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Realistic or Modern OPERATION MAVERICK - Precinct

OK, so I was thinking about the whole pacification field thing a bit last night and I wanted to throw some ideas out to everyone to see what you all think about it. I mainly got this idea from Fallout: New Vegas's DLC, Old World Blues, and in it there's an area that has a pacification all throughout that prevents signals in your brain reaching the aggression center of your brain, so you end up in an uneasy peaceful state that no matter how hard you want to whip out your weapons and kill everyone, you can't bring yourself to do it. So I thought of making a power that did just that, stop signals from reaching the aggression center of a person's brain. It would be like a dome shaped invisible field that has a five foot radius and anything with a brain that enters the field will regardless of their intentions drop their weapons or stop trying to punch or murderize something. It does have it's weaknesses, like if a person has a particularly strong will will be able to power through the field and destroy the user, or lets say people with larger brains/aggression centers will be impacted significantly less, like still being able to attack people, but not at full power or only being effected for like a minute or two. People so fueled by anger and hate might be able to break through the field depending on how much they want to end someone or something.
[QUOTE="The Endergod]OK, so I was thinking about the whole pacification field thing a bit last night and I wanted to throw some ideas out to everyone to see what you all think about it. I mainly got this idea from Fallout: New Vegas's DLC, Old World Blues, and in it there's an area that has a pacification all throughout that prevents signals in your brain reaching the aggression center of your brain, so you end up in an uneasy peaceful state that no matter how hard you want to whip out your weapons and kill everyone, you can't bring yourself to do it. So I thought of making a power that did just that, stop signals from reaching the aggression center of a person's brain. It would be like a dome shaped invisible field that has a five foot radius and anything with a brain that enters the field will regardless of their intentions drop their weapons or stop trying to punch or murderize something. It does have it's weaknesses, like if a person has a particularly strong will will be able to power through the field and destroy the user, or lets say people with larger brains/aggression centers will be impacted significantly less, like still being able to attack people, but not at full power or only being effected for like a minute or two. People so fueled by anger and hate might be able to break through the field depending on how much they want to end someone or something.

How long would the field last for?
sunshineintoveins said:
How long would the field last for?
That's the thing I was unsure of, because I had originally thought it would be a permanent thing that he would have to try and live with. Like it would end up having awkward effects because the aggression center is called the hypothalamus, and does more than just control aggression. It also controls distinct bodily functions such as temperature, circadian rhythms, sleep, hunger, thirst, sex, anger, aggression and response to stress. So people around him wouldn't be able to tell if they were hungry, tired, thirsty, or things like that which would probably lead people to not want to hang around him all to much It would also screw with his teammates as well as his enemies, but I'm not really sure on how long it should be.
[QUOTE="The Endergod]That's the thing I was unsure of, because I had originally thought it would be a permanent thing that he would have to try and live with. Like it would end up having awkward effects because the aggression center is called the hypothalamus, and does more than just control aggression. It also controls distinct bodily functions such as temperature, circadian rhythms, sleep, hunger, thirst, sex, anger, aggression and response to stress. So people around him wouldn't be able to tell if they were hungry, tired, thirsty, or things like that which would probably lead people to not want to hang around him all to much It would also screw with his teammates as well as his enemies, but I'm not really sure on how long it should be.

I really like this idea and I really want to develop it further but I think having it on all the time wouldn't work very well in a RP, it probably would in any other kind of media. What you could do is have him control whether he wants to turn it on or off and when it's on it only lasts for x amount of minutes before he needs to turn it off again.
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[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]Do you approve of Object storage?

Oh yeah that's good, I'll add it to the powers. Do you plan on using it so that I can mark it as taken?
Hmmmm............I don't know. Maybe I'll roll a die or something? 3 and under for shadows, 3 and over for Object Storage.

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[QUOTE="The Endergod]I just remembered I came up with an intricate and weird power involving music. I'm going to try and find it.

I cannot seem to find it. :(
@The Endergod

A pacification field would be interesting but it would kind of take out any possible fight scenes. All you would need to do would be pick the guy up and throw him at the enemy and - bam! fight over.
raspberryrose said:
@The Endergod
A pacification field would be interesting but it would kind of take out any possible fight scenes. All you would need to do would be pick the guy up and throw him at the enemy and - bam! fight over.
Yeah, that's why I probably wasn't going to use it. I thought it was a pretty cool idea.
hey I have a question. What's typical tension between mavs and normal people. Like maybe some slang, or racial tension stuff.
The Endergod] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35003-sunshineintoveins/ said:
@sunshineintoveins[/URL] What are the Malefactor tracking bracelets made of?
Oh yeah, Jacob can use that! It would be made of mostly titanium since its strong and light, glass, and some kind of comfortable fabric on the inside.
ReverseWells said:
hey I have a question. What's typical tension between mavs and normal people. Like maybe some slang, or racial tension stuff.
It has gotten better over time, but it still isn't too great for Mavericks. They have the Pro-Human Society to worry about and of course many other people who hold prejudices against them whether it's out of fear, morals, or religion. The most injustice that the face is, ironically, in the justice system. If a Maverick commits a felony involving their power in any way, they go to prison for life and in extreme cases they face death. Also with my character, Remy, his "crime" hardly got any investigation because an Inspector's word was valued more than his own and he was wrongfully convicted. I would say about a quarter of the population doesn't like Mavericks, they're in the minority but they're still there. This is a side plot that we could totally explore in the RP and have our Mavericks deal with discrimination in their own way, maybe even throw in the PHS.
yea I'd really like that, because I had a thought. Maybe Ronan has enough of the harassment, and kinda snaps on a guy but doesn't use his powers. Cause Ronan doesn't like taking any shit
sunshineintoveins said:
Oh yeah, Jacob can use that! It would be made of mostly titanium since its strong and light, glass, and some kind of comfortable fabric on the inside.
That's pretty funny to be honest. Like they made them to keep the Malefactors in check, but they gave one an extra boost in everything instead.
Done with my CS, after much procrastination. Also, I wasn't getting notifications for this thread, which kinda sucks. Guess I'll just have to check in every few minutes/hours

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