[OOC] Times passing by... [The Land that Time Forgot]

Two last things.

1) If you do end up wanting to buy any Charm from the file I uploaded, let me know in advance about it.

2) Lunars, I don't know if you are also on the White-Wolf forums, but I made a few Charms that I post there. Those are automatically approved for my games. Sorry everyone else, but so far only Lunars have really caused me to actually write Charms for them.
Could you post those custom charms on this forum please?
So, what do we discover (if anything) with our perception rolls? Can we continue posting or do we need to wait for something to jump out at us?
I spent mine. I didn't know what to spend it on, so I just dumped it into essence. But nonetheless, I spent it.
Not to be impatient, but we are still waiting for taco to come back and spend his XP to get this shindig on the road.
In Xandra's statement to the Fae she would have said that there were now three Exalted on hand, but she only knows that Quill is some sort of spirit. So, I'm not trying to leave someone out of the credit here. :wink:
Regarding your opening post in Act 03, GM, won't they be surprised when none of us has a clue how to operate these ancient artifacts :D .Once again I'm amazed that no one (including me :D ) opted to play a Crafty type character.
Or follow along behind the Dawn caste as she blows a hole through to the rest of Creation. Just give me my GSC that I want and watch the sparks fly!
MrSerious said:
Regarding your opening post in Act 03, GM, won't they be surprised when none of us has a clue how to operate these ancient artifacts :D .Once again I'm amazed that no one (including me :D ) opted to play a Crafty type character.
What's life if not filled with surprises? :mrgreen:

Besides, they know full well that even someone who knows jack shit, as a Exalt, can pick things up quickly if they're so inclined. And it's more that the celestial exalts can achieve greater knowledge on the operation of these Artifacts.
I know, I got busy with RL, you know that stupid thing that means that you have to find a job in order to pay bills and pay for food. :lol:

I also need to put some final touches on the Raksha, so I know their capabilities, and do them and yourself justice, so to speak.
Are we continuing with the game? I hope it doesn't fizzle so soon out of the gate. :(
yer I certainly will tonight - work has had me flat strapped the last week and I just spent my weekend recuperating.
Sorry for the delay, I finally found a job, but after 6 months of being unemployed, it's hard to get back to physical work, so might be a few days before i start posting again, but i haven't forgotten. Am also scrambling to find a place to rent for september 1st, so that adds more stress to my life.

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