[OPEN] My Pet (Sign-Ups)

It depends. If you want, you may have one of your characters be a part of Desmond's household, or you may type up a starter in your own household. It's pretty open, really.
Species: Minor shadow demon

Name: Zelael

Age: he's lived for at least 100 years but exact age is unknown, still fairly young for a demon (Seems prolly about 18 years old)

Appearance: Human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Konachancom-71425brown_eyesbrown_hairhibari_kyouyakatekyou_hitman_rebornmaleshort_hair.jpeg.8018188544f675a592ce262962b938f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Konachancom-71425brown_eyesbrown_hairhibari_kyouyakatekyou_hitman_rebornmaleshort_hair.jpeg.8018188544f675a592ce262962b938f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Demon form

(Can't get my picture to work so) A shadowy wolf, with glowing red eyes.

Personality: Cold, uncaring, and blank are the best way to describe the personality most people see. Really his personality is somewhat cocky and full of himself.

History: Zelael was abandoned by his parents when he was small. He spent his time running and hiding from larger more powerful entities that wanted to devour him. When he was first 'saved'(caught) by some humans he was grateful. But he was soon sold into slavery, and has been passed from master to master. His childish thanks turned to the cold hatred of a bound demon. He has never voiced these opinions to anyone. Instead he serves his masters faithfully according to his binds, and watches the sad and petty actions of humans.

His binds say that he cannot attack, kill, disobey, or other wise insult or inflict harm on his master. If he attempts to disobey/break the bind a painful sensation comes over him after which he feels drained, for a while. His bind can only be broken by powerful magic, or if his master frees him.

His abilities are simple dark illusion magics, emitting a light aura of fear which grows stronger the more danger he's in, and can completely hide in shadows so that he's not even tangible. Also to sustain his human form he must feed on fear or life force, his powers are weaker if he's not fed recently.

(Hope this is all okay.)



  • Konachancom-71425brown_eyesbrown_hairhibari_kyouyakatekyou_hitman_rebornmaleshort_hair.jpeg
    55.6 KB · Views: 22
Cool thanks. I'm gonna have Zelael put up for sale and who ever wants can take him.
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Jacques 'Jack' Michaelis De'Raizel

"It takes a beast to know a beast."


Age: 19


"Well met, stranger. Allow me to introduce myself....."

Upon first meeting, Jacques is quiet, polite, and quite charming. He seems to exude an aura of eerie calm about him, although it is mainly beasts that tend to notice this. His eyes seem to be constantly glittering with unknown mirth, as if he is constantly plotting someone's murder. To the observative eye, his slender but muscular build suggests that he is stronger than he looks. Despite the fact that he is only 5'00", incredibly short for his age, his straight posture and authoritative stature make up for what he lacks in size.

"Ah, you guessed correctly. I may be retired, but I am indeed a military man."

Having been raised in the household of a local war hero, Jacques grew up in a very military-style environment. He has studied various forms of combat tactics, strategy, and several different fighting styles since he was a young boy. He thoroughly enjoys the art of combat, and will sometimes spar with his pets. Like his father before him, he also runs a rather militant household, one with strict rules that must be followed. If a pet does not follow the ironclad rules, they are immediately punished. Luckily, Jack isn't very picky about most things, so there are very little rules. However, he does expect complete and total obedience from his pets.....even if he has to break them to get it. In his house, his word is the law.

"Do you believe what they say, little pet?"

Among the auctions and even among the beasts themselves, the De'Raizel house is rather infamous simply for the fact that no beast wants to go there. Many say that the sole inhabitant of the house, Jacques, is the cruelest master of them all. No one really knows if this is actually true; no one has gone to live in the De'Raizel house and came back to tell the tale.

"If you cannot obey, then I must break you."

In all actuality, Jacques really is a cruel and abusive master, but not because he wants to be. He doesn't take pleasure in hurting his pets, and even somewhat tries to apologize for his actions at times in his own way. When he was young, his father gave him a pet. This pet was nothing but a mere servant, someone for Jack to bend to his wishes. Jack's father wanted him to learn how to break the animal; to crush it's free will so badly that it would never lift a hand against him, even if given an opportunity to do so. However......the effect was just the opposite. Jack grew to care for his pet, to love it. He even went so far as to call it a person, and not just some animal to be tamed. The pet became his only friend. That is, until his father found out about it. Furious, his father forced him to break the animal....only, instead of crushing it's free will, he forced him to kill his only friend.

So cruel, yet so sad....I thought this sort of character might bring some oomph to the whole 'pet uprising' conflict ^^ also, thanks!
Thank you! I look forward to rping!

Also, @UnholyRedemption have you rp'd Jane yet? I think some interaction between her and Jack would be really interesting. Is she already someone's pet? Also, Zyra can interact with Jack if you want, I'm about to post.
I have used jane once but I was going to wait till I found someone to be her master. She doesn't have one after all. So she can interact with jane and they could meet Zyra and Kaine later?
Sounds like a plan. Also, forewarning....if, in the future, Jack acts like a total douche to your character I am so, so, sorry. ;_; it's just how he is, thanks to his dad.
Uhm...I hate to say it, but Jack is the type of person to physically abuse his pet for not being 'obedient' (which is actually why I think the pair would actually be good together, plot-wise)....so be prepared for that. But, but, on the other hand, if Jane is somehow able to get through to him, he's also the type who would defend her to the death. It really just depends on how things go....
Jane will be obedient as it is her nature and personality. However, she may warm up to him personally over time and possibly get through to him.
Ok...so then would you like me to post as Jack first, or would you like to post Jane's turn first?

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