[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

Hmm so we start as heroic mortals... means we are not necessarily all essence users am I right ?
Most likely non of you is an essence user, unless you write a compelling background and takes the Essence User merit (and flaws to go along with it).
I'll be adding a fanfic about Tuuluuwaq's spirit quest tonight or tomorrow, as well as picture. After that we can get things rolling :D .
It's not automatic. if I think it's extensive enough, or moved me, or just plain entertained me, I'll award you the BP. but for fan-fic and art it's almoqt a guarantee that you'll get those BP.
How are you going to deal with our charm learning after we exalt ?

In the original setting exalt are supposed to have spent sometimes training and are starting their way through this cruel world.
I was thinking hard about that one. And I think there are seevral ways to deal with it. One is that once you guys accumulated some XP, you all go into hiding and train up. Another might be that you train during travel or general downtime. and yet another is that you send me a list of Charms you want, and I randomally tell you what Charm you've "remembered" from your previous incarnations. I'd even let you guys get a Charm without training, and of your own choosing.

I'm not gonna force one of those methods, and I think it would enhance the experience if we did a combination of them all.

My opinion is that Exalted have some instinctive ability to expand their powers, yes it would be easier with a mentor, but in this chronicle it is not very likely to be, except maybe for the Lunar, but even that mentor might not always be available. This is handled usualyl by a break in time, but I might be nice enough to let you not take twice as much to train is some areas.
Well we are supposed to remember in the setting, but need training times and xp in the rules.

If you let us buy our own charmc set, we will never get to become chargen exalted until 80 xp and about a few weeks of intensive training (10 favored charms)... this might not be a problem if you dose the opposition right.
Other question how many charms can we take if we take the Awakened Essence Merit ?

I had in mind to link Daki (my Zenith) to one of the Even Blade style Great Masters, probably become an unexalted son or something like this.
cyl said:
Well we are supposed to remember in the setting, but need training times and xp in the rules.
If you let us buy our own charmc set, we will never get to become chargen exalted until 80 xp and about a few weeks of intensive training (10 favored charms)... this might not be a problem if you dose the opposition right.
The Corebook states this:

[QUOTE="Exalted Second Edition]To transform a heroic mortal into an Exalt, add fours dots to Attributes and two dots to Abilities and Backgrounds; mark down Caste Abilities, select four more Favored Abilities, choose 10 Charms, increase Essence to 2, choose a Virtue Flaw, and adjust the character's health levels accordingly.

While I doubt that Shadow Red Claws plans to give us those exact things at Exaltation (you'd actually end up with less ability and attribute dots than a starting Solar, but supposedly the extra BP would make up for it), maybe he's going to be especially gracious and give us the 10 Charms right then and there? (doubtful, but worth a try :P )

EDIT: And so I was wrong. He did!
Tuuluuwaq already Favors survival. Did you plan on giving me a total of three Favored Abilities (including Survival) as in Dream of the First Age (this is adding in the single Favored ability that all Heroic mortals begin with), or was that just two as in MoEP: Lunars?
Awakened Essence is only for X-Blooded, to become an Essence user as an Heroic Mortal you need to take the mutation of Enlightened Essence (Blight) from CoCD: Wyld. It's got it's own limitations, and will be gone once you Exalt.

As to Charms, you could probably learn 2 Charms for the begining, but you'll need to spend BP for that. also note that your essence pool is small, and to access more than a third of it you'll need to spend a Willpower. The mutation doesn't increase your Essence, and using BP to buy Essence 2 is likely to be a waste once you Exalt.
Ach, right, forget about it then, I will invest BP in abilities and background, you never have enough contacts.
In case you missed this :P :

fhgwdads05 said:
Tuuluuwaq already Favors survival. Did you plan on giving me a total of three Favored Abilities (including Survival) as in Dream of the First Age (this is adding in the single Favored ability that all Heroic mortals begin with), or was that just two as in MoEP: Lunars?
You only have 2 favored abilities. since you already chose Survival as your favored Ability, you'll have your choice of what's your second favored Ability will be when you Exalt.

The 10 Charms you a starting Solar gets will be yours to choose once you Exalt, I'm not gonna make you train and spend XP to get them. Besides, those 10 Charms will probably feel like a poor man's present compared to the moment of Exaltation.

I assume the lot of you are smart enough not to dump all your Charm choices on one area. You might be Exalted, but you're still killable, especially as begining Exalts.
Those who are thinking on taking Sorcery as one of their initial Charms, drop em a note, so I can weave it in. Remember that in order to learn sorcery you have to pay some kind of a cost, and go through several tests. i'd prefert to go through with you on this beforehand so it can be woven into the story.
I don't think that will be a problem, unless someone stockpiles xp enough to buy another dot of essence at exaltation.......

Prereq for sorcery (terrestrial circle) is essence 3
Oki doki, I'm rougly done. Found pics, got over background, just need a fan fic (probably a letter from him to his mommy) coming tomorrow.

Can I get a green / red light on my merits and flaws (I may add some) and the sheet ?
Hey Shadow Red Claws, I wanted to run these custom Mutations by you before we Exalted Tuuluuwaq. Both represent integral aspects of his DBT form (though Elephantine Legs might not be picked up until he's raised his Essence).


Elephantine Legs

The character’s legs become longer, thicker, and contain more power. Add two to the character’s Dexterity for the purpose of calculating movement during combat, and add two to the character’s Attributes for dice rolls associated with swimming. When calculating the rate of swimming movement in combat, these benefits do not stack with one another. The character adds one die to single rolls representing competitive running. In long-term movement (see Exalted, p. 264), the character may move as quickly as a drawn carriage.

*This is an adaptation of the Pox Wolf’s Pace, listed on page 207 of The Manuals of Exalted Power: Lunars


Elephantine Trunk

In the place of a nose, the character possesses a proboscis resembling that of an elephant, one yard in length. Agile, yet strong, the trunk can be used to manipulate objects. In all ways, it is treated as a third limb, but at -1 dot for all rolls involving Strength or Dexterity. Unlike the similar Affliction Prehensile Tail, an Elephantine Trunk is incredibly difficult to hide, requiring heavy robes that would most likely obscure vision. Even so, such attempts at mundane concealment still suffer a -1 external penalty due to the size and location of the Elephantine Trunk. If used in combat, the Elephantine Trunk may be used to bludgeon foes (as a Punch, instead with Rate 1) or clinch targets smaller than the character (as a normal Clinch).

*This is an adaption of the Affliction Prehensile Tail, listed on page 289 of Exalted: Second Edition
Cool, sounds good. BTW, I added a little clarification to Elephantine Legs: the bonus to Dexterity does not stack with the Attribute bonuses for swimming when calculating the movement rate for swimming during combat time.

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