*

Tell me more about you. Your personality, who you are.

"Well people usually tell me I am really cute and too young to be somewhere vewwy dangerous; but then I usually kill them and feed them to my dogs. I guess you could saw I like to have fun, and I can still be the little girl I am, until I go psychotic on everyone"

How did you grow up? Where are you coming from?

"How did I grow up? Easy; sinking the ships that came to close to home! It's not like I did it on purpose though, I was only trying to eat the crew. *Giggles* Well anyways, I did this for a few thousand years until I got bored so I decided to come out and play! "Giggles* Will YYYOOOUUU play with me?"

Anything else?: ?

(@Maxwelle : Look at me, being a rebel! NOT THE LAST THING!
xD )

Odin4Life4Life said:

What is your name?

"Do you know the phrase "Between a rock and a hard place"? That was Me!"

"Hi, my name is Zanna"

How old are you?

"Its rude to ask a girl her age" (4,000 ish)

Sexual Orientation? For demographic purposes.

"Hmm? I have no need for love, but I can kiss either a boy or a girl"

Can I have a brief description or picture with your application?


What year are you attending at this school?

"This will be my first year at this "School" *Giggles*

What does your power consist of?

-Aether manipulation

- She has 4 dog tipped tentacles hiding under her dress, able to summon them through Aether transportation.

What weaknesses do you have?

"Believe it or not but even I have limits"

*Using her Aether powers can tire her out quickly*

Tell me more about you. Your personality, who you are.

"Well people usually tell me I am really cute and too young to be somewhere vewwy dangerous; but then I usually kill them and feed them to my dogs. I guess you could saw I like to have fun, and I can still be the little girl I am, until I go psychotic on everyone"

How did you grow up? Where are you coming from?

"How did I grow up? Easy; sinking the ships that came to close to home! It's not like I did it on purpose though, I was only trying to eat the crew. *Giggles* Well anyways, I did this for a few thousand years until I got bored so I decided to come out and play! "Giggles* Will YYYOOOUUU play with me?"

Anything else?: ?

(@Maxwelle : Look at me, being a rebel! NOT THE LAST THING!
xD )

Accepted. ^-^

I am pleased to see the symbol. Brownie points for you.
What is your name?

“Markus ‘Keraunic’ Benedict.”

How old are you?

“I am 14.”

Sexual Orientation? For demographic purposes.

“I am heterosexual.”

Can I have a brief description or picture with your application?


What year are you attending at this school?

“I am a first year.”

What does your power consist of?

“Electrokinesis. I generate and control charged particles.”

What weaknesses do you have?

“I’m actually shocked that I can safely enjoy a shower in the morning or a stroll down the railroad tracks on my way home from school without the energy in my body flooding through the conductive materials. Seeing as how I didn’t know how electricity worked as I child I never paid it any mind, but upon acquiring that knowledge later on I found myself and those around me extremely fortunate. It sparked a curiosity within me: what else am I capable of? What practical applications do my powers have beyond what is obvious? But I digress. I’ve noticed that if I release too much energy I do indeed burn. Strong magnetic fields will alter the direction of my bolts, and non-conductive material are a given.”

If Markus were to be guilty of any deadly sin, it would be pride. He may come off as open and calm, but within his mind he is judgmental, self-important, and feels that everyone should think the way he does. However there is a part of him that is glad that they don’t, because then it would be more difficult to be better than the rest. This defect in his personality has only just taken root, and it will grow stronger later on.

Thermophobia when it comes to prolonged exposure to intense heat. It makes him ill and weak.

It takes time, but claustrophobia will set in if he is enclosed within a space without much room to move and with no apparent way out.

Tell me more about you. Your personality, who you are.

Mens sana in corpore sano. A healthy mind within a healthy body. This saying is of the Greek goddess Sophrosyne, who symbolizes self-control, patience, and a deep understanding of oneself. I stumbled upon her while reading something a while back, although I couldn’t be exact to tell you the truth. Satire X by Juvenal? I digress: I enjoy regular physical activities in tandem with proper sustenance, myself preferring a whole-foods plant-based diet, which establishes a healthy body. The brain then is properly nourished, and as such will function optimally, allowing your mind to absorb and retain more information. All of which contribute to a stable psych, and who doesn’t like to be happy?

Reading makes me happy too, and to me knowledge is everything. I find it absolutely wonderful that we are alive today in an age where we have unlimited information literally at our fingertips. In fact it almost angers me, almost, that there are still those out there that choose to not utilize such an amazing resource! Knowledge is power, and I seek power.

Despite that, though, I’m not an aggressive person. However I am not one to stand by while a weaker person is being harassed. Power is supposed to be used to enrich and protect, not to abuse and destroy. In fact that is the only occasion that I may use my ability on another life: to persuade the aggressor to cease. I apologize now for any mistakes that your student will make around me.

My abilities and discovering the extent of my potential, as well as their practical applications, is what motivates me right now. It’s kind of cool that I can shoot bolts of electricity out of my body, discharge electromagnetic waves, and polarize certain objects. So I want to know what else I can do.”

How did you grow up? Where are you coming from?

“My father tells me that my mother knew I was different as soon as she was a couple months into my gestation. He didn’t believe her at first, but he says about six months in she started feeling small contractions. Myself being her first child she immediately panicked and thought she was going into labor prematurely. I felt her panic, apparently, and released a little more electricity than previously. Nothing serious, the jolt made her muscles tense up for a moment. Somehow she made the connection and she realized that it had to have been me; she never experienced anything like it before and the jolts only happened when the adrenaline in her bloodstream was above normal levels. Father dismissed it as impossible and took her to the hospital anyway. In retrospect he told me he should have believed her, what with her Mother’s Intuition, and took her to an abortion clinic instead.

The discharges grew slightly more powerful over the rest of my time within her, both she and I under close watch by the doctors. Abilities were like car accidents in this world: you knew that they happened and accepted that they did, but you couldn't believe it when it happened to you or someone you knew. They’re just as terrifying too, to the mundanes. My father kept praying for my mother, to heal her and for God to remove the evil spirit from her womb.

He never got his answer. The day had come for my birth, and as soon as I breached I released a massive amount of energy. Father thinks it was to colder air that shocked me, causing me to discharge. My mother and the doctor, who were in direct contact with me, died. My father, supportively holding my mother’s hand, received a bolt that permanently damaged the nerves in his right arm. Father makes it a point that I know this story thoroughly. He rightfully blames me for his wife’s death. It almost seems like he thinks that if he tells me it enough times I’ll eventually know what it was like from his perspective, or perhaps that he might find peace with it.

If there was any endeavor for coming to accept what happened that day, I never knew of it. I only saw him smile when he looked at her photos. I only heard him laugh when he watched the camcorder videos of various points in time throughout their life together. Otherwise he was almost always quiet, his face filling with either rage or anguish when looking at me. I can’t say that he was as physically abusive as my friend’s father was, but we both liked to regale each other in the previous night’s events and compare whatever damages we’d sustained.

Peirce ‘Psionic’ VanClaire. I miss him. He was my first friend and was also just as strange as I was. He was a mute, yet I could hear him speak within my head. He was also deaf, but he never misheard me. He told me about how he thought the reason for his treatment was how his parents felt like they were going insane with his voice inside their head. Looking back on it now I can understand how they could think that. No thought was safe; and with his mother and father being a drug addict and unfaithful, respectively, he often spoke their minds much to their dissatisfaction. For a long time they dismissed his accusations as lies and physically abused him for it. He disappeared with them last year. I don’t know where, but I’m always on the lookout for stories about a particularly brilliant mute.

This past year without him has been quite difficult, but we find our ways to cope and press on. My abilities are what kept me going personally, as curiosity is just as addicting as the next drug I’m sure. There’s a few aspects of my abilities that I’m trying to look into before I take it upon myself to look for him, but for now academics require my attention. Here, I’ll no longer be a burden to my father.”

Anything else?

He profoundly hates his father despite how sympathetic to his needs as he may seem, but his beliefs in self-control and kindness are stronger. It is because of his father that he seeks to better himself, the world around him, and doesn’t tolerate the deliberate pain of others.

He has an affinity with plants and tends to a variety of flora, as much as allowed within his space, and has a particular liking for spearmint, African violets, and ferns. Due to their importance to plants, and by extension human survival, he is also partial to bees.

He adores coffee, storms, the color purple, citrus and spicy flavors, walking, and cats.

He isn’t fond of loud noises, insubordination, heat, burns, killing insects, picking flower or leaves, and bad breath.

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(mind if i bring in a second char? Not as a student or anything, just somone from outside the school happens to find their way into school grounds ;D)

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What is your name? Amethyst (last name unknown)

How old are you? 18

Sexual Orientation? For demographic purposes. Bisexual

Can I have a brief description or picture with your application? She has a purple gem on her chest

What year are you attending at this school? 3rd (Held back)

What does your power consist of? Shapeshifting, summoning a weapon

What weaknesses do you have? If someone hits her gem she goes into a hibernation stage in her gem

Tell me more about you. Your personality, who you are. Loves eating, brutally honest, energetic, loud, rude

How did you grow up? Where are you coming from? Amethyst was originally from a place called the kindergarden, but she decided to go to school because her friend told her to. She grew up well

Anything else? SHE IS SO FANCY YO
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What is your name?

My name is Lole Flamewrath, my friends call me Lole!

How old are you?

I am ten!

Sexual Orientation? For demographic purposes.

I honestly prefer girls, they are just so cute!

Can I have a brief description or picture with your application?


What year are you attending at this school?

I'm not attending, my sister is! I just like to stay near her...

What does your power consist of?

Similar to my sister, Ippy, I can split myself into three different cats; Onyx, a male black cat with glistening fur and glowing red eyes, rather powerful in strength, un-natural for a cat. Skale, a female ginger tabby with white tipped paws, ears and tail, very skilled in medical features. and Ires, an incredibly sociable charismatic brown kitten, she loves reading more than most other things, only matched by social contact. Give her a friend and she will be happy for the year!

What weaknesses do you have?

I often get lost, once I have split up I cannot go back to normal without all three re-joining... And I HATE being watched while changing, it's embarrassing!

Tell me more about you. Your personality, who you are.

I am not easy going as my sister, I tend to get caught up in complicated situations too... I had a rough time in my childhood, but I was not there when our parents...

How did you grow up? Where are you coming from?

My childhood was as a human, unlike my sister. I lived in the same house as my sister, but I knew what was going on due to being able to speak with cats. Our parents thought I was crazy or stupid, in the end they never found out. Until Ippy came to this school, we were living off eachother, once she left, I followed. I don't want to join myself, because I HATE paperwork and I don't want to learn anything.

Anything else?

Nope, unless you want to know about my really super secret thing... But not even my sister knows, so good luck finding out!

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What is your name?

Ally Grey

How old are you?


Sexual Orientation? For demographic purposes.


Can I have a brief description or picture with your application?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2677dbbf_images(55).jpg.dc3f4bccb768773081ad7909888b7491.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2677dbbf_images(55).jpg.dc3f4bccb768773081ad7909888b7491.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What year are you attending at this school?


What does your power consist of?

It consists of fire magic, as well as water which most wouldn't think go well, but who cares.

What weaknesses do you have?

She gets sick easier. She also has this weird thing where share freaks out if she's touched by someone she doesn't know or trust (which doesn't end well)

Tell me more about you. Your personality, who you are.

Fun,weird,smart,brave, uncontrollable when angry.

How did you grow up? Where are you coming from?

Ally was born to her parents in an old cabin in the woods, it was all fun and games until bandits came and robbed them, killing her parents which really ticked her off. She ended up exploding with anger and rage and literally burned them to ashes. No one suspected her because she was so young.

Anything else? Nurp... well she's afraid...terrified of thunder storms.



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I don't know if you still have room for one more, but if you do, I have a few questions.

I may have missed it somewhere, but a power like nullification (the temporarily shutting off of other powers) a power that is acceptable (with a proper range of limits an weaknesses)?

Since there are a few other supernatural beings, is a half-vampire allowed (feeding primarily on blood substitutes)

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