[OOC] Times passing by... [The Land that Time Forgot]

Would Xandra know that there would be a special emisary from Malfias due to arrive in the village?
Xandra had no foreknowledge of an emissary's arrival. it was supposed to be kept a secret known only tot he higher-ups.

And yes, Mr. Serious, you can claim 4 motes from the stunt.
I'm guessing that revealing myself as more than a rodent in a room full of Dragon Blooded will not go down well :P
I know you guys discussed it, but it seemed a safer bet to not put Hurricane's Quill as the Salesman's mate. It might lead to him joining the Hungry Widow Society. Alos, the Salesman seems to be more of the urbane type.
They're mentioned in Glories of the Most High: Luna. It's basically a lunar faction that's the opposite of the Seneschals of the Sun Kings. They oppose the return of the Solars, and have access to a really cool knack that rewards them for killing their Solar mates.
It was in Glories to the Most High: Luna. It's a society of Lunars who developed a knack whereby they can take the heart's Blood oft heir bonded Solar, and gain a temporary +1 dot of Essence, and maybe some other effects, but they were basically killing their Solars to gain power for themselves.

I thought we had retired for the night, and we were waiting for morning. I haven 't posted anything, waiting to see if SRC would give us a plot thread to follow.
just thought id givde a heads up. next week (starting the 27th) ill be off for work in some places that, shock horror, dont have internets. its only a two week trip, but my chances to post will be few, if any at all. sorry guys
just thought id givde a heads up. next week (starting the 27th) ill be off for work in some places that, shock horror, dont have internets. its only a two week trip, but my chances to post will be few, if any at all. sorry guys
In case you needed to know directly, Quill's hanging up for the night, so we might as well let the night pass.
Am waiting for the other threads to catch up to you two first. The Salesman is getting close, but the DBs and Kitty are still back early in the morning.
Kami is still observing presently, I will probably say something in character in the next round of actions or two (yes, a talking rat)
It will be a interesting reaction when the rat pipes up with an opinion of its own. :lol:

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