[OOC] Times passing by... [The Land that Time Forgot]

Fun to be had by all! Just move the story along, so I can get my character into the game too. I don't want to post anything else for Xandra until you catch up to us.
I'm leaving town for a long weekend with my family, so my internet time may be spotty. At the latest I'll be back on Monday.
Just remember our paitence when it comes to time to hand out xp to us. 8)
Again, sorry for the delay, but between work, and the pride weekend here in Toronto, my hands were full. Am hoping soon to finish the last prelude, and start getting into the action.
Well. Certainly not the stand I had expected from the Dragon Blooded of Merkal. Should I start my finger pointing and laughing now? :lol:
hmm, so is the Elder waiting for the other DB's to speak up? or myself? sadly Luck seems to be AWOL.
Spoke too soon! xD I'm not too sure if the Elder intends to continue or is waiting for people to reply/respond.
I'm glad to see that the game has not died off before it had a chance to run. I hope to be able to find my dream weapon for this character: a Firey Solar Cannon. Just the thing for a Dawn caste Solar to kick some serious booty! The original version of the character started out with it, but I had to drop it for this game.
Wait until they get a eyefull of some Solar goodness! :twisted:
I'm trying to give the players a chance to post in that one, you silly head! You need to hurry up and get through this intro so I can do some posting for my character here!

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