Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)


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Welcome To the Bella Mia (My Beautiful) Grill. The owner of the restaurant claims that couples that come into this five star Environment are bound in love for life. And those who come alone will find love. Apparently he didn't mention it to the servers and staff there. Cause it seems they are some with who have fallen for some and others who have made love triangle with others. These young group of friends and rivals have to work together to keep the place afloat as well as keep relationships and feelings in check. At the same time they have other lives outside the Restaurant to maintain . Time to see if the Bella Mia lives up to it's name.



All relationships are allowed just like in life so many things are open to discussion and this keeps things always changing.

Please no cussing over the rating of PG-13

If it gets to intimate Fade to Black or Time Skip . I don't need no Cinemax or HBO things going on. Lets keep it some what clean.

Love Triangles, Squares, Hexagons, and Decas are all acceptable. Trust me if you wanna know i'll tell you what i've seen.

Violence is Acceptable just no killing or serious injuries and i don't allow instant hits. AND NO WEAPONS!!!!!!

Lastly have fun with it. I keeping this as open as possible i wanna see what happens the more the story unfolds the better gets

These are your uniforms you can where them in and out of work.

Christian was up in the Kitchen preparing food for the soon to be dinner rush. He took his paring knife cutting away at the potatoes as he waited for the others to arrive. His parents were out on a trip again. It seemed every other month they were on a trip. Bringing back new dishes and ideas to the restaurant. He didn't mind though he enjoyed making new dishes. This place was his passion and he loved it.

He looked at the clock on the wall. " Two hours left till we open up the place where is every body ?" He set the water on to boil and poured the potatoes in to cook. He smiled as he smelled the aroma as the Lasagna in the over. He opened the oven and set it up to cool.
Ichigo fluffed up her shirt and fixed her bun. She was so excited. She pushed the door opened and came inside. "It's so beautiful!" she exclaimed. She went to the kitchen and asked a few questions before going to her desk. "Do we have reservations or do the customers come in for no reservation" It was probably a stupid question, but what does she know? She chuckled awkwardly and waited for the guy to reply to her question.
Christian looked up at the girl. " Oh you must be the new host." He put down the pot and walked up to her. We have a book at the front with reservations. But we accept walk-in too. " he held out his hand. " I'm Christian. And it's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled at her. As always his dad knew had to pick people.
(Oh, is there an employee locker room for changing or are they required to change before arriving?)
(Alright. o ~ o;)

Maiken opened the employee locker and took out his neatly-folded clothes. He quickly changed into them before walking through the door in-uniform. He thought about what to say as greetings, but decided against it and settled on nodded towards the other two workers in acknowledgment.
Gade ruffled his hair, trying to fix it. With a sigh, he shook his head and let the white mess he called hair fall wherever it liked. He pushed open the back door, into the kitchen and looked around. Spotting two people, he straightened his uniform shirt(he thought it was awful) and approached them.
Andrej woke up to his cold apartment. "Ugh," he let out. Today he started his job in the beautiful Bella Mia. He lifted the thin sheet that lay over his body and he rose from his bed. He poked the alarm clock with a delicate finger, turning off its ear piercing alarm. Andrej proceeded to walk to his bathroom and there he looked in the mirror. He loved the reflection that stared back at him. The beautiful young woman that just awoke from his bed chamber. This confuses some but Andrej was androgynous. He had the unmistakable look of a woman but but had the anatomy of a boy. Andrej began lacing his eyes with liner and dusting a soft red over his eyelids. After applying a coat of nude-pink lip gloss, he worked his hair into a bun that was required for his job. Or was it her job? Who knows?

Andrej emerged from his bathroom with his new uniform fitting well over his body. He wondered if he could get away with wearing plain black pumps. He would take the risk. He slipped the sky high heels on, grabbed his purse and was out the door.

When Andrej arrived at the restaurant, he was in awe. It was gorgeous. 'No wonder this place has so many stars,' he thought. He parked his vehicle and headed for the back entrance for employees it seemed. Once inside he was just as surprised. The place was just exquisite. He worked his way up through the back of the establishment until he found a table in which he set his Keys and purse down. "Hello? Here for duty," he called out in a high pitched voice. He wondered if the other employees would know if he was a guy. He was nervous indefinitely.
Christian looked over to the side. " Another one alright. If you guys can go out and set up the chairs to the table. I'll tell you what is going on in a bit." He walked to the cupboards and took out a few seasonings. " I still have a few more things i have to complete here."
Gade nodded and without a word, went out to the front to set up the tables. He spotted a girl at one of the tables and nodded to her. "Hey, er, we were just going to set up the chairs and tables." he said as he began to take down a chair. She's... pretty. Even though that word didn't compare to what the girl was, it was the best Gade could think of at the moment. "Could you help?"
Maiken silently went to work, already getting a head start on setting things up at a quick pace - but with care. If couldn't afford to break anything or possibly hurt somebody. That would be disastrous. Oh look at me, already thinking about negative scenarios. He laughed quietly to himself before focusing on the task at hand.
Christian finished the last set of prep and decided to walk out the kitchen. He looked to the side. " Hey Maiken didn't see you come in. Can i have a word with you man." He took off his apron and walked over to Maiken.
The day had been beautiful and Tawni was so excited to have another night at work. Her short brown hair was styled nice and neat to hang around the frame of her face while her make up was done just enough so that her features sparkled in the romantic lighting. Her uniform was wrinkle free and perfectly tidy. Tying the sash around her waist as she walked in Tawni would wave and smile at everyone there.

"Hello everyone ready for a busy night?"

Tawni was a huge people person, she always spoke to people as if she already knew them. Her almond shaped eyes would scan over everyone and wait to be greeted, if no one did however she would begin by walking back into the dinning room and see what and all needed to be done. Softly humming as she went from table to table she had been at Bella Mia's for about a year and loved it more every day. She started taking chairs down near Gabe and the others wearing her famous smile.

"Wonderful teamwork everyone" she was a positive-Polly, which usually was annoying on other people, but on Tawni it was enjoyable.
Maiken paused his current action - which was setting down a chair - to look at Christian. Fear began to creep up behind him but he squashed it before it could manifest. After finally putting the chair down, he stayed still and waited for the Chef. "Ah, yes?"
Andrejs face lighted up when he saw the boy beckon him. He was excited to get to work and let's face it, everyone wants a fine man to ask you for help right? He glided over to him, his gait long and model-easqu. He had practiced modeling often and his runway walk stuck. He held out a long delicate hand. "I'm Andr-" he paused. He realized "Andrej" was a guy's name and he didn't want to give himself away yet. "My name's Andrea," she switched out the last letters for a woman's name. She smiled, concealing his nervousness.

(P.S. I apologize if I slip up and say he instead of she. It gets confusing with Andrej.)
Gade glanced at the newcomer(Tawny), tearing his gaze away from the other girl, and smiled. "Hello!" he greeted enthusiastically. "I'm new, name's Gade. Maybe you could help me get used to the work environment?" his lightly colored brown eyes were friendly. He could tell he would enjoy working here already. Friendly people, nice looking place, pretty easy things to get done. Though he wanted to, he didn't hold out his hand. Work time, he told himself. He looked back at the woman named Andrea and noticed the hand she held out to him. "Oh, sorry." he put down the chair he held and took her hand in a firm shake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Gade if you didn't hear before."
Christian looked at Maiken and smiled. " We have some new staff members this week you know since other half of the crew either graduated or retired. Anyway this is the youngest crew we ever had and i need you and Tawni to keep an eye out for them. " He crossed his arms and looked out the window. " I'm counting on you two to keep lead and help them out 'kay."
Maiken visibly relaxed and mentally sighed. I scarred myself for nothing, then. "Okay, we can do that," he replied, "is there anything else?" He had his hands folded behind his back out of habit as he spoke, but his voice was firm. So far, the new workers seemed nice enough, so there shouldn't be any problems.
With the hand shake, Andrej smiled and pulled away, biting his lips. After standing there for a moment like an idiot he realized he was supposed to be working. "Oh, duh," she said to herself. She went to a table adjacent to the one being worked on and began lowering chairs. She occasionally looked back at everyone else. They were all so good looking and nice. 'Good staff,' She thought. "I'm Andrea, everyone. Nice to meet you all," she inquired aloud to introduce herself/himself to everyone. He was relieved that no one discovered his little secret.
Tawni grinned and continued pulling chairs down working quickly. "Nice to meet you Gade. I am Tawni the head server here so I would totally be more than happy to help you and any of the new hires" She kept her eyes on the tables as the chairs came down and made sure all table cloths were clean and mark free "Alright so when all the chairs are down we need to make sure all table cloths are clean and that they are set up accordingly and perfectly. Someone may get proposed to here tonight" She was indeed a hopeless romantic and there was a sing-song ring to her last sentence. She hummed lightly to herself as she set up a two-top table. "Okay so each table needs a clean appetizer plate, polished silverware, neatly folded napkin, and a wine glass" She would show the newcomers with the table she was setting up "The candles are not lit until a few minuets before we open" Tawni stepped back to show her perfectly set up table and placed her right hand on her hip. "Any other questions just ask me" She assumed most of them could figure out how to finish setting the tables, but if not she was there for them. She went on to another table and began busying herself. There were several 'work stations' around that had all the things one would need to set the table. *all of the things she had mentioned and so on* "nice too meet you as well Andrea, I'm Tawni, if I haven't said that already" Still smiling. It was her 'server' face.
Christian laughed and waved showing he had heard her. " Nothing else man i'll be talking to Twani later. Just keep an eye out and help when needed. " He headed back to the Kitchen and got to work as the hour began to wind down.
Maiken nodded and watched the others quietly. They seem to be doing fine. He went to his usual service cart and gathered the wrapped spoons and forks he had prepared the night before and set them around the around a few tables before running out and began making new ones to set up with.
Gade followed Tawni's advice and set up one table before looking around. There's only a few of us here right now... He ran a hand through his hair and walked back to the kitchen. He spotted the chef and approached him. "Are there any others that will be working with us?" he asked, his face set in question.
Andrej really liked the professional atmosphere of the place. The senior workers were helpful but at the same time, you were plunged into the work without warning. After finishing his table Andrej ran through all the things each table required again. He headed for plates and silverware, looking at Tawnis table as a reference. He grabbed the appetizer plate and set it in the same fashion as the model table. She went back and fourth, grabbing the things essential to the refined tables. She grabbed the napkins and looked at the model table yet again to try and copy the intricate folding. After screwing up once, she finally got the neat folds and placed them in their designated spots. She repeated this with two other tables, not going very fast and quickly fumbling through the napkin folding. She eventually got it down looked for Tawni to assess her work. "Tawni! I'm finished. What now?" Andrej was one of the new servers here and so he figured he'd learn a lot from Tawni who was, in fact, the head server.
Christian looked at him. " We still are in the process of hiring a few more but right now you're all it. " He smiled. " Don't worry you guys will be just fine...lets see was it my dad that hired you or my mom ?" He put his hand on Gade's shoulder.

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