[OOC] Times passing by... [The Land that Time Forgot]

Actually I was delaying for time till some of you could come up with a name for my character since I have no idea X.X
If one of us DBs gets to name you, I shall call you the 'Rat amongst the Foxes' or something a little derogitory like that.

We're the Foxes. Because we have all the awesome in us :P

Still a bit cool for a changing moon. little sneaky, bit of a double meaning in a way.
I dont mind that name to be honest, though its a bit of a mouthful. Also you have none of the characters have any idea of her true age, so why is she referred to as 'moon child' when she could be an old hag? :P
Because the elder told us "...at least 3 Anathema have Exalted within Merkal in the past few days." and from our experiences, people usually exalt before the age of 20.

What is "Kami Telamon", if not a name?
Its' her Real Name, and she'd not give the game away just yet with her true identity, but in the interest of moving the prelude along...
mrserious, i might just make a post that'll end the prelude sort of. theres still heaps of stuff we could go into but i feel we should get this over with to get the others back on this train. Just going to volunteer to take protective custody of you so we can end this little scene and move on. unless you or luck want to continue on with this back and forth. it could still take a while.
Yeah, me too. Our paitence will be rewarded once the prelude is done.
Your patience will be rewarded. I ache to start the fun as well.

Taco, please work your magic. it's time for the real game to start.
Im not sure about 'protective custody'. She would certainly object to that since she has her own family and life. But perhaps more of a liason between the Anathema and the DB Host?
We need to have the ST make a Divine Edict to move on, so we can get going with the game!
I'm curious to see who will meet the Salesman first. Every charm makes him more of a monster.

Step right up, and receive a miracle that'll change your life for the better! All you have to do is say yes...
Sure. Also, could you delete the posts you made in the Salesman's character thread, just so XP is flush against the character sheet stuff?
So now that the prelude is locked up, when do we start the story?
Are you waiving training times as its' a PbP game or do we need to spend XP and then train for X period of time?

EDIT: As a collary, do we need to get GM approval for our expenditure?
no training times, but i do want to reserve some judgement on what you take. if you ask around these forums, you'll find that so far in what games i ran, I don't think I said no to anyone.
Easy stuff to start with o mighty GM

Athletics 1-> 2 (2xp)

Stealth 1-> 2 (2xp)

Essence 2 -> 3 (18 xp)

Total Expenditure: 22xp
I've spent my points on a couple of new Charms and raising up some skills. Nothing to extreme, so everything should be ok'd no problem.
Started 2 of the three new threads. the third one will wait till the DBs spend their XP.

Also, Axlegear, please note in your Xp expenditures which Charms specifically you bought.

Two last things.

1) If you do end up wanting to buy any Charm from the file I uploaded, let me know in advance about it.

2) Lunars, I don't know if you are also on the White-Wolf forums, but I made a few Charms that I post there. Those are automatically approved for my games. Sorry everyone else, but so far only Lunars have really caused me to actually write Charms for them.

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