[OPEN] My Pet (Sign-Ups)


World-Renowned Dawdler
Humans, despite their typically weaker physique, have always ruled over the stranger creatures with their intelligence. Vampires, Kappas, Dragons, Imps and others have always been treated as less than human - they are, after all. The human race progressed past the beasts, and soon slave (or 'pet', as they like to call them) trades started popping up throughout the world. Beasts of all species were sold, classified depending on how human-like they are; pets, given to Wolfmen and Dragons, or servants, given to (defanged) Vampires, Imps and the like. Every human who owns a beast has at least some wealth, as many have a tendency to be pricy. Servants are often mistreated, being beaten and branded. Perhaps the sentient beasts will fight for liberation - or will they be forced down if they try?

As you've read, this is a fantasy RP which involves monsters/creatures of myth being sold as slaves/pets. You may RP as a human or beast. I ask that the participants are literate, and follow the general rules. Not too hard, I think. Two lines per post minimum, more if you can, please. Also, I ask that you write in third-person. This is maybe the 1800's, or thereabouts.

Bit of information on certain beasts; Vampires, for example. They age very slowly and have very high endurance, and are perhaps the most expensive slaves to have. They have their fangs removed every three months (as they grow back), and they blister in direct sunlight.

Wolfmen are not the conventional werewolves. They are permanently in a half-wolf, half-human form. They do have some sentience, but not quite on the level of humans. They can say basic words.

Dragons are, well, dragons. That's simple enough, I suppose. Come in different types.

Imps are, as you can guess, demonic creatures. They are fairly small, being about three feet tall, and they usually have dark, pinkish flesh. They are sentient, and are about as smart as humans. They have sharp nails, but aren't anything special in the strength aisle.

Kappas, a sort of river monster, require to be by water often. They're also fairly expensive to have as pets. Kappas are like intelligent animals, though they walk upright like a human.

These aren't the only species; only a few. If you have some ideas, talk to me.

As I said, you may play as either human or beast. Onto the character sheets:




Appearance: (picture or description)

Personality: (A paragraph, if you can.)






Appearance: (Same as above)

Personality: (Same as above)



Name: Desmond Morrin

Age: 37

Appearance: Desmond is of average weight and height, with a squared jaw. He has short dark brown hair, often combed, with sideburns going down his jawline. A few strands of grey hair are noticeable, and he often has a bit of a tired look about him. The man has steel blue eyes, thick eyebrows hanging above them.

Personality: He is very quiet, often looking quite thoughtful. Desmond is very calm, though gets stressed easily, and rarely acts without thinking. He can sometimes be unpredictable; showing acts of kindness one day, and being bitter the next.

History: At a fairly young age, Desmond inherited a large estate. He lived a life of luxury for his entire life, having a few 'pets' to keep him company while his parents were elsewhere (often in another city), leaving him to his caretakers. Desmond didn't mind until he was maybe ten, where he realized something was off about the way he was being raised. He was taught to hold his tongue, though, and never spoke of it. He carries a grudge against his late parents, and it is sometimes evident in the way he acts.
I should let you know that this takes place around the 1800's, so a lot of this wouldn't make sense. Please read over the first post.
Species: Dragon Shifter (she's able to change from her dragon form, hope that's alright)

Name: Lioranna (doesn't have a last name) ~prefers Lio, Ria, Anna, Ranna or Li

Age: 22 (154 years old)


Her Dragon form

Personality: Lioranna is a feisty girl who silently can't wait until she is able to see freedom and fly for herself and no one else; if she gets along with someone she is has the personality of a flirty teenager, she has a lot of energy but when angry its not safe to be around her, she has the ability over shadows (if that's alright) that she can't use against her master. She gets angry every time she's treated as a slave but she holds it if its her master of course if its someone else... she won't let them go so easily

History: Lioranna was born into the whole pet thing but she was a difficult creature to deal with since she didn't like pleasing others and especially didn't like the control humans had over the beasts. Lioranna has had several masters in her years and has been treated horribly to the point that she no longer trusts humans and if she the choice, she would destroy their race, she has yet to be proved wrong that not all humans are the same as many humans around her continue to show her that she is right. She's been used in war, murder, spying, hunting and destroying homes; there was even a time when a master or two had tried to get her into bed but she began to shake with anger and they had gotten too scared.

Hope its alright xD
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Species: Lakraians (equivalent to a were-tiger)

Name: Kaine

Age: 16

Appearance: 100% Female with blonde fur and gold eyes with blue flecks.


Personality: Short-tempered, comes off as cold, and has a loving side. There are times when Kaine acts like a little kitten that just wants to be pet. She hates to forcefully act tame for the humans amusement and usually follows instinct more than reason. When she gets angry it is impossible to stop her from attacking anything close to her unless you know what to do to calm her down.

History: The Lakraians were a much sought after species for their fur and were hunted into extinction, or so the humans thought they were extinct. During a hunt for the remaining Lakraians in a dense forest, tribe leader of them hid his daughter in a secluded spot before he was killed. One of the hunters found the little baby and instantly wanted to claim it. There had never been any signs that a blonde Lakraian even existed making this baby an extremely wanted pet. The hunter took the little girl and waited for the time to sell her to the highest bidder. That's how her fate of becoming a 'pet' that be looked upon as a splendid purebred that retained its true nature began.
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Species: Elemental

Name: Merceilles Valtierri

Age: 22

Appearance: Merceilles appears human, but her arms are marked by tribal-looking tattoos of green, white, blue, and red, one color for each limb. Her hair changes color with her mood, and can sometimes change form if her emotions are strong enough. Red with fire for anger, brown with stone, becoming similar to a helmet for fear, white with an unnatural, lacalized breese for happiness, and blue with occasional dripping water for sadness. Her skin, where not tattooed, is a lightly tan color, and her eyes are always entirely black. Her voice echoes slightly, as though spoken by several people.

Personality: Prone to emotional outbursts and extremely passionate, though not often making wide swings of mood, Merceilles is not afraid to give people a piece of her mind. She is very outspoken and defiant of those with whom she disagrees. If upset, her elemental powers spiral out of her control. When filled with extreme depression she has been known to emit so much water that she drowns everyone in a poorly-drained building and when extremely enraged, she might explode with so much fire that everyone and everything in a hundred feet of her is incinerated. Still, when her emotions don't get in the way, her control over the elements is so useful that she has been sought by countless militaries and governments. Furthermore, she is so beautiful that a hand-full of extremely rich collectors have endeavored to marry her.

History: Mercailles Valtierri was born human. At the age of twelve, she was touched by a spirit of wild magic, and immediately realized the full extent of her power when in a fit of rage, she destroyed her entire home village. She was found unconscious in the remaining crater by a random traveller and sold to a collector by the name of Matthias Djintero, who wanted to find a way to make her human again. Sadly, his brother was so perverted that he tried to rape her, and she became so furious that she incinerated him, her owner, and half of the stone castle in which they lived. She was then sold separate from her owner's estate to the highest bidder, and has changed hands countless times since.
Name: Grayson White

Age: 24


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.e6ff57ce9234f3c98818737cbc2923d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.e6ff57ce9234f3c98818737cbc2923d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Grayson is a man who knows no limits to what he can and cannot do. Along with this particular trait, Grayson has a desperate passion for beast hunting. Indeed its a sport he'd rather not deny of its cruelty, but the rush and joyous activities that it brings is undeniably thrilling. Grayson does seem to have a temper at times, but once again, he sees no limits. When worse comes to worse, you might see Grayson standing with blood clothes. In itself, people tend to call him a beast. Though, likely its not true, since his father was a human and his mother was just another woman like any other. Grayson may have a vile temper, but his love and loyalty is almost resembling a dog. He will not back down from what he believes in, and if anything, Grayson would kill for it.

History: When Grayson was a young boy, his father would bring home things from his travels. Now, because of his age, Grayson had no comprehension at all in which his father played in the arts of beast hunting. Only until Grayson turned 13 did his father even mention it. Grayson was told of how vile and vague these beasts were; that he would, and must, kill them at the spot. Although, Grayson was a caring kid, and upon thought of a terrible act as such, he could only turn his head astray. Sadly, when Grayson was 16 and in love with a girl, Kayla Wells, he noticed a strange being in the woods. Now, Grayson and his curiosity did pose a problem, though, he went into the woods anyway. Nothing was found but a simple strand of hair from what seemed like a girl. Grayson forgot about it, almost like in never happened, but, his father brought him to a beast slave dealer, and what Grayson saw was monstrous. In present days, Grayson steers away from the dealers for fear of the sad torture they give to the beasts, but, yet again, Grayson does have a sort of intriguing feeling about it.

Species: Siren

Name: Cyrus Castellan

Age: 123 (Human Years: 21)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.bf70ff0a32fee6783b24c46458e3d5a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.bf70ff0a32fee6783b24c46458e3d5a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Siren Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.193ff4b2d11ce1f13100ed8b4af519a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.193ff4b2d11ce1f13100ed8b4af519a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cyrus is a girl who wants to be free. She wishes upon her ever most thoughts that once she's free, nothing can hurt her. Besides her thoughts and dreams, Cyrus is a girl that doesn't take no for an answer. Being a siren has its perks, especially when escaping rough situations, but upon further ado, nothing has worked. Her voice can carry and ring in men's ears causing them to fall under a faint spell of enchantment, but, being captured has made that power go deaf. Cyrus tends to get a rough temper, and honestly, she'll eat you, literally.

History: When Cyrus was young, her mother was captured as well as her father, she lived to fend for herself, and it worked out just fine until a man took her as his prisoner. For 14 years, Cyrus was captured as a money bringer. The man would advertise that Cyrus can persuade people to do her bidding, and all in all, the man got rich. After he figured he had enough to last him a good couple years, he threw Cyrus out into the streets where, once again, she was on her own. After being manipulated by a shaggy old fool, Cyrus began to give feelings to others. Now, sirens are basically heartless creatures, and feelings is a word they would never care to hear let alone use, but, her time on land got to her cold icy heart, and created the devilish pain of love. She pretended it was never there, and she hides it well, but it always comes back sometimes. Besides her little feelings, Cyrus tends to hide it with her temper and devilish ways. It works, and its the only thing she has. Now, Cyrus is captured by the beast traders, and she would do anything to leave.



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Species: Wolfman

Name: Most humans refer to him as "It" or "Thing", he prefers Scott tho, of course.

Age: 19

Appearance: (Same as above)

Personality: Scott tries to follow the rules. He doesn't try to get in trouble, and he doesn't draw attention to himself. He feels nothing towards humans, and nothing against them. Although he doesn't like drama or fighting, he is very protective. He can't and wont stand for his loved ones to be hurt or put through pain. That's the only reason why he snaps at the humans. Scott has his moments, he has his moments where he cries--or..well. Howls. He has his moments of anger. Just like any person. Scott is well, hes lonely. He doesn't have much. He doesn't have many friends. He has a small sense of humor, but hes mostly oblivious to it. Oblivious to love, oblivious to humor, hes usually just empty. Just a empty, confused human trapped in a wolfman's body.

History: Scott was born a wolfman, both of his parents were 'pets'. They mated, and he was born. Just a tiny pup, caged from birth. His curiosity for the human race started at a young age. He growled out syllables or small grunts resembling words. He sat on his rear, with his feet flat on the floor, staring wide eyed up at his owners with curiosity. He tried to pick up his food with his calloused fingers, one day he even tried to say hello. Scott attempted to make friends. He tried to interact, but he was only punished for it. He watched his parents get killed, and his attempts stopped. He stopped trying to interact, stopped trying to say hello, or eat with his fingers. He embraced the beast he was, and let his curiosity broil beneath.


Zyra Harley






While looking like the normal Victorian lady (Ignoring her choice of colours) She is a very sweet girl. Never one to remain still, except in times that she is calm. She is often alive socially if she can be. She is rarely seen unhappy or down as she sees and discovers things that always appear positive to her. She is full of optimism. However, there are few people she ends up trusting or caring for. In that area, she is tightly closed up and reserved.


Born into the noble family Harley, Zyra was raised as any Victorian girl would. Mostly raised by her nanny she only saw her parents at allocated times of the day. At first, that caused her to grow distant, colder towards everyone but it eventually faded and was gone. Her parents were busy right? Her father running the company and her mother being the perfect wife for her father by being completely socially and respected. Zyra herself never understood the role of women in this time so it was often discarded from her mind. Her nanny had scolded her many times for that. Her parents returned after her tenth birthday with pets of their own and it excited Zyra. From then, she decided to get one of her own. Of course, her parents occasionally asked if she wanted one she replied no as she wanted to pick herself, she knew her father would pick one for her and she didn't want that. Years went on and those questions faded to ones concerning her marriage. She often played deaf to those requests of her parents. Currently, she lives in her father's second house, enjoying the minimal freedom she has.









Jane is quiet, rarely spoken and is simply obedient. Her lips will rarely ever part to speak any words unless told to and she often is seen in the same spot that one would leave her in as she as raised to be in such a way. However, Jane has a horrible temper if it is ever set off, which is hard enough to start anyway. She can be extremely pessimistic and down, a smile is an achievement to ever bring to this girls lips.


Like most pets, Jane was raised to be such so freedom has never really been a dream. Her belief is that this life is fate. So why fight it? She was separated from her parents once she was old enough to be and instantly raised in a home till an appropriate age to be sold to any noble. She spent the years reading any book the nurse could get her hands on or threw away. Often she was unable to read it but tried her hardest to do so regardless. It was futile though. Her birthday, a event that was not celebrated occurred and she was deemed old enough to be sold. So, dragged from the small rooms she was raised in she was to be sold to the highest bidder.

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