It seems we have our first duel on our hands. @TPBx I'll set up a room in YGOPro now, if you're up for it. My name is Brass_Skeleton (or brass depending on what the screen shows) and the password will be Rero. Anyone else that's on is free to spectate.
It seems we have our first duel on our hands. @TPBx I'll set up a room in YGOPro now, if you're up for it. My name is Brass_Skeleton (or brass depending on what the screen shows) and the password will be Rero. Anyone else that's on is free to spectate.

Its 2am here and I probably shouldn't have challenged you knowing I was going to bed. When are you going to be on tomorrow so I can play against you then. Because I'll be up around 10am PST.
Its 2am here and I probably shouldn't have challenged you knowing I was going to bed. When are you going to be on tomorrow so I can play against you then. Because I'll be up around 10am PST.

That's fine, I understand the need for sleep. I should be doing that too, actually, but I was too excited to start the RP.

Based on time differences, I'll probably be on around 11 or noon your time, depending on when I can drag myself out of bed, though I'll try to be on earlier. 
Also do you mind if we use duelingnexus. I just found out it plays on mobile pretty well after playing a couple games, so I'm pretty hypesd. Normally I do a lot of rping from my phone so its super convenient that this works too. You can import decks from ygopro as well by copying the ydk file onto the site.
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Also do you mind if we use duelingnexus. I just found out it plays on mobile pretty well after playing a couple games, so I'm pretty hypesd. Normally I do a lot of rping from my phone so its super convenient that this works too. You can import decks from ygopro as well by copying the ydk file onto the site.

Sure, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow around 10 to noon then.
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That was kinda of mean of me. I know we said no stun decks, and yet I went straight for Abyss. Sorry. x.x

to be fair the psychic deck is massively underpowered atm since they limited emergency teleport. Also I didn't put any wave clear into the deck like raigeki and mirror force to block things like that. Also I started off with a shitty hand since I didn't get mind over matter to combo cancel >.<
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We can try again, but I'm pretty sure it'll be the same result. @Brass Skeleton This time we should probably open up a google docs or smth
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to be fair the psychic deck is massively underpowered atm since they limited emergency teleport. Also I didn't put any wave clear into the deck like raigeki and mirror force to block things like that.

Yeah, I guess.

I'm not gonna RP out the entire duel, if that's okay, but will go into detail in my next post and RP out the last turn. I'm also gonna get real mean, so pepper your angus.

EDIT: @TPBx I'd rather not, if it's okay with you. I'm pretty confident in my memory, so I should be able to recreate it.
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